The Omniscient

Chapter 267

In the combat command room of the aircraft carrier, Illuminati opened the map of Egypt and asked the big ball of light for coordinates.

However, the map automatically zoomed in to the entire North Africa, and then a golden bird head was added to the desert.

“The Wing God is actually in the Sahara Desert!”

Everyone in Illuminati was very happy, this is their oldest sacred relic.

It’s no wonder that I couldn’t find it for thousands of years. It turned out to be deep in the Sahara Desert outside Egypt.

“This place used to be the sphere of influence of ancient Egypt. The perturbator said, do you know nothing about own history?” Huang Ji said.

Carmen is speechless, how do they know about things thousands of years ago.

Illuminati has gone through several generations. The first generation of Illuminati perished in ancient Egypt, and there was no’Illuminati’ for a long time until ‘6’ gave the ark of the covenant to Moses.

The Ark of the Covenant contains the agreement between ‘6’ and the second-generation Illuminati. As for the content, it is not compiled in the Bible at all. In addition, the cabinet itself is also a gravitational wave communicator.

This thing has been tossed and turned several times, and has gone through ups and downs, and has changed countless owners a long time ago.

As long as you get the organization of the ark, use it to contact the Anunnaki company, and fulfill this contract, you will be the new Illuminati.

If you want to say the real sacred relic, it has to be the Wing God, which is the earliest Divine Item of Illuminati.

But Illuminati only knows that this thing is very difficult to deal with, but has never seen it before… Now that I finally have hope of getting it back, I am naturally extremely excited.

Now finally there is an all-knowing alien boss, Illuminati naturally wants to know more, so he took the opportunity to ask.

Huang Ji also took the opportunity to use the mouth of the big ball of light to tell them many secrets, the origin of mankind, the public laws in the galaxy, and even Doomsday in 2045.

“What! The big trial has been fixed?” Illuminati knows that mankind will be extinct sooner or later, but didn’t expect this time to be fixed long ago.

They always thought that when ‘6’ was about to give up earthling, they picked up Illuminati’s senior management and then took the initiative to initiate a big trial.

Didn’t expect a natural disaster?

In the following events, they gradually learned a lot of things that Otis would never tell them.

Huang Ji said: “A few 100,000 years ago, Anunnaki was still a small company, and the level of civilization was very low. They used the earth as a testing ground for biological experiments.”

” Their business is to produce pet races or coolies without advanced intelligence.”

“As long as the IQ does not cross the line, it is legal. However, Anunnaki’s market competitiveness is too small because it cannot earn money. Money, the company has become more brutal and harsh on races that cannot be sold. They are allowed to mine to subsidize finances, and they do a lot of radical transformations and kill at will.”

“Cruel abuse of nature brings violence. Rebelled. The race that rebelled at the time was called Rajji, and they were actually your Homo erectus. They were actually quite smart and even had an own culture. Unfortunately, the knowledge gap was irreparable, and they were brutally suppressed by the Anunnaki company and almost wiped out.”

“During this period, not all employees vented the company’s poor performance to lower races, such as a few Dragon Race employees. Their culture determined that they would not shirk their mistakes on the innocent and weak. , This is a shameful behavior.”

“On the contrary, from the resistance of Homo erectus, they saw the potential of this race to evolve into higher intelligence creatures. One of the criteria for higher intelligence in the Star Alliance, It means that after a species has been domesticated by strong powers for a long time, it can awaken itself and actively choose to resist objects that they originally considered irresistible.”

“The other conditions of Homo erectus are not up to standard, but this is the most difficult condition. It was up to the standard, which made those Dragon Race admire it very much. Dragon Race’s life technology is very strong. They don’t like the Homo erectus that they participated in the creation to be destroyed as rubbish…So they did a superfluous thing.”

“The two Dragon Races transplanted a small part of the own gene to the only group of Homo erectus at the time, which gave rise to many new races, among which two of the most important ones, one with powerful power, One has wisdom. The latter is your Homo sapiens.”

There are many experts in Illuminati’s advisory group, and when they hear it, it feels like a fusion version of Sumerian mythology and Eden legend.

There is no doubt that doing so is detrimental to the company’s interests. Researcher Drakonian was severely punished by the company for this, so he went out of his own accord, started anew, and continued his own research.

But they succeeded in saving the creation of own. The birth of Homo sapiens allowed mankind to continue in the form of evolution, because the higher intelligent races cannot kill and trade at will.

Anunnaki company can only drive humans out of the base and fend for themselves.

Sure enough, the most powerful race was wiped out by natural disasters and diseases, and other races were basically wiped out.

However, Homo sapiens sprawled and grew rapidly, spreading across all land except Antarctica.

They couldn’t buy or sell, they simply enslaved themselves, so they became the gods of Homo sapiens.

Drakonian did the same thing, but their culture is different.

As early as when looking back at historical information, Huang Ji knew many ancient secrets.

At this moment, combined with some archaeological studies of Illuminati own and Otis’s statement, Huang Ji has already clarified the origin of mankind.

He had known the exact location of the Wing God, but he could not dig it out, it was too deep.

There are many similar good things on the earth, so Huang Ji used the mouth of the big ball of light to let Illuminati do this work, incidentally, to save some people who would have died in the disaster.

The final destination is Hua Country Qinghai, which is also Qinghai in the Classic of Mountains and Seas.

There, there is the most precious thing left by the Drakonian on earth, the candle shade.

In comparison, the Wing God is a bargain.

But for Huang Ji and Illuminati, the Wing God is also extremely precious equipment.

The Wing God is the so-called’God Shao Hao’, a war armor with wings on the body of a bird.

At that time, the ten-day kingdoms such as Shao Hao and Xihe were the “first Illuminati”, which lived at sunrise, the islands on the sea and the Americas. They were called “all beings under the sun” and were symbolized by birds.

The first generation of Illuminati is just the modern Illuminati’s name. At that time, they were not in the form of organization, but an alliance of ten religious Divine Kingdoms.

It is the huge pillar of hibiscus that stands on the Pacific Ocean, and the nine tripods flying in and out like the sun on it.

They are controlled by nine civilization space aliens of light. The names of the nine space aliens are unknown. They are all core members of the Anunnaki company, code-named 1-9.

These nine people together with the highest Leader Dijun, respectively created ten kingdoms of belief own, collectively called the ten-day kingdom.

Among them, Emperor Jun is the closest to human beings, he personally rules his own country, and even combines with a human woman, and creates’Demi-God’ heirs.

Dijun is called Taihao, and the heir he created is called Shao Hao. The meanings are the Supreme Yang God and the Young Yang God.

‘Shao Hao Mecha’ was bestowed by him to the Shao Hao country. In that era when bronze was used as a soldier and jade stone was used as a tool, this was the Divine Item of Zhenguo.

Of course, other regions were not bad at the same time, there were people on them.

When heaven and humans live together, there are various beliefs around the world, but the most important ones are the Civilization of Light of Birds and the Drakonian Force of Snakes.

They were originally owned by the Anunnaki Company and jointly operated the Mesopotamia. Later, for the sake of mankind, they fell out. Drakonian all withdrew from the group and fought with the birdmen. Then they were killed in the Star Alliance. The forces have passed a wave of legal sanctions. Then there is incompatible as fire and water.

Dragon Phoenix splits up, up and down, and even causes the Homo sapiens below to have disputes.

But the following human wars are fought and fought, and disputes continue. Gradually, it has become a battle between beliefs and cultural traditions, mainly the battle between Dragon Phoenix and the battle between eagles and snakes.

Five thousand and one hundred years ago, Upper Egypt, where the national protection god was an eagle, eliminated Lower Egypt, where the protection god was a snake, unified the black lands and established ancient Egypt.

5000 years ago, Babylon Marduk wiped out the evil Raging Dragon Tiamat, unified many city states, and conquered the entire Babylon.

Four thousand and 800 years ago, the Ten-Day Kingdom encroached on the coast of East Asia, expelling the Shennong tribe who originally lived on the Eastern Sea coast to the inland, occupying the Yellow River and the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, and polluting the local cattle as Totem. The Flame Emperor is subordinate to the clans. So far, “Dongyi” appeared in Hua clansman’s eyes, and disputes between Hua and Yi began.

4,600 years ago, the Yellow Emperor came out to the east, merged with the Shennong tribe, and conquered Dongyi. At that time, Emperor Jun had no longer care about the earth. The Yellow Emperor also served as the master of the Chinese and Yi communists with military force and political talent. , And recognized the last Shennong as the Flame Emperor. So far the human’emperor’ appeared for the first time, and two in one breath.

However, the Yellow Emperor does not at all eliminate Dongyi, but integrates the advantages and cultures of the two races, develops peacefully, and only allows them to be subject.

4,400 years ago, the Yellow Emperor was no longer there, the Dongyi culture was revived, the Shao Hao country became the Sect Master country of the Huayi world, and the bird official Human Sovereign became popular. However, due to the previous fusion behavior of the Yellow Emperor, Dragon Snake Phoenix Bird has begun to separate families.

In this era, two snakes, the gods of birds, and Totem, who trampled the two snakes, appeared one after another. This is the era when birds are superior to dragons.

4,300 years ago, a young man walked out of the Sichuan and Sichuan capital Guangzhiye, learned from Dongyi, and later Zhurong in charge of military affairs, internally discussed and worked together, fought for ten days, and won with the hearts of the people Divine power, regained the Dragon Emperor, named Gaoyang clan, Danger Land Tiantong.

The disappearance of the pillar of Fusang and the disappearance of all the wonders at that time. The Ten Day Kingdom fell apart, and the descendants of Shao Hao fled to Ancient Egypt with Mecha.

The reason why Illuminati could not be found was because the thing was buried deep in the desert.

This would be an eternal secret, but now Huang Ji wants to make it reappear.


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