The Omniscient

Chapter 286

Carmen originally thought about this rebellion, survived, grew his lifespan for hundreds of years, and then became a Sword Hand. This is also elated.

But now, he has changed his mind. Carmen is unwilling to be only a marginal Sword Hand in the future. If the lord of the layered pupil is a weak chicken, a mortal, then he is even more dissatisfied.

He decided to make friends with the fighting faction in the layered pupil faction. After the rebellion, he turned Illuminati into the fighting sect of the fighting faction, and then figured out a way to master the refining of longevity medicine. Then he will only have it after Carmen Real power.

If Fez and Saxon are both dead, then he must be the boss.

There is no doubt that Luo Yan is a martial arts faction. As S4, he must be a pivotal veteran in the layered pupil faction.

Now the two are the first to gather righteousness. Carmen directly said that’the future belongs to you and me alone’, just to start with Luo Yan, step by step to raise the master of the layered pupil.

Mengxin said this is that’s all, it can be said that he is joking, not knowing the situation. But when the veteran said this, he must be very ambitious and unwashed.

It’s a coincidence that in the hearts of Carmen and Luo Yan, they both thought they were a new faction, and the other party was a veteran…

Luo Yan heard Carmen say that, the wine glass flickered , Stormy sea in my heart: Good fellow, dare you say this! I am Mengxin, you can say that in front of me, but Hua Ji is standing next to you!

Hua Ji is an eyeliner, behind which is the master of the layered pupil. Only Luo Yan knows this.

Sure enough, Hua Ji smiled softly, stared at Carmen behind his back for a moment, and then looked towards Luo Yan again with a meaningful expression in his eyes.

This stare made Luo Yan a silent mourning for Carmen in his heart. The lord of the layered pupil is on guard against him, it is true, wild ambition. I am afraid that when the overall situation of the rebellion is timed, it will be Carmen’s death.

At this point, Luo Yan completely let go of his nervousness and worries about joining the layered pupil faction.

Originally, he was fighting against Carmen, but he was always muttering in his heart. He was humble before, but he instinctively lowered his position.

But now he sees through. Although he is a newcomer to the faction, he is supported by the Lord of Layered Pupils behind him, and there is Hua Ji, a hidden powerhouse in front of him.

As soon as the Morgan family arrives, he will have no fewer people than Carmen. In addition, his strength is only one line behind, even if Carmen is a veteran? Afraid of a fart!

The following night, Carmen was wooing Luo Yan to connect.

Luo Yan has become more and more assertive, and he has directly started to deploy a battle plan. As a veteran, Carmen has no opinion at all!

“Carmen…Your position is higher than mine. You acquiesced to me to deploy the battle plan. Isn’t this giving me the power at hand?” Luo Yan secretly said in one’s heart.

At the same time, he feels that Carmen’s plan is too big, and he even exalts himself so much and draws in such a newcomer.

“Really…Don’t you know that my wife is in the hands of others?”

Luo Yan saw through Carmen and jumped out of the vicious circle. Play as a boss.

Luo Yan is alone in Carmen’s nest before his men arrive.

But even so, he still dared to stand up against Carmen, and even dignifiedly instructed several teams under Carmen to do things.

Those brothers have seen Luo Yan distribute longevity medicine. As long as Carmen is not angry, they will naturally not refuse to work for Luo Yan.

So far, after two days, Luo Yan found that he could use Carmen’s people casually. As long as Eminem, Said, and Hua Ji remain untouched.

One time when he greeted Eminem, Luo Yan noticed that Carmen’s face had changed. So far, Luo Yan tested out Carmen’s bottom line and decided to stop.

Knowing the bottom line in this way, Luo Yan firmly established his footing. After the Morgan family arrived, the two armies became one. Luo Yan and Carmen fought against each other, and even seemed to be dominant.

“Interesting! I just joined the layered pupil faction, so I have such a big say!” Luo Yan felt alive.

How did he know that in Carmen’s eyes, Luo Yan did this as it should be by rights.

What kind of person is Luo Yan? If it weren’t for him to say that there is a layered pupil, many people thought he was the founder of the layered pupil faction!

Brando’s accusations against him are well known in the highest-ranking circles.

Everyone knows that Brando wants to chop Luo Yan. If it is not for fear of bad influence, but also wants to put a long line to catch a big fish, Brando really intends to abuse the sword of light once, and bring Luo Yan to the right place. .

Now Luo Yan has taken out longevity medicine on hand, which is even more of a limelight, a determined layered pupil.

Everyone thinks it is normal to listen to Luo Yan, only Luo Yan thinks it is the endorsement of the lord of layered pupil, plus Carmen’s praise.


March 17, which is the 3rd day when Carmen wears the layered pupil badge.

At this time, the layered pupil rebels are already a huge force.

In addition to the Medici and Morgan families, a third family also joined in. It was the family that had promised to support Eminem, the Onassis family.

There is a Sword Hand in this family! But he is old and he is just a mortal, and his body is weak and may not last for five years.

It can be said that the Sword Hand family that needs longevity medicine most urgently, so even the potential stocks like Eminem made crazy bets and looked for swordsmen everywhere.

The layered pupil rebellion is to block the news, so the Onassis family did not find out by themselves, but Eminem contacted them on the initiative and pulled them into the game.

This idea was created by Luo Yan. He rejected the consensus and allowed Eminem to contact the Onassis family. Using longevity medicine as the bait, he successfully expanded the team.

Luo Yan’s prestige has risen again, as if he is already an Alliance Leader of all influence, he has officially become the commander of the layered pupil faction for this action, known as Grand Commander Luo.

In this, Huang Ji naturally contributed.

He comes into contact with Luo Yan every day, and he gives up his face. He continuously tells him various information about the layered pupil faction, such as the output of longevity medicine, such as how many scientists secretly cultivated. For example, Mu Yuan is also a layered pupil faction. People…Call Drakonian and hide the communication method of the powerhouse…

So that Luo Yan can respond to the inquiries from various parties and attract the battle strength secretly cultivated by the layered pupil faction.

Luo Yan does not doubt, because Huang Ji is using him to suppress Carmen. Behind it is the instruction of the master of layered pupil. Luo Yan is just a puppet.

However, since he has stepped out of this step, he doesn’t mind being in the air. He knows that the more he does this, the safer Zoe is.

Not only that, but he can also do his best to be the president, dragging this critical period of survival as far back as possible.

“I’m being put on a fire, and the only thing I can do for the organization is to continuously’consult the long-term plan’ and’step by step’…”

Luo Yan was entangled in his heart, for Because of his love and his own safety, he can only go to the dark with the layered pupil faction and capture Shengqing Island!

For the sake of loyalty, he wants to stop this rebellion and at least save the president Fro.

In fact, Luo Yan is not familiar with Fro. Before, when Fro was not even Sword Hand, he had said several times, but that was all.

But then Fro became the president and broke an unwritten rule, that is, the three major potions are not only for white people, as long as they meet the standards.

Because of this bill, people of color such as Luo Yan can now have a place in the top Illuminati.

Although the two are unfamiliar, Luo Yan regards him as the man who truly brought Illuminati into the new era, and he respects him very much.

Luo Yan believes that the Illuminati in his heart, if there is no President Fro, then it is not the real Illuminati, and this is not home.

“Luo Yan, can’t drag it anymore, other Sword Hand’s have already noticed it. If it drags on, it will not be a surprise attack but a bloody battle.” Huang Ji and Luo Yan said in a room alone.

Luo Yan also knows that he can’t hold on any longer.

Fez has already begun to question Carmen: Why hasn’t the sacred relic sent to St. Qing Island?

Sacred relic won’t work, so don’t study it first, take it back and show it to Sword Hand. It’s been three days, haven’t you sent it?

So it can’t be delayed, and now it happens to take advantage of the east wind escorting sacred relic to send the elite to Shengqing Island.

Onassis Sword Hand, after joining the layered pupil faction, made a proposal to hold a pilgrimage meeting the day after tomorrow, allowing all members above Level 20 to land on Shengqing Island.

In this way, the layered pupil army can go to the island in the name of paying homage to the sacred relic and assist in combat.

When Dragon-Tiger meets, all Sword Hand will be there. And because there were mental arithmetic and unintentional, it was a surprise attack, and there were a few Great Family and high-level ghosts, so the powerhouse of the layered pupil faction would be there that day, and other powerhouses would be scattered around the world by them as much as possible, and they could not rush to the pilgrimage meeting that day. .

The win rate is huge when one trades down.

“In this factional battle, neither side will regress, and one side must perish. If the Sword Hand cannot be solved instantly and the beheading is completed, the people are plunged into an abyss of misery. “Huang Ji said.

Luo Yan nodded and said: “I understand, we will set off tomorrow, the pilgrimage meeting the day after tomorrow, the final battle!”

“By the way, Drakonian will really listen to me?”


Huang Ji said with a slight smile: “That’s not necessarily true, but if you let them kill someone, they will definitely kill it.”

“Oh…” Luo Yan said.


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