The Omniscient

Chapter 276

Hearing this, Nochira finally smiled. He understood the boss’ intentions.

“Good guy, going around such a big circle, it turned out to be to change Messiah’s thinking, to reset his purpose and proposition.”

“Tsk, after the rebellion of the organization is brought out and resolved, I am afraid that the boss will add Messiah to Illuminati.”

Nochira thought to himself, he would naturally not prevent Huang Ji from unifying his thoughts.

Messiah’s original proposition is indeed too nonsense. He wants to completely overthrow Illuminati and replace it as the next “super organization”, and then kill the Grays and protect humans from space aliens…

The idea is very good, but it is a castle in the air, the strength is too far away, and it is simply unrealistic delusion to be far away.

Now, under Huang Ji’s speech, the thoughts of the people present have all begun to change.

First of all, put the facts and reason. In 2012 and 2045, the strength of space aliens and the weakness of human beings, these all are objective problems.

Secondly, I cite ancient examples, Zhuan Xu’s self-improvement, and the Yellow Emperor’s virtue.

But without the previous achievements of the Yellow Emperor, how can there be Zhuanxu later?

Yellow Emperor also knew the Danger Land Tiantong, but in the end, he chose Anti-Kill Xingtian, because his generation started to do this, and it will eventually fail.

So he is tolerant, hiding everything in his heart, paving the way for future generations, and hand in hand with “Heng Wo” to build a game that spans 200 years.

Yellow Emperor did more than what Huang Ji said? It’s just that they are too obscure that there is no historical data to tell.

Huang Ji loudly said: “If you want to be self-improving, you must first be virtuous!”

“I know that some of you have deep hatred with Illuminati…”


He looked towards Kawaji, Sophia, Chu Shaojun, and even Alexei and other Drakonians and said, “But this does not prevent us from assimilating the Illuminati organization.”

Alexey shouted “Hua Ji, this Uncle swore an oath to destroy Illuminati!”

Huang Ji said: “We subvert their ruling hierarchy and replace them with royal power. It is also an eradication.”

“At the same time, we can work hard to build an own spaceship and move towards the Universe.”

Drakonian listened and talked in low voices.

After listening to the previous analysis, they also knew that this might be the best choice.

Fortunately, they have not been paranoid to the extreme, otherwise they would not associate and trust humans like Huang Ji at all.

“I understand, but we are not interested in the location of Illuminati, what kind of shepherd, come on,” Wahana said.

Alex said with a smile: “Your thoughts are very touching. They are really too cheap to eliminate them. I am already impatient and want to see the pictures they use for us…”


“Hua Ji, if you want to do something, just call this Uncle!”

Seeing that Drakonian was done, Huang Ji looked towards Sentinels, there is no doubt that Seti and the others have no opinion.

They had no hatred with Illuminati, but rebels dictated by loyalty.

However, Evil Dragon is frowned. He stood up and said, “That…”

As soon as he spoke, Huang Ji knew what he wanted to say and waved his hand directly: “Otis must Die!”

Evil Dragon was taken aback, then sat back, laughed indifferently: “That’s all right! Go on!”

Old Wang slightly smiled, of course he supports Huang 100% Ji, Huang Ji finds ways to avenge his hatred. Now Uluru is locked in the base. When he thinks of his son, he will go to beat him up and kill him anytime and anywhere.

I just didn’t kill Huang Ji because he was afraid that Huang Ji was still useful. Old Wang has this idea, which shows that his hatred has actually faded. At the same time, it is also the trust in Huang Ji. Huang Ji said that he will avenge him, so this Uluru will definitely die sooner or later.

The same is true for Adam Si, even said with a smile: “It turns out that you have such an idea and you let me be a swordsman. Could you let me be a Sword Hand in the future?”

“You can be the president if you want.” Huang Ji said with a smile.

Adam Si cast his lips and said: “Say it first, I don’t care.”

Huang Ji nodded and said: “I think Nochira is more willing to take care of things.”

Nochira startled, he doesn’t believe in assimilating Illuminati at all. Isn’t that nonsense? In the end, I just wanted to recruit these people into Illuminati.

“hahaha, okay, don’t hesitate to plan, when the time comes, I will also be a Sword Hand to play!” Nochira said with a smile.

Everyone was happy, and soon established a new strategic direction.

Using a soft knife, Illuminati was destroyed, and Anunnaki company was unaware of it, so as to obtain a stable development time and development environment.

As for creating a spaceship for voyages, it sounds difficult, but after all, they didn’t really start from nothing, gather the power of Illuminati, and get some technical inspiration from the’ancient space alien heritage’, maybe success.

But the clever Sentinel Yam raised a very sharp question: “Even if we use Illuminati to conceal the development of aerospace, we will eventually go to heaven.”

” Not to mention Illuminati, can our spaceship avoid the eyes and ears of the moon?”

Huang Ji said: “Our spaceship, no matter how strong the anti-reconnaissance technology, is impossible to hide from the moon. Once you step into space If you cross the warning line, you will be locked by the moon’s system.”

Lin Li sighed: “So in the end, we still have to meet force with force? Kill out and force the planet to colonize outside and complete the mission of promoting Civilization. “

Huang Ji shook his head and said: “I said, interstellar colonization is something that Anunnaki Company absolutely does not allow.”

“Killing out is impossible, the weapon of the moon It’s very powerful and can kill us with just one hit.”

Everyone asked, “What should I do?”

Huang Ji said: “The only way is to pretend to be outside Star tourist! Pretend to be a space alien and leave.”

“How to pretend?”

“I have my own way, but my way can’t lead people, I can only leave by myself .Otherwise, it will be exposed.” Huang Ji said.

Lin Li asked: “A person colonizes, can the corresponding Civilization also be promoted?”

“Of course not, I said that I will not be promoted…We will build a spaceship The purpose of this is to send a person into the interstellar society and into the space alien city.” Huang Ji said astonishingly.


“You are alone in the city of space alien?”

Everyone was shocked and inexplicably, only then did you know Huang Ji’s true purpose , It turned out to be alone in interstellar!

Huang Ji said seriously: “As far as I know, there is a prosperous and open planet in the Heavenly Wolf galaxy 8.6 light years away. There, I will try my best to integrate into the alien Civilization society and give us In the future, I will turn my face with the Anunnaki company and earn the hole cards.”

“In the game, there is no solution in this game, and you will never win the chess player. You can only go out and stand on the same platform with the enemy. There is hope.”

As Huang Ji’s top loyalty, Lin Li was the first to jump up and say: “This is too risky! We are far from the little gray people, even more how the real foreigners Star Civilization?”

To put it bluntly, Huang Ji will plan strategies on the earth, and when he arrives outside the planet, he is also a native.

How does it feel for an Amazon native to suddenly enter the metropolis?

It will be a hundred times more difficult for Huang Ji to enter the alien society!

Different races, cultural differences, shallow knowledge, crushing technology, no long objects, no relatives…

The true source of fear is the unknown.

Heaven knows what is alien Civilization like? heaven knows What space alien lives there? What are the rules of heaven knows?

Even though Huang Ji has had the opportunity to acquire the so-called Star Alliance lingua franca, but he drove a broken spaceship built by humans smashing pots and selling iron, and broke into a high-level planet that I don’t know how many times. It was revealed as soon as it came up…

The smell of the earthy turtle, I can’t be seen through it at a glance. Even if you pass the blunder, there are countless difficulties and obstacles behind.

They humans, under the Star Alliance standard, not even civilization, they are a primordial tribe, how dare they come to the territory of higher civilization? Even mixed up to win the life for the earth? Wrestle with others in their world?

Too crazy, too ridiculous. Others in this room can’t even think about it. Huang Ji is going to do it?

In the face of everyone’s horror, Huang Ji calmly said: “Everyone, this is the only way. We have done our best to create a spaceship, and it will not allow us to be promoted to Civilization. The normal procedures for joining the Star Alliance are The standard is too high, even more how, and enemies will obstruct it in every possible way.”

“Rather than being futile in the end, it’s better to fight. Different platforms have different opportunities. The earth’s opportunities are too small. It’s so small that it’s not enough to tie a piece of the earth.”

“Assemble all the power and send a person to the unknown Star Sea. This is our only way to survive.”


“This person can only be me.”

Of course, it can only be him. For others, this is really crazy, mortal, and absolutely impossible to succeed.

They don’t know that Huang Ji is the only person who can carry out a crazy plan. They feel that this is no way. Huang Ji wants to stake all on one throw and gamble everything. Put.

It turns out that assimilation of Illuminati is just a prelude. All this is just to pave the way for human beings to seize vitality in interstellar.

Sure enough, there is no virtue, what comes from constant strength…

It was the plan of two generations of Emperor to make the sacrifices of countless great men over 200 years. The overall situation is achieved.

At this moment Huang Ji actually intends to make a round by himself.


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