The Omniscient

Chapter 275

Under Huang Ji’s in-depth explanation, everyone was immersed in the mighty epic of mankind.

The hymn of mankind is the hymn of courage, and this sentence is right.

It is no wonder that the Star Alliance has set the violation of survival instinct as one of the standards.

A certain kind of unique and unmatched courage and belief is the biggest difference between intelligent creatures and species struggling in the natural ecosystem.

Huang Ji said: “To sum up, human beings have gone through three stages, ignorance, intelligence and high intelligence, corresponding to the three treatments given to us by the Star Alliance.”

“The ignorant race can be slaughtered, enslaved, bought and sold, equivalent to domestic animals. The wise race cannot kill, but can interfere, teach, control, equivalent to servants.”

“And we are now cherishing wisdom The biological stage is not to interfere and be protected, waiting for us to independently develop into interstellar Civilization.”

“But’cherish’ is just a name. Don’t think that human beings really cherish the potential of Civilization. We just have , But not at all. If the potential is divided into Level 5, we only belong to the lowest.”

Evil Dragon, Lin Li, Adam S and the others are full of emotions, human beings have experienced so much, The first rise in status was Drakonian’s help, and the second rise in status was the credit of Danger Land Tiantong. The efforts and sacrifices of countless ancestors have resulted in the seemingly peaceful development today.

It can be said that it was hard to come from the suffering to today. Didn’t expect in the Universe is still only the lowest potential sub-Civilization.

The vast Universe, the strong middle has the strong middle hand, human beings feel good about themselves, but in fact, both genetically and culturally, they are very general.

Especially 2045 will be world Doomsday, and the Star Alliance predicts that humans will not survive this catastrophe.

“Although it seems to be developing independently now, it is still being plundered by criminal groups. It’s just that it’s all turned from blatantly to secretly. It’s all because of the blue sea turned into mulberry fields for thousands of years. The Anunnaki company itself has also undergone power changes.” Huang Ji said with a smile.

Evil Dragon immediately said: “I wanted to ask before, you said that Anunnaki has ten chief executives, but I know that there is only one ‘6’. He has a dictatorship?”

Huang Ji said: “Yes, now Anunnaki’s main business has become an illegal business, and the company has become ‘6’. He alone has the final say.”

“The times are continuously Change, the current Anunnaki is different from the previous ones. Don’t use the previous image to apply the current enemy, we are actually worse than the dilemma faced by our ancestors.”

” Although the previous space aliens blatantly dominated the earth, they at least abide by the rules and would not deliberately break the law. On the one hand, they were a regular meridian company, and on the other hand, there were many civilized space aliens on the earth at that time, unless all forces were affiliated with the Anunnaki company. If they want to commit a crime, they will have to weigh the impact.”

“But now it’s different. They have turned into a complete criminal group and turned into a dark place. They even bought the monitor. Let it outsource the monitoring and protection of the earth.”

Everyone was stunned, what? Outsourcing?

Huang Ji said: “Ten thousand more then 2000 years ago, Drakonian and Anunnaki fought a lot. At the end of the war… the moon was drawn directly to the earth by Anunnaki company with gravitational weapons, causing a flood and extinction. A large number of humans, as well as many hybrids between humans and celestial species at the time. This incident caused Drakonian’s anger, so he reported the Anunnaki company, and then the Star Alliance intervened to reshape the moon and become the one that supervised the earth… um… You can understand it as a police station.”

“Later, Danger Land Tiantong increased its level of protection for humans, and it should be monitored and protected by Star Alliance officials.”

” After all, this job is boring and boring. Even if there is AI surveillance, intelligent creatures have to assist in supervision. For thousands of years, great years have been wasted on a low-level planetary satellite. How boring? As for shifts, it’s not even more interesting. It’s about efficiency.”

“So generally speaking, Star Alliance monitors impossible really go to the first-line team, and they send the subordinates of the own vassal race, and even slaves to do this. I just call it remotely. ‘This post.”

“‘6’ bought the monitor and planted the own servant race, the Little Grey, on the moon as the actual monitor. Note that this is a procedural Legally, the gray people are equivalent to temporary workers rented out.”

“Of course…if something goes wrong, the supervisor who guarantees the gray people must also be responsible.”


Adam Si shook his head and said, “This routine is so popular in interstellar.”

This is equivalent to recruiting the police, but who is not recruiting? ‘6’ directly recommended the absolute loyalty to the own little gray man to the supervisor.

Does the monitor really do not understand the tricky inside? This must have the power to deal with money.

So far, the Little Greys are nominally Star Alliance temporary workers, but they are actually members of a criminal group.

We usually collect tickets, take care of alien tourists, and perform our duties. At the same time, Illuminati is supported to engage in illegal activities.

“This is the complicated relationship between Civilization, Illuminati, Little Grey, the crime boss behind the scenes, and the Star Alliance.”

With such a chain, everyone has repeatedly understood the situation. .

Humans are afraid of Illuminati, Illuminati are afraid of the little grays, the little grays are afraid of criminals, and criminals are afraid of Star Alliance. Finally, the Star Alliance…to protect humanity legally.

Although human beings are protected by the most awesome Star Alliance, the emperor is far away!

The county magistrate is not as good as being in charge. Human beings are still ants after all. Criminal groups want to engage in human beings, and humans have nothing to do.

Find me? Let alone whether he is still alive, even if he is alive, human beings will not be able to contact him.

Even if human beings are contacted, or human beings try to “sue the imperial court” and stab this dark transaction to the Star Alliance law enforcement agency, it will actually be of no avail to the human situation.

Huang Ji said with a smile: “I’m telling you this, I just hope you understand that Illuminati is not our enemy, just as the Yellow Emperor did not regard Dongyi as an object that must be eliminated. “

“Lin Li excitedly said: “We can imitate the ancients and report Anunnaki even if we kill all Illuminati, we can’t shake the control of criminal groups.”

Lin Li excitedly said The company, let the Star Alliance clean them up and give mankind an environment for normal development.”

Huang Ji shook his head and said: “This time and another time. Back then, Danger Land Tiantong was something that humans could do. Wisdom. It’s relatively easy for living things to become’cherish and protect objects’.”

“But we want to advance to Civilization and formally join the Star Alliance, but it is extremely difficult. What we need is hard power, and the technology can reach The degree to which the race colonizes other planets and adapts to the local environment.”

“Without entering the Star Alliance, we cannot fight the Anunnaki Company. If they say that they will destroy us…”

Lin Li frowns saying: “How dare they…”

Huang Ji said: “It’s all a criminal group, what can’t you dare? Let’s put it this way, assuming you successfully sued the imperial court, the most The good result is that people pat their buttocks and leave. The worst result is that they make a fortune before they leave, and then directly exterminate human beings.”

“This kind of retaliatory extinction is also a kind of Raise the price, because humans are extinct in the wild, then the last batch of humans they fished out of their hands is out of print…”

Everyone sucked in a breath of cold air, back then Danger Land, space alien They withdrew obediently, it was because they obeyed the law.

Even though the Anunnaki company was already a bit criminal, after all, there are ten chief executives who restrain each other, and at most violating discipline will not break the law.

But now it’s different, the No. 6 dictatorship is like a gangster.

Huang Ji continued: “Of course, in the two cases I mentioned, the probability is actually very small. Especially the extinction of mankind. This is too much trouble. It is completely provoking justice. They cannot accept it. The field will be investigated and wanted by the Star Alliance.”

“To be honest, humans should not be their main industry income, and the benefits are not enough for them to do so. The gain is not worth the loss.”

” The greatest possibility is actually to withdraw from the surface, but secretly kill us Messiah and other resistance forces.”

When everyone thought about it, they said yes.

The extinction of mankind is too much. It would be a trivial matter to eliminate hundreds of thousands of people.

If the space alien really ends up personally, there will be no way out for Messiah to eliminate Messiah.

Whether it is just pure retaliation or clearing the site and redeploying the interest chain. In short, these rebels will inevitably die after they have finished their defense.

Huang Ji said solemnly: “Destroy Illuminati, and the little gray will destroy us and replant one.”

“As for reporting, it is even more nonsense, except for a vent , Mankind won’t get any benefit! Even the best result is to advance the death in 2045 to 2012.”

“2012 and 2045, this is the hurdle that mankind must overcome. Even though the sun broke out in 2012, I thought of a way, but what about the gamma-ray burst in 2045? In the case of the earth, this is a disaster that cannot be solved anyway.”

Everyone was said to be silent, Yes, the two major disasters are the highlight.

Reporting may solve the chain of interests, but it cannot solve the disaster. Under natural disasters, Star Alliance will not care about human life and death.

Unless you join the Star Alliance, request international assistance.

But the index for promotion to interstellar Civilization is too high. Humans rely on their own development, and time has not allowed it.

Huang Ji said loudly: “The Anunnaki company will not allow us to be promoted. They have been suppressing our aerospace development. They just don’t want the old slaves to stand on the same platform with them.”


“After all, they are a company, and they are never willing to have multiple Civilization enemies in the Star Alliance! Even if this Civilization is very weak, as long as they join the Star Alliance, they will develop sooner or later.”

“So the Anunnaki Company, will definitely do everything possible to prevent us from developing aerospace business.”

“Don’t say that there is not enough time, even if there is enough time, mankind will have to face all kinds of obstacles from space aliens.”

Desperate, they found a way to restrain the Anunnaki company, but they couldn’t move each other.

Don’t say there is no way to report, even if there is one, you can’t do it.

In contrast, if you do not report, at least Anunnaki will help solve the problem in 2012.

Directly provoke the criminal group in the interstellar, the result will only be worse, it is better to help hide it.

“Could it be that we just watched them transport earthling, and we can’t do anything?” The crowd beat the table unwillingly.

Huang Ji said with a smile: “Whoever says nothing can be done. If you don’t report it, at least they suppress human aerospace technology and rely on Illuminati instead of doing it themselves.”

“It is their consistent strategy to use humans to manage humans. They believe that humans have the conditions to rapidly develop spaceship power, and only Illuminati. As long as Illuminati does not work hard and drags down several major countries, humans will be impossible to join the Star Alliance.”

Lin Li understood in a second: “So not only can we not report, we have to help hide it. In this way, we only need to deal with Illuminati and develop secretly, instead of dealing with powerful space aliens.”

“So not only can we not eliminate them, but also let Illuminati help us conceal it and secretly develop a voyage spaceship.”

When it comes to aerospace technology, Drakonian came to be interested, Alex said: “Illuminati Why don’t you hide it for us?”

Huang Ji said: “What I have been doing, what we have to do is to pull one group, fight another group, keep Illuminati itself, but change their thinking , Assimilate them.”

“Just as the Yellow Emperor dealt with the original Illuminati Shao Hao country.”


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