The Omniscient

Chapter 264

Huang Ji wrote a report on many of his thoughts about natural perturbators.

Just an hour later, several troops from the United States and Chile came to strengthen Haiti.

Carmen personally led an S-level team, mainly escorting a space alien advisory group composed of various experts.

Some of these experts are experts in mathematics, some are experts in linguistics, and some are experts in sociology and physics.

In dealing with space aliens, military force is of little use, and they want to understand the idea of ​​space aliens.

Huang Ji and Eminem took people to pick up the plane, and a group of people came to the military base in Port-au-Prince, a combat command room.

“This is Maxi Court Academecian, the authority on universe studies, and the person in the entire Illuminati who knows the Greys best…” Eminem introduced a middle-aged man headed by this space alien advisory group. .

Huang Ji said with a slight smile: “Hello, Maxi Court Academecian.”

Maxi Court Academecian did not respond immediately, but glared at Eminem and said: “How dare Feel free to give the great Zeta a nickname!”

Amrang said: “Uh…yes! I’m sorry.”

Maxi Court Academecian looked towards Carmen again and said: “This habit is cultivated by your combat department. I have found it several times! Call Zeta by skin color, do you dare to say that in front of Lord Otis?”

Carmen feels very innocent, He didn’t say a word!

However, the name of this little gray is indeed speaking of which of their combat department, and they never correct each other.

But in front of Maxi Court Academecian, who has been in contact with Otis for a long time, he said that it was a curse. Although Carmen’s status is high, there is no reason to spit on this issue.

“People in your combat department, pay attention!” Maxi Court Academecian said.

Carmen nodded, then changed the subject and said: “Eminem Hua Ji, how much have you investigated, what clues do you have?”

Huang Ji gave Carmen various videos and materials , Said: “We found all the people contacted by the ball of light, and found that the space alien is not teaching them language, but just randomly selecting humans to fulfill their wishes…”

Maxi Court Academecian frowned. Sueding: “You said that the gods are fulfilling our wish? This is the result of your investigation?”

“Yes, like this string of numbers, it should be the lottery number…” Huang Ji said With.

Maxi looked at the information and shook his head: “My God, mathematics is a tool used by all higher creatures, and the entire universe is a common language. You still don’t want to talk…”

He smiled and waved his hand and said: “I will read the information about this heavenly man by myself, you don’t need to talk about it.”

Huang Ji laughed and shut up immediately.

The name Maxi Court Academecian, must call the little gray people Zeta people, and all space aliens must be called heaven people.

The so-called celestial beings are actually equivalent to a hundred years ago, the Far East called foreigners from great powers. This is not bad, it is a neutral term, if it is called God directly, it is directly recognizing Master.

Maxi is a typical spiritual space alien…Naturally, people in the combat department can’t call them unruly.

He looked through the information and said to Huang Ji without looking up: “Have you remembered all the inheritance language of heaven and man?”

Huang Ji nodded and said:” Yes.”

Maxi Court Academecian directly commanded: “Then there is nothing wrong with you here, you go to the Oxford Dictionary, and record all the words and pronunciations of heaven and man.”

He seems to use Huang Ji as a tool man, after all, Huang Ji is the lowest level here.

Eminem couldn’t help but said: “The dictionary can be translated anytime. What if the space alien comes again and talk to us?”

Maxi Court Academecian lost said. with a smile: “I can also speak the language of the Zeta people.”

He is the person who Illuminati is responsible for communicating with Otis and other small gray people. Naturally, he knows a few sentences, but at best, he is a little bit ‘.

But he said so, Eminem naturally had nothing to say.

“Okay.” Huang Ji silently exited the Conference Hall to translate the Oxford dictionary.

Next, everyone looked at the information for themselves, and Maxi was desperately studying the string of numbers.

He tried various ways to decipher, but failed to find any meaningful connotations.

Not long after, another aviation expert has watched the live video and said: “From the point of view of flexibility, this is about the level that the next seven generations of aircraft can reach, speed…no need to mention speed. In the video we have mastered, the maximum speed of the light ball is only one hundred and 67 meters per second.”

Carmen said: “It is not important, the light ball only needs this flexibility to play We are here.”

“I want to know how it created an earthquake and what its purpose is.”

An expert said: “To be honest, I can’t understand it. In other words, these light particles emitted by the big ball of light penetrate into the ground to remotely control earthquakes in some way.”

“The light particles are really small. From the video, they are so small. If We use post-processing to remove the halo and calculate the size of the luminous object inside. We will find that this thing is outrageously small, not as good as a grain of dust, and may be the size of an egg cell.”

“So what?” Carmen said.

The expert pointed to the light particles in the picture and said: “It is not difficult to randomly create an earthquake somewhere on the ground. As a heavenly man, he exterminates mankind with no difficulty.”

“But if you release a device the size of a granule cell, you can fly into the ground, disturb the core and accurately transmit the earthquake to an exact location on the ground, then this computing power will be too terrifying.”

Eminem interrupted: “With this ability, it’s not difficult to predict the lottery numbers. Even if you can’t, you can control the results.”

Marx Court Academecian dissatisfied: “Why are you still talking? Lottery? Is this a question of predicting the future? Why did he help a civilian!”

“Just because that person made a wish? Don’t think the question is so superficial, this string of numbers must have profound meaning! Carmen, I have an idea that needs to be verified and apply to mobilize the supercomputer.”

Carmen nodded and said: “No problem, you can call as many resources as you like.”

Marx Court Academecian contact immediately A research institute in the United States asked them to verify own set of algorithms.

The calculation results need to wait for a while.

At this time, another expert said: “This celestial being does not want to destroy us, because the cost of accurately creating an earthquake in Haiti is greater than triggering a global earthquake.”

“This celestial being may deliberately control the earthquake range to a small area, and even gave us a day, this may be a warning to us.”

Carmen said: “Warning? What about the purpose? I want his real purpose.”

Maxi Court Academecian said: “It is obvious that this heavenly man is hostile to our Lord. He knows whom we serve, so Through our provocation to the master behind the scenes, we are just a tool.”

“This matter must be informed to Lord Otis, he decides, we cannot be involved in the game of the superior.”


“Decided by Otis?” Carmen narrowed his eyes. He had a different idea from people like Maxi. He thought this might be an opportunity.

First of all, this time the space aliens are very strong, or they are very powerful, they can wrestle with their master.

Because they had never seen such a dragging space alien before, this was the first time that a space alien dared to destroy a city blatantly.

Secondly, this space alien is willing to communicate with them and has the ability to avoid the supervision of the little gray people on the moon.

Eminem said: “After our investigation, we don’t think this is a warning. Don’t treat it as a disaster because it’s a disaster. Only humans think it’s a disaster that’s all.”

“Hua Ji told me that the perspective is different, the understanding is different. If we try to look at it from the perspective of heaven and human, we will find that what earthquake is, what is it? It is just a car shock.”

“This celestial man came to the earth for another purpose. He did not want to destroy the earth, nor did he want to destroy us.”

“He has shown his ability and Attitude, attitude is that as long as he is happy, he is willing to help people realize their dreams, and he also has this ability.”

“Natural perturbators think that we still have use value and want to use Illuminati for anything…the reason for making In an earthquake, I might want to see the capabilities of Illuminati.”

Carmen read the information and reports of the two investigators, secretly nodded, and felt that there was some truth to this idea, or that he I hope so.

Carmen said: “Once our betrayal of the population is exposed globally, Illuminati will be over, and a chain of interests of the Lord will be destroyed. But the natural perturbator did not do this. He came over long distances. , But did not take this opportunity to cause the Lord to suffer losses.”

“Because this may be a catastrophe for us, but for the Lord, even if all human beings die, it is just some property loss that’s all.”

“The perturbator may have a big picture.”

Carmen saw the possibility of Illuminati’s retreat.

He asked: “What the hell do we want us to do?”

Eminem said: “Remember that he said, “If you don’t want to die, then move people away.” Judging from this, this is a bit difficult, but maybe he is testing our strength control of the society. If it is qualified, there should be other things for us to do.”

“The disturber, as the name implies, can be done. Move the whole body with a little disturbance, change the world with a little disturbance. He must be putting a long line to catch a big fish.”

“Don’t take this as retaliation or warning, we are not worthy, it is better to say it is a kind of Test, if we still want to see him, we have to show Illuminati’s ability to dominate the earth! To show the usefulness of our existence. Instead of going to the adults when we encounter difficulties…”

Carmen asked Said: “Is there any basis?”

Eminem shook his head and said: “I don’t know, this is Hua Ji’s idea, and the report was written by him. But he said that it is very simple to verify this idea, then It is to evacuate all the people in Port-au-Prince to avoid this disaster. If the ball of light still appears afterwards, it means that he needs us.”

Carmen hurriedly said: “Go and call Hua Ji back.”

Maxi Court Academecian said with a smile: “No, Carmen, let me tell you, people don’t look down on Illuminati at all!”

“The purpose of the natural disturber Very simple, through our mouth, tell the Lord behind the scenes that he already knows everything, and warn our Lord to give up the benefits of the earth, otherwise he will do more in the future.”

“As for what the Lord will do The choice is what the Lord considers. We just need to tell it.”

Carmen is speechless, he just doesn’t want to lose the initiative.

It is also the so-called’as soon as you encounter difficulties, go to an adult’.

Once the adults start to fight, the chain of interest of keeping the balance is over, and their group of chess pieces is over.

Although there are still 666 places taken away by God before Doomsday, as Illuminati’s last retreat, it is not only a retreat, but also a road that many young factions do not want to take. After all, once they have gone, there is no turning back.

The so-called retreat is the bottom line. The bottom line is to avoid if you can avoid it. In the end, there is really no way to go.

Maxi wants to go with the Lord every day, to see the world outside, and even to be a low-level Civilization monitor like the little gray people.

However, in the eyes of young factions like Carmen and Fez, this is a bit naive.

“Maxi, what about the earthquake?” Carmen asked.

Maxi Court Academecian shook his head and said: “We can’t stop the earthquake. If you go to save these people, then we won’t be able to wash the ground. Why would we know in advance that there is an earthquake?”

“It’s better to let the flow take its course, and we can help the disaster afterwards. Carmen, you don’t really want to use tens of billions to verify an idea, do you?”

Now there are two choices, one is to put people Saved, but at the same time washing the ground to cover up what the UFO did.

The other is to let the people here be killed by the disaster, only to cover that the UFO did it.

The latter is the normal choice. The former is a bit redundant and has to compromise many interests with governments of various countries.

But if Hua Ji’s idea is true, then this is also an opportunity for Illuminati.

While Carmen hesitated, Maxi Court Academecian suddenly shouted: “The result is out!”

I saw him call up the big screen, which showed a strange three-dimensional Graphics.

“This is the three-dimensional figure represented by the string of numbers. The algorithm I used is the Yehuor model that Otis once taught me.” Maxi Court Academecian said.

The so-called Yehuor model seems to be a universal model of interstellar that converts numbers into graphics. If you enter 6, it will display a three-dimensional pattern of black lightning crossing.

Maxi uses a supercomputer to calculate the twenty numbers through this model, which is the extremely complex picture in front of him.

Carmen and Eminem did not understand after watching for a long time, and said: “What does this graphic mean?”

Maxi Court Academecian touched the chin thoughtfully: “This should not be for We look at it, but show it to Otis.”

“Only the man can understand the connotation of heaven and man. Send it to the moon, and there may be an answer.”

While talking, Eminem suddenly answered the phone.

Everyone looked at him and saw him raising his eyebrows and saying, “You really won? First prize? Okay, I know, Bruno went to buy it too? Okay, let’s make it cheaper. Tell him not to Nonsense, um, ok…”

“What?” Maxi Court Academecian turned his head in astonishment.

Eminem hung up and said: “Report, the lottery is drawn, and the string of numbers won the first prize…”

“…” Everyone was speechless.

Hayehor model, what mathematics is the universal language of Universe…I think too much.

This string of numbers turned out to be just the first prize number of the most recent issue of a US lottery!

The idea of ​​the little 9th-level investigator is precisely correct.

“How is this possible?” Maxi Court Academecian was embarrassed. He pondered for a long time and used a supercomputer, but the number won the lottery?

Why is this space alien…so down to earth?

Is it really “a daughter is hard to buy I am happy”, as long as he is happy, this space alien likes to listen to the prayers of human beings. Aladdin Divine Lantern’?

Maxi Court Academecian stopped speaking, and Chu Zai was a little dazed.

Carmen said immediately: “Em, you go and call Hua Ji back.”


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