The Omniscient

Chapter 287

In the mansion of the local richest man in Dallas, Texas, Mark completed today’s training in sweat.

He is sitting on the sofa, chewing on an iron ball, and playing with Mursa’s glasses in his hands.

Since he escaped from New York, he was displaced and came to Texas.

Mark has an old relationship with Pique, the richest man in Dallas, and his father is a good friend.

This time I learned that Mark had been wronged by rebellion, so he flees here desperately and has nowhere to stay. Pick decisively took Mark in and covered his whereabouts.

With the acceptance of this local tyrant, Mark has not been found by Illuminati in just a few months.

Peak is also from Illuminati. He entertained Mark with delicious food and gave him refuge. If he is discovered, a crime of shelter is indispensable. It can be said that this person is still very loyal.

“en?” Mark heard the movement and looked towards the door, and saw the richest man Uncle walk in with a smile.

Peak is already over fifty. At the moment, wearing a sports suit, he is full of energy and skin folds are reduced. It looked like he was ten years younger, and Mark almost didn’t recognize it.

“Uncle, why are you younger?” Mark exclaimed.

Pike mysteriously said with a smile: “What medicine did I take, can’t you see it?”

Mark sucked in a breath of cold air, which means ……Longevity medicine?

“Longevity medicine has been issued? How many have I missed these days of evacuation?” Mark suddenly got up.

Before Pique told him that Santa Fe was destroyed, he was already shocked. Seeing Pique was ten years younger at this moment, naturally there was a feeling that the times had changed.

Peak told him: “This medicine was not issued by the organization. Since the fall of Santa Fe, the organization’s longevity medicine is nowhere in sight… But the layered pupil faction is different…”

After that, he took out a badge. Mark saw that the logo was a bit like All Seeing Eye, but it was a pupil.

Mark complexion changed: “The rebellious faction has successfully developed longevity medicine? But Uncle, why are you ten years younger?”

“This medicine has no side effects, anyone All can be injected, divided into 50 sessions, each of which can prolong life by ten years, and the effect is immediate. If the 50th period is Perfect, it will be equivalent to 500 years more lifespan!” Pique excitedly said.

500 years is not short, think about how many things have happened to human beings in the past 500 years? The two Han dynasties are only four hundred years old together! 500 years lifespan can make Magellan live to this day!

Moreover, these 500 years are definitely enough for people to develop better longevity medicine and continue to extend lifespan.

So it doesn’t matter how much life is prolonged. The important thing is to live first and continue to live on. The times are advancing, and longevity medicine will get better and better.

“Uncle…Are you from the layered pupil faction?” Mark said quietly.

Pick said with a smile: “I am not. This is someone who delivered the medicine directly to my hand. After that person left the medicine, he gave me a badge and left. “

Mark frowns saying: “He didn’t ask you to do anything?”

Peak shook his head and said: “No, it’s just to deliver medicine. Only those who wear layered pupil badges It’s from their faction.”

“This medicine was given for free…Neither ask me for money nor do anything.”

Mark coldly snorted and said:” Uncle! How can there be a free lunch in the world? They are using longevity medicine to control you!”

Pique laughed dumbfounded. He has been working in business for so many years, how can he not know the truth?

There are fifty issues of longevity medicine, and they only give him the first issue to increase his life by ten years. What’s the point? What really gets me deep is hope, which is the next 49 issues.

But this is a scheming strategy. It has a ten-year increase in life expectancy. It is immediate and it is given to him for nothing. If not? That is naturally necessary.

“Mark, longevity medicine has been released, and it is the realization of Illuminati’s long-cherished wish for thousands of years. This is a great achievement. Everyone is Illuminati. How can this be called control!” Pique said. He didn’t say directly that the layered pupil faction was orthodox.

They, these rich men, join Illuminati to figure out… Isn’t it longevity?

Mark heard this and said angrily: “If you get this medicine, you should hand it over to the organization, maybe the organization can analyze and copy, and create a better version.”

“You…you actually ate it by yourself! Uncle, don’t tell me, you want to join the rebellion?”

Peak got stuck, he wondered if Mark was a loyal minister?

In his opinion, isn’t the layered pupil faction also from Illuminati? It’s not betraying the Lord, I care about what that many do!

But in Mark’s view, this is a very serious matter of principle. After receiving the badge and medicine, Pique is a member of the layered pupil faction. This organization first destroyed Mursa and then destroyed Santa Fe. It was obviously going to rebel. How could it follow?

Peak said: “Mark, now that the layered pupil faction has longevity medicine, it is already unstoppable. It is only a matter of time before Illuminati changes to the sky.”

“They came to me and they also fancy. Because of my value, it’s all Illuminati anyway. Who do you want to mix with? Mark, you should have made plans long ago.”

Mark immediately said, “What else do I plan? The rebellious silverfish framed and killed him! Mursa was killed by the rebels, and when he died, he trusted me. If I betray the organization, do I still need to hide here today!”

Protecting Mursa’s dying glasses, I can’t believe the…the so-called Illuminati staff who have been looking for him these months.

Brando was looking for him everywhere, if it weren’t for Pique to take him in, cover him, and lie to his head, he would have been caught back long ago.

Mark squinted: “If I fall into the hands of the rebels like Brando, I will definitely die. They framed me for killing Mursa. Now only these glasses can prove my innocence! And I have to find it. Luo Yan…”

Now Mark already knows that Mursa’s Chinese character is’罗’, that is to say, this is for him to give his glasses to a person named Luo.

This’Luo’, when Mark found out that it was a Chinese character that could be used as a surname, he immediately thought of who it was. After all, there is only one surnamed Luo in the entire upper-middle class of Illuminati, and that is Luo Yan.

Mark believes that as long as he finds Luo Yan and hands the glasses to the other party intact, he can prove his innocence and rebel against him.

Peak said suspiciously: “I heard some rumors that Luo Yan is the rebellion, and Brando is the Chief-In-Charge investigating this matter. How could it be rebellion?”

Not everyone can know the details of Mursa’s death and the capture of Santa Fe. The Pique level is not in place, so naturally they don’t know the details.

That is the name of the layered pupil faction, as well as some of the opposition between Brando and Luo Yan, from top to bottom, some rumors spread.

As for whether Luo Yan was rebellious or not, how did he rebellious… People like them know too little, and they don’t know.

Mark excitedly said: “How can you believe one-sided words! That group of people can frame me, naturally they can frame Luo Yan. There must be hard evidence that Luo Yan can still be well now? Canon punishment?”

“Luo Yan and I are both loyal ministers who have been planted and framed. At the moment, the rebellious trend is large and the roots are intricate, making it difficult to distinguish the enemy from us.”

“heaven knows How many eyeliners do they have at Illuminati…Uncle, all I can rely on is you. If you join the layered pupil faction, where do you put me?”

Peak sighed: “They frame you, yes Because you are not one of them, if you join them, naturally you don’t have to hide.”

“Who knows, Luo Yan did not compromise?”

Mark Angrily said: “Shut up! Pique, rebellion is rebellion, longevity medicine is orthodox? Where is the fallacy? They secretly developed this medicine, but they also want to destroy the organization’s research and development progress and destroy Santa Fe, which is sinister!”

“They are powerful now, but they are clowns. The Sword Hand are in charge of theocracy. If they don’t jump out, they will be that’s all. If they dare to expose, Otis will go down and be destroyed!”

Seeing his anger, Pique didn’t seem to be false in his words, so he called himself by his name, and he didn’t dare to say any more.

Mark is also an Ascendant with great strength. He is angry here. Where can he resist this normal person?

“Yes, you are right! Mark, I was almost obsessed!” Pique said quickly.

Mark’s face was a little slow when he saw this, said solemnly: “Uncle, you should report the matter immediately. You are definitely not the only one who received longevity medicine. You have to ask your boss to conduct a thorough investigation, and all those who are contacted Get it out! Maybe many people have injected directly like you. If anyone looks a lot younger, it’s useless not to admit it!”

Pick feels bitter, and he is one of the users. First, the people who got the medicine didn’t say anything, and the collective tacit understanding of concealing it, and even a little disguise in appearance, naturally nothing happened.

I want to know, that is the future.

But if he reports the matter and asks the boss to conduct a thorough investigation, the makeup is useless, everyone will be caught.

The ghost knows what to do with them, and secondly, this is too to offend the person. He, a rich man, is just the middle Illuminati, who has received the medicine.

It is conceivable that the entire Illuminati may have received most of the upper-middle level. If others don’t tell me, he risked it. Even if the organization leaves a way out and does not discipline him, he will not be in the future. It will be better.

The layered pupil faction must have a battle with the Sword Hand. If we win, it’s good to say. If the sky changes in the end and the layered pupil faction wins, what will he do?

Anyway, the person who delivered the medicine didn’t have any requirements, he was the best choice as a fencer.

“You are right! I will report this, don’t worry. Come on, let’s go eat first.” Pique said in his mouth, but he didn’t intend to say it. Anyway, Mark Now I am in asylum, and there is no channel to learn about outside information.

I was able to deal with it this way, but on the 2nd day, Pique received another shocking news.

“The Pilgrimage Conference!” Pique looked at the invitation letter sent by the organization.

Mark also saw it, and hurriedly asked: “Will Luo Yan go?”

“Of course, Luo Yan is one of the heroes who found sacred relic. He and Carmen will Bring someone to personally escort the Wing God to the island. At that time, all those who have nothing to do with their bodies and are above Level 20 can go to the island.” Pique said.

Shengqing Island is the real headquarters, the earth and heaven, not everyone can go.

The special situation of the pilgrimage conference allows many people who are not qualified to go, and Pique is one of them.

Mark level is enough, but he is now wanted.

“I must go! Uncle, I dormant for half a year, this is the best opportunity!” Mark excitedly said.

He knew he was going to find Luo Yan, but how could anyone know Luo Yan’s whereabouts? Pique can’t help in this regard, so Mark clearly has goals, but he doesn’t know where to find Luo Yan.

Now, there is a pilgrimage meeting, Luo Yan will definitely go, and Sword Hand will be there by then.

He Mark and must at the conference proved that the owner is innocent, and exposed Brando and other rebellious faces to Sword Hand.

When the time comes, the proof is as strong as a mountain. There are so many experts on the island, just in front of the sacred relic, to eliminate the rebellion!


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