The Omniscient

Chapter 269

Huang Ji talked freely in front of a group of experts, as if he were an authority on ancient culture and history.

If Huang Ji said these things in the mass society, mainstream Scholar can refute him as shit, because there is no physical evidence, and there is no space alien, so it is so awesome’Divine Item Torch Dragon’, impossible is real, it can only be fictional.

However, this remark became an irrefutable truth in the presence of the Illuminati who knew that space aliens were walking all over the ground in ancient times… in front of the big ball of light looking for an environmental remodeler.

Science is a mode of thinking, not a kind of knowledge.

No knowledge is indisputable, no cognition is immutable. Science itself is constantly questioning and overthrowing itself, advancing with the times and constantly renovating. To say that an unfalsified conjecture is unscientific is unscientific in itself.

Once it is determined that a space alien has come to the earth, then human history will be completely overturned, and all cognition will be rewritten.

The classical mechanics of Newton’s framework is classic when it sounds good, and it is wrong to say it bad. But everyone agrees that he is one of the greatest scientists in human history.

Because he is not a scientist, and the knowledge he summed up is correct, there is no half a dime relationship, the important thing is that his thinking mode is scientific. The incomplete theory he left behind is a ladder that provides important foundations and tools for future generations to complete or even overthrow it.

Huang Ji knows what Classic of Mountains and Seas is, but he can only say it in this way of conjecture.

Thanks to him getting an extraterrestrial ball of light to endorse himself, but also to the Classic of Mountains and Seas recorder who wrote an extra sentence of’it is a thing’.

He can convince everyone that Classic of Mountains and Seas is not a book of fictional ghosts.

“It’s very interesting, so it’s called Torch Dragon.” Da Guangqi believed it.

With a final word, this sentence lifted Huang Ji to the commanding heights.

This time, it was not just a matter of recognizing Classic of Mountains and Seas, but Huang Ji instantly became the most important consultant present.

At present, the advisory group composed of so many experts on the aircraft carrier knows almost nothing about Classic of Mountains and Seas. Only Huang Ji understands it, and Huang Ji not only understands it, but also has his own unique understanding, which is extremely deep.

“No wonder you call reptilion Dragon Race, it turns out that they are Chinese dragons.” Huang Ji said.

Maxi Court Academecian saw that Huang Ji was talking to Da Guangqi actively, and he couldn’t help but said: “This is not certain, Huaxia’s dragon is not like reptilion at all.”


Huang Ji said with a smile: “Of course the reptilion we saw is not like it. After all, people become more like people.”

“I didn’t know the Chinese dragon, What exactly is the prototype. After all, there are too many speculations, but when I heard the natural disturber call a group of space aliens Dragon Race, I understood.”

“In Classic of Mountains and Seas, At first glance, there is no such thing as a “dragon” category, but it does exist.”

“For example, in the paragraph Torch Dragon, Torch Dragon is not a dragon, but a huge instrument, its original name It’s called’Candle Yin’, because the image is a dragon, so it’s also called Torch Dragon.”

Everyone immediately looked at the description of Torch Dragon in Classic of Mountains and Seas, the face and the snake body were red.

While saying it’s called “Candle Yin”, and at the same time saying “It’s called Torch Dragon”, this is actually an individual name based on the image.

Strictly speaking, Torch Dragon is not a dragon, but based on this, we can understand how the ancients defined a dragon.

Huang Ji said: “Some people say that Chinese dragons are imaginary, some say that they are lightning, some say that they originated from tornado, and some say that alligators… even embryos.”


“In fact, you don’t have to guess at all, just look up characters.”

“Fortunately, Huaxia’s characters are pictographic and understandable, and a character contains The huge amount of information and the social situation at the time.”

“The oldest system of Chinese characters in existence is Oracle…”

Everyone thinks so, I want to know Huaxia What is the origin of the dragon? It’s not over for searching!

The ancient man-made characters of Huaxia are very reasonable. What exactly is a dragon? Just look at the pictograms of its characters. Why is it necessary to guess things? He also came up with hundreds of conjectures about the origin of dragons…

Huang Ji took out paper and pen, shua~ shua~ shua~, and wrote the word “snake” in oracle bone inscriptions.

It’s not complicated at all, it just draws a snake shape, and it’s upright, with the tail bent down, supported on the ground, the upper body upright, and the head of the snake facing up, a bit like a ‘2’. .

“This is the snake character.”

After finishing this, he shua~ shua~ shua~ again, and wrote an oracle bone inscription Emperor.

“This is the character for Emperor, and the character for Xin.” Huang Ji wrote.

It is a set of ceremonial guards, like a handsome flag, which contains the structure of the character’Xin’ which represents the meaning of adjudication and punishment.

The upper part of the word for Emperor is the crown of heavenly punishment, so it represents the supreme power.

After writing these, the paleographers present have already reacted.

“What about the dragon…you write the dragon character, what do you do when you write the emperor?” Carmen asked, without understanding.

Huang Ji finally wrote a dragon character in oracle bone inscriptions.

The lower part of the dragon character is the character “snake”, but it is less meandering, and the upper part is the head of the character “di”, like horns, but in fact it is also a character for heaven and Xin Combination of words.

“Did you see it? The word “Dragon” means the word “Snake” with a crown on its head, or the image of a snake standing underneath the word “Dragon”.”

” It’s the same! The difference is only in the body. Even the character for the emperor is like this, probably because it is in the horns of the pictographic dragon crown, which means’showing off talent, wearing a crown of heavenly punishment, and the person who is like a dragon, calling the emperor.”

“The other way round, the snake stands up with its tail, and the one who wears the crown on the head says: dragon!”

Oracle has already drawn out what a dragon is, perfectly clear .

If you just look at the word “dragon”, you will feel that it is just a snake with long horns. However, Chinese characters are not only pictograms, but also knowing.

If you look at it in conjunction with other Oracle bone inscriptions, you will find that the horn is actually the character’Xin’, representing the power of punishment. And the character “Xin” is the upper part of the character “Di”.

Dragon Master Fire Emperor, Bird Officer Human Sovereign. This sentence just fused the culture of Yan and Huang family and the culture of Dongyi family.

The Dragon Emperor since ancient times is the orthodoxy of the Yanhuang system, and the two characters do not separate the family. The earliest emperor was a dragon in race.

Later Drakonian left, and Earthling became the emperor by himself.

Huang Ji said: “So what the dragon is, it’s very simple. The bottom is the body of the snake, and the top is the crown of the emperor. Together, it can be defined by four words: the head of the snake.”

“All the existence of the human head and snake body in the ancient legends of China is actually Dragon Race.”

The four words of human head and snake body, Chinese people can hear the cocoon quickly. However, as everyone knows, the snake body is not a metaphor. It is precisely the head of the human being who can wear a crown of Chinese clothes, possess high wisdom, and have facial features on the front, so it is the’head’, like the head of a human face.

Nu Wa has a snake body with a human head, Lei Ze has a snake body with a human face, and Torch Dragon has a human face with a snake body. These four character descriptions can be directly equivalent to “dragon”.

“The most important thing about a Civilization is inheritance. This classic is very useful to me. Let’s talk…” Da Guangqiu said.

Say it?

Everyone looked towards Huang Ji and saw Huang Ji pointing to Eminem and saying: “I hope you can help my brother, genetic evolution.”

As soon as this was said, everyone was in an uproar.

fuck, do you want to return it? Too impudent!

People asked Hua Ji to continue to analyze the location of Torch Dragon, so Hua Ji took the opportunity to ask for benefits?

When the natural disturber gets angry, will it flies into a rage?

“It’s okay…” In the presence, only Maxi sighed, looked at Huang Ji enviously, and explained: “The disturber means to reward him. This’say it’ is to let him Say own appeal.”

He still understands this kind of context that he intends to give some benefits. Otherwise, how can he mix that many small benefits with Otis?

“Don’t be greedy, I like it.” The perturbator agreed directly, and the ball of light flew over Eminem’s head instantly.

The sense of turning of the sky came again, and there were fleshy thorns extending from the ball of light and piercing his body.

But Eminem only felt dizzy and didn’t feel any medicine injected into the body.

At the same time, Huang Ji also explained: “The perturbator must have read Classic of Mountains and Seas and analyzed the useful information through big data calculations. Now he may be the world. I know the existence of Classic of Mountains and Seas best.”

Sure enough, the big ball of light soon separated from Eminem, and moved towards the distance.

There is only one sentence left at the end: “Let’s meet in Hua Country next time.

Looking at the ball of light flying away, everyone has mixed feelings.

They didn’t expect that Hua Ji got the benefits so easily, and also gave the benefits to Eminem.

Combined with the information of the Wingshen, Illuminati is holding to the thigh this time. I don’t know it, but it’s definitely a beautiful leg.

Emma is curled up on the ground, his body is constantly changing. Everyone knows that this reserve Nirvana is probably going to soar into the sky.

Several researchers immediately carried it into the cabin lounge.

“en?” Carmen picked up the tablet computer on his body.

It turns out that about this cooperation, who will leak the secrets? Before leaving, the big ball of light had secretly told Carmen.

There was a list on the tablet, and the names on it made Carmen silent.

“…” Huang Ji looked towards Carmen, the expression in his eyes means’what’s wrong.’

Carmen didn’t speak, he was sweating down, he thought that only Maxi would leak the secret, didn’t expect There is Fez!

“How is it possible…It’s not that Fez is pressed down, and the perturbator must be reported to Otis. It is because he decides that we dare to cooperate with the perturbator. “

“Now the perturbator said that Fez will betray him in the end? “

Carmen is dumbfounded. Fez takes the lead in the team, but will stabb them in the end? Put them together?

Why? And Fez is not on the carrier, just through the communication device. , Behind the scenes remote control here, how does the perturbator judge that Fez will betray?

“Who is on the list of the perturbator who judges that it will leak in the future? Why didn’t he say it? “Fez asked in the headset.

“It was Maxi Court Academecian and Jerry Court Academecian… the perturbator sent the list directly to my tablet. I guess I didn’t want Maxi and the others to listen. To. “Carmen said, but did not mention Fez own name.

How to mention this? Fez is a Sword Hand, and he has no ability to deal with each other.

Maybe it was all right, but it turned out that he This said, on the contrary, it made Fez feel that the perturbator did not trust him, and then chose to be loyal to his original partner.

“I am optimistic about Maxi and the others, but don’t have to deal with it first. You organize a group of people to go to Egypt… Carmen, the Wing God is a big deal, I beg you. “Fez confessed.

Carmen said that he understood that the two of them hung up the communication.

But Carmen was in a heavy heart. It seemed that Fez was leading the search for the second dad this time. , He could say he was following Fez.

But the perturbator said that Fez would betray, and only told himself about it. It was very subtle. Looking back suddenly, he suddenly became the leader of Carmen. Brother, at least in the eyes of the perturbators.

Carmen looked at the list, not at all Huang Ji and Emu’s name, and after thinking about it, he called Huang Ji and came to Emine’s Lounge, tell them about this directly.

“What do you mean by disturber? Did he make a mistake? How did he judge that these people would betray? Carmen asked.

Looking at the name of Fez on the list, Eminem also turned pale with fright.

The boss took the lead in betraying, is this a fart?

“The perturbator has a very strong ability to calculate big data, and he is also impossible to play any conspiracy with us. I think this list is still credible. “Huang Ji said.

Carmen said: “Who doesn’t know this, but why is Fez Sword Hand?” Isn’t it courting death? “

Huang Ji shook his head and said: “Not necessarily, he is not here after all. In the end, as long as we solve it, he still has merit. You can’t hide it, it’s impossible to hide it. How can it be said that something as big as Torch Dragon is taken away? “

Fez himself didn’t come, so he could actually turn his head back, but Carmen took someone to deal with the matter on the spot, so he definitely couldn’t turn his head back.

With Huang Ji’s reminder, Carmen was surprised. “Fuck I understand, the perturbator didn’t want to confront the Anunnaki company from beginning to end, nor did he have any interest in the interest chain of population trade. This space alien just wanted to take the ancient treasures on the earth and leave. In other words, he is just passing by for us. “

“Fez is certainly willing to cooperate with the perturbator now, after all, the benefits are endless, but what about after? The disturber patted his butt and left, and we will bear the Lord’s anger alone. “

Illuminati and Anunnaki are long-term interests, and the supply of population belongs to a long-term stable interest chain.

At present, it is only a short-term interest, and there are many ways to retreat. Good, but through contact, Fez has realized that the perturbator is most likely the one who patted his ass and left after getting something.

Short-term benefits Fez wants, and future hidden dangers, Fez must also consider Arrived. Should lick the dog, lick the dog, turn your face when you turn your face.

Huang Ji said with a smile: “This is politics. Fez takes a step and thinks ten steps. He has already thought of sacrificing us in the future. Fall, calm the Lord’s anger. “

Carmen frowned. As expected, all ants below Level 33 are ants. He is the most powerhouse at Level 32, no exception, he is still an abandoned child.


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