The Omniscient

Chapter 298

“Mark this scourge remains useless, drag it out to feed the dog!” Arona clapped.

Luo Yan and Brando said in unison: “No!”

They don’t want Mark to die. Brando also wants to expose Luo Yan’s true face in the future. Mark’s evidence is alive. important.

Luo Yan felt guilty for Mursa in his heart, and he thought that Mark had defected to Brando, so the three of them are all of the layered pupil faction. Everyone, if you can save it, of course you must save it.

However, when Arona saw that they both had the same qi, connected branch, he was even more angry.

What is the self-respect of the bandit? The death of a Mursa, forcibly expanded Brando’s authority to second only to Carmen.

I always talk about the layered pupil faction. What’s the matter? In order to investigate the rebellion, it seems that everything can be compromised.

Even criminals like Mark can survive so-called guilt and taint witnesses, which makes Arona very upset.

Arona hasn’t even seen the shadow of a layered pupil faction until now, but every time I read the report or listen to other people’s reports, it seems that the Illuminati wind and rain are shaking, and it’s dangerous.

Especially this Brando, he said it every time, but there is no last evidence.

Luo Yan said that before he came, the evidence was overwhelming, but it turned out loud thunder, but only tiny drops of rain, and both sides were full of mouths.

Yes, the destruction of Santa Fe is indeed a major event, shaking the entire Illuminati. There must be a group of spy doing things behind the scenes.

However, to say that this spy penetrates the tissue up and down into a sieve, and the forces are intertwined, then Arona does not believe it at all.

What forces are so hidden? Didn’t you miss any wind before? It suddenly appeared in the past six months? It still blows as if it has been dormant for many years.

“Drag out to feed the dog!” Arona insisted.

“Don’t kill me! I’m loyal to the organization! Sword Hand! I’m wronged! I’m wronged!” Mark struggled desperately, but was held down.

The shot was a dead man who had always secretly protected Arona in the side hall. It was the strength of the new S4, but it was not something Mark could contend.

His whole body is black clothed, wearing a mask, his eyes are muddy, and his head is white. He restrains Mark and drags it out indifferently.

Brando glanced at the white-haired dead man and knew that this was the strongest bodyguard of the Arona family, Souleiman.

The Alan family has a unique Ascendant whose super ability is to generate a special hormone in others within the body, equivalent to super stimulant, S3 sentinel, which can be overloaded to S4.

So as long as you cultivate S3, you actually cultivate S4.

But the cost is very high, it consumes lifespan, and the hormone disorder within the body is excessively vigorous, like a’virulent’.

It is rumored that this Souleiman has only been alive for half a year. He is young, and now looks like an old man.

“Really have a last word! I gave a sentry! In the north port area, he is Luo Yan’s subordinate and took my evidence away! Finding him can prove my innocence! I It’s not from the layered pupil faction!” Mark struggled and shouted.

Brando listened and couldn’t help but suddenly, Luo Yan not at all took the so-called’Mursa’s last words’ with him, but let some of his men hold it, pretending to not know it.

“Sword Hand, this person must know a lot about the layered pupil faction, let me interrogate it!” Brando pleaded.

“Shut up! I don’t want to hear the name of the layered pupil faction anymore!” Arona angered.

Brando smiled bitterly, Luo Yan can spare him for the time being, but the layered pupil faction in the organization is definitely not denied, otherwise he, the Chief-In-Charge of the special investigation team, would have done it. Power is greatly reduced.

“Sword Hand…maybe…maybe Mark knows about longevity medicine?” Brando tried his best to persuade him.

He knows that Sword Hand is more than one looking forward to the birth of longevity medicine, so he deliberately uses longevity medicine as an example, hoping that Arona will take it seriously.

How did Arona get even more angry after hearing this, why? The desire for longevity medicine has become the handle for you group of Nirvana to grasp the superiors?

The layered pupil faction can’t be alarmist, and then move out of longevity medicine?

“We have been studying for so long and have not gained anything. Some silverfish have been hidden and secretly studied for a few years, and then there will be? If there is a kind, you can take out the longevity medicine!” Arona said.

Brando stopped and said: “How can I have longevity medicine…”

Arona shot the case and said: “Then what’s the use of you? After checking for so long, in your report, The layered pupil faction is getting more and more terrifying, but there is no real thing at all!”

“What did you find out after investigating for half a year? On the contrary, the more the owner power is investigated, and now they dare to come. Hit Fez’s small report?”

“From now on, cancel the special investigation team, you go back and rest.”

Brando as if was struck by lightning!

He has nothing to say, and Arona directly revoked his authority to investigate rebellion.

Arona from the very beginning, I feel that Brando said that Fez is also rebellious, which is very problematic.

Now he wants to understand that Brando is a Fez person, everyone knows that he jumped out and planted his owner at the moment, which seems to be credible, but in fact he is tempting himself to get the bait.

On the surface, he wants to kill Luo Yan, but he is actually setting a trap for himself.

Arona thought: “Once I was fooled, I thought Brando really broke with Fez, and if I get involved, when the time comes, I will stand up and challenge Fez. What if Brando suddenly turns back? I want to plant Fez and force him to give false testimony, and Fez can reverse me.”

Arona believes that Brando’s drunkard’s intention is not in Luo Yan, but in his Arona.

For unknown reasons, Brando lamented in his heart, and stepped aside and said: “Sword Hand wants to kill him, then kill him… I have no opinion.”

He thought a lot for a while. , Chilling? Disappointed? anger?

He silently let the way open, glanced at Bayland and Adams waiting outside the hall, winking.

Bayland was stunned for a moment, looked towards Souleiman sharp eyes, fiddled with his fingers on his throat, and shook his head, suggesting: Let me assassinate Souleiman and save Mark? I can’t beat him.

Brando frowned to extend the hand and pointed, he had nowhere to drill, so he drilled on his temple, then winked again and glanced at Adam Snunu’s mouth.

Bayland understands in seconds!

This means let yourself use your brain! In other words, he guessed wrong, he reconsidered it, and found that he was asking him to take Adams away.

Not long after, Souleiman drags Mark away, just about to leave the hall.


Mark was struggling, and something fell from his waist pocket.

“pa ta!” It was a bottle of liquid, which seemed to be some kind of medicine.

“Wait a minute! What is this?” Brando shouted.

Everyone looked at the medicine, the bottle was very strong, but they didn’t know what it was.

Only Mark at the scene recognized the medicine.

Because of his Pique Uncle, as the richest man in Dallas, he received the longevity medicine secretly distributed by the layered pupil faction. He saw the bottle. Afterwards, Mark also asked about the color of the liquid. The bottles are exactly the same.

“longevity medicine…” Mark couldn’t help muttering while looking at the medicine.

On the one hand, he recognizes this thing suddenly and will speak its name unconsciously.

On the other hand, I was surprised. How could I have a bottle on my body?

He blurted out this, and everyone in the room looked at him, surprised look exhibit one’s feelings in one’s speech: “What? This is longevity medicine?”

Arona One Stagnant, he just said, “You have a kind of longevity medicine” on his front foot, and Mark dropped a bottle on his back foot?

“haha! Sword Hand! This is longevity medicine, the proof is like a mountain!” Brando said joyfully in surprise, he didn’t expect that Mark had a bottle of longevity medicine in his body.

“This means that the layered pupil faction has been researched successfully. They now have longevity medicine, which will definitely be countered. It will definitely happen!”

Brando was overwhelmed, but Arona was overwhelmed. indifferently said: “There is rebellion, what are you excited about?”

“Uh…” Brando was astonished, and realized that he had lost his mind. He just vetoed the existence of the layered pupil faction directly because of Arona. That’s why I am so excited to see longevity medicine at this moment.

Arona continued: “And he said it is longevity medicine, which is longevity medicine?”

“Sword Hand!” Brando anxiously said.

Arona waved his hand and said: “I will let someone analyze this medicine, and I will arrange another person to investigate this case. You have been dismissed, Brando.”

He Determined to take away Brando’s authority, the provincial Brando always wants to lead him by the nose.

Arona also doesn’t believe that this is longevity medicine at all, otherwise Mark has longevity medicine on him. Why didn’t he find it long ago, so he accidentally dropped it now?

He believes that the layered pupil faction has longevity medicine, which is a deliberate dissemination of news that someone is taking advantage of the desire for life of a few elderly Sword Hand.

Just now, Brando also mentioned, “Maybe Mark knows about longevity medicine.” After that, he also saw Brando look out and drill his temples with his fingers.

At first, Arona didn’t know what it meant. He thought it was Brando’s quirk. Now I understand it. This is a hint to Mark that he deliberately dropped out of’longevity medicine’!

“hmph, don’t play tricks in front of me from now on, just get out.” Arona said.

“Too many good days? Arona Sword Hand, can you stop and stop.” Brando said suddenly.

“What did you say?” Arona was furious.

Brando looked up indifferently, staring at Arona and said: “Mark matters. He is an important member of the layered pupil faction. He knows a lot of information. I have to interrogate him.”

After all, Brando blocked Souleiman’s way again.

Arona angrily said: “You have resigned!”

Brando raised his head and said: “I refuse to resign. I am the Chief-In-Charge of the rebels, but all Sword Hand is appointed collectively, you have no right to depose me.”

Arona said while staring: “You said I have no right to depose you? I have the sword of power…er…”

He looked towards the temple and shouted: “Adams!”

However, there was no one outside the temple, and Bayland had already taken Adams away.

His power sword was previously given to Adams so that he could serve as Kidd’s deputy, but it has not been recovered.

He really has no right to remove Brando at this moment!

“Brando, you are impudent!” Arona stood up and said.

“If you must dismiss me, please tell this to other Sword Hand, and decide together!” Brando clenched his fist tightly, sweat leaking from his forehead, and he was still standing straight.

He is not giving Arona any more face now, taking advantage of Arona’s power sword not in his hands, he is still holding on to the Sword Hand!

Brando was completely disappointed with Arona, but after seeing the longevity medicine dropped on Mark, he was completely sure that a major event would definitely happen at the pilgrimage meeting tomorrow.

The layered pupil faction has sacred relic and longevity medicine. There is a chance to rebel, and the winning rate is huge, and the situation is complete!

Brando knows that it is useless to say anything, and tomorrow’s rebellion will come unstoppable. In this case, it is better to make Sword Hand vigilant through your current behavior.

As Arona said, the Sword Hand is actually invincible on St. Ching Island, so as long as the Sword Hand is serious and don’t take it lightly, the rebels should be defeated.

That’s why Brando did it… Not only did he do it, but tomorrow he will expose Luo Yan in public.

I saw him looked towards Luo Yan and smiled slightly. Before tomorrow, since he had compromised with Luo Yan once, he might as well take advantage of the situation and infiltrate the opponent.

Luo Yan looked worriedly at Brando who was talking back to Sword Hand, but also slightly nodded, his eyes hinted at him: Be low-key! What are you doing? courting death?

“At this time, is it interesting for you to delay? I will be able to take back the power sword immediately and depose you.” Arona did not pay attention to the exchange of eyes between the two, said with a sneer.

Brando sighed: “Sword Hand, if you want to go your own way, then the rebellion of the layered pupil faction may have been impossible to prevent it in advance. If this is the case, then I will only have to fight the enemy head-on tomorrow. “

“Dog stuff, you want to rebel!” Arona reached into his pocket.

Brando’s scalp is numb, and he knows that Arona can kill him with the pyramid at any time.

But he still insisted: “Even if I am not the Chief-In-Charge of the rebels, I will try my best to stop the rebels’ plans.”

“You say me Whether it’s the rebels or unruly plots, Sword Hand, I must tell you that a big battle is inevitable.”

“And I will prove myself in the battle.”

“Tomorrow, you will know who is right!”


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