The Omniscient

Chapter 299

Luo Yan looked at Brando dumbfounded, like a proud lion, arbitrarily broke Souleiman’s arm, carried Mark on his shoulders, and left.

This is also very good! It’s all for the appearance of organization.

Even if he was deposed, he was determined to stop the rebels.

If he had not known that he was from the layered pupil faction, Luo Yan would have almost believed it.

“Awesome, Brando, saving my brother is so magnificent!” Luo Yan grinned.

He looked at Arona of the complexion ashen. It was obvious that the Sword Hand was extremely angry and directly ordered: “Souleiman, give me Adams to get it back and recover the power sword. I want to smash Brando to the end! “

Luo Yan swallowed his saliva and said: “Sword Hand, it’s okay. I will retire first, and the president will see me.”

Arona gave Luo a meaningful look. Yan said: “Tomorrow, I will wear a life costume, Luo Yan, you inform the chairman and let them all wear it too, the golden light is brilliant, it will be the dress for the pilgrimage meeting tomorrow.”

“Yes!” Luo Yan was calm on the surface, and filled with emotion.

Arona said that he did not believe it, that it was a political struggle, and that Brando was taking the opportunity to alarm and maintain power.

The two of them almost turned their faces face to face, and broke up unhappy.

But now Arona still counts the probability of rebellion tomorrow, and responds.

The defense of life is amazing, how can Sword Hand not have it? There are a total of eleven sets, originally Sword Hand’s one set.

But because the number of Sword Hand is not full, there are only nine people, so after one person set, there are two sets of extras, which can be allocated to Nirvana. Onassis, who was killed by Brando, just Assigned a set.

There is another set, from Great Scientist Griffin.

Wearing this at the pilgrimage meeting, it is dazzling and the defense is greatly increased.

Ordinary weapons will not break the defense at all. If you rebel, you must kill Sword Hand with a black wand.

But when you go to the island, you can’t bring any heat weapons on Shengqing Island!

Now on Shengqing Island, there is not even a pistol, let alone a black wand!

The superiors do not believe in what to do. Even if they do not believe, as long as they endanger themselves, they will treat them as real to a certain extent.

Don’t worry about believing or not, do more preparations, grasp both hands, and both hands are hard.

If Arona doesn’t believe in Brando, it doesn’t mean that he doesn’t believe it at all. He just has to take into account various considerations such as’this is a political plot designed by Fez’ and’this is Brando’s being a minister in power’. .

If he doesn’t do anything to guard because he doesn’t believe there will be a rebellion tomorrow, then he will not live today.


After giving Mark a wave of strengthening, Huang Ji took Lona and walked to another courtyard.

“Whose residence is this?” Huang Ji asked.

“Well, no one lives, there are many such empty yards in the temple area.” Lona said.

Huang Ji said with a smile: “Then let’s go in and play?”

“What’s so fun about this?” Lona pouted.

But Huang Ji didn’t discuss with him at all. People had already walked in, so she had to follow up.

The yard is beautiful, but not at all what fun.

Lona said boredly: “Let’s go, I’ll take you to the animal park on Shengqing Island, where there are many animals! Even the extinct Barbary lions are there.”

Huang Ji said: “Okay, but don’t you think this yard is good to burn? The house is made of bamboo.”

Speaking, he patted a certain wall in the house.

“Do you really want to burn?” Lona said, suddenly startled.

Huang Ji’s hand seemed too strong when he heard a’pop’, accidentally, he took a palm-print-sized hole in the bamboo wall.

“Hello…” Lona was about to say something, and then found something inside the bamboo wall.

“Look, what’s that?”

Huang Ji turned around and pulled the broken bamboo a few times. There was a metal wall in the wall.

“Hey, there is a secret room here.” Huang Ji said.

Lona suddenly became interested and said: “Ha! I am not sleepy when you say this!”

“Hurry up! Find a way to open!”

She has lived on Shengqing Island since she was a child. She is here for at least a few months each year. She is very familiar with the temple area, but has never heard of any secret rooms.

This aroused her curiosity, must see if this is dry and so on.

Huang Ji immediately tore down the entire bamboo wall, and soon found a code lock on the metal wall inside.

“Ah, I need a password…” Lona was distressed.

I saw Huang Ji take out a flashlight, looked at the fingerprint on the input key, and said: “01245789, these eight numbers are used.”

“This ……There are too many combinations!” Lona said.

“It may be a date.” Huang Ji said.

Lona casually said a few combinations: “The date…then 19,780,524? Or 19,870,425? Or…”

She was talking, Huang Ji just typed in one password.

“clang chi!” The door opened!

Before Lona was surprised, Huang Ji said in surprise: “This is fine? Do you know the password?”

Lona was shocked, and instinctively continued: “Huh? I guess. Oh!”

“Your luck is also very good!” Huang Ji said with a smile.

“hahaha! Of course, my luck has always been super good!” Lona said happily.

She is really happy and feels particularly fulfilling. As everyone knows, she didn’t say the password at all.

The real password is 19750824, which is Fez’s birthday.

And Lona never mentioned this string of numbers. Huang Ji just pretended that she guessed the password correctly. In fact, each minding their own business was typing it.

One is responsible for nonsense, the other is responsible for inputting the correct answer, but Huang Ji cooperates as if Lona is instructing him to input.

“What is the correct password?” Lona asked curiously.

“19750824.” Huang Ji told the truth, Lona tilted her head and said: “Eh, have I reported this?”

“I have reported, you have reported a total of seven before Set of combinations, I chose one of them, didn’t expect it…the other six, you can say it again.” Huang Ji said.

“Uh…” Lona opened her mouth, only to find that she had forgotten everything.

After all, it’s a random combination. It’s a lot of nonsense. If you don’t know in advance to recite, others interrupt a little bit. It only takes two or three seconds. Ordinary people will not remember what they reported. number. Because the brain is not responsible for remembering such meaningless things.

Now in Lona’s mind, only the correct combination Huang Ji just mentioned is the right combination. After thinking about it for a long time, even the first number was forgotten.

“I guessed right anyway, look! The door opened, go in and have a look!” Lona said with a smile.

Because Huang Ji was the first to be surprised and gave the credit to her, she didn’t think much about it at all. She thought she was good luck and was right.

The two enter the secret room hand in hand, which is very small, a downward spiral staircase.

They went all the way down, and after 20 meters, they reached the bottom, and their eyes suddenly opened up.

This is a huge underground arsenal, and in its depth, there is a downward-facing passage, but it is locked by the door.

This time, it is a fingerprint lock.

No need to teach Huang Ji any more, Lona took out the flashlight and took a photo on the input screen.

There are indeed traces of recently input fingerprints, but they are very vague. It feels like several fingerprints are superimposed on each other.

“What should I do, see if there are any ventilation ducts that can climb in.” Lona said.

Huang Ji said with a slight smile: “Let’s see…”

He carefully checked the input screen and took out an orange from his arms…

“What are you doing?” Lona asked.

“Draw fingerprints.”

“Huh?” Lona was stunned.

3 minutes later, Huang Ji used oranges to open the door to Second Layer.

“My God, you are amazing!” Lona was surprised.

Huang Ji said with a smile: “These are all small tricks. In most Illuminati bases, they are impossible and useful because of the intelligent defense system.”

“But here is different , Which is the temple area, Illuminati will have such a simple secret warehouse.”

“What do you mean?” Lona puzzled.

Huang Ji said: “There is no guard, the decoration is simple, almost just digging two holes, the security protection is only a password and a fingerprint lock, it can be seen that the builder secretly dug such a secret room.”

“Everything is kept simple, just to store things secretly. As for safety, I don’t think about it at all.”

Lona is also very smart, and immediately said: “Shengqing Island itself is very safe. , The combat defense system is not needed at all. The builders only want to be concealed during decoration. This is not to guard against the enemy, but to guard against their own people…”

“It must be someone who can secretly bury things on Shengqing Island One of the Sword Hand!”

Huang Ji said: “Will you continue walking? Or go back?”

Lona widened her eyes and said: “The doors are all open! Go in! Look, are you afraid?”

Huang Ji shrugged and said: “I am not afraid, I am afraid you will be afraid…”

“I am not afraid! This is obvious It’s an illegal building. After reading it, we’ll tell me grandfather! You’ve done a great job!” Lona said with a smile.

Huang Ji nodded, the two walked into the 2nd floor hand in hand.

Inside is a huge square with many glass cans like coffins.

The 30*30 is arranged neatly, and the two of them leaned forward to take a look, and there was a big living person lying impressively!

In every glass can, there is a serene expression, with eyes closed, like a sleeping elegant youth.

And… They all look exactly the same! All cans are the same person!

“aaaaaah…” Lona was taken aback.

Seeing so many people who look the same, locked in the same jar, has a great impact on her soul.

“Who is it?” Huang Ji asked.

“Fei…Fez Uncle!” Lona’s feet were soft, leaning against Huang Ji’s arms.

Huang Ji’s complexion was calm, and he glanced at the audience. He knew that this was one of the cloned troops.

There are 900 Fez stored here!

“Fez Sword Hand, there are so many clones…” Huang Ji pretended to be surprised.

He knows that this was also one of the reasons for the abolition of the cloned troops that year. The reason for abolishing the cloned troops is very complicated, but one reason is unknown.

That was the prototype of one of the clones, which later became Sword Hand.


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