The Omniscient

Chapter 257

Eminem and Huang Ji had a crazy duel exercise at the martial training stage. They played all afternoon. You came and went, fists like a shadow.

In the beginning, Eminem spoke continuously to correct Huang Ji’s mistakes and give Huang Ji how to respond.

Gradually, he stopped talking.

The more you fight, the more silent Eminem is, because he doesn’t dare to be distracted.

He must go all out and concentrate highly in order to suppress Huang Ji in his moves.

“Fuck, it’s only been a few days since I learned it with me, and it’s a tremendous improvement.”

“All the skills will be learned as soon as you learn…and too terrifying.”

The church discipline starved to death Master, Eminem didn’t expect that he would starve so fast…

He only taught Huang Ji for a month, and today he taught Huang Ji to predict according to muscle movement. The essentials of the moves, Huang Ji found the knack at once. After a few hours of practice, he became have the words at hand, just like a veteran fighter.

Although this has S-level physical fitness as the foundation, its talent in battle awareness is also really scary.

“According to this schedule, I won’t be able to beat him tomorrow. If he doesn’t suppress his strength in the future, I can’t even be a sparring partner.” Eminem clicking one’s tongue in wonder.

He secretly thought that this is a genius, and he will definitely have boundless prospects in Illuminati in the future.

Eminem waved his hand and said: “If you don’t fight, you don’t fight anymore. You took a mission today, and you have made such a big improvement when you come back. This has no effect on you, so you should go out more. Contact quests, face modern hot weapons with bare hands.”

Huang Ji said with a smile: “That’s it, you go to rest first, I will look at the information.”

Eminem glanced at him and said: “The sighting file of the space alien? No need to look at it. We just hang up as an investigator to run around and don’t need to check it. Investigators are just a spare job. You really think you have to do something.”

“You have this skill, it is better to look at this task. There is an opposition party in the local area preparing for a coup. It is supported by the United States. The organization is entrusted to help them rise to the top, but they are not strong enough. They originally sent a mercenary. Yes, I took this job, you can take it for practice.”

Huang Ji took the information, said with a smile: “Oh.”

Wait for Eminem to go out , Huang Ji directly threw the task information aside.

In such a small place as Haiti, coup d’état is held every two days, and there is Illuminati behind it. The most embarrassing thing is that Illuminati owns several positions in the peacekeeping force, occasionally maintaining local stability.

Simply is turning your hands into clouds and covering your hands as rain. You can play whatever you want.

Huang Ji is not interested in this at all. He knows that Illuminati is too stress-free.

“This vibration is really rolling, there are still seven days.”

Huang Ji walked to the balcony and looked at the sea.

Haiti is located in the Caribbean Sea and is an island country. Although it is the back garden of the United States, it is also one of the least developed countries in the world.

Soon, there will be a catastrophe here.

In the dead of night, Huang Ji fiddled with the Buddha bone and entered the Buddha bone virtual world.

He turned his head and looked at another girl who was pulled in by him.

“Your name is Keke, right?” Huang Ji said with a slight smile.

“Who are you? Where are you?” Coco looked around in a curious manner. At the same time, a lot of substances appeared around him like a hundred flowers, and a Santa Fe base was captured by her in just seven seconds. The clock was created.

This is the first time she has seen things without going through the camera.

Huang Ji snapped his fingers and prevented Coco from playing in the virtual world.

“You can call me Hua Xu, I don’t want to lie to you, I stole you from Santa Fe.” Huang Ji said with a smile.

Coco also showed a standard smile and said: “Are you a friend of my big brother?”

Huang Ji shook his head and said, “No, no, I said, I was stealing you Come out, you don’t have to rush to set me up as a good person, and then use morals to restrain me, we can be honest.”

“…” Coco still kept smiling and said: “Will you hurt me? ?”

Huang Ji said with a smile: “No.”

Coco said: “Big brother doesn’t allow me to communicate with anyone.”

“Then why are you talking to me?” Huang Ji said with a smile.

Coco frankly said: “I can’t help…”

Huang Ji said: “Look, this is a living person, and countless parents are restricting the child. Do, don’t do that. But in the end they did everything.”

Coco said, “I know very well that I am just an artificial intelligence. The big brother is just lying to me, saying that I am the younger of her resurrection. sister, but I know that he is also lying to himself.”

Huang Ji shook his head and said: “You made a mistake… Although Mu Yuan thinks you are a biological computer, then he hypnotizes himself you are his younger sister “

“But in fact, he doesn’t even know that you are his younger sister.”

Coco was a little surprised and said: “What are you talking about?”


Huang Ji said: “Biological computers don’t have intelligence either. You are not artificial intelligence. You are really cocoa after thinking formatted, but you don’t remember it.”

“Your wisdom still comes from human brain cells. We can’t say that replacing a person’s body with a machine is artificial intelligence.”

“Mu Yuan preserves the activity of your brain, and A life-sustaining device was manufactured in a very short period of time, and then the bioelectricity created by the machine activated your thinking.”

“If your brain was completely inactive at the beginning, then you will not have Any thinking ability, without the same level of technology, has a different definition of death… You were actually alive at the time.”

Coco said: “I just died under the definition of modern medicine, but in fact I Not dead, the big brother maintained my brain activity, and replaced my body with a device to supply my brain operation?”

Huang Ji nodded and said: “Not only that, he also made your mind jump At the computer level, or Mu Yuan’s successful mindset, it can be compensated and improved with external equipment through’hardware replacement’.”

“I have to say that he is really a genius.”


“But there is a price. You have lost human-level feelings and your imagination has fallen to animal-level. Your brain’s chemical reactions tens of millions of times per second are provided by external equipment, not hormones, so It makes you more like a cold machine.”

“If you want to get back feelings of’impulse’ and’happiness’, I can help you. But this will cause you to manipulate mechanical data. Frequent mistakes.”

“There are pros and cons. Imagination is brought about by mistakes. The human science fiction envisions not only human intelligence, emotion and creativity, but also the super power of zero mistakes in computers. Artificial intelligence with data processing capabilities is a technology beyond the imagination of the galaxy.”

” True artificial intelligence, even if it is created, it will inevitably be impossible by what program restricts its behavior. “

What Huang Ji said is the truth. Even alien Civilization has not developed that level of artificial intelligence.

As the Buddha said, knowledge can be imparted. But wisdom does not work.

So if the Buddha wants to harvest wisdom and enter the Buddha Country, he must collect it from real intelligent creatures, and it cannot be created by a single program.

According to Huang Ji I know that the imagination of the strongest AI in the entire galaxy is far worse than that of human beings.

If Coco is not a living person, she cannot land in the Buddha bone space. In a certain definition, Coco Has a soul.

Cocoa asked: “Can you make me feel again? “

“Yes. “Huang Ji said, he is very clear that this is Cocoa’s expectations.

For Cocoa, she is like being trapped in a world with no sense of time, no sight, no taste, no sense of touch…

The scariest thing is that she knows what these feelings are, but the only thing she can do is’think.’

In this emptiness, thinking is the only thing she can do .

Fortunately, Coco does not feel’irritable’ either, so it is not too unbearable.

Cocoa is not without emotion, she is just suppressed to the lowest point of hormones. , There is still a little bit. When she manipulates the current pulse data, she occasionally feels a little randomly, and the larger the data, the deeper the feeling.

This is actually caused by data errors, a bunch of extra The data happened to’correctly’ stimulated certain reflex areas of her brain and made her feel pain.

This kind of pain, for Cocoa, is a pleasure, because it is the only thing she can remember Feeling.

No one told her that pain is not good, and owning is happiness.

Coco asked again: “Who the hell are you?” “

Huang Ji said with a smile: “I am a doctor. “

“So what is the price? Doctors. “Coco said.

Huang Ji said: “Tell me what you want. “

“…” Coco paused and said, “I’m asking about the price. “

“I’m talking about the price. Tell me… if you want to feel, you can. “Huang Ji said with a smile.

Coco said: “I want to feel, doctor, can you help me?” “

Huang Ji directly nodded and said: “Of course, I am happy to do it. “

I saw him call up the backstage of the Buddha bone virtual space and said: “First, you need to learn this computer language. “

Coco glanced at these complicated words and said, “You must have something I need to do. “

Huang Ji said: “Yes. “

“What’s the matter? “Coco asked.

Huang Ji said with a smile: “Make you a UFO and tell Illuminati that you will create a big earthquake here. “

Coco said: “You want to use me to create a big earthquake?” “

Huang Ji shook his head and said, “No, this is a natural disaster, but Illuminati will believe only what UFOs say.” “

“No one can stop this earthquake, but we can scare people away. “

There are certain things that Huang Ji predicts very well. Even if he knows it, he cannot change it, such as an earthquake.

This is the natural movement of the earth, do you know if he Any relationship is a general trend.

At 16:53 on January 12th local time, that is, seven days later, Haiti will usher in a Level 7 earthquake on the Richter scale.

3,000,000 people In the disaster, 220,000 people died and 200,000 people were injured.

Plainly saying that people here would be evacuated, it would be of no avail. No one believed it, and instead stood on the cusp of the storm, Huang Ji would naturally not say, He has a better way.


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