The Omniscient

Chapter 265

Huang Ji’s basis is very simple. In the Galactic Common Language, different contexts have various meanings.

If it is a Superior to servant relationship, interrogative sentences are declarative sentences, and even subordinates should understand them as commands.

The perturbator said a lot of interrogative sentences. From the very beginning, “Did you attack me just now?” If you don’t want anyone to die, why not leave here? ‘

There are even’Talk to me about compensation?’,’You must be in order to my work? ‘, these are commands in the case of Superior to servant.

After calling Huang Ji back and asking him for the basis, Carmen and the others suddenly realized.

It turns out there is such a thing!

So’why not leave here’ is actually ordering them to move people away.

‘Are you going to work for me?’ is actually asking them to work for them.

Most languages ​​on the earth also have similar contextual meanings, but space alien seems to be directly standardized.

Everyone looked towards Maxi, besides Huang Ji, he knows Zeta best.

“It seems like this…” Maxi pondered.

Maxi didn’t even have’Alien Language Three Level 4′. He just learned a bit from Otis, and occasionally used Zeta to communicate with Otis to get closer, but Maxi did not understand strict grammar at all.

So in the previous analysis, I didn’t think about this level at all, but at the moment I listened to Huang Ji’s explanation, and then I think about the bit by bit between myself and Otis. It seems that this is true…

“Singular language?” Maxi asked.

Huang Ji nodded and said: “The lingua franca I was inherited from is the lingua franca. The memory of the disturber did not say what Zeta language this is. Zeta in this language means glasses and surveillance, nothing It has a more special meaning.”

Everyone looked towards Maxi. It turned out that this guy didn’t even know that this language was actually a lingua franca, and always told the organization that it was Zeta.

Maxi Surprised and angry, but there is no reason to refute it, because Hua Ji was directly inherited by the space alien.

“Even so, we are not a Superior to servant relationship with him! Our Lord is not the disturber! Why do you want to understand by order?” Maxi said.

Huang Ji shook his head and said: “I guessed it, I just learned the language, guessing that the perturbator has this meaning that’s all.”

“Is it me too I don’t know.”

He said he didn’t know, but in fact, all the smart people present were comprehended.

Illuminati and the perturbator are not Superior to servant, they can be treated as ordinary words.

Only the subordinates need to interpret’why not leave here’ directly as an order to move everyone out of the earthquake zone.

So on the other hand, if Illuminati does this, it is actually a kind of “vouch for name”.

Said: We have worked for you.

“The perturbator said he was not interested in humans. Is this true or ironic?” Carmen asked.

Huang Ji asked: “I remember the original saying was,’I am not interested in mankind, I am only interested in the earth’.”

“I don’t know his purpose, but It may be that the earth has something he wants.”

Maxi said: “The most precious thing on earth is human beings. In the eyes of heaven and human beings, only humans are the most valuable. What he meant is actually We are looking for our master to take ownership of the earth.”

Huang Ji said: “There is also a kind of probability, that is, there are us on the earth, and even our Lord doesn’t know…good things.”

“I heard that there were many celestial beings on the earth before? Maybe something good was left.”

Carmen eyes shined, ancient ruins? They searched for this thing for many years, and found almost nothing except for a few wreckage.

Although the space aliens used to walk all over the earth, they have been cleaned up for thousands of years.

Is there a legacy? Otherwise, the big guys like the perturbators would come to the earth to amuse them without any reason, and they would not try to get people.

“What on earth do we do?” Eminem asked.

Carmen thought about it and said: “You and I don’t count! Sword Hand has its own decision on this matter.”

After all, he took Huang Ji’s report and Maxi All the thoughts were sent to Fez.

He only sent it to Fez!

Not long after, Fez issued instructions: “Evacuate everyone in Port-au-Prince before the earthquake.”

Maxi was taken aback, and Carmen slightly smiled, secretly thought: “I I know you are brave. Fez, you said you have no ambitions.”


“You can’t leave it alone. We have also seen what the flying saucer said, 12. At 4:50 in the afternoon, there will be a big earthquake. Our people in Haiti are poor. Even in the capital, Port-au-Prince, houses are mostly old and fragile. If an earthquake comes, it will be over.”

“Never mind if it is a natural disaster, but this is a space alien. You have been asking us to cooperate with you to conceal it. Now it’s fine, people are going to invade the earth!”

I can’t go down…”

Carmen took someone to meet the President of Haiti, and when they met, the other party sold poorly.

He even said that he couldn’t keep it up, as a hidden threat.

Carmen frowns saying: “Are you threatening us?”

The President of Haiti shook his head and said: “No, no, but if a disaster happens, I’m afraid I can’t control it.”


“In this world, as long as the Five Constants are not officially announced, no one can speak well. In this small place, Haiti, even if the president personally says that there is a space alien, we can also be washed into “Your small country deliberately wants to attract the attention of the world. Then cheated aid from the United States and even the world, and raised the country’s reputation’…Do you want to try?” Carmen said.

“…” The president was dumb.

Carmen said: “The Peace and Progressive Party that has been in the opposition recently has made a lot of noise and has given us a lot of money. Have you actually inquired about this?”

The president is stiff For their small country, Illuminati said that whoever is in power will be in power. He also came up like this.

“Understood.” The president sighed. It is really too difficult for a small country to gain some benefits.

Carmen frowns saying: “What do you understand?”

“I will handle it myself.” The president said.

Carmen said: “You don’t understand anything! Listen, you are now directly claiming that the opposition party intends to make a coup, and then fighting them in the downtown area, by the way, claiming that the previous UFO was bought by the other party from Russia. The new drone that came was originally intended to assassinate your president.”

“But because this weapon is of poor quality, it ignites spontaneously and flies in the downtown area.”


President nodded.

Carmen continued: “You must fight this battle in the urban area. I will cooperate with you. When the time comes, the United Nations will come forward to maintain peace and protect the people.”

“You agree to this and evacuate all the people in Port-au-Prince to the countryside. Illuminati will be responsible for all the supplies such as food, medicine, and tents. Tomorrow morning, twenty rescue ships will arrive and the supplies will be shipped continuously. Come, after the earthquake, there will be assistance from the whole world.”

“In this World, no one will care about the affairs of an unknown country except for the vital interests.”

“Whether it is more or less deaths, the overwhelming majority in the world will not remember this.”

“In short, let us save people, you only need to be responsible for the official announcement Just fine, the nature of the whole incident is that the rebellion triggered an evacuation, and finally avoided the earthquake.”

When the Haitian president heard it, his eyes widened.

What? Is there such a good thing? Is Illuminati transformed?

What organization is Illuminati? That is the selfish ghost of Number One.

Since it is going to be a natural disaster, it will definitely not save people in advance.

This kind of superfluous thing is costly, laborious, and humane. I don’t know how much benefit we have to pay to other countries in the world to play down this matter.

The President of Haiti is selling poorly. He just wanted more assistance after the disaster, but didn’t expect that Illuminati did better than he expected. He was willing to spend ten times and one hundred times more money to save in advance. Nearly 3,000,000 people in and around Port-au-Prince!

“Is the sun coming out from the west?” Haitian President whispered.

“What did you say?” Carmen said.

“Nothing! I will cooperate with all my strength!” Haitian President joyfully said.


At 4:50 pm on January 12.

The disaster came as promised. The seabed land in the Caribbean burst open, and a large piece of crust broke directly into a rift valley!

To this city.

In an instant The earth shook and the mountain quivered, houses collapsed, roads split, and old buildings instantly scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

In just a few tens of seconds, a bustling city has become ruins.

Follow closely from behind is the tsunami, the sea ash yellow, engulfed in silt and dead fish, poured into the city, instantly engulfing the port, rolling debris along the way and pushing the coastline towards the island several dozen li!

Haiti, this small country, is one of the least developed regions in the world.

Port-au-Prince is the only city that can barely be known. No other place can be called a city. Right now, this only city has been raze to the ground.

It can be said that this is a tragedy that will push this originally backward country into the abyss.

However, all this has been changed by Huang Ji.

Because before the earthquake, all people were forced to become refugees, picked up by the United Nations and evacuated to other areas.

Port-au-Prince has almost become an empty city, with only two armies left, fighting there.

When the earthquake hit, the two armies even withdrew secretly, and the last thing that was lost was the economy.

In the case of economic losses, Illuminati said: I have made it round.

In this world, the only force capable of saving here is Illuminati. But under normal circumstances, Illuminati will never choose to save people. Even if it knows in advance, it will sit back and watch the disaster cause serious consequences. Just like the Maxi Court Academecian, it means that it is not so troublesome and a waste of money.

Without him, this is a selfish organization.

They obviously have the ability to openly establish a nation, and stand on the surface to play and become a powerful nation with focal point of ten thousands.

But Illuminati never does this, precisely because they enjoy a transcendent status, but don’t want to bear any responsibility.

But Illuminati has a weakness, that is, space alien.

until now Except for criminal syndicates, other normal space aliens are all tourists. They are very disciplined and have no chance to get online.

Suddenly this time, a daring product came, and he also likes to be a’god’, even the kind of’god’ who is happy and willing to fulfill the ant’s wish.

If you can hold this leg and lose tens of billions, that would be a trivial matter.

Fez is a man with great courage and boldness as a son. In order to retreat, he decided to recognize more dad.


On the sea, over an aircraft carrier, Carmen finally saw the big ball of light with his own eyes.

I don’t know where it came from, the radar did not respond.

“It really showed up, which means we didn’t tell us, after all, we didn’t notify Otis at all.” Carmen looked up at the ball of light, feeling a little excited.

At the moment, there are Illuminati people around the sea, and there are no other civilians.

Carmen took a deep breath and said loudly: “Dear natural perturbators, we represent human beings and hope to receive you…”

His words have profound meaning, and Compared with this time, they only represent human beings this time, and no longer mention anything like’it is not allowed by the moon’.

This actually means I want to talk to him alone.

However, the big ball of light babbled and released a very short and tight speech.

When I heard this, I knew that it was the language of the Zeta people. No, it was a common language.

Everyone said that it was true, this space alien did not learn the language of the earth at all, or said that he did not bother to speak the language of the earth himself. So the last time I appeared, I didn’t speak at all, just used text and translation.

This time, because I have taught a Hua Ji lingua franca, I know that Illuminati has an interpreter, so I speak directly.

“Hua Ji, what did he say?” Carmen asked.

Huang Ji said: “He said that on February 27th, there was another earthquake in Chile…bigger than this time!”

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