The Omniscient

Chapter 268

Maxi was also shocked by the news of the Wing God, knowing that Illuminati had found this thing.

But in this way, the organization has two boats. Fez and Carmen chose to stand in line and attack separately. This is a joke about everyone’s lives.

If this matter is revealed, all the people on this boat will die. This is still the best situation. Maybe Illuminati will be destroyed directly.

After Maxi learned that 2045 will be Doomsday, not only did he not feel that there was a way to survive with the disturber, he also felt that the number of places given by ‘6’ was even more precious.

He worked hard and claimed to have a very good relationship with Otis. What has been gained through hard work for most of his life, does it mean that changes will change?

It is like a person who has worked hard for several decades in a career and became an authority, suddenly asking him to betray this career and choose another master. It’s not that this kind of thing won’t happen, but it won’t change if you listen to others draw a few big cakes.

The appearance of natural disturbers is like a small third between them and the Lord.

Some people can’t bear it and want to hook up with Xiaosangou, naturally some people choose to be loyal to the original match.

Fez and Carmen think that there may be no good results with the original match, but Maxi thinks, could it be good results with Xiaosan?

Maybe the latter is worse. The original partner, after all, has a history of thousands of years. Illuminati has no credit and hard work. Maxi feels that no matter how bad the home is, there is no difference. This is the end of the perfection of merit. The night is not guaranteed, and I am confused by greed and ambition, and there are branches.

The so-called loyal minister is not the two masters, sometimes it is not for loyalty, but for reluctance to deny one’s life’s efforts.

The big ball of light revealed many secrets. Some Illuminati knew that, and some Otis and the others never took the initiative to tell them.

For example, the law, such as Doomsday, such as ‘6’ is actually just one of the top ten controllers of Anunnaki Company in the past.

The people on the aircraft carrier have different minds at this moment. Some people think’how about this’? Some people think there should be multiple retreats.

Seeing the big ball of light seemed to be leaving, Huang Ji suddenly said: “Is the thing you want to find called Candle Yin, or Torch Dragon?”

“I don’t know its name.” Da Guangqiu said.

Huang Ji said: “There are descendants of dragons on the earth, and their ancestors left behind an ancient book that records many unpredictable things. There is one thing, and the environmental transformation you described The device is very similar.”

Everyone was shocked when these words came out: What? Is there a record?

There is indeed a team of consultants composed of various experts, but there is basically no research on Classic of Mountains and Seas.

There are experts in charge of cultural archaeology and familiar with the myths of various countries. However, he did not have a deep research on the myth of Hua Country. After all, the myth of Hua Country is actually very mixed, and Classic of Mountains and Seas is also very niche. Even many people in Hua Country don’t know it.

A bald expert said: “Torch Dragon…I remember, I know this, it is the ancient god of Hua Country, a giant dragon with a length of thousands of miles, open eyes is day, closed eyes is night . Breathing can create winter and summer and change the four seasons.”

There are clouds in the Great Desolate North: Beyond the Northwest Sea, to the north of Chishui, there is Zhangwei Mountain. There is a god, the face and the snake are naked, and the eyes are straight. His gaze is obscure, and his vision is clear. No food, no sleep, no rest, wind and rain are greedy. It is a candle nine yin, it is called Torch Dragon.

To be clear, this Torch Dragon can control day and night, without eating, resting, or oxygen, working 24 hours a day, and can call the wind and summon the rain.

The so-called nine-yin candle is not just a name, but also a function.

Nine is the number of poles, representing all, which means that it can see and illuminate all the shadows of the earth.

“What then?” Carmen asked.

The bald expert shook his head and said: “I only know so much, but this is a god, not an artifact.”

Huang Ji said: “Who said it is not an artifact. “You Shen” refers to a kind of artifacts, rather than the Immortal God, which was later added with meaning…”

He quickly explained that the “you God” he once explained to Lin Li was an electrical object The remarks have said that God in Classic of Mountains and Seas does not mean electricity now, but electricity.

Everyone was amazed, and quickly checked the original original text of the existing Classic of Mountains and Seas. After translation by the linguists and cultural experts present, they found that it was really possible.

The entire book Classic of Mountains and Seas is rigorously classified. There are gods, witches, humans, beasts, birds, mountains, and countries, all of which are clearly classified.

So did the ancients mistake the weird beasts for gods? No, because some describe very weird things, Classic of Mountains and Seas also clearly wrote “There are beasts”.

For example,’There is a beast, its shape is like a dog with a human face, good at throwing, but smiling when you see people, its famous mountain waves, its walking like the wind, and seeing it is a strong wind in the world. ‘

Another example is’There is a beast yan, which looks like a leopard and has a long tail, and a human head with bull ears. The name is Zhujian. ‘

People have divided them into categories, clearly saying that this is a beast, an animal, but the way of describing it is different from that of people today, but later generations have to understand it as a beast.

What’s even more outrageous is that there are people with hoopoe, tiger teeth, leopard tail, and acupuncture points. They are called Queen Mother of the West. ‘

I clearly said that this is a’person’, and later generations have to say that Queen Mother of the West is a Spiritual God.

This means that the recorder of Classic of Mountains and Seas is not a fool, he is not blind, and he is not confused whether a thing is an animal.

Classic of Mountains and Seas, opened up the earliest known taxonomy. The ancients are not stupid, but the door is clear! It can be seen that the descendants of the ancient dragon are so rational, but the descendants are better than them More superstitious…

He just identified the earliest encyclopedia in history as a fictional book of ghosts and ghosts.

Huang Ji knows that the earliest China did not believe in Spiritual God at all. There was no concept of Spiritual God at all. There were only concepts such as’Emperor’, Sovereign’,’ancestor’, and’Heaven’. Heaven is the later Tao. , Is the rule. Emperors and ancestors are also material objects, not illusions.

The whole system is extremely social, political, and rational. It cannot be said that there is no superstition at all, but it was already the least superstitious culture at that time.

The real concept of Spiritual God and religious concept is Dongyi. Because Yanhuang is culturally integrated with Dongyi, the Shang dynasty of Dongyi Xuanniao family replaced Xia dynasty, and the rejuvenation of bird culture is higher than After the dragon, all kinds of superstitious concepts appeared in China Civilization.

The Shang Dynasty was really superstitious, and there were no space aliens and high-tech items at that time, so it began to give the word’electricity’ various additional concepts.

But it was only later in the Zhou Dynasty that an altar pictogram was added next to the word’electricity’, and the word’god’ was created.

In other words, the concept of “god” in the category of superstition was born very late in China, lagging behind the world, and was absorbed from the outside world because of national integration.

This is actually the difference between bird culture and snake culture. The space alien of the bird system thinks the creation is the creation, and the space alien of the snake system likes to treat the creation as its own child.

The two have different attitudes towards creation. Two human cultures were derived out, so the bird race became gods and Dragon Race became the ancestors.

True Drakonians are a race with strong self-esteem. They are also very mature. They know that to be respected, they must first respect the truth of others, so they never discriminate against the weak in personality.

“These are just your guesses. How can the recorders of Classic of Mountains and Seas be so sane? How can they define such a horrible thing as Torch Dragon as an artifact rather than a god?” said the bald expert .

In the eyes of Western Scholar, this is incredible. All ancient civilizations believed in gods, so why don’t they believe in Yanhuang culture?

Moreover, modern Chinese themselves don’t know this statement, and what Huang Ji said is nothing more than a family statement.

Huang Ji said: “I really have evidence.”

“What?” The bald expert was stunned.

Huang Ji said: “You are only looking at the Great Desolate North, when Torch Dragon went to Zhangwei Mountain. At the overseas north longitude, Torch Dragon’s long-term residence, Zhongshan, gave a detailed introduction Once Torch Dragon, take a closer look…”

The bald expert immediately turned to the overseas north longitude, and sure enough, there is also a Torch Dragon record here.

“Classic of Mountains and Seas·Overseas Northern Jing” says: The god of Zhongshan, named candle shade, regarded as day, gazing at night, blowing for winter, calling for summer, no drinking, no eating, Constantly, breath is the wind, the body is thousands of miles long. In the East of No Vessels. It is a thing, a human face, a snake body, red color, and it is located under the Zhongshan Mountain.

This bald expert, his brain is buzzing, and only the three words’it is a thing’ echoes!

Huang Ji said: “This so-called God of Zhongshan can control day and night, control winter and summer, and breathe without drinking or eating. It can also breathe, but it seems to be manipulating the wind and clouds, blowing winter and summer.”

“Blowing and exhaling are jets out, why not write inhalation? Because it is originally discharging gas to transform the environment. It is thousands of miles long and is the earth’s oversized central air conditioner. It is responsible for maintaining, changing the environment and Natural climate.”

“Such a powerful existence, but the classification is “it is a thing”.”

“In the same sentence, it is said that God is in the front, and it is a thing in the back, which means The recorder is very clear about its nature. It is an artifact. The so-called “shen” refers to a small category under the big category of artifacts. “There is a god” is a special artifact. Equivalent to electrical appliances are a type of machine. The former includes the former.”

Modern people explain this sentence because they think it is describing an imaginary god, but this god has a substance and is materialized.

But this explanation is simply nonsense.

If it is really a fictional Spiritual God, why should it be emphasized once that it is a thing? Wouldn’t it be over if it is the god of Zhongshan? An imaginary thing must be emphasized and materialized at the end?

According to Huang Ji’s previous interpretation of the “Electrical Appliance Theory”, this text is almost ironclad.

God and things are the same thing, God is just a special thing.

It is a three-character thing, which brings the rational thoughts of the recorder to the paper, combined with the regular classification and arrangement of Classic of Mountains and Seas, which proves that the author is very serious and faithful to record something. Non-imagining and making up.

The category of’there is a god’ refers to a special kind of artifact. The classification and definition are clear, and then look at Classic of Mountains and Seas, even foreigners find it much clearer.


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