The Omniscient

Chapter 279

“Hua Ji, you came just right. We searched for more than 40 days in the area marked by the perturbator. We used more than 800 people and countless electronic devices, but we couldn’t find any clues… “Eminem said from the stronghold. They don’t have to go to the scene in person, and they don’t understand anyway.

The original plan was that the people below were about to dig it up, and senior members of them would pass.

But didn’t expect, digging the wing god is not as simple as they thought.

The place marked by the perturbator is just a rough location. After all, even a point on a map of North Africa is actually quite a large area.

It is located in the northeastern part of the Sahara Desert, in the territory of Libya. It is uninhabited and deserted.

Illuminati formed a professional expedition and excavation team of 600 people, plus two hundred mercenaries, digging three feet in the ground and repeatedly exploring, but they found nothing except yellow sand or yellow sand.

The disturber informed the location in January, and after that they have mobilized people to dig.

It’s March 4th now, and I didn’t get anything.

“The perturbator only said that it was at this location, but did not say how many kilometers underground. It seems that it is very likely to be buried very deep.” Maxi Court Academecian said.

“I just want to know, can I dig it out soon?” Carmen said with a frown.

Everyone didn’t speak, after all, they didn’t know how deep it was. If more than ten kilometers, wouldn’t it take years to dig?

Carmen looked towards Huang Ji and said: “I remember what you said in the Classic of Mountains and Seas, which mentioned a large number of ancient relics such as Torch Dragon, among them there is also the Wing God.”

“Yes, it is recorded that the god Shao Hao is in the mountain of Changliu, which is actually the palace of the Yuanshen Piao family, which has the ability to reflect the scene.” Huang Ji said roughly.

Maxi Court Academecian curled his lips and said: “Classic of Mountains and Seas, I also recently studied it. The mountain of long stay is impossible in North Africa. This record is simply meaningless.”

He is a person who knows how to study. In order not to lose his position in the advisory group, Maxi fiercely made up for Classic of Mountains and Seas.

Not only him, other professors are also thinking about this strange book during Huang Ji’s absence.

Don’t even say, everyone is now a well-known researcher of Classic of Mountains and Seas.

Professor Balding also said: “According to the records in the mountain scriptures, the mountain of Changliu should be in Hua Country, because there is Tianshan Mountain a thousand kilometers to the west.”

Huang Ji nodded and said: “Yes, the mountain of long stay is in the current Kunlun Mountains.”

He directly recognized the statements of several professors, and Maxi Court Academecian immediately said: “So this god Shao Hao, impossible is the Wing God, unless you say that the address given by the perturbator is wrong.”

Huang Ji shook his head: “Of course the address of the perturbator is correct, and the Classic of Mountains And Seas is also true. It only records a certain period of time when the god Shao Hao stayed on the mountain of Changliu. As for where he went afterwards, the recorder didn’t know.”

“Shao Hao should be the country. Outside the Eastern Sea, the god Shao Hao in the “Shan Jing” ran to a mountain in the extreme west. There are at least several thousand kilometers in the middle! The “Shan Jing” was compiled and recorded by Yu the Great. Compared with other chapters, The times are late.”

“From the early Eastern Sea Shao Hao to the late Western Mountain Shao Hao, as the times change, we can see that Shao Hao and his clansman are migrating to the west. .”

“During the Yu the Great period, the first generation of Illuminati were still in remote areas like the mountain of long stay, but they were impossible to stay in the remote areas forever. They could span thousands of kilometers, and naturally they could cross over again. Thousands of kilometers… It is very likely that they will continue to the west, over the mountains, and reach West Asia, and even further here.”

“The mountain of long stay is just a stronghold that’s all on their way, but even It’s a mountain of long stay, and there is no place for them… They have been forced to move westward.”

There are many similar migrations in the Classic of Mountains and Seas, often recording something or The forces are here for a while, and there for a while.

This is actually a different time of record, so the place where it appears is different.

For example, Torch Dragon is like this. It stays in Zhongshan, but it is recorded in Classic of Mountains and Seas that it has been to Zhangwei Mountain.

This is very real…If it is made up, there is no need to make up a “God” first in Eastern Sea and then in Western Mountain. Then this world view editor is too perfect.

At the time when Zhuan Xu destroyed the Shao Hao country, a few remnants took the god Shao Hao all the way to the west. Here Zhuan Xu also deliberately kept them alive, because he only wanted Danger Land to pass, and I don’t want to cause Birdman to shoot out of the way because of the complete elimination of Illuminati.

Shao Hao people don’t know this, they fled all the way to the peripheral zone of Zhuan Xu’s sphere of influence at that time.

They will never dare to return to the east, but the mountains of long stay are in the remote areas. They have no meaning in being the king and hegemony there. Since they dare not return to the east, they will continue to move west.

It is possible that they have already arrived in ancient Egypt, but the god Shao Hao stayed in the stronghold in Central Asia for a long time.

Only after gaining a foothold, the god Shao Hao was moved to ancient Egypt, completely subverting the local beliefs.

Huang Ji told everyone about the Danger Land Tiantong and said: “In ancient Egypt, there was no God Ra belief. They originally believed in Osiris and Horus, they were the monarch!”


“As for the sun is the sun, it is also worshiped, but it is not called Ra.”

“It can be said that the belief in the Eye of Horus is much older than God Ra. God Ra’s Belief only appeared in the fifth dynasty of ancient Egypt, and the sixth dynasty replaced the original gods of ancient Egypt.”

“A large number of rituals in the sixth dynasty began to advocate Sun God pulls and included them. In the god system, Ra is the highest sun, the Great Grandfather of Horus, the grandfather of Osiris, the father of the sky and the earth… and then began to compile the myth of God Ra’s creation.”

“In fact, there is no creation myth in all ancient Civilizations. The creation myth is much earlier than the creation… The creation myth is added by later generations and put it at the beginning…”

“Huaxia The creation of Pangu and the creation of God Ra in ancient Egypt is the same. Although the story timeline is early, the birth era is relatively late.”

Consultants think about the Civilization that appeared four thousand years ago. , It seems to be the same.

The same is true for Sumerian Civilization. There is no creation story, only the creation myth. The heaven and the earth exist as soon as they come out, as if mankind appeared too late, so why know how the heaven and the earth were born?

But such a myth, later generations feel wrong, how can we not explain the reason why heaven and earth exist? So in front of the story timeline, an imaginary creation myth was implanted.

Huang Ji continued: “The creation of God Ra in ancient Egypt and the Divine Physique system of nine pillars as you know them are all compiled by the Sixth Dynasty.”

“Careful Thinking about it, why didn’t the Egyptians believe in such an awesome and great god? They still want to believe in their grandson? Even their great-grandson Horus?”

“In fact, during the ancient kingdom of ancient Egypt, and even more Earlier, the faith of Horus was the real dominator. This bird’s body, with the existence of All Seeing Eye, was a real existence. He was one of the space aliens that ruled Egypt at that time, a member of the Anunnaki company, not at all grandfather ……”

“Look at the time, the end of the Fifth Dynasty is the era of Zhuanxu, and the sixth Dynasty is the Danger Land Heavenly Tong. The real space aliens are gone, there is no god. , So beliefs collapsed and culture was chaotic. The’human heart’ began to be higher than the will of heaven. The artificial’God Ra belief’ appeared, and the age of god creation began…”

“There is a characteristic of the age of god creation, that is, blowing, Because there is no True God anymore, the priests who have great imagination and who blow hard will naturally have the right to speak. So directly blow out a nine-post Divine Physique system, blow out a supreme Sun God pull. In comparison, what was before Horus and Osiris are so human-like. The Egyptians feel weak in their words, deeds and abilities, so their beliefs are gradually declining.”

The consultants corresponded to each other, and after discovering the Sixth Dynasty, The ancient kingdom period in Egypt is over, and it is indeed in great turmoil.

The so-called ancient kingdom period is the period when the ancient Egyptians crazy building pyramids and their belief in Spiritual God reached Peak. Both politics and culture are stable.

After the sixth dynasty, ancient Egypt suddenly split…to the ground! Cultural regression, changes in beliefs, religious reforms… A series of things have emerged, and pyramids are no longer built. Each city-state has its own interpretation of myths and religions.

This may indeed be a change in thinking caused by the departure of Danger Land Tiantong and the space alien.

Originally, space aliens were walking all over the ground, Spiritual God was visible with naked eyes, and religion was naturally deeply rooted. But when Spiritual God is invisible and becomes illusory, the original beliefs naturally decline. If there is no change in the society, this is the hell.

At this time, the descendants of the Shao Hao country appeared, filling the blank period, and began to use blows to create theism, plus the remaining Divine Item of the god Shao Hao, monopolizing the religious market in ancient Egypt.

Don’t look at Danger Land in East Asia, but it affects the whole world.

Because according to the law, the entire planet’s space alien has to be withdrawn, which is tantamount to accidentally driving away the Spiritual Gods who trust them well.

“Well, even if you are right, the god Shao Hao is the Wing God, which was brought to ancient Egypt by the survivors of the original Illuminati, but what about it? Where is the god Shao Hao?” Maxi Court Academecian asked.

Huang Ji said: “Of course, Classic of Mountains and Seas will not record its current location, but we have the perturbator pointing it out. You don’t need to worry about the location anymore. It must be the place marked on the map.”

“Classic of Mountains and Seas actually still provides us with a clue, that is,’the palace of the real member of the gods and seas is the palace of the gods, and the main division is against the scenery’.”

Professor Balding said: “Doesn’t that mean that the god Shao Hao is in the palace of the so-called “Shen Zhuo clan”? This palace is in Changliu Mountain, in Hua Country! Don’t tell me, the first generation Illuminati put the palace in They have all moved to ancient Egypt!”

Huang Ji said with a smile: “Do you understand that? First of all, God Shao Hao refers to’Divine Item Shao Hao’, which I explained before , You should understand?”

Everyone was nodded. Gods are a kind of artifacts, basically space alien things. They have long believed this statement.

Huang Ji continued: “This sentence does not actually mean that there is a palace on Changliu Mountain. There is a Divine Item in the palace. Otherwise, this sentence should be at the beginning… It should be directly said that the mountain of Changliu For a certain palace, the god Shao Hao resides…”

“However, this sentence is put at the end, meaning that it is actually the palace of the Yuanshen, which is the Divine Item. Have the ability to create counter-scene’!”

Everyone was in an uproar, what, God Shao Hao is a palace in itself?

“That’s wrong, the god Shao Hao is a bird, and the perturbator also said that this is Phoenix Clan’s Mecha!” Carmen was surprised.

Huang Ji said with a smile: “God Shao Hao, can’t it be Mecha again and palace again?”

“This…” Carmen paused.

Luo Yan has been listening for a long time. At this moment, he finally said: “I understand what you mean. This is a multi-functional equipment. It is a Mecha when worn on a human body. It can also be expanded to form a palace. Building for people to live in.”

“If the technology is enough, I will design this way, so that people are exploring planets in harsh environments, such as Venus… When they are tired of searching and want to rest, Unfold the armor on the body directly and turn it into a house, anchor it on any terrain, and then sleep in it. After resting, the house will be deformed and attached to the body surface to form armor.”

Humans have similar ideas, such as many armor helmets in ancient times, which are also cooking pots.

Usually it is a helmet, and when you rest, you can make a pit and cook.

The god Shao Hao is just more powerful, equivalent to bring a house with you, or an’army account’.

“fuck…This is the technology of space alien. If you don’t say it, I will never imagine it. You can integrate logistics, camps, and other things needed for the march directly into the equipment. “Professor Balding exclaimed.

Carmen said with emotion: “This is just Mecha, this is a wearable individual base!”


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