The Omniscient

Chapter 263

“Sword Hand, what do you do now? Or let Otis decide.” Carmen said.

Fez stared at the screen and thought for a long time, and said: “Immediately block the news and calm the public opinion. You should know how to make this a conspiracy theory?”

“Understood ! But this earthquake…” Carmen said.

Fez brows tightly frowns, said: “You ordered the attack to be impulsive. We can still wash the behavior of the perturbator.”

“You are now irritating him. It’s trouble after an earthquake.”

Carmen lowered his head and said: “Sorry, it’s my fault. I didn’t expect that he was not afraid of Otis at all. He even dared to send an earthquake and hurt humanity grandly. , Destroy the city, this is something that Otis dare not do…”

Fez touched the scar on his chest and said: “People can hide from the moon’s surveillance and treat the little gray man as nothing. Why are you afraid?”

“He can hide from the moon once, twice or three times. Even if we tell Otis, I’m afraid we can’t help him.”

“People are highly mobile, go as they want, come as they want, and we…can’t go anywhere on the earth. If it irritates them, it is us who are bad luck.”

” I’ll talk about the other Sword Hand, don’t notify Otis.”

Carmen said after a moment of silence, “What is Anunnaki Company?”

Anunnaki Company, this name As a Sword Hand, Fez knows that Anunnaki is the first batch of space aliens that descended on the earth, and is the god system believed in by the Civilization of Sumer.

This is not a race name, nor a Civilization name, but a company.

There are various space aliens in the company, including Drakonian and Civilization of Light.

“This is the interstellar criminal group our Lord is in charge of. The ownership of the solar system belongs to the Anunnaki company. But the moon is not, it belongs to the Star Alliance.” Fez said.

Carmen pursed his lips: “Our Lord, isn’t the leader of the Star Alliance?”

Fez shook his head: “It has never been… the power that leaves the moon is the most Strong, but money will make the Devil turn millstones, the Lord… has contracted the care of the earth.”

Carmen said: “It’s no wonder that the disturber said that the little gray people don’t even have basic knowledge, monitoring The earth is actually just an intelligent system.”

Fez said: “That’s relatively speaking. Under the same standard, we definitely don’t have much knowledge… If we are picked up by the Lord and stepped into space, The best case is to become the same servant and monitor other low-level Civilization planets. When the time comes, we rely on advanced equipment, not our own capabilities.”

Carmen said: “We Really…is this kind of home?”

Fez was silent, he didn’t know.

Every time he asked Otis this question, Otis said how he would know the Lord’s arrangement.

Fez looked towards Carmen and said: “You have a strange heart.”

Carmen lowered his head and said: “Don’t Sword Hand have any ideas? We didn’t have to choose before…”

Fez angrily said: “impudent!”

Carmen didn’t dare to speak anymore. Although Fez is a new Sword Hand, he is extremely authoritative. In addition to the chairman, Illuminati is second.

Whoever makes him young and strong is still a Nirvana. In contrast, many Sword Hand are already old, and their presence in recent years is far less than Fez.

But it is exactly this, Fez values ​​the future more, unlike other Sword Hand, he is more and more hesitating.

Fez scolded Carmen and told him to continue dealing with the matter.

“There is no need to say more about the public opinion. The Haitian government is basically settled. As long as the official does not express its position, the rumors of the civilians have no meaning.”

“In addition, check it out. What did that ball of light do? He knows so much. It should be a criminal group. It should be directed at us, but his behavior is not like…”

After hearing Fez’s words, Carmen hurriedly Said: “It just so happens that the two people with the highest and strongest Earth Grade levels in the sea are mysterious investigators, and they have personally experienced this. I will let them be responsible for the investigation.”

Fez touched the chin said: “Mysterious investigator… Over the past few years, I have neglected the intelligence of space aliens. This position has been abandoned.”

“Elevate the authority of this organization and let them investigate!”

Carmen nodded and said: “Yes…”

Fez walked out of the meeting after giving instructions. He wanted to dissuade other Sword Hand immediately, and don’t tell Otis about this for now.

As Carmen can see, Fez does have an idea, multiple godfathers and multiple paths.

However, this is also very risky. You can’t talk to people casually. After all, if you bet on both sides, you may have nothing.

Carmen is not Sword Hand no matter how strong it is. In front of him, Fez must scold him for’impudent’, even if he actually wants to choose’impudent’ in his heart.

“Otis is getting more and more pitted, but this perturbator may not be better…Do you want to take a risk?”

Trade with Otis, Fez has already seen it , I just throw some bauble every time, it’s the kind of’passing around’ without covering up.

If you want a longevity medicine, don’t give it, just throw a medicine used by the little gray people and let them study by themselves.

And their scientists have studied and found that because of the racial differences, this medicine is completely useless and can only provide some ideas.

Is it difficult to give longevity medicine? Or do they have no need for longevity?

Fez repeatedly weighed in his mind, and it was difficult to make up his mind.


Port-au-Prince can be described as a fierce public opinion. Although not everyone in the city has seen it because the ball of light shuttles through the rooms of the building, there are still many witnesses.

Conservative estimation of the port area, more than 200,000 people have seen it.

Illuminati directly instructed the local Mi Army and the Haitian government to blockade the port area, and then Carmen connected remotely and asked Eminem and Huang Ji to track down all the people who had been in close contact with the ball.

“You said you remember that language?” Eminem said with wide eyes.

Huang Ji nodded and said: “Of course I remember, that space alien directly instilled language on us.”

Eminem said in amazement: “But I just took a few seconds Forget it all!”

Huang Ji curled his lips and said: “That should be my health, I basically remember everything.”

“Oh my God, then you can be the only one Those who are proficient in alien languages!” Eminem said excitedly.

He quickly took out the report, wrote it down, and reported it together when the time comes.

Eminem didn’t know, Huang Ji was already proficient in this language, even more than this alien language.

Huang Ji built the Rain Dragon with own controllable cancer cells, which can control bioelectricity. He taught Coco in advance and let him do it for him.

‘Spinning the sky’ is exactly the trick he used to Sophia, and’instilling language’ is a newly invented trick.

However, this move is immature. It is only responsible for instilling but not remembering. Remembering that is the matter of the indoctrinated.

So this is actually a’sound transmission’, telepathic speaking.

And Huang Ji is also impossible to transmit a language at once, so that the person who is transmitted will become a fool.

So, during the whole process, he just let Coco behave. It feels like a lot of things are being transmitted, but in fact there are only a few sentences.

Eminem is like that. It feels like Space Alien told him a lot, but it was actually an illusion.

I taught more than a dozen words, such as Oto. In the end, Eminem even forgot about a dozen words.

The purpose is to make Illuminati think that space alien is teaching language, and then Huang Ji said: I remember it.

Then Huang Ji naturally became the only Illuminati who understands the interstellar language.

Yes, this language is the interstellar language of the galaxy, one of the mainstream official languages.

Illuminati thought it was the language of the Little Greys. In fact, the Little Greys don’t have an own language. As artificial humans, they don’t even have own Civilization. As lunar administrators, of course they have to use the most common language.

Next, Eminem sent people to find all the contacts, including him and Huang Ji, only four.

After some inquiries, Huang Ji lost his thoughts while holding the information.

Eminem repeatedly studied the string of numbers written down by the first contact, tried various password cracking, or transferred it to binary, which was meaningless.

He asked Huang Ji: “You have a flexible mind, what do you see? Is it related to the language you learned?”

“Um…it has nothing to do with language.” Huang Ji looked at the first contact in front of him and asked: “Bruno, when you greeted Daguangqiu, you also said that you hoped that Angel would let you win the lottery?”

“Yes.” Bruno is A poor sailor, this group of people piled hundreds of dollars on the table, and he naturally said something.

Huang Ji picked up the number that Bruno wrote down and asked: “Do you like buying lottery tickets?”

“hehe…Yes, what if you win… “Bruno said with a smile.

“Which one do you like to buy? Is there a 20-digit number?” Huang Ji asked.

Bruno was taken aback, and Eminem next to him said: “Is this a string of lottery numbers, impossible, right? Photoball also helped him buy the lottery ticket?”

Huang Ji handed over the note Tell Bruno: “Take a good look, what kind of lottery number this is most likely to be, and then divide it into segments.”

People who often buy lottery tickets in Bruno quickly see the way, holding a pen Start segmentation: “7, 14, 5, 19…”

Huang Ji immediately asked people to buy the corresponding lottery ticket. This is a U.S. lottery ticket and you can buy it online.

Eminem took a look, there are still two hours to draw.

“Tell me what you think? This space alien must have a purpose, how could it be to help people buy lottery tickets?” Eminem said.

Huang Ji said: “Do you remember the last words you said before the ball of light attacked us?”

Eminem said: “Please go to Shengqing Island. Pyramid guide.”

Huang Ji shook his head and said: “The last sentence.”

“The last sentence is for you…Ah! I said it would be a little gray If only you can learn all the language!” Eminem was surprised.

“Then the ball of light transmits language to us.” Huang Ji nodded and said: “This ball of light is satisfying people’s wishes.”

“fuck? And so Boring space alien?” Eminem asked puzzledly.

Huang Ji said with a smile: “I don’t think we can figure out that existence, but his name gave me some hints.”

“oh?” Am thinking Said: “He is called a natural perturbator.”

Huang Ji said: “Remember what he said, tomorrow’s earthquake is caused by him. Can we understand that this space alien can big data? Calculating the chaotic system, through some seemingly meaningless behaviors, disturbing nature to form a predictable result?”

“And what did he do before and after? In our opinion, he is just walking around That’s it.”

Eminem said: “He launched light particles underground!”

Huang Ji nodded and said: “Yes, it may be because we attacked him, so He retaliated easily. Maybe from the very beginning, he planned to create this earthquake.”

“Don’t forget, he said he never recovered the disturbance to nature, and he also said, “I don’t want to The dead leave by themselves’. This sentence shows that he actually wants to create earthquakes rather than revenge.”

Eminem said: “I also think his probability of being so careful is very low. He wants to retaliate directly. Just destroy us. Why wait for the planet to rotate one week before this disaster occurs?”

“This is most likely an inevitable factor he needs. If we attack first, he will do it. “

Huang Ji said: “Whether it is fulfilling the wishes of others, flying indiscriminately, or directly using light-grain weapons to disturb the core of the earth, these are just his means of planting the’cause’ . The purpose is just to make reality evolve into a result he wants.”

“The specific purpose is unknown, but one thing can be determined.”

Eminem asked: “What is it “

“He wants to kill us, he doesn’t need to be so troublesome.” Huang Ji said with a smile.


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