The Omniscient

Chapter 300

“Why are there so many Fez Uncle hidden here?” Lona looked at the sleeping Fez, feeling like have one’s hair stand on end.

“Don’t worry, they are not Fez. The clones are brand-new individuals, but they are extremely similar in genes, not at all memories.” Huang Ji comforted her while scanning all around and found that there was a corner of the warehouse. Console.

He walked over with Lona, and both found that the computer here was turned on, and there was a software on the screen that Lona could not understand running silently.

“This is the total control system of the nine hundred life-sustaining capsules.” Huang Ji said.

Lona takes a closer look and can see that the program is continuously monitoring the heart rate and brain activity of all clones, as well as the duration of various life-saving indicators.

“You see here is the oxygen consumption of the life-sustaining device, and there will be twenty hours before the oxygen will be exhausted first, and then the nutritional injection will be stopped… Before that, the life-sustaining device can be supplemented. Or wake up.” Huang Ji said.

“What happens if you don’t wake up? Will you die from suffocation?” Lona asked.

Huang Ji shook his head and said: “No…the machine has an automatic wake-up mechanism when it runs out of oxygen. Even if the instrument is malfunctioning, it doesn’t matter if it doesn’t wake up. People will not die. Because there is one inside. These are clone fighters who are born to develop to S4. Once there is no oxygen supply, the stimulation at the moment of death will make their brains wake up suddenly and their bodies will recover.”

“At that time, they will be able to punch. Blast this life-saving capsule and climb out by yourself.”

Lona was surprised: “Twenty hours later, it will be the time for the pilgrimage meeting!”

Huang Ji nodded and said “This underground warehouse is an illegal building, and the cloned troops in it are absolutely not allowed to enter the temple area… Tomorrow is the pilgrimage meeting, and the life-sustaining device can only last until tomorrow…”

In such an obvious situation, even Lona instantly thought that someone would rebel and make a pilgrimage meeting!

“Fez is going to rebel!” Lona was shocked.

Huang Ji shook his head and said, “This is not necessarily true. Although these clones look the same as Fez, it can only prove that they are cloned soldiers produced with Fez’s nucleus. It does not mean that Fez did this. “

“What can’t be certain about this? The cloned troops have been destroyed long ago, and Fez, as the Sword Hand, does not agree with him. Who can clone him?” Lona said.

Huang Ji said: “Cloning does not grow up in an instant. It needs normal development time. Obviously, these adults were not produced after Fez became Sword Hand, but existed long ago.”

“They belonged to the cloned forces that were formed in the past. As for why they have not been destroyed until now, I don’t know. Who was responsible for destroying the cloned forces back then?”

Lona shook her head: “I don’t know, but my grandfather must know.”

She took Huang Ji back and said, “Quickly follow me back to see grandfather. This is a great achievement for you.”

“Okay!” Huang Ji left with her.

The two returned to the same path and went up to the bamboo building. Huang Ji closed the curtains, closed the doors and windows, and rushed to the main hall with Lona.

Lona didn’t know how much Huang Ji did during this trip.

Just two minutes after they left, the life-sustaining cabin in the warehouse, with a sneer, opened one automatically.

The 18th clone suddenly opened his eyes.

He looked around blankly, as if waking up from a big dream, then his eyes were concentrated, and he muttered: “Why did I wake up alone?”

On the 18th, he climbed out of the life-saving capsule and moved. Once the stiff body, I heard the skull sound of crackle.

He walked between the various life-sustaining cabins, thinking that the own cabin had a malfunction, which caused him to wake up early.

“Just wake everyone up.” The 18th said, walking to the console.

However, as soon as I got here, I heard a communicator sound on the table.

He answered decisively and said: “I am the 18th, is the task ahead of schedule?”

But what came from the communicator was not Fez’s voice, but a stranger people.

“You are…” The 18th was shocked. This communicator was not left by Fez?

“Hello, the eighteenth, you can call me the’master of the layered pupil’.” That was the voice of an old man.

On the 18th, indifferently said: “Who the hell are you? Did you wake me up in advance?”

The lord of the layered pupil said: “Who the hell are you in advance? Give you a chance, because you are different from others, you are not interested in power.”

“How do you know that I am not interested?” said indifferently on the 18th.

The lord of layered pupil did not answer, but said: “Tomorrow’s mission, if you follow the original plan, none of you will survive.”

“What plan is tomorrow?” No. asked back.

The lord of the layered pupil said with a smile: “You should have been destroyed. It was me and Fez who saved your lives. He placed you here and told you that the next time you wake up, it will be for you When fighting for freedom and human rights, now the time has come.”

“Fez and I formed a layered pupil faction. Tomorrow’s pilgrimage meeting is fully staffed, and Illuminati will usher in a new era. And you 900 S4 , Is the sword of the old era.”

“The specific plan is very simple. There will be rebels tomorrow. You follow Fez’s command and kill the other Sword Hand together with the rebels, and then fight against the water. Dead rebels.”

“From now on, you will be dignified and become Illuminati fighters. Everyone has the rights of natural persons.”

On the 18th, surprised, this person He knew the plan, even Fez’s promise.

“He said that he and Fez saved our lives back then…Is he…Fro?” 18th thought.

It was Fro and Fez Sword Hand who was responsible for destroying the cloned troops that year, and only the two of them could secretly leave a part.

On the 18th, I always thought that Fez had concealed Fro and saved them.

From now on, it turns out that Fro and Fez jointly protected them?

“What do you mean we all die? The rebels are too strong?” asked the eighteenth.

The lord of layered pupil said: “The rebels are not strong, so he asked you to take action and join forces with the rebels. However, Fez is too strong. He wants to kill other Sword Hand. He has a chance. , But killings can’t help us completely take charge of Illuminati and rebuild the system. We need justice and reason…”

“For this reason, he waited for three years, and finally waited today, that was deceived by us. The rebels first kill the other Sword Hand and eliminate some disobedient personnel, and then Fez will come forward to suppress the rebellion and set things right.”

“Because you help the rebels and merge with them, he wants to remove own Suspect, if the party who becomes the righteous finally takes over all the power of the family, it must…righteously destroy the relatives!”

No. 18 eyes shrank, he understands.

Fez told them that the first half of the plan is true, but the second half is false.

Nine hundred Fez clones, if they are the same qi, connected branch with Fez, suddenly come out to suppress the rebellion, pigs know that the whole incident was planned by Fez.

Fez doesn’t want to use absolute power to suppress Illuminati. He has done this long ago. Why wait until today for the rebels to do it first?

In the second half, let them clone the troops to kill the rebels and support Fez. At this moment, after learning that Fez needs a righteousness, he realized the nonsense of this plan!

“His real plan is that after we kill Sword Hand, he will come forward and kill us. He has the means to kill us 900 people, one hit instant kill.” The 18th whispered Tao.

Fez has a lethal chip embedded in the brains of all clones. He only needs one command to kill them with one click.

Wait for Fez to reach the top, they will all be free, this is a lie…

Fez will use the rebels plus the lives of their cloned troops to prove that he is the only one The person pulling strongly against a crazy tide.

“Why did you tell me this?” asked the eighteenth.

The lord of the layered pupil said: “I can’t control a person like Fez. He is so cruel that I can’t believe that he still respects me as the Lord.”

“Understood, then what is the opportunity?” asked the eighteenth.

The master of layered pupil said: “I will let someone take out your chip, and then you will pretend to be Fez to participate in the pilgrimage meeting. In tomorrow’s battle, you can be the only Fez to survive.”

On the 18th, horrified: “You let me impersonate him? Even though I have the same image and temperament as him, I don’t know anything about him.”

“You don’t know Fez, but I Get to know him. You go directly to the main hall and find someone named Hua Ji, and he will help you. The map of the temple area is under the console seat.” said the lord of layered pupil.

Take out the map on the 18th and find that it is extremely detailed, even more detailed than the one Fez showed them!

He said: “If I mess up, don’t blame me.”

The lord of layered pupil said: “If you can mess up, then the other ruthless killing weapons, It will mess up even more.”

“Which is the main hall?” asked the eighteenth.

“The eye pattern is the main hall of the meeting, the other circles represent the residence of Sword Hand, the triangle represents the landscape garden, and the red cross is an empty courtyard with no one inhabited. You are now at the second red cross in the lower left corner. . This is very close to the purple circle, which is Fez’s residence. You can go over and change to a Fez gown.” said the lord of layered pupils.

Most clones are deliberately raised as wolves. They are like domesticated wolf kids, only knowing to fight and obey simple commands from their masters, and they are pure weapons of killing.

For each unit of the same kind, only the top 20 clones will be taught language and acquire some knowledge. Others will not even say, only simple words.

Once a person does not speak language, the brain’s ability to parse external information will be extremely poor, and the thinking will become simple and straightforward, and it is easy to be domesticated like a dog.

The eighteenth is a rare generalist, the kind that understands trade-offs, but it is also illiterate and does not know one big letter, so it is meaningless to write on a map.

“Who will help me?” asked the eighteenth.

“Hua Ji.”

On the 18th, he asked again: “Why don’t you give me a photo? How can I find it?”

layered The Lord of Pupil said: “You don’t need a photo, don’t forget that you are Sword Hand.”

“…” On the eighteenth, looking thoughtful, and the communicator has already hung up the phone.

He walked out of the warehouse, looked at that he had only a pair of pants under his body, and there was a weapon storehouse in front of him, and he started looking for clothes.

Not long after, he wore a pair of army boots and a pair of gray camouflage army pants and walked out of the bamboo building, his upper body directly naked.

He swaggered in the temple area, and an attendant saw him. First he was taken aback, then bowed his head and gave way.

On the 18th, I walked straight and went to Fez’s residence to change into a gorgeous gold and white robe.

He looks exactly the same as Fez. When he puts on this body, his temperament is very similar.

“Come here, I’m going to the main hall, and lead the way!” However, he opened his mouth and talked like a turtle.


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