The Omniscient

Chapter 288

Mark is a wanted man. He wants to go, but there is no invitation letter.

So as soon as his request came out, it was obvious that he wanted an invitation letter from Pique!

Although he had to verify his identity when he landed on the island, he couldn’t pretend to be, but there was an invitation letter, and at least his ship could enter the port safely.

Shengqing Island is located in the southern Pacific Ocean. There are cannons and missile launching stations on the island, and there are patrol fleets around it. Not everyone can approach it.

If Mark does not have an invitation letter, let alone go to the island, he will be stopped and driven away if he can’t even see it.

If he can get close to Shengqing Island, he will have a chance to meet Luo Yan. After all, Luo Yan’s fleet must be grandiose, very conspicuous.

“Uncle, give me this invitation letter! I hold the truth about Mursa’s death, and I am going to do a major event! It’s about the safety of the organization!” Mark said.

Pique was helpless, what could he say, he had to say: “You do a major event, of course I will not stop, but you are wanted, hiding in my place, it’s good to say, if you are caught by Illuminati’s eyeliner on the road What can I do if I find it?”

Dezhou is inland, and the journey to Shengqing Island is far away, and the unevenness of the road was discovered. It is important to know that Pique’s men are mostly Illuminati.

Mark firmly said: “What are you afraid of! Everyone who sees me will be killed!”

Peak stopped and said with fear: “Don’t you even Do I want to kill too?”

Mark was stunned, and then shook his head: “Uncle, don’t think about it, I mean kill all the outsiders. Let’s go more hidden, you choose some Bring the people who need to be removed, and I will help you get rid of them when they are used up.”

Peak frowned and said, “Those men have been with me for a long time, you… so, if you don’t believe them , I arrange a container, so you can hide in it without showing up. Use my private jet to fly to the sea first, and then change the cruise ship to St. Ching Island.”

“Along the way, if you don’t touch outsiders, just Stay in the box, wait until the Sea Territory of Shengqing Island, and you will find Luo Yan again.”

Mark nodded and said: “Alright, then please Uncle.”

Pique said it was easy to handle, so he walked out of the room and found someone to arrange the matter.

He called his subordinates to bring the small container, and ordered them to make the layout more comfortable.

Mark lay in it, the small container made it look like a portable house. It had everything and was very comfortable.

Actually, he doesn’t care about this. It’s not that he can’t endure hardship. He has escaped from New York all the way. He has even drilled in the biogas tank and slept in the sewer. What is this?

I went to Shengqing Island to participate in the pilgrimage meeting. Mark was both excited and nervous.

He was so excited that he finally found a chance to repay his innocence and even eliminate rebellion. But there were many difficulties, and he was afraid that he would be taken down halfway before he saw Luo Yan, and he would be killed under the stigma of rebellion.

Mark keeps thinking and thinking.

“Huh, the airtightness is really good. When the door is closed, the outside sound is gone…”

Mark was lying on the bed, only feeling the silence inside the container.

But it was too silent, which gave him an ominous premonition, and he became more nervous.

“Why do I have to use a container? I don’t know what is happening outside…” Mark jumped off the bed and immediately pushed the door.

I found that the door had been locked, and suddenly smashed the iron door with anger.

“Dongdong dong!”

“Open the door! Open the door!”

Mark roared, but the door opened quickly, and it was Pique’s The private pilot is outside.

“Why lock the door!” Mark said while staring.

“Ready to go, don’t lock the door, I can’t put the box on the plane.” The pilot stupefied.

Mark blinked, looked left and right, and asked, “Where is Pique?”

“In the front yard,” said the pilot.

Mark nodded, came to the front yard mansion, Pique, as the richest man in the locality, covers an area of ​​hundreds of acres, and lives directly in the manor.

Gardens, playgrounds, airstrips… everything.

Mark walked over and saw Pique’s son head on.

For half a year in this refuge, outsiders can hide it, but Pique’s family is impossible to hide it, and everyone is familiar with it.

“Big brother, don’t you want to leave?” Pique’s son is in his twenties, only a little younger than Mark.

Mark brows slightly wrinkle said: “How do you know?”

“My dad said it.”

This makes Mark a little angry, what’s the matter? It’s easy to say, even if it’s a son, he shouldn’t say anything about going to the pilgrimage meeting.

It used to be that’s all. Now the layered pupil faction has delivered the medicine, and it has obviously been eyeing this house. What if Pique’s son reveals his whereabouts?

“Where is your dad?” Mark asked.

“Upstairs, calling!” Pique’s son pointed to the second floor.

Mark eyelids twitched, call?

He immediately went up to find Pique, and he saw Pique standing in a window on the second floor from afar, looking towards the gate of the manor, using his cell phone to talk.

Mark was about to call him, suddenly shut up, thinking about it and sneaking over.

He always felt that Pique wanted to join the layered pupil faction. Once he joined, he would inevitably betray himself and give himself to the layered pupil faction.

I saw Mark walking over and heard Pique say: “…I will leave it to you, I don’t care what to do with it.”

Mark heard this Words, furious.

“Dog thief! Go to hell!”

Pique was startled, and when he turned his head, he saw Mark slay in front of him with an angry face, hitting him with just one punch. He pierced his chest and blasted him against the wall!

“pu!” Pique’s eyes widened, blood splashed on the wall instantly, and the scarlet splash pattern was printed on the wall behind, like a flower of flesh and blood.

He moved his mouth slightly and wanted to talk, but he didn’t even breathe.

Mark indifferently said: “Those who turn away from the light must die!”

“…” Pick’s mouth trembled and he glared at Mark, but his face quickly faded. , No more sound.

Mark actually killed him with a punch.

“He has already called someone from the layered pupil faction…my whereabouts should be exposed…” Mark was annoyed. He looked at the phone in Pique’s hand and immediately grabbed it and put it in his ear. .

There was a voice on the phone: “Boss, what sound? Something exploded?”

“Speak, Boss…”

Mark frowned Pick, Boss? This is Pique’s men?

“It’s okay, Pique fell and is now going to bandage, he asked me to tell you, and quickly deal with Mark.” Mark said.

“Mark? What Mark? Didn’t it mean that all the employees on the cruise ship who are not their own should be sent to me, are they not allowed to stay on the ship?” The opposing subordinate said in astonishment.

Mark is more shocked, what? Not to expose him to the layered pupil faction, but to send away the ordinary employees on the cruise ship?

For this trip to Shengqing Island, are you on board?

“Then why do you want to deal with it?” Mark excitedly said.

The subordinate said: “I asked if I want to get rid of it directly, but he said he would leave it to me, and he doesn’t care how to deal with it…”

“fuck!” Mark shocked.

He looked towards Pique whose body was still printed on the wall, and his intestines were all regretful.

“Uncle, are you okay? Uncle…” Mark hung up and checked Pique, but he was obviously dead.

At this time, Pique’s son heard the sound and walked up: “What did it explode? I was shocked.”

When he walked up to see, his son was shocked. own Dad is sticking to the wall!

“Ah!” He rushed out of the house screaming in surprise.

Mark turned his head in a panic, his thoughts turned sharply, and he said that this matter must not be spread, otherwise he hasn’t reached Shengqing Island, I am afraid someone will intercept the own ship halfway.

“bang!” Mark exploded with an iron bullet in his mouth, which made Pique’s son a headshot.

He sighed, walked downstairs, and killed anyone.

Whether it is the driver or the security guard, Mark is able to get it done with a single punch.

More and more people came to hear the movement, but they were all killed by him.

“I’m sorry, what I’m going to do involves a lot of things, and you can only die here. For Illuminati, I can only sacrifice you.” Mark said.

He was looking for people to kill all over the house. They were all low-level Illuminati security guards who were killed by him alone.

In the end, the house was full of dead people, and it was confirmed that there would be no more alive.

He wiped his hands, checked around, closed all the curtains, walked out of the house and locked the door.

So, things here will not be discovered for a long time. After all, it is a remote and private estate.

He came to the airport in the backyard. At this time, the pilot was the last living person in the entire manor.

“Pick Uncle is not going, you can just take me on the boat.” Mark calmly said, as if nothing happened.

The pilot was nodded, and I didn’t ask too much. Pique had arranged all the way.

He was about to drive the crane over and put the container on the plane. Mark waved his hand: “No need.”

Said, Mark got on the plane directly.

A few hours later, the two took a plane to the beach. The pilot saw him boarding Pique’s private cruise ship and waved: “A good trip, I will return to my life first.”

“Oh…” Mark smiled nodded, and the bullet in his mouth was ready to go.

The pilot walked a few steps back, and just about to get on the plane, a projectile flew from several hundred meters, which directly penetrated his back heart.

He thumped and lay down in front of the plane.

But in this scene, no one on the cruise ship noticed.

Mark looked at everyone on the deck. They were all Illuminati people, but they were all low-level and belonged to Pique’s men.

One of them obviously recognized him, because the lower-level personnel prefer to pay attention to the arrest warrant.

Mark’s bounty can be 10,000,000!

For a while, several people who knew Mark were shiver coldly.

“Why are you stunned, sail!” Mark said coldly.

“Yes…” Being stared at by Mark, who would dare to report him in person?

In this way, Mark held a boat and headed to Shengqing Island.


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