The Omniscient

Chapter 277

Huang Ji had decided, everyone had to give up persuasion.

Can’t come up with a better way, Huang Ji said is the best way.

“But everything must be prepared with both hands. If I die out of the sky, you definitely can’t wait.”

Everyone said yes, all hopes are tied to Huang Ji. , It’s not impossible, but it’s impossible to count on this solution, right?

If Huang Ji fails, will everyone wait to die?

“I said before that the sun burst in 2012, even without the help of the enemy, we can actually deal with it.”

“This time Illuminati’s contact with natural disturbers will To dig out the legacy of the ancient space alien…The Divine Item mentioned in it, I have found a correspondence in the Classic of Mountains and Seas.”

“One is the god Shao Hao, that is, the relatives of the emperor. The gifted individual armed Mecha. The other is Torch Dragon, the natural perturbator said, it can spread the force field outside the atmosphere, absorb all the energy irradiated on the earth, and quickly turn day into night.”

“The energy intensity of the solar eruption in 2012 was extremely high, but it was also within the absorption range of Torch Dragon.”

“Unfortunately, the 2045 gamma-ray burst was too powerful. Torch Dragon’s energy absorption After all, the device is for civilian use, not for military use. The asylum party is okay, but the asylum on the world will not work.”

After listening to what Huang Ji said, everyone is quite regretful.

“It is also good to be able to shelter one party, at least human beings will not be extinct, so that the green mountains are not afraid of not having firewood…” Old Wang said.

However, Sophia frowned, “But the problem is that there is no firewood! The gamma rays hit the earth directly, and all the plants, animals and microbes in nature will die. At most, there is a little bit of the deep sea. Life remains.”

“Even the atmosphere may be blown away by radiation storms. The earth does not know how much mass it will lose, and the air does not know how thin it will become. In addition, if there is no organism to improve the environment, the earth will It becomes like a fire star with yellow sand in the sky. The green hills turn into yellow sand, where does the firewood come from?”

“In this case, even if some human elites hide in Torch Dragon and survive, Then we have to face a devastated world, which is more desperate than the ancient times.”

That said, everyone is in distress. If there is a Torch Dragon, it is human The seeds can be preserved, but the home of the earth cannot.

Everyone wants to protect the earth’s feelings, which is actually the same as protecting human beings. If the home is gone, someone will survive and survive by relying on technological products. What is the point of living like this?

“It’s better than nothing. When that day comes, Torch Dragon is Noah’s Ark. We will save some of the animals and plants, and we can restore the ecology of the earth one day in the future. Let’s start again, then Let’s start over! Isn’t it better than death?” Alan said.

He is a very pragmatic person. In his heart, life is the most important thing, and life is always better than death.

Alan also said: “The ecology of the earth was really destroyed by gamma-ray bursts, and it was devastated and turned into hills. Maybe Anunnaki will not fight and retreat. Although mankind started from scratch, it may be a blessing in disguise. The future has unlimited free development time.”

Lin Li asked: “Then the question is…I remember Torch Dragon is what the perturbator wants? After finding it, it will definitely be taken by the space alien. If you leave, why should humans stay and use it?”

“Kill him! Torch Dragon naturally stays on the earth.” Huang Ji said with a smile.

“What? Kill that space alien?” Everyone was shocked.

Huang Ji said: “Torch Dragon and the remaining Kunlun imaginary items are all things that Drakonian was expelled from back then and evacuated in a hurry without time to take away.”

” Before leaving, Drakonian hid the Torch Dragon very deep, and Anunnaki hadn’t thought that such a valuable thing hadn’t been taken away, so he didn’t know about it.”

“The natural perturbator is in interstellar, It should be an adventurer or a treasure hunter. He came to hunt for treasure alone without hiding the moon. If he died on the earth, no one would know.”

Adam Si was surprised: “That But space alien, doesn’t it mean that you can kill by killing? If we don’t die, we will be destroyed.”

Huang Ji nodded and said: “So we only have one chance, we must be a critical strike .”

“It depends on what powerful weapons we can find in Kunlun Void or Torch Dragon. As for whether we can succeed, it depends on how big the space alien is…the dilemma of the earth This is to work hard. How can there be a plan that can definitely succeed? There is still a chance to do it, and if you don’t do it, you die.”

“When we get together, some people may be because of hatred, some people may It is because of promises, and some people are for their dreams, to realize their self-worth… No matter what, we all have one thing in common, that is to defend our homeland, our ancestors have lived here for generations.”

“In order to protect the earth, I am not even afraid of breaking into the interstellar world alone, or a lone space alien?”

Huang Ji’s words are filled with the confidence of hard to describe, he is resolute and decisive Words can always boost the morale of everyone.

Killing space aliens sounds like death, but when everyone thinks, they were organizations that resisted space aliens, expelled heavenly beings, and became independent and self-reliant. They were doing alien criminal groups. It’s just a perturbator, what can’t you kill?

While everyone admires them, they are all automatically maintained under this grand strategy.

Originally, they were a mess of sand, gathered together, each with its own reason and purpose.

But now, their purpose has been unified, and even the Drakonians have been united. As long as they are living on the earth, they cannot stay out of the situation and must fight for the peace of the earth.

The current situation on the earth has been confessed by Huang Ji. It is not advisable to fight alone, and it is useless to fight Illuminati to death or death. You need to unite all the forces that can unite.

For these Drakonians, protecting the earth is also their duty.

Although their races have changed, the earth is still the homeland where they were born and raised. No matter in the past or now, she doesn’t want her to be devastated. Drakonian has no hesitation about it.

“This Uncle is Drakonian, is the space alien awesome? In my eyes, you are still space aliens! Hahaha!” Alex said with a smile.

“Ha! I betrayed Illuminati just to kill the space alien. It’s better to have a way than nothing, and it’s better to take a way than no way! I, Carlo, listen to you!” Evil Dragon also Chong Huang Ji said with a smile.

Those present here are actually very confused rebels. Messiah used to be a typical headless fly with a lofty goal, but there is no statute for how to do it.

Drakonians are extremely proud and tyrannical in battle strength, but they are out of place on the earth. They are a lonely alien. How to plan for the future depends on Huang Ji’s guidance.

Seti and the others Not to mention, Huang Ji has the final say.

So far, everyone has finally united under the same banner.

And this banner is no longer Messiah. Huang Ji almost overthrew all the claims of Messiah, leaving only a spiritual core.

This group of people, united and maintained by Huang Ji’s personal charisma and leadership, is like a brand new organization.

And all those who are willing to fight for the survival of a better planet in the future can join in, including Illuminati.

After all, Illuminati, not everyone is a fanatic, and not everyone worships the space alien wholeheartedly.

Nochira spotted the opportunity and immediately said: “Hua Xu, our group, Messiah, is no longer appropriate. We have new ideas and new strategies, even Messiah in the past. It’s also included.”

Of course he doesn’t believe in the community of destiny on the earth, only when Huang Ji is frantically flickering, and unifying his thoughts at this moment is to formally seize power and become the leader of everyone.

So far, of course Nochira immediately cooperated, not only because Huang Ji is a big brother, but also because he really can’t control these people.

Huang Ji’s own strength has been deep and unmeasurable, and there are many S-level battle strengths beside him. He is a small civilian in Nochira, who used to manage Messiah is fine, but now he is also building a base. As for the two brushes, as for the battle, they couldn’t get involved at all. The so-called “Emperor” was already In name only.

He had long wanted to openly appoint Huang Ji as the leader. Huang Ji never gave him this opportunity. This time Nochira finally saw some signs and responded instantly.

In terms of political sensitivity, Nochira is also an individual talent, trying to figure out the ability to please. Among the people present, there is no other one…

His words, Messiah can be regarded as Disbanded on the spot and merged into the new organization, so Huang Ji is the right leader.

“Yes, what is Messiah? I didn’t join this organization. Illuminati don’t believe in God. You still have the title in the whole Bible.” Seti said, digging his ears.

Alexey also said with a smile: “This Uncle proposal, call the Tianlonghui!”

“…” Everyone is speechless, Drakonian is really straightforward, this name is obtained , Like a black gang!

“Big brother, let’s talk about it…” Lin Li grinned.

Huang Ji smiled and asked Nochira: “Nochira, what do you think?”

Nochira was shocked, didn’t expect Huang Ji to give the name to himself.

He thought to himself that there might be two hints here. One is to faintly improve his position in the new organization and give him the right to speak.

The other is to tell him: the name of this new organization is not important. Only the two of us know the tricky inside. You know, you can take what it is called.

Nochira took over this important task, and his eyes rolled and said: “The earth is our common home. Kunlun Hill is named after her and the ancestor of the mountains. Of course, our organization also uses her as the name …The name of the earth is too vulgar, so it’s better to call it Kunlun!”

Everyone pondered: “Kunlun…”

Nochira felt that just taking a name was not enough, so I had to take a picture. Flattery suddenly said: “Whether it is a secret association or an alliance, we cannot reflect our uniqueness. It is better to use Kunlun as the prefix, and then take a word from the leader’s name, which is a convention! So just look at the organization Name, we know who the leader is!”

This bad idea is simply a cult of personality. The suffix of the organization name includes a syllable of the name of the Lord of Kunlun, just like the United States is not called the United States, but the national character is changed. To become a president…

But what Nochira wants is personality worship. In his opinion, this is just getting an organization to fool everyone.

Not called society, not called Hui, but added the leader’s name. He is also showing his loyalty to Huang Ji and expressing his absolute support.

This kind of behavior is neither excessive, but also promotes Huang Ji to the top.

Huang Ji’s different expression on this, laughed looked towards everyone: “What do you think?”

Old Wang said: “Hua Xu, this Kunlun first generation leader is undoubtedly You, so it happens to be called Kunlun Market… Yes, I agree.”

Lin Li, Adams, and Seti naturally all agree.

Alan even said with a smile: “If the leader is changed in the future, the name of the organization will also change? Interesting, then Evil Dragon has become the next generation boss, are we called Kunlun Dragon?”


Evil Dragon said with a smile: “Hey Hey Hey! My name is Carlo!”

Alex said with a smile: “Then if I become the next generation president, how can I Isn’t the organization called Kunlun Li?”

Lin Li said with a smile: “Huh? Kunlun… won’t I be the leader?”

Alex startled, said with a smile: “Then if I become a leader, the organization will be called Kunlun!”

This rule has aroused everyone’s interest and everyone has a sense of participation, because Nochira said it is a convention. Who is the Lord of Kunlun, whose name is the suffix of the organization. It doesn’t just follow Huang Ji’s name, so it doesn’t matter.

Huang Ji said with a smile: “Then it is decided?”

Everyone has no opinion, so far the first generation leader is Huang Ji.

The organization is named after the earth. In Huang Ji’s era, it was called…Kunlun Ruins.


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