The Omniscient

Chapter 278

The Kunlun Market was established, and Huang Ji made a series of deployments before leaving Detroit.

He did not go straight to Egypt, but went to England first and met with Professor Hawking again.

Hawking joined Illuminati as early as last year, but he was not taken seriously, and he was only named in a certain institute of Illuminati in England.

The Universe Civilization picture and the interstellar order society he proposed were not regarded by Illuminati as the same thing.

Until this time, the natural disturber appeared.

What the natural perturbator told them, Carmen found that this was in a striking match with Hawking’s theory. Hawking joined Illuminati half a year ago. After understanding the nature of Illuminati, he proposed the interstellar space. There is order, and there is a Law Enforcer under the order, and there are criminals.

Fermi Paradox and Great Silence, it is Law Enforcer that protects the natural development of the earth. And Illuminati’s deal with the little gray is a deal with criminals.

The so-called Lord of Illuminati, the reason why Illuminati is not allowed to disclose this to the public, otherwise there will be a big trial, it is precisely because this will expose the criminal interest chain and then be scanned…

Although similar theories have long been put forward by researchers, Hawking’s theory is more complete, simulating the space alien mentality from multiple angles.

According to the increasing frequency of population transmission since the 21st century, Hawking directly “predicted” that criminals will give up the interests of the earth, and it is very likely that the earth will usher in a disaster.

This prophecy is in line with the Doomsday of 2045 mentioned by the disturber.

Since this, Hawking’s status has also been as the tide rises, the boat floats. Not because of how useful his theory is, but because Hawking has demonstrated amazing talent.

The above began to attach importance to Hawking’s ability and re-evaluated the research level of this theoretical physicist and universe scientist.

When Huang Ji broke the 100-million-nanometer bee colony into Hawking within the body, he was already a member of Illuminati Level 20, a senior researcher, and a research institute that belonged to him, and even attracted a lot of them and joined Illuminati’s old friend and old colleague are in his research institute.

“Hua, after being taken away by the space alien, I will automatically become a Drakonian?” Hawking looked at Huang Ji and asked.

“Don’t worry, the medicine I injected you has been preset for the transformation time, and it will explode at the right time. It may have been far away from the earth and reached the alien society, but you have not been eaten yet. When it falls.” Huang Ji said.

Hawking very excitedly said: “Becoming a space alien, I will not be sent back to Earth. They will either kill me or keep me with me…when the time comes, I must I will try my best to please them…”

Huang Ji sighed: “This is difficult to do because you become a Drakonian…a race that has dignity carved into its DNA.”

“What!” Hawking was stunned.

Huang Ji explained what a Drakonian is, which immediately caused Hawking a headache.

Unable to betray dignity, what bargaining chip does he have? Little Grey would definitely kill him.

“It is not impossible to betray dignity at all. If the goal is lofty enough in your heart, Drakonian has nothing to sacrifice.” Huang Ji said.

For humans, life is the most important thing, but humans with strong enough beliefs can sacrifice themselves.

Drakonian is the same, dignity is their most important thing, but if they have corresponding beliefs, they can sacrifice their most important things, and they may even change because of it.

Hawking was silent for a moment, knowing whether he can survive after being transformed in the future depends on how enlightened he is.

If he walks on this Road of No Return to satisfy himself, he will undoubtedly die.

But if it is for the benefit of race, Drakonian can also bow his head.

“Understood, I will succeed.” Hawking said with a tilted mouth.

Huang Ji looked at each other with a smile. Of course he knew that Hawking would succeed, otherwise he would not be allowed to go.

“If I come back alive, I will definitely print the technology on the spaceship. You said, you can pass it on to my friends. Cavan and Shiraz in this research institute Court Academecian, who are all my best friends, I have already told them that you will transfer the technology to them for me when the time comes.” Hawking said.

Huang Ji nodded, at the same time reminded: “What humans lack is not a certain technology. If you copy the technology of others in full, even if the standard is met in the future, the review of joining the Star Alliance will be extended indefinitely.”

“You’d better get the basic textbooks of interstellar Civilization and bring back basic knowledge higher than earthling.”

“Give a man a fish is better than teaching people how to fish, you have to Believe in human creativity, and with the corresponding knowledge system, human scientists can naturally develop countless uses.”

Hawking knows it, spreading a specific technology, such as the energy of extraterrestrial spaceship The system and engine are just a technology.

If the technological gap is too great, anthropology will be a castle in the air.

But if the textbook is brought back, then a door is opened.

This door is also needed by Huang Ji. The spaceship that crosses the interstellar is too technical.

Even if Huang Ji sees it, the core information will be uninterpretable. It’s like looking at the moon. Actually, the moon has many super weapons, but he can only understand 70% now.

Huang Ji does not lack specific skills. He wanted to build a spaceship. He glanced at other people’s spaceships and he remembered the relevant knowledge.

But remember, if you don’t understand, it’s just equivalent to garbled.

Huang Ji through the history of the earth, through the moon, and even through many stars, Huang Ji equivalent to save a lot of technology’black boxes’.

He can slowly grind the technology in these’black boxes’, relying on his current human Peak knowledge system, combined with Information Perception to verify and deduct, but it can also be gradually interpreted. Even faster than a large group of human scientists going to reverse the research.

But it’s definitely not as fast as you can open the box with the key directly… The textbook is just a key that allows Huang Ji to unlock these technologies instantly.

It can be said that as long as Hawking’s extraterrestrial basic teaching materials are in place, Huang Ji will immediately have all the technical requirements for building a cross-interstellar spaceship.


On March 4th, at Cairo Airport, Egypt, Huang Ji arrives slowly.

He is the last member of the special treasure hunting team to arrive. Eminem came to pick him up directly and went to the local stronghold.

Carmen and Maxi Court Academecian are among them, plus a group of Sentinels and Ascendant.

It is worth mentioning that there are also several Huang Ji’s Old Acquaintances in the team, Luo Yan and Zuo Fei.

Zuo Fei is Sasha’s subordinate, an A-level mercenary. He was once injured by Huang Ji dropping from the sky to his spine and paralyzed.

However, this injury has been cured, and it was Brando who helped mobilize the top medical team to treat it.

Betrayed Sasha because of Zuofei.

Not long ago, both Luo Yan and Sasha were taken away by Brando to talk. Luo Yan knew it well, knowing that Brando was trying to bring himself down on purpose.

Sasha just feels that this is unfathomable mystery. He heard that Evil Dragon had captured Santa Fe and rushed to it hurriedly. As a result, he was taken away to drink tea just after he passed by.

He and his subordinate Zofi were both arrested. The most irritating thing is that he did not have an alibi. Only Zofi can testify. This is undoubtedly denied in Brando’s heart.

Sasha was originally not afraid of shadow leaning, but Brando soon found out that he had a large amount of unidentified property, and traced the source to a detailed investigation. Well, it turned out that Michael Jackson secretly transferred it to Sasha through various means. The money!

And the account that eventually received the money was Sasha’s private account, which was privately used as a civilian.

This is Sasha’s private money account, but because it is too private, Sasha’s friends don’t know why the money is saved.

In this regard, Sasha can’t dispute it, because of this account, he really deliberately kept it from the organization.

The ghost knows why Michael Jackson can give him money!

He can only keep saying that this is Michael framing him, but he himself can’t tell why outsiders know this account.

So this kind of rhetoric certainly cannot satisfy Brando. Brando decisively took someone to find Michael Jackson. After being forced to ask, Michael said: This is the account given to him by Evil Dragon, and he thought it was a payment Evil Dragon, I don’t know why it is Sasha’s account.

In this regard, Brando immediately realized that Sasha is a member of Messiah and is also a member of the layered pupil faction.

Otherwise, why is such a private account, no one knows, only Evil Dragon knows?

In addition to the previous account of the rich man before his death, Brando believes in the judgment of own.

However, there is still no specific evidence. It is indeed possible that this is being framed, because Sasha has not logged in to that account in the past year, and has never used the money in it.

Just then, Zuofei retracted the confession.

“This guy, as the only witness in Sasha’s alibi, saw that the situation was far from good. He lied and put Sasha from behind.” Huang Ji looked at Zuo Fei, secretly in his heart. thought.

Zuo Fei’s confession made Brando very happy, so he helped him heal his disability.

Are you not happy? Brando finally caught a member of the layered pupil faction, and there is’iron proof’. Next, just ask the stronghold of the layered pupil faction. when the time comes directly lead the team to destroy the stronghold, catch the rape and steal, and catch the rebels alive.

In the end, a chain of evidence is formed, and Luo Yan can’t escape!

Brando thinks so, but facing the witnesses, Sasha refused to admit it, just said that he didn’t know.

Don’t you know… Sasha was confused and carried a big pot, really don’t know what to confess.

In any case, until now, Sasha is still locked under Brando’s hands, being interrogated day and night.

Sasha is really a man, plus he was really wronged… Two months later, facing various methods, he was still very hardened.

In Brando’s eyes, this is a dead man.

Brando needs intelligence, so he won’t kill him. Ordinary confessionals are useless to deal with S2’s blazing man, and the more effective Nanobee colony is gone, which makes Brando very helpless.

“Poor Sasha, hold on for another month.” Huang Ji murmured in his heart.

Except for Sasha, only Huang Ji knows what the secret account is for.

That was actually Sasha, prepared for Evil Dragon.

Sasha, who shouted to kill Carlo all day, was actually impossible to kill his only relative. Otherwise, how could you rush to take over this task, chase and kill for two years and get nothing, but trample on many of your own people? Change to someone else to hunt down, Evil Dragon would have died a hundred times!

After Moore’s death, Evil Dragon and Sasha had different ideas.

Sasha is a defeatist. He believes that Evil Dragon’s claims are mortal, so he will not follow Evil Dragon to rebel, but only hopes to save the life of Evil Dragon, the last brother.

He has been chasing Evil Dragon, trying to convince Evil Dragon, crush his innocence, and make Evil Dragon despair and give up that naive idea.

Evil Dragon has always wanted to prove itself, that Illuminati is not invincible, and that Sasha’s choice is wrong.

The two brothers are trying to crush each other’s dreams, each thinking that each other is innocent, and then hope that each other will realize.

In short, once Evil Dragon gives up, Sasha will make him suspended animation, because Evil Dragon will definitely not return to Illuminati.

So the account number and money were secretly prepared by Sasha to allow Evil Dragon to live incognito.

However, this account actually pitted itself first.

I never thought of killing Sasha, Evil Dragon could actually fund this account!


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