The Omniscient

Chapter 285

In the evening, Carmen invited Luo Yan to a dinner.

This is a celebration banquet. All the participants are full and free to eat and drink.

Luo Yan came here alone, which is too late.

He saw that there was no one in front of Carmen’s wine table, so there was no room, so he walked up.

Luo Yan sat at the wine table, looking at Carmen on the opposite side, Huang Ji, Eminem, and Said on the left and right, and looking at the members of the layered pupil faction, with complicated thoughts.

When Carmen saw him coming, he held up the glass said with a smile: “First of all, celebrate the recovery of the sacred relic. Let’s make a toast.”

Everyone clinked their glasses and drank it.

Carmen put down the cup, said with a big smile: “Luo Yan, what do you think of what I said during the day?”

Luo Yan said with a smile: “Insight, big Brother, since it represents the will of the Lord, my younger brother should accompany him.”

“Okay, continue to Hah!” Carmen said yes, but he was very upset because Luo Yan was still playing with him.

Everyone pushed the cup to help. Carmen looked at Luo Yan and saw that Luo Yan didn’t say a word, didn’t mean to speak actively, and was slightly dissatisfied: What do you mean, I don’t deserve to be the eternal Sword Hand By?

Don’t blame him for being upset. He set up his banners and bet his own capital on the gaming table. Luo Yan should immediately invite himself to join the layered pupil faction, saying’I got Carmen, like a fish back in water’.

Why do you expect Luo Yan to come over, unperturbed, without saying a word, why?

“Luo Yan, what I said during the day, what do you think?” Carmen said with a smile.

Luo Yan said: “I just think big brother you are too impulsive. After half a month, Otis will be down. The timing is not good now.”

Carmen is calm. Face, of course he knows that the timing is not too good. After all, this is purely to show sincerity and catch the ducks on the shelves, but isn’t this all for joining the layered pupil faction? It implied that many times that he did not respond to him, okay, now I start to dislike him and disrupt the plan of the faction?

“You can see what I did today. I think you know what I mean.” Carmen said impatiently.

His meaning is very simple, Lao Tzu’s name is so obvious, don’t sloppy with him.

“Of course.” Luo Yan nodded, expressing his understanding, said his heart: You are so obviously forcing me to stand in line, can I not understand?

Carmen said with a slight smile: “Just know it, just say it, you have at least three things to tell me.”

Facing Carmen’s overbearing, Luo Yan said After all, it’s coming, this step, or going out.

He raised his brows and said with a smile: “Let me make a call, and the Morgan family members can be there tomorrow.”

Carmen is satisfied with nodded. He joined forces, and immediately said with a smile: “No problem, Said…”

He shouted, Said immediately went to turn off the signal jammer temporarily and let Luo Yan can call.

I saw Luo Yan contact the Morgan family in front of everyone.

“Father, our layered pupil faction is ready to act. I hope to have the support of the family…Yes…Um…Brando is right, it’s Santa Fe that I captured…Yes, That’s what you think.” Luo Yan said.

The Morgan family was horrified at Luo Yan’s phone call. After further questioning, they heard Luo Yan admit that he is the legendary Luo Yan, and felt completely unprepared.

“Why didn’t you say it before? We asked you before, you said you were wronged.” The Morgan family said anxiously.

Luo Yan said with a smile: “Before? I was held by Brando before, can I tell you the truth? Now longevity medicine is available, and Carmen and the Medici family have also brightened their flags , Father, I need your help.”

The members of the Morgan family were half happy and half worried, and sighed: “You are too hasty. Tell us earlier. Don’t be so passive!”

“Luo Yan, do you know the consequences of your failure? Huh?”

Luo Yan calmly said: “Of course I know that if I fail, I will die. Afterwards, the Morgan family will I was crushed to the end, and I was stunned!” This is a faint threat, that is, Luo Yan has fallen, and the Morgan family will be knocked down regardless of whether they have contributed.

Luo Yan is the swordsman of the Morgan family. Even if the Morgan family does nothing, there will still be people who use it.

After saying this, Luo Yan said: “Come on, longevity medicine is ready for you.”

After that, he took out four bottles of longevity medicine and set it up. On the desktop, direct video calls for father-in-law to see.

All the eyes of everyone on the field were immediately focused on the potion Luo Yan took out.

Only at this moment, Luo Yan became the focus of the audience. Even though most of the people present were Carmen, Luo Yan who took out longevity medicine must have a lot of right to speak.

This is benefit. With these four bottles of longevity medicine, the attitude of the Morgan family immediately changed: “I understand, the Legion of the family is mobilized by you, and they will immediately support you.”

There is nothing to hesitate, as long as you participate, you will have longevity medicine. If you are concerned about gains and losses, you will only have nothing if you fear the wolf and the tiger.

Next, Luo Yan talked a lot with the Morgan family, as if he had the top spot in the layered pupil faction.

The Morgan family immediately stake all on one throw, expressing their support for him, and even a part of the hidden soldiers were directly handed over to him personally.

Carmen on the side is more frightened as he listens.

“Sure enough, Luo Yan is a member of the layered pupil faction, and longevity medicine has been researched!” Carmen stared at the four bottles of medicine on the table, very excited, but calm.

He was immediately surprised that Luo Yan did such a big thing, the Morgan family didn’t even know!

“Luo Yan acted without the Morgan family. That is to say, Luo Yan did not use the Morgan family’s power to build a layered pupil faction, but he relied on something else! It might even be small back then. When Xiami, Luo Yan was already a member of the layered pupil faction. He was deliberately assigned to the Morgan family to be the swordsman, just to drag the Morgan family into the water when necessary…”

“Putting it that way, Luo Yan is not the creator, not the boss…”

The more Carmen thinks about it, it means that the true boss of the layered pupil faction must be the current Sword Hand.

Sure enough, on the other side, Luo Yan hung up the communication and took out a bottle of longevity medicine from his pocket.

He put the medicine on the table, pushed it to Carmen, and said, “Carmen, this bottle is yours. Don’t be surprised. The lord of layered pupil has sent someone to find me and distribute me. Five bottles of medicine, this bottle is to be handed over to you.”

“The medicine…maybe the second sentence you want to hear?”

The medicine slipped to In front of Carmen, he was grasped by one.

Carmen was naturally happy when he got the longevity medicine, and said: “How is medicine efficacy?”

Luo Yan directly recited medicine efficacy and said: “Full body, 500 years lifespan. But it takes fifty injections, this bottle is only 1st floor.”

After speaking, Luo Yan couldn’t help but smile.

Obviously, the lord of layered pupil pinched Carmen to death. A bottle of medicine only replenishes the lifespan for ten years, and it is issued once every ten years. The lord of layered pupil will naturally be an absolute dictator in the future. .

Carmen has a kind of take advantage of the untimely situation, to give himself a better future, otherwise the later, the less chance it will be.

But now, he has Luo Yan to check and balance again, wanting to resist the master of layered pupil, easier said than done!

“Really…” Carmen stared at Luo Yan, his face as iron as iron.

From his perspective, this is Luo Yan who is pitting him, or the decision-making layer of the entire layered pupil faction is pitting him.

Carmen said in his heart, isn’t this that he was not his own before he bullied him? Bullying him has not experienced the difficult development period of factions, is he just picking up ready-made ones now?

In his thoughts, there should be two modes of medicine distribution. The powerful figures in the layered pupil faction can add hundreds of years in one breath.

The later generations who tend to be inflamed, use the pinch-style medicine dispensing method once every ten years.

So, the future Illuminati will enter the era of despotism of layered pupil elders.

“These are that’s all. The important thing is that the master of the layered pupil, he must be the Sword Hand… the future must be the supreme power, who will be…” Carmen pondered hard.

The lord of the layered pupil hides so deeply. It seems that Luo Yan would not say it, but Carmen still wants to ask.

Just when Carmen was about to ask, the wine on the table was finished, Huang Ji happened to move the wine to the table, Carmen glanced at it and found that the bottle was still written.

That is a method proposed by Huang Ji to test Luo Yan. After reading it, Carmen thought a little, his eyes lighted up.

Carmen thought for a while and said, “Luo Yan, who do you think is the eternal Sword Hand in the future?”

Luo Yan is speechless, why is this asking me?

In his speech during the day, Carmen literally scolded all Sword Hand as shit, as if they were going to be wiped out on behalf of Moon.

There is no doubt that in the end, only the master of the layered pupil will survive. And the one who holds the highest power and is the best must be him.

I am a newcomer who has just joined the faction, and he doesn’t even recognize everyone. What does this mean? Let yourself guess who is spy?

“How do I know this?” Luo Yan said vaguely.

Carmen said with a smile: “It’s okay, I’m all my own, and speak freely.”

Luo Yan said: “Fez is young and decisive, with great strength. Even if the cards are shuffled and reorganized, the eternal Sword Hand also has a place for him.”

Carmen indifferently said: “It’s him? He is unjust, deep-minded, I will kill it sooner or later!”

“What!” Luo Yan is shocked, isn’t Fez the master of layered pupils? Carmen was killed sooner or later?

Is this too ambitious, or is he guessing wrong?

Luo Yan rolled his eyes and asked: “Alan is wealthy, clansman Ding is prosperous, and he has many family members, so he should be the best.”

Carmen raised his brows and said:” Alan aloof and remote, he is not strict with his subordinates. He often indulges relatives and friends and kills people like pigs and dogs. You can no longer be Sword Hand.”

Luo Yan’s heart beats, this is to abolish the Alan family. .

“Saxon is old and old, deep and unmeasurable. He has been in town for a hundred years, and he cannot be killed, he should be the best.” Luo Yan said.

Carmen said with a slight smile: “Saxon time is limited, half of it is in the soil, no more Sword Hand.”

Luo Yan added: “Musta is approachable and friendly. “

“Musta’s face is righteous, but behind his back he often makes insidious tricks. Now there are two vacancies in the Sword Hand sequence. They are his arms. This person is vicious and can no longer be Sword Hand.” Carmen did not. Said evasively.

Luo Yan’s scalp is numb, is Carmen pulling like that?

Deserving to be the boss who has been in charge of the Illuminati military for 30 years. For the black history of the major Sword Hand, it is to have the words at hand.

Luo Yan then mentioned a few more, and Carmen also retorted one after another. In front of the hands that have joined the layered pupil faction in a stately place, the dark history of the Sword Hand is madly exposed.

He realized that Carmen was deliberately lowering the prestige of the Sword Hand, and used the Sword Hand to say nothing to boost morale.

At first, he thought that when Carmen asked, he could just guess who was the master of the layered pupil.

Now thinking about it, I’m afraid Carmen will refute no matter who he says.

So, Luo Yan didn’t mention it, and shook his head to say with a smile: “Then I don’t know.”

“It’s okay, you keep talking.” Carmen said with a smile.

“Apart from these, I really don’t know, Carmen, please tell me.” Luo Yan said with a smile.

Seeing that he insisted not to say it, Carmen felt a little bit in his heart, because of the nine Sword Hand, Luo Yan mentioned eight! Only the president does not mention it!

When Huang Ji told him about this method, he said that Luo Yan was subconsciously left until the end, and the people he didn’t mention easily were the people he respected most.

If he doesn’t even mention it at the end, it means he instinctively doesn’t want that person to be insulted.

Of course, Huang Ji said that this kind of temptation is for reference only.

But Carmen still feels that things are more complicated than he thought. He is still preconceived, so that Luo Yan finally did not mention it, and when that person’s behavior was extremely unexpected… I feel that this detail is very important.

What do you mean? The president is the person Luo Yan respects most, and Luo Yan is the veteran of the layered pupil faction…what does this mean?

Carmen thought in his heart: “Whoever he is, he wants to squeeze me, and only give me ten years of longevity medicine… Hmph, I don’t recognize this kind of boss!”

Thinking of this, Carmen looked at Luo Yan said with a smile: “The future of Illuminati belongs to you and me alone.”


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