The Omniscient

Chapter 293

At dusk, basically the pilgrims have arrived, and the port area is full of people. It has never been as lively as today.

Overseas, a large cruise ship is approaching. It is the ship carrying the Yishen. Carmen, Luo Yan, and Huang Ji are also on board.

Huang Ji stood on the deck and looked far away, and found a yacht following behind him. He slightly smiled and controlled the communicator on the ship to send a signal.

The yacht behind them is Mark’s boat.

Mark leaned on the railing and looked at the big cruise ship, and patted the railing excitedly.

“Wait until you! Finally waited for you, Luo Yan!”

Mark has arrived long ago, and he passed the three hundred nautical miles restricted sea zone through the verification code on the invitation letter .

However, he didn’t at all go to the island. After all, he pretended to be a criminal. As a wanted criminal, he was unable to land through normal procedures.

So for several hours, he was all in the sea, waiting for Luo Yan, and wanted to intercept him halfway.

He knew that Luo Yan was going to escort the Wingshen, and it must be a big ship, and the flag would be Egypt.

Sure enough, I waited for him, and when he saw the big cruise ship far away, he immediately ordered the yacht to catch up.

But what he didn’t know was that the mantis stalks the cicada, the oriole was on the side, and someone was also watching him.

“It’s really Mark!”

800 meters away, Mischa put down the Telescope and ordered the own yacht to catch up with Mark’s boat.

He held the right hand in his left hand, set up the knife, and kept himself in a ready-to-draw posture.

“It’s so hard to find you, Mark…” Mischa’s cold face was solemn as iron, killing intent Ling Ran.

Since the New York war, Mischa has been looking for Mark. For half a year, he rushed to wherever there was news. He almost blocked Mark several times, but he still let him run away. .

In the end, the news of Mark was lost in Texas, and was never found again.

This time he came to the pilgrimage, he just came and walked through the scene, but unexpectedly, halfway, his ship suddenly received a distress signal, claiming to be a shipman, saying that an Ascendant was killing wantonly on the ship .

This makes Mischa very strange, who would dare to kill in the Sea Territory of Shengqing Island? Still an Ascendant?

Because he had been thinking about finding Mark, he suddenly thought that Mark was also an Ascendant. Then, like a ghost, he went to the coordinates sent by the caller.

Sure enough, he saw a yacht and Mark was on the deck!

Mischa didn’t beat the grass to scare the snake, and kept chasing it. Now it is only more then 500 meters away from Mark.

No defect, no faction, can make him hate Mark so much.

It was he who saw Mark kill Besib with his own eyes. Only for this, Mischa went to Qiongbi and fell to Yellow Springs and wanted revenge.

Mark is chasing Luo Yan’s boat, and Mischa is chasing Mark’s boat.

Mischa did not shy away from bumping into him, and Mark naturally noticed it. After looking back, he recognized Mischa.

“en? It’s him…”

Mark grumbled in his heart, knowing that he was exposed after all, and a fierce battle is inevitable.

“bang!” Mischa’s ship fiercely crashed into it, and at the same time, it jumped and came to Mark’s deck.

However, it hasn’t landed yet, and a missile comes with great strength, which is Mark’s housekeeping skill.

“clang!” Mischa Blade Technique is still so fast. With his reaction, he volleyed through the missile and shook it into flight.

Mark didn’t advance or retreat, he stretched his distance and fired missiles like a cannon in his mouth.

Mischa pulled out a short blade from his waist with his left hand, dinged a few times and blocked the missile.

“I haven’t seen it in half a year, I have improved a lot.” Mark said, and he poured many iron pellets into his throat.

The ships that can enter the Sea Territory of Shengqing Island have no weapons. Mark used long-range attacks to suppress Mischa for a while.

But that’s all, shooting like a cannon, the formidable power will be much smaller, and Mischa can block it with a left-handed knife.

The two are deadlocked. As long as Mischa rushes forward, Mark immediately shoots a series of shots, forcing him to concentrate on blocking.

Slightly carelessly, getting hit by a round is actually the same as being hit by a bullet.

“Do you still dare to come to the pilgrimage? It’s so bold!” Mischa said, and found many bodies on the yacht.

There were many ordinary persons on this ship, but Mark has killed them all.

“Sure enough, this ship called for help…” Mischa thought.

He didn’t know, Mark was staring on the boat, who could call for help under his nose?

Mark wanted to look around on the deck to search for ships that might contain Luo Yan, so he couldn’t guard those who sailed, and was afraid they would report them, so he simply killed them all.

But didn’t expect, it was still exposed, and Mischa came to the door.

Mark said: “Why not dare come here? Do you really think I am a rebel? I bear the humiliation, just to find out the real rebellion, you know what a fart!”

” Mischa, don’t get in the way here, I advise you to stop and let me see Luo Yan, then everything will naturally come to light.”

“Hey…” Mischa smiled.

Mark said seriously: “Luo Yan is on the boat ahead, don’t you believe me, come with me!”

Mischa coldly said: “Whether you are a rebel or not, I will kill you and avenge my brother!”

“Slot…” Mark gritted his teeth.

He did kill Besib, but the opponent attacked him first.

But Mischa has said so, he knows that there is no point in talking nonsense.

“You think you can kill me, it’s not that simple!” Mark pulled out a half-meter long sword from behind.

“Do you still use a sword?” Mischa said with contempt.

Mark smiled and took a step forward and said: “Try it…let you get the knife first!”

“Sa!” Mischa stepped forward, making an instant supersonic slash !

Unexpectedly, Mark directly threw the dagger in his hand as a flying knife.

At the same time, a projectile was ejected from the mouth, hitting the tail section of the flying knife, directly causing the flying knife to disguise in midair, bypassing Mischa’s slash, and piercing Mischa’s shoulder.

“Pu chi!”

The stabbing is a stabbing, but the formidable power is normal, and the flying knife is only stuck in the meat. Mischa is not a big problem.

In contrast, Mischa’s slash is more subtle than before.

In the past, he only knew how fast, the formidable power was more than enough, but his skills were insufficient. Later, after Huang Ji’s play and the stimulation of Brother’s death, he worked hard for the past six months. do as one pleases change the direction of the slash.

Seeing that Mark still didn’t plan to fight him close, instead he threw a knife.

The corners of Mischa’s mouth are slightly tilted, and his body actually follows the slashing force of own, spinning forward, cutting spirally like a whirlwind.

Keep the speed of the knife by turning, and still charge under the feet, and immediately slam in front of Mark, and cut Mark from the right chest to the left waist!



Mark was hit hard by this, screamed, and walked back in again and again Cabin.

He quickly found the medicine cabinet and treated the wound for himself, otherwise the intestines would almost leak out.

“Today is your death date!” Mischa walked into the cabin and said.

Suddenly, his face was blue, his legs were soft and he knelt on the ground, dizzy, and his body crooked again, leaning against the wall.

“hehe… funny, I tried my best to pierce you with a sword, do you think it just made you bleed?” Mark said with a smile.

“This sword is poisonous…” Mischa expression was frustrated, dizzy and nauseous, in a trance, and difficulty breathing.

“Sodium cyanide…hehe, will you rest in peace…huh?” Mark said, suddenly heard the noise outside.

He hurriedly poked his head out of the cabin to see that there was another ship coming.

The two ships here collided and were about to sink. Naturally, they were discovered by other ships in the distance and came to rescue.

It was also a yacht, but it seemed to be just some Captain class guards.

“What’s the matter? How did it crash? Brother is okay, come to our boat.” A Guard Captain shouted.

The Sea Territory around Shengqing Island, within 300 nautical miles, will only be his own, and they are all ships that have reviewed the invitation letter.

So the guard didn’t suspect he was there, so he called brother directly.

“Ah this… there was an accident. Whoops, my stomach…” Mark covered his wound, ran out of the cabin and jumped towards the opposite ship.

The guard looked up, only to see Mark’s appearance a bit familiar.

The lower the level of people, the more they will pay attention to the arrest warrant. After all, they are pointing to this for meritorious service and making money.

Keren needs a reaction time after all, and Mark has already moved to kill him. He jumped into the air and shot an iron bullet in his mouth, directly heading him.

“Ah!” The other fighters were shocked, but they were all only A and B levels. Even though Mark was seriously injured, he would kill them one after another.

However, this interruption gave Mischa a chance.

Although he was poisoned by lethal poison, after all, physique is different from ordinary people, and coupled with the poison on the sword, it will lead to a small intake. Mischa will not die for a while. Three 40% minutes.

While Mark was going to deal with others, Mischa struggled to press the communicator in the cabin and used Wireless Electronics to call for help.

“…I am Ascendant Mischa, Sea Territory on St. Ching Island found the rebellious Mark. He is going to find Luo Yan…I found out…”

“I hit and sank His ship…uh…but I was hit by sodium cyanide and I couldn’t take it down…please support! Request support!”

Mischa called, this is a broadcast, the entire Sea Territory Including Shengqing Island, all Wireless Electronics radio equipment has been received.

The security personnel at the port were in an uproar. Brando and Adams naturally received the news immediately, but they were waiting in a private palace in the temple area, waiting for Arona’s reception. Can’t rush to deal with it.

So Brando asked Bayland to return to the port first to see what happened.

“This Mark actually appeared. This is Luo Yan’s person. In the Santa Fe incident, Luo Yan took him with him… Didn’t you go to Egypt and didn’t take it? At this moment, he actually asked him to come and go with him. Luo Yan meets…”

“hmph, what a great opportunity! He must know many things about the layered pupil faction. If he caught him, it is ironclad proof. Luo Yan can’t argue with a hundred words.”

“Bayland , Be sure to catch him alive, don’t let him fall into the hands of others, let alone let him die!”

Brando wants to see Arona, and can’t get away, so he lets Bayland go.

However, on the other side, Kidd’s face in the Port Building changed drastically.

“Mark? Hey, Luo Yan didn’t act secretly. He came to Shengqing Island to rebel, and he even brought Mark’s identity to be exposed! He was discovered…”

Kid secretly scolded Luo Yan as a rebel! Rebelling against such a big thing, acting so rough!

People like Mark are most wanted in the world. They are the obvious rebels. Luo Yan should be dealt with as soon as possible so as not to get evidence. Even if he didn’t want to kill, he should hide it well, and even let him come to Shengqing Island to meet.

It’s fine now, and it’s broadcasted after being discovered.

Kid quickly approached Granny and asked him to take someone to capture Mark.

“No…it’s not an arrest, this kind of wanted rebellion, don’t talk nonsense, kill it on the spot!” Kidd said.

Granni said in command: “Understood, but Luo Yan has arrived.”

“Forget it, I’ll go to Mark, you go to receive Luo Yan, what’s the matter Report to me immediately.” Kidd said.

He dignified the powerhouse of S4 and went to catch an S2 personally, but he did not believe that he was immortal.


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