The Omniscient

Chapter 295

Brando finally met Arona in the side hall.

I saw Arona come in heartily, one after another sitting on a chair…He was worrying about Fez.

I told you to meet up in advance. The eight Sword Hand have all arrived. He hasn’t arrived yet. After asking, he actually said that he was communicating with Hua Country and trying to solve the four peacefully. May not come to the pilgrimage meeting during the inspection in Hua Country in the month.

In this regard, many Sword Hand are unhappy, but they can’t fault it. It is indeed justified, after all, it is a matter of natural perturbators.

Space aliens are nothing trivial. Since they have decided to engage in an ambiguous relationship with the perturbator, they naturally have to act carefully.

“What’s the matter with you? Brando.” Arona asked, catching a glimpse of the Brando side light sword.

Brando was 30 metres away from His Royal Highness and looked up and said: “Sword Hand, it’s about the rebels, I have to remind again…Luo Yan is going to fight!”

Arona calmly said: “You have said that more than once. He is the leader of the layered pupil faction. His forces are intertwined and penetrate the organization…”

“But this time is different!” Brando said.

Arona is interested and said: “Do you have evidence?”

Brando pursed his lips: “It will be soon!”

“Soon “Arona sits down again, said with a smile: “Ai, otherwise, if you are really not afraid of offending the Morgan family, you can just use the light sword Fez gave you and kill him.”

The subtext of this sentence is: You have no evidence to say a fart? If you really want to hate him, you should kill it. Anyway, you have a sword of light, but you don’t need evidence.

However, how can Brando kill indiscriminately without being a last resort? Arona’s words, tentatively heard that’s all.

Brando solemnly said: “Sword Hand, Luo Yan is the layered pupil leader, but now there are many signs that there is a higher master behind him!”

Arona narrowed his eyes. higher? The highest is Sword Hand.

Brando quickly said many of his speculations: “…This is basically the case. Luo Yan now has sacred relic, and it will definitely be reversed. The righteousness is there, and if there is longevity medicine, it is completely OK Carry out the beheading plan, uncook rice and cook mature rice.”

“And this pilgrimage meeting is simply a great opportunity. Sword Hand must not be taken lightly!”

“Onassis Sword Hand, Kidd, and the Fez Sword Hand behind them, I’m afraid they are all in a hurry!”

“What do you think you can rebel as Sword Hand? Isn’t it the elimination of dissidents and a high degree of centralization?”

He said something, making Arona expression serious.

Indeed, Onassis suddenly proposed a pilgrimage meeting. Although it was justified and well-founded, it was the first time that it was organized. It was the first time so many people gathered on Shengqing Island.

Now Sword Hand, only Fez has not come, which is also suspicious. Kidd is Fez’s person, and his deputy Granny is also promoted by Fez.

To say that this group of people are stunned and want to take the opportunity to eliminate dissidents, it is also right.

Arona said: “I promoted Adam to serve as Chief-In-Charge. Kidd shied away in every possible way. He was very reluctant to force me to use the sword of power. You said that, I also think I should be vigilant. Just click, and be careful.”

Brando is overjoyed, excitedly said: “not equal to me beating somebody at their own game, you give me those who are loyal to you, and I will deploy heavy soldiers to hide In the square area, and you Sword Hand replaced the sacred relic on the spot…”

Arona said with a smile: “Why do you only tell me this? The other Sword Hands are in the main hall.”

Brando sighed: “I don’t know who else Sword Hand get involved, and only you I can trust.”

Kid shied away from Arona in every possible way and moved to his side. Later He stunned Adams to prevent him from listening, plus Fez and Arona, it was two extremes among the rulers. Arona is definitely the object Fez wants to clear.

Arona said with a smile: “But, aren’t you Fez’s sword bearer?”

“This…” Brando was dumb.

Arona doesn’t trust him! Think about it, too, who in the whole Illuminati didn’t know that he was from Fez?

Although he is not blindly loyal to any individual in his heart, how does anyone know this kind of thing?

Fez has helped him many times, and now he has even given him a murderous sword. Brando, isn’t Fez’s iron confidant?

“I…” Brando realized that Fez might have seen that he was not blindly following him.

But even so, Fez will not give up utilitarianly to draw him up because of no return. On the contrary, he shows more value for Brando.

So, even if Brando doesn’t acknowledge allegiance to him, at least he won’t be cheap to others.

Because everyone thinks Brando is a member of the Fez family, it is impossible for anyone to accept him!

This is the pattern.

Although Brando is not a swordsman and does not want to join any clan, everyone thinks that he is the hidden swordsman of the Fez family!

“At the time I refused to join the Fez family, Fez was not angry at all, but still treated me well. I was grateful and guilty…”

Brando smiled bitterly, thinking It’s no wonder that Fez Kidd planned such a big thing, but didn’t tell himself, Fez didn’t even mention anything to exclude dissidents.

This time, if it wasn’t for Kidd’s feeling that he didn’t reward Brando so much, he would feel bad. He couldn’t help but test Brando’s mind and let Brando realize that Kidd had a problem.

I’m afraid Brando would never have thought that Fez Sword Hand, who has been supporting himself in investigating the layered pupil faction, is the boss of the layered pupil faction!

“Hehe…the people of Illuminati, not from this family, just from that family…”

“Like me, I am only loyal to the organization itself, not blindly following the individual The guy…maybe a lonely weird thing…”

Brando sighed inwardly. Although he was not only loyal to Fez, his piece of meat was rotten in Fez’s pot.

Arona impossible Believe him, a hardcore henchman of Fez, holding Fez’s murder sword, suddenly ran over and said, “Fez is going to rebel, believe me, you lend me the soldiers to mobilize, I’ll ambush him ‘…

Hehe, Arona is so heartbroken that he won’t listen.

However, Brando’s efforts are still useful. At least his jump out like this, coupled with some reactions from Kidd, really aroused Arona’s alertness. Even if he didn’t believe Brando, the fool knew that Fez might have a conspiracy.

Arona thought: “Fez wanted to not deal with me, this time Brando specifically came to me, I am afraid it is a political conspiracy against me.”

“Such a grand ceremony , Want me to put on a mask in a substitute? Humph.”

He was half obedient.

Arona is not an ambitious person, who likes to have fun, so he thinks that three or two Sword Hand unite to exclude dissidents, this is too unimaginable.

After all, we are all sitting in the position of Sword Hand, why bother? If you have to do this kind of thing, what if you fail? Then there is nothing.

So he felt that it was impossible for Fez to rebel and kill all Sword Hand, but he specially used Arona to change the nine Sword Hand into eight Sword Hand. Fez still dared to do this.

Typical how could a sparrow understand the ambitions of a swan.

“Brando, I have listened to what you said, but you probably don’t know the formidable power of the’running stone’ on the pyramid.” Arona said.

The Egyptian pyramids seem to be complete, but in fact they are missing.

As everyone knows, the pyramid should have a sharp point, and the image looks like a small pyramid, but a capping stone.

This is the most important thing in the pyramid. It is called the square-pointed cone. Ancient Egypt called it the “Brushing Stone”. In mythology, it was formed by the giant egg of the chaotic water god Nunn.

Most of the Ben Ben stones were polished by the Egyptians themselves, but the Ben Ben stones on the Three Great Pyramids of Giza were not. They were given by the space alien in ancient times.

The pyramid itself is a power station that can supply electricity around the clock, and the three rushing stones are a laser weapon.

Nowadays, the top of the Three Great Pyramids of Giza is empty, and archaeologists can’t find the three rushing stones.

Actually, it was taken away by Illuminati early.

They built the same pyramid on Shengqing Island, and installed the space alien to the Benben stone of ancient Egypt, making it an interstellar beacon for the earth and a laser defense tower on Shengqing Island.

There are eleven remote controls in the hands of Sword Hand. Of course, because there are only nine Sword Hand, the other two remote controls are sealed.

The remote control itself is also a kind of protection. The laser of Benbenshi will not attack the remote control holder, so Sword Hand, whether it is a mortal or a powerhouse, is equivalent to one on Shengqing Island. strike certain kill each other’s ability.

“Go down…” Arona waved his hand.

Brando was worried and had to retire, but at this moment.

“Didi…” Brando walked out of the hall, and the communicator vibrated suddenly.

He took a look and found that it was Bayland who caught Mark.


Brando is overjoyed, hastened a few words with Bayland, and found out about the situation.

“Bring people here now!”

Then Brando ran back to the hall with joy, and excitedly said to Arona: “Sword Hand! I have proof!”

“oh?” Arona is interested again.

Brando recounted what happened in the north area of ​​the port. Mark joined Luo Yan and was discovered by Mischa halfway. After that, he was exposed to murder, but he was also wanted by the whole island.

Kid personally led the team, execute without any mercy, Mark suffered serious injuries, but luckily he did not die, and was eventually taken away by Bayland.

“…This Mark was the murderer of Mursa and one of Luo Yan’s henchmen. Last time he captured Santa Fe, Luo Yan took him with him.”

” This time he is here again, Luo Yan must have a big action! The lessons learned from the capture of Santa Fe are vivid, and he is going to capture Shengqing Island this time!”

Arona said calmly: “It’s done. , Don’t get excited.”

“According to you, he is a member of the layered pupil faction and Luo Yan’s confidant. How can he betray Luo Yan at this moment and prove him?”

Brando said: “Because the layered pupil faction wants to kill him! He is the wanted identity, but he was discovered halfway through. This exposure jeopardizes Luo Yan’s plan, so he must be killed!”

“Kid wants to kill him, it means Luo Yan wants to kill him, they are all Fez people!”

“This in turn also means that tomorrow Luo Yan, they must have a major event to do ! The kind of setback is definitely not, otherwise there is no need to want Mark’s life so urgently!”

“Yes, let him come to see me.” Arona smiled, he didn’t believe Brando very much. .

He just wants to see what tricks Brando really wants to play.

Brando said excitedly: “Don’t worry, he will be there soon!”

“With you in charge, I will tell him the evil, knowing it with affection and moving with reason! He I will definitely testify against Luo Yan!”


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