The Omniscient

Chapter 297

“Go…recruit Luo Yan!” As soon as Arona heard that Mursa had a last word, she immediately asked him to summon Luo Yan.

“No!” Brando blurted out.

“Huh?” Arona’s eyes sharpened.

At the same time, Brando heard a slight noise outside the window on the left side of the temple.

Only then did he know that he and Sword Hand were not the only ones in the palace, but there was also a hidden bodyguard.

“You have been talking about Luo Yan for so long, but now you dare not confront him?” Arona said.

“…” Of course, Brando dared to confront the traitor. He was dignified, what’s to be afraid of?

In his eyes, Luo Yan is the iron traitor, but in turn, he also sees Mark’s confidence.

Why? Brando thinks he is the most reasonable, why is Mark’s yelling more reasonable than him?

Not only did he retract his confession in court, he also threatened that there was truth evidence in Luo Yan’s hands.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon!

“Hehe, the evidence Luo Yan gave can also be called evidence? His glasses, he wants to use his hands and feet is too easy.”

Brando’s first reaction in his mind is Counted.

I’m probably in the set! Mark was exposed and arrested. He confessed his crimes in public before. It was possible that he was deliberate. All this was Luo Yan’s plan to counter-own.

He has been targeting Luo Yan, trying his best to find evidence for him, and even detained his wife. This time on Shengqing Island, he was very likely to destroy his plan. How could Luo Yan not be prepared for this? do nothing? Let yourself be targeted?

Brando was thinking before that Luo Yan knew that Mark’s identity was sensitive, and let him come to Shengqing Island to join him alone. Isn’t this an increase in risk?

Now that I understand, Luo Yan has already prepared the perjury to clean himself up and bite back.

But if you take it out directly, it will definitely not be convincing, so Mark is deliberately thrown out.

“He knows that I will be hooked, knowing that I will try my best to get his evidence.”

“So in turn, he sent Mark to me, Suddenly at this moment, I took out the perjury and took out the perjury. It made sense.”

Brando knew that he should not be counseled. After all, he told Sword Hand that he had hard evidence, and Mark said frankly. Confronted him with a bet on his life, but he persuaded him, how will Luo Yan be a traitor in the future?

Accepting this kind of gambling is more impossible, because the glasses must be perjury. When the time comes, it proves that Luo Yan and the others were wronged. Then Luo Yan was pregnant.

Brando’s thoughts turned sharply, coldly said: “You gave Luo Yan such important evidence? He is still a suspect!”

“The glasses were originally made by him Luo Yan is the most familiar with it, and now I don’t have no difficulty with my hands and feet?”

Mark indifferently said: “Sure enough, it’s useless to say anything to rebellion. You and Kidd are fighting together. I am humble. You think you can kill me. It’s just as easy as pinching an ant.”

“When Luo Yan comes, everything will be clear to you.”

He doesn’t want to be with Brando Say more, just looking at Arona, waiting for him to decide.

Arona frowns, Brando and Luo Yan bit the dog and come to him to call the shots.

Now that the public says that the public is justified and the mother is justified, he doesn’t believe anyone.

However, he also saw the trickiness of the play. The evidence in Luo Yan’s hand must be the most beneficial to Luo Yan.

But as Brando said, the evidence is in Luo Yan’s hands, so the persuasiveness is not so strong.

“Brando and Luo Yan, there must be a bad heart, who will it be…”

Arona thought, his men had already called Luo Yan.

Luo Yan is stunned. Do you have Mursa glasses in your hand? Mark wants to bet with Brando?

Is this nonsense? Why didn’t he know when he got the glasses?

“Mursa’s last words are not in my hands, and I can’t get them out, it becomes evidence of destruction.”

“Not good, this is Brando again targeting me, He has long said that I brought Mark to capture Santa Fe and always referred to Mark as my person. Now that Mark has fallen into Brando’s hands, I am afraid he has already turned to him and conspired to plot against me…”

Luo Yan suddenly realized that Mursa was entrusted with no one! This Mark is not to be believed. Brando must have told him that he was harming himself and could save his life, so Mark took the glasses instead to harm him.

“That’s not right, Brando, don’t you know that I am also a member of the layered pupil faction?”

Luo Yan’s heart turned sharply, looking towards Brando, his eyes solemn, face Lu worry color.

In his opinion, Brando is a member of the determined layered pupil faction. Isn’t this flooding the dragon king’s temple?

Brando had no problem with him before, and everyone has different positions. But now, Luo Yan is already one of the rebel commanders. Could it be that Brando doesn’t know? I thought I was still the one who saved Sword Hand, so I wanted to pull this nail out of myself before the pilgrimage meeting started tomorrow?

At the same time, Brando is also a bit fictitious. In his opinion, the last words of Mursa that Luo Yan grasped must be extremely detrimental to him.

So Brando also looked worried. The two looked at each other, thinking that the other party had a conspiracy to kill him.

“Brando, you and me brother, don’t be deceived by the traitor.” Luo Yan said.

He was hinting Brando: Stop doing it, now we are ourselves!

While saying this, Luo Yan flipped his palm slightly and showed Brando the own layered pupil badge.

His angle is so good that no one else can see it, only Brando can catch a glimpse of the layered pupil badge in his hand.

Luo Yan is telling Brando that he has joined the layered pupil faction.

Brando caught a glimpse of Luo Yan’s badge, eyes shrank, and was shocked.

“Fuck! He…he just admitted it!”

Brando almost rushed forward, grabbing Luo Yan’s hand, and showing it to Sword Hand.

But he restrained his own impulse, because he couldn’t figure out why Luo Yan admitted suddenly, and still secretly admitted to himself, he must rely on it.

It is very likely that the badge is fake. When the time comes Luo Yan, you can rub the small pupil in the pupil with a thumb on the face. In this way, it is just an ordinary one. The All Seeing Eye badge.

“Calm down…” Brando thought for a while.

Then Luo Yan gave Luo Yan a look, saying: What do you mean?

Luo Yan pushed the glasses, shook the head.

Brando suddenly realized that, he said in his heart that Luo Yan had set up such a big game, and he had worked with Mark to make a scam, just to cheat himself.

At the last step, Luo Yan braked suddenly and said, “Everyone, brother, have a game…”. This is actually very obvious.


“He is soliciting me, give me one last chance, let me join the layered pupil faction. If I go with them, he will let me go.”

“layered pupil… …Layered pupil… As expected of you Luo Yan, this is not only the implication that All Seeing Eye gave birth to another faction. I’m afraid it is also…”


Brando felt divine light flashed in his heart, and suddenly thought of another layered pupil possibility!

Glasses! Isn’t a person wearing glasses a layered pupil? The big glasses frame the human eyes. After abstraction, they are the pupils in the pupils?

When Brando saw Luo Yan secretly light up the layered pupil badge, he pushed his glasses again, instantly like enlightenment, and realized the name of’layered pupil’, another level of meaning.

“So Luo Yan is the boss of the layered pupil faction? He has good eyesight, but he always wears a pair of glasses. This is actually a symbol of the founder of his layered pupil!”

“But… what about Fez? Kidd definitely has a problem with what he said before, but Fez doesn’t wear glasses. Isn’t Fez the boss of the layered pupil faction?”

In Brando’s view , Fez is Sword Hand, definitely the largest in the layered pupil faction.

But now I’m muttering again. Could it be that I was wrong?

“Among Sword Hand, only one person wears glasses…that is the president!”

Brando shuddered suddenly!

And from this, he thought of more

President Fro, not a soldier, but a writer, has been working between cases for a long time, ******.

He is a politician and has promoted many regulations, including the bill to attract non-white members, and the rules that everyone can become a Nirvana.

With this series of measures, Illuminati has grown stronger and more diverse in the past 30 years.

During this period, many people benefited from this. The members of Illuminati one third are all non-white, and they all have a good impression of Fro.

Coincidentally, Luo Yan is one of the biggest beneficiaries. Among non-white people, he and Mu Yuan have the highest status.

Without Fro, Luo Yan, as a Chinese, would never have the opportunity to become a sword bearer or Nirvana.

“I remember… a long time ago, Luo Yan made a small invention by himself and got a pair of glasses to wear. When someone asked him why he wears glasses, he said… he respected Fro the most. Long, President Fro wears glasses, so he likes to wear them.” Brando recalled in his heart.

“Could it be that the president is the true founder of the layered pupil faction. He and the young faction Fez unite to wipe out the mediocre rulers and complete the centralization of power.”

Brando’s heart He hesitated, he didn’t follow anyone, his allegiance was the order of Illuminati.

But what if the president is the one who rebels?

“Fak…No way?” Brando was sweating.

If this is the case, this is just that the orthodoxy is purging the inside. It can be said to be a bloody reform, but the action is too big, and it is easy to provoke a strong counterattack from the vested interests, so it is around such a big one. Benzi, come to hide other Sword Hand.

In nature, it belonged to several Sword Hand united, to get rid of the other Sword Hand. In this case, Brando still jumped out forcefully, and it would be unwise to track down.

He has already rejected Kidd’s olive branch, and now if he rejects Luo Yan’s olive branch, he will be completely separated from the layered pupil faction, and it will be a dark one.

“I’m not sure yet. Maybe it’s just that I think too much, but now the situation is not good for me. Mark is reluctant, and Luo Yan is giving me one last chance. If I don’t take the donkey down the slope, finally I’m the one who suffers.”

Brando doesn’t want to join the layered pupil faction, but it doesn’t mean that he doesn’t know how to work, and has to face to face.

I saw his thoughts turn sharply, and he said: “Luo Yan, someone always tells me that you are a spy, I actually don’t want to believe it. But you also know that I am valued by the organization, and I am ordered Investigate the ambitious faction, and I suspect that you are also the responsibility.”

That said, it can be said to be suddenly subdued.

Luo Yan was very satisfied: “Sure enough, Brando’s news was just a little slower. I didn’t know that I had joined the layered pupil faction. Now I secretly stated my identity, and he immediately turned a hundred and eighty degrees.”

As soon as he said, “Don’t be fooled by the treacherous man,” Brando immediately said, “Someone is always telling me that you are a spy.” This pair is tacitly cooperating. The major event has become smaller and the minor event has become smaller.

Everyone thinks that Brando has been targeting Luo Yan all the time, and that when they meet, it is bound to be your life and death.

Didn’t expect, the two suddenly became polite.

Mark was very surprised, shouldn’t these two people die?

Brando continued: “To be honest, Luo Yan, I will examine you and check you. If you really did not miss it, am I trying to prove your innocence?”

Luo Yan said earnestly: “Brother, rest assured, I am doing things right. I am loyal to the organization. I haven’t done it or I haven’t done it before. What are you going to confront today? In the face of Sword Hand, don’t worry. Ask.”

Brando nodded and said: “I believe you, but you must pay attention to evidence in everything. You are indeed very suspicious. But today, the arrest of the wanted criminal Mark can prove your innocence!”

“He said Mursa had a last word before he died. The truth is in Mursa’s glasses, and Mark told you that pair of glasses. Is there anything like this?”

Look This question asked, “Is there anything?” Luo Yan immediately said with a smile: “Nothing!”

“Mursa’s glasses were taken away by the murderer. I have never seen it!”

As soon as these words came out, Mark was stunned.

The brain feels like a bomb has been thrown into it, and it feels buzzing.

What’s the situation! Luo Yan turned back? How did Luo Yan and Brando harm themselves? Aren’t these two dead enemies?

“Fart! Luo Yan, you are crazy! You won’t save me?” Mark yelled.

Brando angrily said: “Impudent! How dare you scream here? The dying person, babbled and repeated, no word is true! Drag it out!”

Good Guy, even the words “you won’t save me” were said, Brando thought to himself, this is indeed a scene between Mark and Luo Yan, who is about to kill himself.

It’s just that things have changed. Brando took the olive branch from Luo Yan.

So Luo Yan let him go, but in this way, it is tantamount to miserable Mark who practiced bitterness.

Mark is like an orphan now, without any support. It was as if Zhou Yu hit Huang Gai, half of the bitter trick was implemented. Suddenly Zhou Yu said: I am Cao Cao’s, and the bitter trick of Huang Gai has become really dying!

On the other hand, Luo Yan actually thinks the same way. He thinks that he has revealed his identity, so Brando aborted the plan and prepared to let the little character Mark to lift the tank and expose the matter.

Both of them thought that it was the opponent who joined Mark to kill themselves, and at this moment, it was the fact that the layered pupil was added to the fact that they were safe.

“Luo Yan! You lie to me! You lie to me! I believe in the wrong person! Mursa also believes in the wrong person! Ahhhh!”

Mark roared wildly, almost crazy Up.

When Mark mentioned Mursa, Luo Yan felt soft and ashamed.

Regardless of whether Mark surrendered to Brando or not, Luo Yan is indeed ashamed of Mursa, and he promised to avenge him, and finally joined the enemy…

Thinking of this, Luo Yan Sighed: “Mursa’s death is full of doubts. It’s better to put Mark in my place for the time being and interrogate slowly in the future.”

Brando narrowed his eyes and thought to himself: “Uh…Sure enough, I will save him. Mark, he is a confidant after all.”

“Because I didn’t vote for the name, Luo Yan still has to keep Mark’s life for later use…”

“This way he In the future, I can say,’Aiya, it turned out that the glasses were handed over to his subordinates, I didn’t know before’, so Luo Yan can take out the glasses again at any time and let Mark confront me. Fuck!”

“This is to suppress me and prevent me from investigating him for a period of time. It won’t take long, one day is enough. They must have big plans tomorrow. Once the layered pupil faction wins, it will be useless for me to produce iron evidence.”

Brando thought for a while. Mark can’t let Luo Yan go. After this betrayal, he spends more time talking, maybe Mark will really explain the matter.

So he said: “No, I am the Chief-In-Charge of the special investigation team. Mark should be taken into custody by me and interrogated carefully.”

Go ahead, he Waved for Bayland to imprison Mark.

Mark’s mentality exploded, struggling desperately to shout at Arona: “Sword Hand! What I said is true, I am only loyal to the organization! Luo Yan and Brando are in the same group! They unite Harm me, this is cheating you! Sword Hand!”

Arona Sword Hand indifferently said: “You didn’t say that before! You said no one is more innocent than Luo Yan!”


“I…” Mark choked silently, crying in his throat.

Arona gloomily said: “You will make a statement for a while, then you are a traitor, and Kidd Fez is a gang, and they want to kill you. Later, you and Luo Yan are innocent , Brando and Kidd teamed up to frame you.”

“Now you say that you are no one, you are only loyal to the organization, but Luo Yan and Brando are a team, and they are teaming up to frame you. You…”

“Why? You are the most wronged in the whole world. Everyone wants to frame you?”

“I read the file, Mursa died at the hands of the weak, because It was too contemptuous, so I was hit with a black magic wand and didn’t hide! From the evidence and clues at the scene, the murderer is you Mark!”

“hehe… Actually Mursa is basically There is no last word, right? Even if there is, the last word is only identifying you!”

Arona can understand it, in fact, there is simply no layered pupil faction, and they think too much about everything.

The so-called layered pupil faction is caused by the misalignment of people in the organization, forming gangs, and making the excuse of Mursa’s death.

Mark is capricious. In fact, he can’t produce evidence at all. Mursa doesn’t have any last words. Even if there is, the murderer is probably Mark.

Arona fiercely glared at Luo Yan and Brando, and coldly said: “Enough!”

“Mark is trying to survive, and some people use the topic to play the game and be alarmist.”

“In fact, it’s just a big picture and a small picture. Some people want to take the opportunity to get rid of that’s all!”

Luo Yan and Brando were stunned. Didn’t expect Arona to think so.

No layered pupil faction? how is this possible!

Brando sighed: Sword Hand, you are confused!

Arona said with a smile: “I hope you understand one thing, even if there is rebellion, it is impossible to shake the position of Sword Hand.”

“If there is real chaos tomorrow , I will let them understand what despair is.”

“Pick a clear rebellion, there is nothing to be afraid of.”


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