Following the fireball is a group of undead creatures.

First, even the skeleton warrior.

Now in Yi Hongchou's place, the lowest-level undead creatures are all skeleton warriors, black iron ranks.

There are slightly stronger ones, even silver-tier ones.

There is no Golden Rank, but it is also the pinnacle of Silver Rank.

Later, there were Skeleton Archer and Skeleton Mage. This time, various attacks followed.

Later, it is the player of Wanxing Pavilion.

Zuo Lin chuckled: "There are the necromantic creatures of Brother Yi, enough for these Ten Guilds to eat a pot."

Yi Hongchou rolled his eyes, his already pale face was even paler.

"When you left before, did that expression leave something behind?"

The two people did not hide their words, anyway, the people in Wanxing Pavilion heard them.

Zuo Lin laughed loudly: "That is, do you think we really only eat hot pot these days? We did things too."

Ren Xiuping was surprised, what else did they do?

Even if I provided false information before, what else did Zuo Lin do these days?

Shouldn't it!

Ren Xiuping himself was always there, and he didn't see what Zuo Lin did.

Then, Ren Xiuping felt the communication props on his body vibrate, and he sneaked aside, then his face turned pale.

"Ren Xiuping, you are fine. I think your family will be fine too."

Morgan's call, although this sounded no problem.

But in this tone, Ren Xiuping didn't think that Morgan really planned to be nice to his family.

This, I am afraid there is no benefit, the family must be transferred as soon as possible.

This planet can't stay, just go to transfer.

He didn't care that he was still fighting, so he immediately hid in the corner and went offline.

Taking off the helmet, Ren Xiuping tidied up his belongings and then came out of the dormitory.

He didn't know that when he left, he was actually watched the whole time.

"Just let him go like this?"

"It's okay, Sister Yao said, it's not a disaster for the family, so let him go. Anyway, with his ability, can it be better to leave our guild?"

Ren Xiuping lives in a dormitory, which is for everyone to stay when they go to work.

You can still leave after work.

The treatment of Wanxing Pavilion is good, even the dormitory is pretty good.

Before long, Ren Xiuping asked his family to pack their luggage, ordered an interstellar spacecraft, and returned the rented house.

More than an hour later, Ren Xiuping's family left in a hurry.

On the spacecraft, Ren Xiuping used a public helmet to go online. The guild’s helmet had an alarm setting and could not be taken out.

It's just that Ren Xiuping was a bit at a loss when he first came in. Where is his body?

He is now in a state of soul!


If you drop experience, you will also drop the deputy career experience!

Sheng Shi Ice Demon took the lead, and when he was about to enter the Lord's Mansion, he was coaxed out by a large wave of fireballs.

Retreat quickly, take out the life-saving props from the storage equipment, and use it without life.

After exiting to a few tens of meters, Shengshi Ice Demon looked at the players in Wanxing Pavilion who rushed out with a face of fear.

Although he didn't die, he wasted a lot of props. Around him, the Shengshi Ice Emperor was also unhappy.

Zhao Jiayu died, and the corpse fell there. Except for the soul-bound artifact, all other equipment was taken away.

Wanxing Pavilion's guardian of the Warcraft Star points Elk's vine technique, which is really good.

There were also several guild leaders, all dead.

The attack just now came too suddenly.

"How could Wanxing Pavilion have such a powerful strength? Then what is the attack?"

Then, the communication sounded, and after Sheng Shi Binghuang received the communication, his face became ugly.


It turns out that they can come through the portal, why can't people come back through the portal?

Although one-time teleportation items are precious, they are not unavailable.

Power is attributed to its own world, and transmission is very simple.

Not to mention anything else, the wizard can also learn to teleport after reaching the archmage level.

However, the distance is limited.

But with the help of some props, this distance can be greatly increased.

Portals are such props.

Sheng Shi Binghuang was still stunned, and the people inside shot out.

Once Yi Hongchou came back, Wanxing Pavilion had no shortage of manpower.

There are a lot of dead creatures, and this is what Yi Hongchou gained from going to the tomb of the dead.

There are many dead creatures in that place, and after grabbing a part, new dead creatures will be gestated soon.

They are all low-level undead creatures, and they can easily conceive success.

If it is difficult, it is also the powerful.

For example, vampires, or powerful necromantic creatures such as witches, these creatures not only require a lot of pure necromantic energy, but also take a lot of time to conceive.

But the tombs of the dead do not know how many years they have existed. These things are many.

Among Yi Hongchou's undead creatures, there was a corpse witch. Although it was not completely conceived, it was only the pinnacle of the Silver Order, but its strength was also very good.

Yi Hongchou also entered the fourth floor by mistake, and encountered a gestating corpse witch.

Once the corpse witch was successfully conceived, it would naturally have the power of the great mage level.

But interrupted by Yi Hongchou, he only possesses the power of the silver rank.

But Yi Hongchou didn't regret it at all, it was just a pity.

He does not interrupt the birth of the corpse witch, there is no way to successfully recover the corpse witch.

His own strength is still too bad, and the reason that he can control the necromantic creatures of the silver rank is also dependent on the leather pocket on his waist.

This necromancer is really too powerful.

Especially for the Necromancer, it is really an irreplaceable good thing.

First of all, the endless storage of dead creatures is of great value.

It can also strengthen the power of necromantic magic, allowing Yi Hongchou to regain necromantic creatures even higher.

The Shengshi Binghuang and others were beaten repeatedly, and soon retreated to the lake island area.

It was almost half the distance away, and the entrance was seen from a distance.

In fact, there are still more arrow towers on the entrance side, because the Shengshi Ice Emperor and others are focusing on it, and the masters have gone to attack the Lord's Mansion.

As long as the arrow tower can achieve a spike, once the number rises, it really cannot be broken by a sea of ​​tactics.

As long as the resources are sufficient, the arrows are sufficient, and the repair is timely, let alone one month, one year will not be a problem.

"President? How come?"

The people in Ice Age and Shengshi Guild were very surprised. What's wrong?

What are those dead creatures?

Jiayu is like the wind of Zhao Jiayu's summon?

"President, could it be that Zhao Jiayu and the others rebelled?"

Many players asked, if this is not the case, how to explain the current situation?

Could it be that Wanxing Pavilion was broken, so they rebelled ahead of time?

But it shouldn't be!

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