The Omniscient

Chapter 296

Huang Ji, Carmen, Luo Yan, Eminem, the four came to the temple area, first met the Sword Hand, and met tomorrow’s ceremony.

In theory, Huang Ji is not worthy of coming.

But it can’t stand it up, someone wants to hire him to do grandson-in-law.

Several Sword Hand discussed before,’divide the spoils’, Eminem joined the Onassis family, and Huang Ji is the grandson-in-law of Musta.

“Carmen, Sword Hand summoned, please come in.” At the entrance of the hall, a few personal bodyguards of Sword Hand said solemnly.

There are still rules. The Sword Hand people don’t know what Luo Yan is now. In their eyes, Carmen is the commander-in-chief. Let’s talk to him about the ceremony tomorrow.

Afterwards, we will talk about old times, blind dates, and so on with other people. This is called public first and then private.

Carmen entered, Luo Yan and the others can only wait outside the hall.

There are not only them in the courtyard, there are also many bodyguards, and even Musta’s granddaughter.

That is an unearthly young girl, about 18 years old, brown hair, wearing slim sportswear, often with small dimples on her face, full of vitality.

“Who is Hua Ji?” She looked towards everyone.

Huang Ji said with a slight smile: “It’s me, what’s the matter?”

The girl actually recognized it. After all, she knew she was a Chinese, and there were only two Chinese, Luo She knows Yan, and the other one must be Hua Ji.

“She is Musta’s granddaughter, Lona.” Luo Yan reminded softly.

Lona came over and looked at Huang Ji a few times and said, “I heard that Chinese are very boring, hey, are you brave?”

Huang Ji said with a smile “I dare you to put the torch temple on fire?”

Lona was taken aback, then said with a laugh: “You boasting!”

She thought Huang Ji is a very boring person, or someone who is trembling with fear.

Didn’t expect came up and said that he dared to burn the temple.

Whether it’s true or false, just standing in the courtyard of the temple’s main hall and saying this in front of so many confidantes is very kind in itself, not that Kind of timid, serious and rigid, afraid to make jokes.

The most interesting thing is that Huang Ji said this with a sense of self-confidence that he couldn’t express, as if he had seen the raging fire in front of him.

For a while, the bodyguards in the field glared at him with cold eyes.

Even if you know that he is joking, this is disrespectful, and don’t put them in your eyes!

“hahaha, don’t want to laugh.” Luo Yan made a round.

Good fellow, will rebel tomorrow, can you be more stable?

What did Huang Ji say: “You said I’m boasting? Well, there are stone buildings everywhere, it’s really not easy to burn.”

Lona said with a smile:” Are there stones? There are many pavilions over there, and there are garden vegetation everywhere in the temple area…”

Huang Ji said with a smile: “You are familiar with this Huh?”

Lona tilted her neck and said: “Of course, I’ve been playing here since I was a kid.”

“Okay, then you take me around, step on it. , Let me see where to start the fire.” Huang Ji directly took Lona’s hand, said with a smile.

“hahaha! Go and go, go and go…” Lona was up and down, her mouth was like a cannon, and her face was smiling.

She didn’t mind Huang Ji’s behavior at all, and took his hand to walk outside the courtyard.

The expressions of all the people present changed. Luo Yan and Eminem were shocked: fuck, you step on it in public!

Those bodyguards are angry: Where is the dog stuff? When I first arrived, I didn’t care about words and deeds, so courageous?

Huang Ji and the others, should be here to wait and listen to the summons of Sword Hand at any time. How dare you run out to play temporarily?

carefree, abandon all restraint, no rules at all.

Only one of the bodyguards, the red-haired middle age person named S3, stepped out in one step, and unexpectedly took a dozen steps, and came to the courtyard gate.

He is two meters tall, looking down at Huang Ji, indifferently said: “The temple is heavy, are you walking around casually?”

“Can’t you go shopping?” Huang Ji just knew it.

The red-haired warrior said angrily: “Nonsense!”

After talking about throws a punch, he wants to teach Huang Ji, he knows a lot of blazing human temperaments, and he has seen similar things before. However, Shengqing Island is no better than other places. This is especially true for temples. No matter how unruly and unruly, it must be obediently and honestly.

He this fist, momentum is big, power is deep, and the air is full of noise like cannons!

“hong long!”

The distance between the two of them was only a square inch, but Huang Ji raised his hand to block it instantly.

They were stronger, their forces interacted, their feet slid back on the marble floor, and their bodies moved in parallel.

This is the friction between the soles of the feet and the ground, not enough to support the impact of their arms.

“Kaido, what are you doing!” Lona was shocked by the air wave, feeling very uncomfortable, Qiong nose wrinkled immediately.

“Lona Young Lady, he…” Kaido didn’t finish.

Lona waved his hand and said: “Don’t worry about it, I’m going to take him out, grandfather asks, you just say I took him out to play!”

“This… …Not good.” Kaido said bitterly.

He doesn’t have to let Huang Ji wait here, as long as Lona has spoken, he can also take him around.

At this moment, Kaido is mainly unhappy. He is teaching the newcomer here, but Lona is protecting Hua Ji. In the future, Kaido wants to teach this person again, and he speaks a little short.

But where does Lona care? He said directly: “That’s it, what can he do? Grandfather wants to see him and let me meet him?”

“See you now…what’s the problem? ?”

After that, she took Huang Ji away, Kaido looked speechless.

A soldier from S2 came over, knowing that Kaido had lost face, and whispered: “What to do?”

Kaido is a typical loyal dog, and said in a low voice: ” What else can I do? This kid has a temper with Lona Young Lady. It’s really dogshit luck. Lona Young Lady doesn’t dislike it. He is half the sword bearer!”


Huang Ji and Lona talking and laughing, wandering in the cluster of palaces.

The scenery here is beautiful and the buildings are majestic. It is indeed a paradise on earth and a paradise on earth.

The first time he saw Lona, he felt her through. He was simple-minded and a bit coquettish. Sometimes he was sensible, but sometimes he was eclectic.

She loves making friends, but not everyone. She knows very clearly who is the “friend of my Lona” and who is the “dog chosen by grandfather”.

So Huang Ji’s first thing is to make himself the former, not the latter.

“Hey, my grandfather asked me to marry you.” Lona said.

Huang Ji said with a smile: “Unsurprisingly, first express this intention and let us interact for a period of time, but neither get engaged nor get married, but see my subsequent development.”

“If I can really become a qualified swordsman, we will get engaged. If we truly love each other, then we may get married directly.”

Lona said with a smile: “Hey, you Why are you so proficient?”

Huang Ji said: “Isn’t it all like this? Haven’t you heard of it before? Luo Yan was like that.”

” Do you love me?” Lona said with a smile.

“Are you funny? We met in no more than fifteen minutes. Do you think you are a vixen?” Huang Ji said with a smile.

“Hey, do you dare to actually burn the house?” Lona asked.

Huang Ji nodded and said: “Burn, burn tomorrow, you want to see, I call you together.”

“hahaha… just because you love boasting so much , I won’t marry you.” Lona laughed.

The two walked around the garden, and under the guidance of Huang Ji intentionally or unintentionally, they came to a place outside the temple.

Here, Bayland is leading the seriously injured Mark to come over.

Huang Ji smiled, squeezed Lona’s hand, and Lona looked towards him. Huang Ji blinked and motioned for the two.

“en?” Lona was curious, and didn’t know what Huang Ji meant.

In the next second, Huang Ji brushed it, taking a dozen steps! Stopped in front of the two.

“The temple is heavy, are you just walking around casually?” Huang Ji said solemnly.

“Um…” Lona almost laughed, her mouth squeezed, and two small dimples formed.

Huang Ji now clearly has the same tone as Kaido just now.

Bayland is a rule-abiding person. It is not the first time he has entered and exited the temple area. He has been questioned before.

At this moment, when I heard Huang Ji’s solemn and serious tone, I instinctively thought it was the guard of the Sword Hand.

He immediately took a step back and bowed and said: “I am not walking around, I am Level 30 Ascendant Bayland, I was ordered to take the prisoner Mark to meet Arona Sword Hand.”

After that, He glanced at Huang Ji and was taken aback.

Of course he recognizes Huang Ji. He was a little brother at the Santa Fe base, and was questioned by him and Brando.

Didn’t expect the next time I meet, it will be at the temple complex, and it seems to be a good mix.

“What prisoner, what did he commit?” Lona asked with solemn expression.

Bayland glanced at Lona next to him, and recognized this as the granddaughter of Musta Sword Hand: “He…the two are still holding hands. Are they going to be sword holders?”

He is a bit speechless, he has been mixing for so long, only Level 30, Huang Ji only a few months? Soar.

“It’s confidential, there is no Sword Hand order, or the order of Chief-In-Charge Brando of the Special Investigation Team, I have no comment,” Bayland said.

Huang Ji looked towards Mark, Mark’s injury was just a simple treatment. At this moment, the wound was ulcerated and weak.

“He was hurt very badly…” Huang Ji said.

“You can’t die for a while,” Bayland said.

“Let me show him.” Huang Ji said, took out a small medical kit, took out a few gold needles, and helped Mark kick the rotten meat away and suture the wound cleanly.

Mark had a lot of wounds. He was stabbed dozens of times, and some of them hurt internal organs.

But Huang Ji doesn’t need to cure him completely, he just needs to prevent him from becoming weak and unable to move.

Huang Ji acupuncture points with golden needles to relieve pain, refresh and even stimulate hematopoietic function.

Mark fiddled with him comfortably, and soon he was no longer sluggish and refreshed.

“Remember? I am a doctor.” Looking at Bayland who wanted to stop him, Huang Ji said with a slight smile.

When Bayland thinks of it, it is true that this guy has joined Illuminati and has become rich, and he does not forget his old profession.

But he knows that this person is close to Eminem, and now Eminem is most likely a layered pupil faction, so Hua Ji is also dragged into the water because he doesn’t want to have deep friendship with him.

He even asked: “Hua Ji, do you know him?”

Huang Ji said: “I don’t know him, you know, I haven’t been here for a long time, people I know Not much.”

Bayland was afraid that Huang Ji was also a layered pupil, so he moved Mark and killed him.

So he said: “Farewell, I will take him to his life.”

“Okay.” Huang Ji stepped aside and passed Mark.

Mark gave him a grateful look. After all, who knows who is treated by Huang Ji, this is not ordinary comfort.

He seems to have been strengthened, as if he can fight for three hundred rounds.

Huang Ji smiled at him and blinked. With lightning in his hand, he silently stuffed Mark’s waist pocket with a bottle of medicine.

Of course, no one was noticed, including Mark himself.

Because Mark was attracted by Huang Ji’s face and the small movements of his other hand.

I saw Huang Ji looked towards a garden waterside pavilion to the south, touched his nose with his left hand, but actually made a pose of pushing his glasses!

Mark eyes shrank, quietly left with Bayland, but he was happy in his heart!

“He was telling me that Luo Yan received my glasses!”

“Eh? No, who is the one who brought me? They are not a group Are you here?”

Mark looked towards Bayland with a heavy heart.

I saw him walk into the side hall, and at first glance he saw Arona Sword Hand sitting firmly on Mount Tai.

As for His Highness, there is still a man standing with golden hair and his back facing him. There is no doubt that Luo Yan is not blond.

He didn’t look much, but stared at Arona Sword Hand, a little excited.

I saw Arona ask: “You are Mark of the layered pupil faction?”

“What?” Mark was shocked.

At this time, the blonde man turned around and it was Brando.

Brando excitedly said: “Mark, you are a capital offense. Today, I will give you a chance. You can explain Luo Yan’s crime without omission and in detail. Not only can you survive, you can also restore your office. “

In an instant, Mark understood everything.

Bayland is not Luo Yan’s person. He was rescued by passers-by and made a mistake for a while. He thought it was Luo Yan who was sent to meet him. Didn’t expect it was Brando’s person.

“The doctor who really answered me was the doctor just now. No wonder he avoided Bayland and hinted to me…”

“This is for me to hold on. Now, justice will come, and I must not compromise!”

Mark’s body was strengthened by treatment, and now Huang Ji gave him confidence, and he immediately felt a bottom.

Hold on! Luo Yan has already got his glasses. I want to prove his innocence soon. He has nothing to fear now!

“Dog thief! You talk nonsense!” Mark’s voice resounded through the hall!

Arona was shocked by this loud voice. Good fellow, he has been so badly injured, and he has a strong face and full of breath!

Brando eyes shrank, the layered pupil faction is so hard to kill him, he is still not surrender?

Mark’s eyes widened and he glared at Brando: “Oh, Brando, you frame me, and you have to fight with your life to let me bite Luo Yan.”

“Sword Hand, The real rebellion is in this hall!”

He pointed to Brando with no fear.

Brando is stupefied, dead man?

“He is going to kill you! Until now, you still save Luo Yan? Are you really afraid of death?” Brando was about to vomit blood.

Arona was also dumbfounded. The tainted witness that Brando finally found came up against the water?

Brando’s shocked and stunned expression at the moment does not seem to be fake.

“You were recruited before! You became that many people talked about it! You say it again, Sword Hand recites that you are guilty, and you will naturally save you from crime!” Brando was mad and he passed Bayland. Knowing what happened before, Mark was chased by Kidd. In anger, he has already admitted that he is a layered pupil. What else did he say, “Perish together with you today”, and fart together?

Mark extremely angry countersaid with a smile: “Before you were only forced by Brando! In fact, before his death, Mursa put the real murderer’s last words in his glasses. He entrusted me to me and I bear the humiliation. Today, I finally met Sword Hand and I can tell the truth!”

“The evidence to make all the truth clear is in Mursa’s last words!”

“Brando, you threaten me with death, but for Illuminati, I am not afraid of death. In the presence of Sword Hand, you dare to confront me and bet with my life!”

Brando’s brain buzzed!

“Well, it’s a hit!” Brando suddenly realized that this is not a game?


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