The Omniscient

Chapter 270

More than a month has passed.

On February 27th, the Chilean earthquake hit as scheduled, and Illuminati also handled it properly.

The source of the earthquake is in the sea, far away from the city. Although the magnitude of the earthquake is greater, the damage to human society is much smaller than that in Haiti.

According to Huang Ji’s induction, hundreds of people will be killed, but with Illuminati spending money to settle it, some houses will be lost in the end.

Of course, for this little thing, the Illuminati family has a lot of work to do, and Huang Ji never went to Chile.

Huang Ji, who has become the’treasure hunting authority’, has transformed into a senior investigator and has been promoted to Level 3. Now he is in charge of natural disturbers and is a consultant for Carmen.

Carmen is who? Level 32 The strongest man, the boss of the Phoenix group, the highest commander of the combat department.

Huang Ji is a small soldier in front of him, but Carmen attaches great importance to Huang Ji. After consulting Huang Ji for a few days, he realized that he is very dangerous now.

Wings of God, Torch Dragon, these ancient relics, don’t find them. If they are found, hehe, Fez will really kill the donkey.

Don’t say anything else, Fez actually let him not have to deal with Maxi Court Academecian and the others. This is a person named by the perturbator and said that he would betray, why not kill?

Fez kept them alive, this is to keep a few personal evidence, or to speak.

When the time comes, kill Carmen and the others, Fez and Maxi, don’t they just say what they want and pick themselves clean?

Carmen does it or not, nor does it not. Huang Ji gave him an idea. It was simple. The Wing God had to take it, but Torch Dragon could drag it.

The latter is the main purpose of the natural perturbator. If he gets Torch Dragon in his hand, pats his butt and wobbles away, leaving the mess to be cleaned up by Illuminati, when the time comes Fez takes them Sacrificing as a chess piece is almost a certainty.

It’s useless to just pull Fez into the water, it will only kill everyone, so now we can only delay the progress of finding Torch Dragon first, and then make long-term discussions.

With the endorsement of the big ball of light, Carmen, Eminem and Huang Ji, their three people are tied together.

In addition, Huang Ji is very good at communication. During this period, the relationship between the three is advanced by leaps and bounds.

Huang Ji knows exactly what Carmen wants. He is actually the kind of Luo Yan that Brando imagined.

Luo Yan was really wronged. He was actually loyal to Illuminati.

Carmen is not. Sitting in his position, he is only half a step away from Sword Hand. As a whole Illuminati, he is almost the next Sword Hand.

He wants to live forever, thousands of years, tens of thousands of years, and he has a great desire for supreme power.

In this way, Carmen is also the least hopeful that longevity medicine will be developed too soon. He is looking forward to the death of Sword Hand so he can take over first.

This time there was a natural perturbator. He was so obsessed with getting on the line, just hoping for a terrifying credit.

Didn’t expect, this credit is also a poison.

Carmen is worried, especially when he knows that there will be world Doomsday in 2045, he is even more worried.

The good days on earth are coming to an end.

With this mentality, Huang Ji said, “I think Chief Carmen should not think too much. Maybe Fez Sword Hand has other arrangements. You are the first successor. How could you sacrifice you casually? What?”

” Officer Carmen, you should have become Sword Hand long ago. If you get the Wing God this time and get a proper promotion, when the time comes, I still hope you can keep our big guy. “

This is in Carmen’s heart. Isn’t that the way the superiors are? They enjoy the blessings, the people below do things, and if there is misfortune, the people below will also have their own hands. In other words, that is to become a superior if you don’t want to be abandoned.

Drag it first, until it becomes Sword Hand. This is Carmen’s way of life.

The fact of getting the Wingshen is a great achievement in itself. This is a sacred relic.

If this credit does not allow him to be promoted to Level 33, Carmen even thinks of…forcing the palace.

“I heard that Luo Yan made the layered pupil faction very powerful. Will it be true…”

When I start thinking about some things, I can’t stop. , Once you start doing it, you can’t look back.

He decided to transfer Luo Yan to the Wing God team, to find the Wing God together, and contact the layered pupil faction by the way, but he didn’t know if Sword Hand was involved behind the scenes of this faction.

If not, he, the highest officer of the combat department, if he joins in, wouldn’t he be the highest-ranking officer?

After some more days, Huang Ji returned to Detroit first.

His degree of freedom is now high, because Carmen values ​​him and Eminem very much and almost wants to develop them into confidants.

This is as it should be by rights. First of all, the three are the grasshoppers of a boat. Secondly, Huang Ji and Eminem are already ranked in the ranks.

Huang Ji’s apparent strength is Peak S2, but Carmen can see that his potential has a lot to be tapped, and he may become S3 in the near future.

As for Eminem, it is even more powerful. From the small A-level Peak, in just one month, it has risen to S4!

It can be described as ascending to the skies with a single leap, even the most common S4, in Illuminati it is also as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns.

Who let the space alien give him a chance? Da Guangqi didn’t know what he had done, Eminem evolved as if he had been injected with three major potions, no, even more powerful than that, he became a new race without any side effects.

To be precise, Huang Ji gave this opportunity to him, which shows Huang Ji’s loyalty.

Carmen admires this very much, coupled with Huang Ji’s ability to be a human being, his brain is active, and he knows the present. Carmen felt that this person was extremely valuable, and simply gave him some power to act cheaply.

Huang Ji said that he wanted to hone his strength, and planned to participate in several actual battles alone, and strive to bring out the medicinal power he participated in and reach S3 first.

Carmen was very tolerant of him, saying that it would be nice to meet in North Africa before March 4.

At this point, Huang Ji got away and returned to Detroit. He approached Sophia and checked the development progress of the institute.

Three months later, the entire base is already very different, with complete facilities and sufficient funds.

Isn’t enough, Veronica, this rich lady, is really awesome.

After she truly fell in love with others, it was for the good of others wholeheartedly. During this time, she and Adams had a small life, not to mention more moist and sweet.

Adam is happy, but he didn’t forget to seek benefits for Messiah. As Veronica’s Chief Steward, Adams can use her resources and money at will. Veronica doesn’t care about this.

Under the protection of the Sword Hand family name, Messiah thrived in Detroit, safe and stable.

Sophia wears a white coat and pushes the glasses said with a smile: “We have improved the nano-factory, and the accuracy is extremely high, so the superconductor has been mass-produced.”

“You come back It’s a coincidence that Professor Harris used this to build a rocket, which has just been completed. By the way, he also improved the nano armor, which not only absorbs the body, but also attaches to the metal, and is equipped with the astronaut’s life support. The device is already a qualified ultra-portable space suit.”

This is really a fantastic idea. The nano armor is also made by Harris. It is attached to a person and can bear dozens of G The pressure does not die.

Harris improved it into the second generation, completely creating this ultra-thin spacesuit.

Not only that, it can be adsorbed on metal, but it also means that it can protect equipment and even the spaceship itself.

Reserve more and wrap the entire spaceship when necessary. It is a layer of anti-stress armor.

Huang Ji confessed a few words, and then he came to a deep mountain on the edge of the five great lakes, where all the big guys are.

A new base has been built here. The location is hidden and located deep in the mountains and old forests.

The mountain has been hollowed out to create a vast internal space. The production base of the space shuttle is here, and a rocket launch pad is hidden in the col.

Usually, there is a dome full of grass to block it. Just unfold the dome when launching.

This base is still expanding. Alexei and other Drakonians live in it. They stayed here for more than two months and dug the mountain bigger.

The adult Drakonian normally looks at the spaceship, and the little Drakonian goes to the lake to fish. They get along very well with Messiah and the others here, and they have become friends as if they were friends.

Although they are both in the cave, the two groups do not live in the same place. Huang Ji found Drakonian and exchanged a few words before going to Lin Li and the others.

He introduced to everyone that after mixing well with Illuminati, everyone was not surprised at all.

Especially Nochira, I heard that Huang Ji is now mixing with Carmen, but he smiled in his heart: haha, look at the drama of the big brother, what is appreciated… You and Carmen are brothers, right? No wonder it was mixed up from Illuminati Level 1, so quickly.

Carmen is the team leader. Who knows who does not know? Nochira has never seen it, but he has heard of it.

From Nochira’s point of view, isn’t Huang Ji the leader of the Phoenix group? Being cited as a confidant and so on by Carmen, I am afraid that it is the cooperation between the high-level acting.

He thought to himself: “So…Carmen is his own. Although the Nirvana Rebirth project is confidential this time, it is normal to participate at the Carmen level.”

” After this so-called operation of pretending to join Illuminati, the big man Hua Xu can begin to liberate his strength. He is a SLevel 4 other ability, I am afraid that he will be able to show it naturally later.”

Nochira Silently, I even thought that Huang Ji would reach S4 soon.

He looked at others again. He knew that no one thought Huang Ji would be unfaithful to Messiah. Almost all of Messiah’s huge family property today was earned by Huang Ji alone and had experienced a trough. Messiah of the older generation, each heart looks like a mirror.

After this period of explosive development, everyone has long regarded Huang Ji as the backbone.

Nochira has been away for two months. Nochira has been busy, coordinating and directing. He is as tired as his grandson. Everyone only regards him as a runner…

Nochira, the Emperor, has long been From the old Boss, he quietly became a manager, and he was still in charge of things at ordinary times, but that was all. The psychology of everyone has long been unconsciously changed, everything is moisturizing silently.

Huang Ji looked at the rocket and said: “Can manned spaceflight?”

At this time, Harris came over. This old man is sloppy, it seems that he hasn’t been there for days and nights. Washing yourself well, I am afraid it is devoted to work.

He saw Huang Ji and said excitedly: “Are you here? I plan to let this rocket go up to 50,000 kilometers and then return. As for manning…Of course, you just need to vacate the fuel tank. With some space out, you can hold people and food.”

“With the nano space suit I designed, an astronaut takes up very little space.”

Huang Ji Said: “Very good, get ready for launch as soon as possible, I have to leave on the 3rd, before leaving, let me go to space.”

“en? Really manned spaceflight? It’s the first time we launched a space shuttle. It’s better to get an unmanned spacecraft to accumulate experience? Don’t trust me too much. I may not guarantee that the perfection of this space mission is over.” Harris was a little surprised.

It was too dangerous to manned in the first space flight.

However, the danger is not dangerous. Harris said it is not a big deal. Huang Ji knows best if he can succeed.

“It’s okay, my strength is not what it used to be. Even if I crash, I’m at the worst parachuting. With your spacesuit, I can’t die even if I jump from space.” Huang Ji also With that said, he knew that the space shuttle was perfect and the rocket had no problems. A simple mission of ascending into space and then landing would surely be successful.

Adam Si was also at the scene, he patted Huang Ji on the shoulder and said: “You don’t know how important you are now? Although the group of Drakonians live a peaceful and secluded life here, they have to rely on you for stability. Live…and the group of sentinels in Seti. Without you, who can stop them?”

“The first manned spaceflight, how can you personally go on stage? What if something happens?”


Huang Ji shook his head and said: “Do you really think that Veronica’s signboard can even be hidden from a rocket?”

“I’m afraid Illuminati will look for it before the space shuttle gets off. I’m here.”

He patted the Buddha bone guard on his hand and said: “If I want to go to the sky without knowing it, I have to go personally. I can hide all the satellites.”


Huang Ji spoke confidently, and everyone thought so, so there was nothing to say.

In fact, Sophia and Chu Shaojun both learned about the programming language of space alien. As long as there is a Buddha bone, Chu Shaojun can also conceal Illuminati’s detection methods.

However, for the first time, Huang Ji has to go out in person. He has to go to heaven and see the whole picture of the earth!

History! He wants to read the history of the earth.


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