The Omniscient

Chapter 294

Mark snatched a cruise ship and fled frantically at sea.

But Shengqing Island dispatched 20 boats to track him, making his heart cold.

As the chief, Kidd is responsible for the safety of St. Ching Island and is the only person who owns military ships.

These 20 boats are all torpedo boats, far away, a few torpedoes passed by, Mark avoided it, and the yacht was directly bombed into a fireball at sea.

But before being bombed, Mark secretly jumped into the sea. He dived into the water and swam desperately.

His will to survive is very strong. Who wouldn’t want to survive? The movement of Kidd’s pursuit was completely in a posture of’death when he meets’, making it clear that he was to die, and he didn’t want to live.

And Mark, who bears the humiliation, points to this time to wash his grievances. In his eyes, the own crime was extremely wronged. He would never want to bear the wrongdoing and died unclearly.

“I don’t want to die, I will never die so stubbornly!”

Mark resisted the injury and squeezed his strength in the water to the island.

Fortunately, before he jumped into the sea, he found a respirator on the yacht, holding a small tank of oxygen cylinder, and desperately sinking and moving forward!

Half an hour later, he climbed onto the shore in a hidden corner of Shengqing Island.

His skin is pale all over, the cuts on his chest and abdomen are all soaked, and the flesh is swollen and white.

As soon as Mark went ashore, he turned around and saw Kidd’s ship approaching here. Kidd stood in the bow of the ship and saw him at a glance.


Mark didn’t dare to rest, so he got up and ran.

“Luo Yan…Luo Yan, where are you?” Mark rushed into the port, and all he saw were Illuminati people. Most people didn’t know. So, I don’t know how this person was hurt so wet. Ran over so hard.

But there are also soldiers in charge of security. They saw Mark and immediately drew their swords to chase him.

The island is no better than the sea. As long as you are on the island, you can’t have any thermal weapons.

Even guards can only carry cold weapons.

“I was wronged! You believe me, I am not rebellious, let me see Luo Yan.” Mark shouted.

But Kidd has given the order to kill without mercy, these guards are talking nonsense with him, they will be strangled when they surround him.

“bang!” Mark opened his mouth as a missile and killed a guard.

At this time, his superpowers are very useful. The long-range attack method is comparable to a pistol, and the S-level and below are all spikes.

I saw him spit out missiles while running. Ordinary guards are not an enemy.

But after all, this is Shengqing Island, even more how there are so many pilgrims, and there is no lack of powerhouses.

A sentinel who was just coming for a pilgrimage jumped directly from the stairs and threw a bench out of his hand, like a flying stone.

“pa!” Mark rolled away embarrassedly.

I heard the sentinel shouting: “Where did the dog stuff dare to make trouble on Shengqing Island!”

“He was the murderer who killed Mursa and Besib. Definite rebellion, there is an order on the peak, kill without mercy!” said a guard.

There was an uproar among the many pilgrims watching.

“He killed Mursa?”

“This is a member of the layered pupil faction, how dare he go to the island alone?”

Everyone discusses spiritedly, Someone even said: “Should people from the layered pupil faction be arrested and interrogated?”

Hearing this, Mark quickly said: “Yes, I am willing to explain, don’t kill me!”

I said earlier that I was wronged, and now I am willing to confess. I am really forced to do nothing. It is important to save my life!

He doesn’t know why, this group of guards wants to kill themselves uniformly, which is problematic in itself!

But now I can’t take much care of it. Seeing that the onlookers also pointed out this, Mark immediately climbed up the pole.

Anyway, this shit bowl was already on his head. His explanation is meaningless. As long as Luo Yan is found, everything will naturally come to light.

At this moment, confess your guilt first, and avoid being killed on the spot is what matters.

“You said, who instigated you? Who is in the layered pupil faction? You alone, it is impossible to kill Mursa!” someone among the pilgrims asked.

“Yes…” Mark pondered and was about to say.

Guards Captain shouted: “Take it down!”

They took the order to kill them and killed them on the spot. How can they listen to him beeping? The captain of this guard is S2, and the air is crying as soon as it goes down.

Mark sees this and fights with him desperately.

At the same time, he struggled to roar and said: “Ha, didn’t I just betray the layered pupil faction? You are in a hurry, you are going to kill me! Since you are not kind, don’t blame me!”

“What is the order to kill without mercy? Your superiors belong to the layered pupil faction! Kidd! Kidd is rebellious!”

“And Brando! As the Chief-In-Charge in this case, he specializes in investigating rebellion. In fact, he is a thief himself! thief crying, “Stop thief!” !”

When he was about to die, he turned his mind It had to be fast, knowing that it was wrong to bite yourself at this time, and it didn’t make any sense.

He thought: It’s better to be perish together! Didn’t you frame me? Say I am a layered pupil? Well, I am a layered pupil, but so are you!

“You want to die so much, you just want to kill my mouth and seal my mouth!”

Mark had several knives in his body, bleeding all over his body, and still shouting hoarsely With.

The people around me got together more and more, shocked by what he explained.

There are many people from the real layered pupil faction. After all, Carmen and Luo Yan gathered in Egypt, and the Three Great Families responded. Many people have actually joined the so-called layered pupil faction, and they are now on the island.

Wearing the scene of Mark being siege, several Onassis family sentinels whispered each other: “This Mark is from Luo Yan, right? This guy has been exposed. Will it break our tomorrow’s major? event?”

“No, didn’t you see that he was well-measured? He was talking about it, but in fact he pointed to Brando and Kidd without mentioning Luo Yan.”

“Yes, Brando’s aim at Luo Yan is definitely not from the layered pupil faction. He is clambering and biting.”

“What should I do? Do you want to save him? It is Dashuai Luo after all. People!”

“He is now clambering and biting, just don’t want to be killed on the spot, we can complete him.”

Several sentinels negotiated and jumped out to block the guards. Captain’s knife.

“What is he saying? Is it true? Are you killing your mouth? Ah? In front of so many of us! On this Shengqing Island, killing people in a majestic place?” Onassis family The sentry roared.

A few other brothers also took the lead in making a fuss, pulling a few ignorant people, and accusing a few guards.

On the other side, Mark struggled to get up, but when he saw a corner of the onlookers, he secretly gave way.

A sentry winked at him and motioned to him not to run?

Mark froze for a moment, and immediately drilled towards the seam and fleeed desperately.

“Hey! People are gone!” Some people shouted, wanting to take it down.

After all, being suspicious is suspicious, but Mark can never let go.

However, several sentries pretended to catch up with each other, dragging and covering each other a few times, dragging time.

When the guards and a few helping people catch up again, Mark has already got into the alley.

“Here! Chase it!”

Mixed with this matter to help arrest people, at least it is also an S grade, and Mark was seriously injured, dripping blood all the way, and couldn’t get rid of it. Drop.

He ran wildly in the alley, and often within a few seconds, he found that the intersection in front of him was blocked, forcing him to find another way.

It is really surrounded by enemies, there is no way to escape!

On the fourth time he found that someone was blocking the road, there was no other way to change, and he was completely desperate.

The person who blocked the road suddenly winked at him, and hummed in a low voice, “pu, go!”

“Uh?” Mark startled, quickly Drilled past the man.

I saw the man pretending to weaken, as if he had received a heavy blow, and he did not hinder him in any way.

Even the other way round, when the chasing soldiers behind, they deliberately stuck in the middle of the road and wailed in the way, giving him some time.

“What’s the situation?”

Mark hasn’t recollected yet. After running out of several dozen meters, he ran into a dead end.

There were the voices of chasing soldiers from the front, back and left.

At this moment, a door behind him opened and a strange sentry pulled him into the house.

“Go to the second floor, jump out of the window, and run north!” The sentry said as he pushed him up the stairs, and he touched Mark’s waist with an iron pellet, and then pointed at his cheek Poke fiercely.

“Pu chi!” The sentry covered his cheek, with blood covering his hands and face.

Mark was dumbfounded and asked: “Wait a minute! Which department of yours, why save me?”

The man whispered: “Nonsense, Luo Yan is our Shuai…you can run away and talk, don’t talk nonsense.”

Mark is suddenly surprised.

Sure enough, Luo Yan is his only savior! Luo Yan must know that he was wronged. He heard that he was chased by Kidd, so he immediately sent someone to rescue him.

When Mark heard someone kicking the door open, he quickly jumped out of the second floor window.

He ran to the north and found someone blocking the intersection.

One of the guards was about to shout, but his neck was broken by a passerby behind him.

“Which way to go, don’t worry, there are brothers everywhere.” The passerby Nunuzui, then left without looking back.

In this way, Mark ran all the way to the edge of the port area. There were people everywhere to help. After all, Mark’s affairs were so big that everyone who lived here basically knew.

At least 10% of the people who live here are from the layered pupil faction.

They said that Dashuai Luo’s person was exposed, how could this be possible? What if tomorrow’s major event is broken?

In fact, the best way is to get rid of it, but it is Luo Yan after all. The fighters of the so-called layered pupil faction all pretend to be’Mengxin’.

And Luo Yan is who? The layered pupil is the leader of the faction. He is known to hold longevity medicine. Now he is the commander-in-chief of the rebel army, and even Carmen is his deputy.

He doesn’t speak, how dare these young people get rid of his old men without authorization? Heaven knows Mark is now exposed to be hunted down, is it part of the plan of Luo Yan and other high-level people?

The layered pupil newcomers, of course, dare not save themselves, so they secretly provide some convenience one by one to help Mark escape.

In this way, with the help of a large group of spy, Mark miraculously got rid of the chaser!

“Luo Yan is awesome! As expected of Mursa’s deathbed trust, I didn’t find the wrong person! Only he can save me!”

Mark escaped from the dead and grabbed the last one The sentry who helped him asked: “Take me to Luo Yan, I have important things to give to him!”

The sentry said bitterly: “Don’t be silly, there will be a major event tomorrow, today We all have to stay honestly in the port area. Now that the north-south border is divided, Luo Yan lives in the south, and we are in the north. You are in this status now, so you can’t get through.”

Mark doesn’t know what rebellion, listen to him.’ Major event’, thought it was a pilgrimage meeting that pointed to the sky.

“Can you see him tomorrow?” Mark asked.

“Of course, what is your important thing? If it is particularly urgent, you will give it to me, and I will find a way to pass it through.” The sentry said.

Mark took out his glasses, the sentry recognized that the craft was Luo Yan’s handwriting.

After all, the overwhelming majority middle and high-level managers know that Luo Yan has technology in his hands and likes to make some high-tech glasses.

“Is it this?”

Mark solemnly nodded and said: “Listen, must personally hand it to Luo Yan and tell him that this is Mursa’s relic.”

“Okay! Leave it to me, you hide in the room and take care of your injuries.” The sentry took it away and said.

Mark watched him leave, feeling relieved, lying in a room, feeling but having a worry.

However, he had only rested for half an hour, and there was a movement of guards searching outside.

He secretly took a look, it turned out that Kidd led the team, looking for him from house to house.

“Fuck! This beast wants to kill me. I can’t die in his hands before Luo Yan clarifies me.” Mark secretly thought.

Otherwise, Mursa’s end-of-life entrustment was completed, but he died, which of course would not work.

Mark sneaked out of the window, but he didn’t run far and was spotted by the guards.

This is Shengqing Island, there are eyeliners everywhere, and he wants to sneak in secretly and is almost impossible.

“Mark?” Suddenly, one person jumped down from the stairs. It was Bayland.

Mark looked at him and quickly nodded.

Bayland took him to the runway: “I won’t kill you, follow me!”

After hearing this, Mark thought that this was Luo Yan’s person, and he was immediately empowered. Cooperate with him to escape!


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