The Omniscient

Chapter 266

Maxi Court Academecian was also standing on the aircraft carrier. He watched Huang Ji standing beside Carmen as an interpreter.

This made him feel mixed feelings in his heart, a kind of unspeakable loss.

He has been with Otis year after year, and after riding a horse, he tries his best to please him, so that he can learn some everyday language.

until now, he is one of the indispensable figures for Illuminati to receive Otis and even other space aliens.

Maxi Court Academecian knows Otis, he can always follow Otis’s wishes, and make some small requests when he is happy.

It was he who keenly discovered that Otis loves fighting and arranged toys for him for fun. This kind of activity every year has won a lot of benefits for Illuminati.

So even if he is not a powerful researcher, his knowledge of foreign languages ​​and the understanding of Otis’ temperament allows him to have a transcendent position in the organization.

At the moment, didn’t expect a natural perturbator, and a small 9th-level investigator was directly proficient in the language, which made his half-skilled level useless.

“I study this language day and night, but it’s not as good as a fortuitous encounter. I tried my best to please Otis, the little bit I just learned. He didn’t know the perturbator before, so I was caught I was given knowledge casually…”

Maxi Court Academecian’s psychology is extremely unbalanced, and at the same time he can see that Carmen wants to take this line.

This is undoubtedly a betrayal of the Lord. Once Otis knows, Illuminati will be bloody cleansed.

“Dare to do this kind of thing, Carmen…no, it’s Fez. This is dragging the organization into the abyss.” Maxi Court Academecian thought to himself.

At the same time, he also understood what the disturber said, Chile will be hit by a bigger earthquake 36 days later. But because the perturbator spoke too fast, and he was half-hearted, after he figured out the meaning of this sentence, Huang Ji had already exchanged a few sentences with the perturbator.

The Chilean earthquake that will occur in the future is also the work of the perturbators.

This makes Illuminati and the others secretly sighed: Here again…

Not only is here again, Daguangqiu continued: “April 14th, in Hua Country Qinghai There is also a big earthquake.”

Illuminati is confused, what is this for?

Haiti in January, Chile in February, and Hua Country in April? Is this going to shake the earth around?

They don’t understand what the space alien is about, and why? They have hatred with the earth? Or just want to toss them?

It’s always profitable, right?

Carmen asked: “Are you practicing with the earth and testing your own new weapons?”

There is no doubt, This reason is absolutely impossible.

Carmen himself knew very well, but he said so deliberately, asking a mistake can even be said to be naive, and then inducing the space alien to tell the real reason.

But the perturbator easily saw it through: “You don’t need to hit the sidelines. If you want to know the real reason, I can tell you.” Illuminati everyone is overjoyed, but then the perturbator He also said: “But this reason is a secret to the Star Alliance. As far as I know, in the future, someone will pass on what I said today to Anunnaki Company. If you want to know this person, I can also tell you.”

Hearing this, Carmen shook his heart.

Obviously, the real reason for the perturbator to come to Earth is that he does not want the master behind Illuminati to know. This must be a big secret.

Illuminati is Anunnaki’s lackey after all. Telling Illuminati this secret is equivalent to telling Anunnaki?

“Hua Ji, consider his context. He knows that there will be leaks among us, why he can tell us? Is this an irony? Should we know?” Carmen asked Tao.

Huang Ji said: “It’s not an irony. He doesn’t have any questions throughout the process, so it’s not an order. What he uses is a sentence of’whatever I do’, which is actually giving us choices.”

Carmen then understood: “The perturbator seems to be able to’foresee the future’. He said that someone will leak the secret, but he is not afraid to tell us the secret. This means that he can change the secret before the leaker speaks out. Kill it.”

He hesitated and heard Fez’s voice behind the scenes in his headset: “Ask.”

After hearing Fez’s words, Carmen said: “Natural disturber , Could you please tell me why the earthquake was created? What is the real purpose of your coming to the earth?”

This is a choice. When he chooses to know this secret, he cannot tell Otis and other Anunnaki company Man, otherwise the perturbator will definitely kill him.

It is equivalent to being bound to the disturber, and working together to conceal the owner.

Fez is betting his own life. If he can get more benefits from the perturbator, he is tantamount to gaining an extra retreat for Illuminati. On the contrary, if Otis and the others are stronger and their deeds are revealed, Fez and all the informed persons today will die. Sacrificing themselves can still save Illuminati.

So far, the big ball of light finally said the reason, Huang Ji translated: “In your planet, there are many equipment left over from Civilization thousands of years ago. There were At least twenty interstellar races lived here. Later they hurriedly left, erasing most of their traces, but also leaving some legacy.”

“These things were hidden underground without taking away , I don’t value most of them, I only care about an’environmental modifier’.”

“Because that modifier has an extremely advanced anti-reconnaissance system, I can only try to launch to the center of the earth The perturbation device calculates the position of the machine in an extremely natural way.”

“The earthquake is only my detection method, not the purpose.”

Although the other party did not at All said the specific principle of its detection, but Carmen and the others still realized that the earthquake was just a side effect of the other party’s treasure hunting method…The purpose was to find the interstellar heritage underground.

Carmen looked at Huang Ji, and thought that he was right, that he really came to’treasure hunt’. There is an’environmental modifier’ hidden in the earth. Is this thing very valuable? Let a powerful space alien travel thousands of miles to the earth to find.

But it is extremely advanced. After all, even the perturbators who seem to be able to predict the future can’t directly scan that thing, and some sideways, weird ones, will cause earthquakes. Detection method.

“Natural disturber, what exactly are you talking about?” Carmen asked.

The big ball of light replied: “It is thousands of miles long, and its force field can cover the entire planet. It can control and maintain the ecology and climate of any planet.”

“This is the legacy of Dragon Race, They are very good at transforming the environment. As far as I know, the one they left on the earth is the best model of their Civilization. It can turn the entire planet into daylight, and even get all the light that hits the planet first.”

“What I need is not these functions, but its computer system, energy absorption field, and anti-reconnaissance system.”

Everyone in Illuminati holds their breath, the earth still hides such a powerful Something, absorbing all the light shining on the planet, wouldn’t it just turn off the lights and pull the shutters to directly turn the earth into pitch black?

This doesn’t sound great, but the hidden technical content has gone.

There is no physical shielding, and the force field alone absorbs energy, which means that the application of electromagnetic force reaches a very high level.

Since this technology has been applied to environmental transformation, the military weaponized energy absorbing device must be more powerful. Maybe the enemy can swallow it instantly when an energy cannon hits it.

Just as the technology of artificial rainfall can be used to reveal missile weapon technology, what the perturbator covets is the cutting-edge equipment with very high technical content.

Unfortunately, what remains on earth is only environmental modifiers, not weapons.

“Dragon Race?” Carmen muttered.

Huang Ji said: “Yes, his word specifically refers to’dragon’, and it sounds very similar to the dragon in Chinese.”

“I guess it is an ancient reptilion. The real Drakonian. What the perturbators want are the artifacts they left on the earth.”

Carmen asked, “Did you find it?”

“No.” Huang Ji translated.

Carmen walked aside and talked with Fez behind the scenes through the headset in a low voice.

They have sorted out the whole thing. The perturbator is probably a member of a criminal group. This time he came to the earth to hunt for equipment and technology. He didn’t want to grab business with Anunnaki, so he didn’t like it. The benefits of human trafficking.

Things were buried in the ground, and when they were finally excavated, they definitely couldn’t hide from Illuminati. So he simply went to the ground for the first time and tested Illuminati’s response with an earthquake.

In other words, he had already anticipated Illuminati’s reaction, and now he just let Illuminati choose to stand in line.

If Illuminati does not eliminate the impact on humans when he explores the baby and makes the space alien’s arrival on the earth well known, then he will probably search for and dig out treasures, if Gods block, extremely rudely, kill the Gods, if Buddhas block, kill the Buddhas, finally pat the ass and run away.

On the contrary, if Illuminati cooperates with it, the perturbator can take away what he wants without killing.

After all, the earth is the territory of Anunnaki Company and the home of their Illuminati. Fez quickly made a decision.

“The situation is such a situation. We must cooperate with him. Have you noticed that? He said that the ancient space alien left a lot of objects. He doesn’t care about everything except this environmental modifier.” Fez Said.

Carmen immediately said: “He doesn’t care, it doesn’t mean we don’t care. If the perturbator can tell us its position, we will be content.”

Fez said: “Ancient Era , The Lord once bestowed the Wing God, and the original Illuminati hid it in Egypt, but no one knows the exact location. Maybe we can find it back.”

Speaking of which, Carmen comes back and lets Huang Ji asked about other alien items, especially the Wing God.

Sure enough, Da Guangqi said very generously: “How harsh is Anunnaki’s treatment of you? What I don’t want is naturally yours.”

, Fez and Carmen were almost crying, so moved, the perturbator agreed with no difficulty.

“The Wing God you are talking about should be Phoenix Clan’s Mecha. This thing is useless to me. I can mark it on the map and you can find it yourself.”


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