The Omniscient

Chapter 271

On March 1, Huang Ji transferred a large amount of knowledge obtained from Santa Fe to the computer at Messiah base.

It is mainly Mu Yuan’s knowledge. He is really a genius in biology and nanophysics.

Human beings have geniuses in every age, bringing outstanding contributions to technological progress. The great scientists of the 19th and 20th centuries have sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain. Among them, the early 20th century was a gathering of heroes and big men.

Mu Yuan, Harris, and Griffin are the scientific giants hidden in this era. Because they were cultivated and hidden by Illuminati, they were so unnamed.

Among them, Harris is the worst, but he still has amazing technological achievements under the least valued circumstances, which shows how terrifying his talent in the aerospace field is.

Mu Yuan’s field is the most valued, so the research results are the highest. His nano robots are simply magical.

This is actually the basis of human genetic modification!

After all, medicine is too limited. With these materials on the earth, Huang Ji’s perfect human medicine is already the top-level divine medicine.

In other words, Huang Ji and Eminem’s current state is already the limit of the human body’s medicine evolution, and if you want to improve it, you can’t just rely on medicine.

In contrast, nanotechnology is the real biological modifier. With it, Huang Ji can always optimize genes.

Huang Ji entered all the relevant technical information into the base computer, so that Sophia and the others could study well and start production at home.

After doing this, he began to teach the perfect human medicine formula, and even longevity medicine!

“This is longevity medicine?” Sophia couldn’t believe her own eyes and said: “Improving life expectancy by 500 years, are you kidding me?”

Huang Ji seems to have done it long ago Like a clinical trial, after the refining process, its medicine efficacy is appended.

There are mainly two types, 500 years of longevity and super long puberty.

However, Huang Ji wrote two kinds of manufacturing processes. The first one takes a long time and takes one month, but it is done once and for all.

Second, it actually divides medicine efficacy into fifty equal parts, that is, one time taking for ten years to increase life expectancy, the capping will be stacked up to fifty times.

But the first medicine efficacy is obvious. Because of the prolonged puberty, even if taken by an old man, it will recover one’s youthful vigor, ten years younger.

“To collect materials and make one hundred and sixty longevity medicines according to the second process, all of which are the first issue. I will give you a list and send them out.” Huang Ji said .

Sophia blinked and said: “Who is it for?”

Huang Ji said with a slight smile: “Of course they are some of the weak-minded people of Illuminati, they not at All what beliefs, joining Illuminati is for profit. Many of them are billionaires of clubs and above, plus mortal commanders who have been unable to break through Level 27 all the year round.”

“You have to pull them into us Messiah?” Evil Dragon leaned forward, surprised.

Huang Ji shook his head and said: “no no, you forgot? We are this…”

Speaking, he took out a badge with a layered pupil pattern.

Evil Dragon is clear, Huang Ji is going to set up the layered pupil faction, but…this is incredible.

He said in amazement: “Where do you come from longevity medicine? This is what Illuminati wants for all his life!”

Huang Ji stood up and said, “Of course it is me I studied it myself… Well, in fact, with Mu Yuan’s talent and Illuminati’s strength, it should have been researched long ago. Unfortunately, I went the wrong way and have been looking for external forces to extend lifespan.”

” The technical requirements for forcibly expanding the limit are too high, and naturally there are many difficulties.”

“They never thought that humans have longevity genes, but they are locked. It is undoubtedly simple to find a way to activate it. A lot.”

Everyone was stunned. Can human beings live forever?

Huang Ji said: “Remember the so-called forbidden fruit? I said that the fruit of wisdom is the gene that Drakonian gave us at the beginning. Hehe, the story of the Bible is only half written and the other half is hidden.”


“The Bible says very clearly that there are two trees in the Garden of Eden, one that distinguishes the fruit of good and evil, and the other the fruit of eternal life.”

“Both are forbidden fruits, but humans only After eating the fruit of wisdom, God said, “They have wisdom, if they live forever,” he drove humans out of the Garden of Eden.”

“In fact, the forbidden fruit represents Drakonian’s genetic gift, which includes wisdom. It also includes longevity. For Drakonian genes, the two exist side by side at the same time. This is why Adam lived 900 years old in the Bible.”

“After the Flood, human lifespan began Decrease, this is because God has sealed the longevity genes of human beings.”

Lin Li said clearly: “Plus, after Heavenspan Pagoda, God messed up human language and emptied human’s natural language library. This is weakening the influence of the fruits of wisdom.”

“Tsk…seal eternal life, weaken wisdom, and destroy unity. God does not do human affairs.”

Huang Ji gave a blank look. Said: “God is not a human, so why do you want to do human affairs?”

Next, he wrote the list and said: “In short, send the longevity medicine together with the layered pupil badge to those people. Inform them to see the mark like meeting an ally. Don’t say any nonsense, you don’t need to show your face, and don’t tell them what we need, just let it go.”

Everyone laughed.”

This bait is too big. One hundred and sixty copies of longevity medicine will be sent out. Illuminati will surely fry the pan. Maybe it will be divided into two factions, Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

Nochira was stunned secretly, saying, “Is there a big move finally? One hundred and sixty members who are in high positions or control capital, this list is the clearing list investigated by the big guy… …”

“In the end, it was the longevity medicine that was recently developed by the top to have this plan.”

“Or the organization has developed longevity medicine a long time ago, but because of internal instability, Therefore, deliberately delaying the disclosure, intending to carry out the cleanup operation first.”

Nochira does not know what kind of possibility it is, but he knows that this group of people may not be the most critical group.

Because the level is not high enough to threaten Illuminati’s rule, the highest level is only Level 27, and they are all mortals.

He secretly wanted to detonate this group of people, probably because he was drawing out a larger rebel force behind him.

“Adams!” Huang Ji shouted after entering all the technologies that Messiah would like to learn and develop.

As soon as everyone heard it, they knew he still had an order. Adam Si was playing on the phone and asked, “What’s the matter?”

“Hey, I almost forgot about it. Thing, brother… Are you interested in being a swordsman?” Huang Ji said with a smile.

The flesh on Adam Si’s face trembled and said: “You…you are crazy! The sword bearer is not…”

Huang Ji waved his hand: “I know Difficult, don’t worry. I’m just asking if you’d like it. If you don’t, you must take Veronica abroad and kill her. Otherwise, the entire Detroit base will be exposed.”

“Why? Adams asked in surprise.

Huang Ji said earnestly: “I have heard from Illuminati that the Alan family is about to force the marriage of Veronica, so that she will marry Illuminati, a newly emerging genius.”

Adam Sang Said: “Who!”

Huang Ji pointed to himself said with a smile: “I!”

“…” Everyone was speechless.

Adam didn’t know whether to cry or laugh and said: “I…I want to be a swordsman!”

He didn’t know whether he wanted to be or Don’t want to be.


In the afternoon of the second day, Messiah’s first manned spaceship was about to take off.

The technical content of this thing is not much more brilliant than the current NASA spacecraft.

The engineering conditions are not enough. Many of the things designed by Huang Ji and Harris are useless. The only use is the superconductor energy transmission system.

This greatly saves energy. Under the same fuel, its endurance is more than five times that of all spaceships in the world.

In other words, for the same mission, it can save five times the fuel mass of NASA’s spacecraft, and it can be used to carry other things.

This system also includes a set of solar charging devices, the charging efficiency is five times that of others.

Everything is difficult at the beginning. Messiah’s first space shuttle is already at this level. It has only been a few months. They have grown from nothing to the point where they are now.

If it weren’t for the nano industry, it would take ten years of hard work to build such a simple spacecraft.

Huang Ji picks this time to come back, naturally it is a good day.

Harris only prepared for one day, and everything was ready for launch.



Under Messiah focal point of ten thousands, Huang Ji was on the space shuttle In, began his first exploration of space.

Even Drakonian came to watch the ceremony. They always remember Huang Ji telling them: There is hope in space.

So Drakonian’s life in seclusion is not to go for leisure, but to supplement knowledge and learn science and technology.

Although it’s a bit late to study now, they have high intelligence, and they don’t want to know how to eat…waiting for the ready-made ones.

With this backbone and a foundation beyond human intelligence, they will be able to catch up with Sophia and even Harris level sooner or later, and will surpass them in the future.

“What’s the name of this spaceship?” Alexey asked.

Harris excitedly said: “Preacher.”

“Why?” Alex said puzzled.

Lin Li shook his head and said, “I don’t know, it was the big brother who wanted to take it. He said that he took the first sentence of Qu Yuan’s “Heaven Questions”, “Who preached at the beginning of ancient times”.”

Everyone doesn’t care, it’s just a name, whatever you call it.

“Preaching…Preaching, a good name, our human path should never be determined by a shit space alien, it is to preaching…” Nochira clapped his hands and blew, incidentally. Follow Messiah’s thinking.

“en?” However, it made Drakonian look at him.

At high altitude, the rocket has reached the scheduled orbit, and the space shuttle has separated from it.

The main power of the space shuttle is still fossil fuel, but a small part is ionization propulsion.

The ion thruster designed by Huang Ji, the efficiency is greatly reduced without the colorful stones, so it can’t be used as the core power.

I saw Huang Ji in the cabin without any bloated outfits. He was covered with a faint golden body. This set of nano skin is the strongest spacesuit of human Civilization.

This voyage is only 50,000 kilometers away from the surface, and it will not attract the attention of the moon.

As for Illuminati, it was hidden and shielded by Huang Ji with Buddha bones.


Huang Ji stared at this beautiful azure blue planet directly through the window.

Facing this fascinating blue is a feeling that no photo can convey.

Especially Huang Ji, the more he develops historical information, the more he feels the heavy rise and fall of this planet.

From the real name of the earth, to its origin, to the birth of life and the birth of wisdom.

Even though Huang Ji has the physical fitness of S4, he can’t analyze everything in detail. The time span is too large, and he can only get a rough understanding.

“Wow…” Since the low-entropy cultivation technique was practiced, Huang Ji hasn’t felt such intense information pressure for a long time.

It’s just such a tiny planet, which carries all the history of mankind, even the history of all creatures and even dead things. The vast river of 4,600 million years, everything that has happened is here. .

Such a huge and endless information, Huang Ji is of course impossible to perceive carefully. He directly received it as if swallowing a date, under all shielding, and then received it all.

This time Huang Ji personally set foot on space, in order to include the information of the entire earth, whether he understands it or not, whether it is shielded or unshielded, into his infinite information library. An information tag that’has been perceived by Huang Ji’.

In this way, he doesn’t need to know subjectively, which means he remembers it, and can check it anytime later.

Historical information is good, and it will not change.

From then on, Huang Ji can finally know that the earth since ancient times, any period of history in any place.

Huang Ji was above the sky for the first time, overlooking the earth, not for resources, nor for exploring the moon, nor for other Civilization.

And just to remember history, to remember the ancient epics of the ancestors that have long disappeared in the long river of time, leaving few traces.

Who preached at the beginning of ancient times? Born Huang Ji Qi Civilization.


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