The Omniscient

Chapter 256

On January 5, 2010, Port-au-Prince, Republic of Haiti.

A United Nations peacekeeping force entered a’sugar factory’ in the hinterland of a local slum. Wherever it passed, the ground was full of fainted gunmen.

When they came upstairs, they saw a man with a fierce appearance and a checkered shirt sitting on the sofa shaking, not daring to move at all.

Beside him, Huang Ji and Eminem are sitting respectively, but the two are also wearing peacekeeping uniforms, and they seem to have been waiting for a long time.

“Don’t be nervous, all enemies have been cleaned up. This is their boss, you can take it away.” Eminem said with a smile.

The peacekeeping force said: “Where are the hostages?”

Huang Ji said: “There are no hostages. The three MPs who claim to have been kidnapped are actually in a group with him, deliberately A video was recorded in conjunction with the acting. Now they are actually hiding in their secret villas to enjoy the blessings.”

The peacekeeping forces are speechless. They have not been stationed in Port-au-Prince for a year or two. The regime changes frequently here and the mob Many are no less than Somalia.

Nowadays, even the strange thing about the congressmen and the mob threatening the government has appeared.

“Next, I’ll leave it to you, we will withdraw first.” Eminem made a handover with the incoming person, and took Huang Ji to leave.

Seeing them leave, the peacekeeping force immediately took over the scene and took the people away.

Someone asked in amazement: “What is the background of those two people? There are more than 40 people in the sugar factory, each with guns, and they will get it done?”

“there is always someone stronger. There are so many capable people in this world. The last time I was stationed in Somalia, I heard that one person suppressed a hundred pirates.” Someone explained.

“This is too exaggerated.”

“Well, who knows, don’t tell me, hurry up and bring people back.”

The peacekeeping force takes over. After this case, Huang Ji and Eminem returned to a local training base.

This is Illuminati, the only stronghold in Port-au-Prince with more training equipment.

Eminem said: “Your physique is really great. In less than a month, your physical fitness is S1Peak. Seeing this momentum, your three-month strengthening period expires and S2 is stable. Yes, maybe I have a chance to reach S3…too terrifying.”

Huang Ji said: “How about? Do you want to practice again?”

Em be eager to have a try said: “It’s rare that there are S1s with poor fighting skills. Don’t fight for nothing.”

Speaking, the two came to the martial training stage, and they fought fiercely soon.

Last month, Eminem bought Huang Ji two bottles of Chicheng and Shengteng potions, so Huang Ji is now in the strengthening period.

As an original ordinary person, even if his physical fitness reaches S1, Huang Ji’s fighting skills are not as good as his own in Eminem. Huang Ji should be the weakest S1 now.

As everyone knows, Huang Ji has been suppressing his strength to practice with Eminem.

Moreover, what he was taking was not the blazing and rising potions at all, but the perfect human potions he refined.

This month, Huang Ji’s real physical fitness is already S4Peak.

The pulling force is 9500kg, the land running speed is 25 meters, the burst speed is 27.8 meters, and the nerve response speed is 0.0095 seconds.

This still does not end the strengthening period.

The so-called strengthening period is to re-development within a period of time, and all physical qualities will be improved.

The increased efficiency is closely related to the body’s original foundation, the nutritional supplement during this period, and the amount of exercise.

In other words, the better the food and the greater the demand, the stronger the body will be.

Not only eating, but also providing the elements needed by the body through injections, soaking and other methods. In this regard, Illuminati is absolutely rich and generous.

Eminem everyday all sends a lot of nutrients to Huang Ji in batches, some are precious ingredients, and some are nutrient medicines developed by Illuminati.

Anyway, it is public funds, Illuminati will never limit a genius in terms of food.

This is one of the benefits of Huang Ji joining Illuminati. He has to collect these precious things by himself, which is time-consuming, costly and laborious.

Nowadays, everything can be found off-the-shelf, and Illuminati’s logistics is great.

Huang Ji modified and re-matched these resources to become more suitable for him. In just one month, his pure physical fitness reached Brando level.

“I am the strongest earthling…”

“More importantly, the perfect human medicine can also improve the speed of thinking and the ability to multi-task. This is Illuminati III This kind of medicine does not have a function.”

Huang Ji adjusted the bioelectricity to maximize the absorption and utilization of medicine efficacy, while considering his own ability, while pondering the plan for the next seven days, he was distracted with Eminem. Practice fighting.

Eminem used all his strength. At this moment, he showed his extraordinary fighting ability and pressed Huang Ji to fight.

After breaking three moves in a row and hitting Huang Ji twice, Eminem said with a smile: “Look, this is your problem. Although you react faster, you have insufficient skills and more experience. It’s lacking!”

“Hmm… or you are good.” Huang Ji said.

What he thought in his heart was: “I’m really sorry grandfather, I can no longer have a child with an ordinary person.”

After becoming a perfect human, he looks like a blazing person , There are many muscles.

But in fact, even Chi is no longer, because he and Chi are also reproductively isolated…

Now the entire earth, Huang Ji himself, is a lonely new race.

There are many types of reproductive isolation, some of which are geographical isolation and ecological isolation, which theoretically can be compensated by human factors.

But he belongs to pure physical and even genetic isolation.

The reproduction of normal Homo sapiens is one in a billion, and the strongest one is selected.

However, this kind of screening is meaningless for perfect humans.

Under the natural combination, perfect human sperm and sperm will enter Homo sapiens within the body. The survival rate is almost 100%. Each of them is the strongest and will kill Homo sapiens’ eggs and seeds. ……Then implanted on its own within the body to survive…The dove occupied the magpie’s nest and blocked the spring water to kill…Causing the woman to enter a “permanent menstrual period”.

That’s really a billionaire master crushing Jiangnan! Guarding the resurrection point!

Of course, if it is said to be “permanent”, in fact, there will be various circumstances that lead to the death of sperm and sperm, at most, contraception for several years.

In short, the sperm of a perfect human is too powerful, too domineering, and has two pairs of chromosomes more than Homo sapiens.

This makes it difficult to create offspring even in the laboratory through technology. A single sperm or seed will kill the egg or seed, swallow the nutrients in it, and don’t treat each other as a combinable object.

Unless the eggs and seeds of Homo sapiens are strengthened to secrete some kind of chemical signals to trick the sperm and sons and say, “Don’t kill, it’s your object”, otherwise even the IVF technology can’t make small People.

But if it is transformed, it will actually create a third new human…

So this level of reproductive isolation is 100% isolation…

“xiu!” Eminem flicked frontally and slid behind Huang Ji. His body spiraled off and hit Huang Ji’s head with his elbow.

However, Huang Ji escaped the blow like eyes with eyes on the back of his head, and took Eminem as the center to go around half a circle to the other side of Eminem.

“bang!” Huang Ji elbows Emu on the neck, knocking him to the ground and almost fainting.

“Hiss! What a trick you are…awesome…” Eminem cried out, clutching his neck.

Huang Ji said: “Don’t sneak attack me from behind, have you forgotten my super power?”

Eminem said with a bitter smile: “Yes, yes, I I forgot to play it just now. In fact, your Heavenly Eye has been used well, but it is not only to prevent sneak attacks, you can directly see through my muscle movements, and then predict my moves in advance.”

Huang Ji said with a smile: “Really? How to predict?”

“Come on, I will teach you, this is a matter of experience, you have to learn to see people’s muscles just as they are exerting How to punch, then you will be invincible.” Eminem said.

Huang Ji silently learned this technique that was of no use to him.

He is ardent and ascendant. Eminem got him both potions, so Huang Ji should have a super power.

In this regard, Huang Ji did not choose to expose the ability of’hair can move’, but said that the perfect human potion brought him a new ability: Heavenly Eye.

The so-called Heavenly Eye is actually perspective plus 360° No-Dead-Angle optical sensing.

There are optic nerves behind the eyes of human beings, which distinguish colors through photoreceptor cells and then pass them to the brain for analysis, and then form images.

But in addition to the visual system, humans actually have another tissue with photoreceptor cells, that is, the pineal gland.

The pineal gland is in the middle of the brain. It can detect day and night by sensing ultraviolet light, and then secrete melatonin to make humans sleepy and dormant.

Some Ascendants have evolved this organ, making the photoreceptor cells of the pineal gland as complex as a visual function, restoring a full-view scene in their minds.

Depending on the degree of evolution, some Ascendants are just the Heavenly Eye with black and white colors, while others also have the three original pigments, which restores a colorful scene.

Huang Ji is the latter, which belongs to the very developed kind, but this ability is a bitch for Huang Ji, because he has synesthesia.

It’s just too tasteless, and Huang Ji can’t stand up to Huang Ji’s ability to outline, grasp its essence, expand it, and turn it into a system that can grow.

“The essence of Heavenly Eye is optical scanning, which can emit radiation by itself, and then receive reflected light. It also has super light sensitivity, even the light behind the wall is weakened. It can be received by the pineal gland, which is why it can be seen through.”

“With this kind of perspective, even if others hide in the house, I can look directly at all their information.”

The’seeing’ method of the pineal gland is different from that of the eyes. The eyes passively receive natural light. After the pineal gland has evolved, it can radiate and scan on its own.

In this visual form, how far you can see depends only on the intensity of the light emitted. Just like a radar, the greater the power, the farther the sweep will be.

Of course, obstacles still have an impact. The obstacles absorb light and reduce the light intensity. If it is low to a certain level, it is still invisible.

Now Huang Ji’s perspective can see the scene behind through one meter of rock or 25 cm of iron.

This is still in the category of chicken ribs, but if the intensity is higher, it won’t be.

Looking directly or not is very important to Huang Ji’s Information Perception. He can look at a house and indirectly understand the people inside, but this is far less comprehensive than the comprehensive information brought by looking directly.

More importantly, the photosensitive range of the pineal gland can grow.

“If I increase the range of the pineal gland’s’sensitivity band’, I can see a lot of scenes beyond the visible light band of humans.”

The visible light band of an ordinary person Between 0.7 micron and 0.4 micron, Huang Ji opened Heavenly Eye, coupled with the improvement of the perfect human medicine, his visible light band is 0.8~0.1 micron, he can see a little ultraviolet and infrared, but this is far from enough.

In the Milky Way, human vision is very rubbish. Little Greys can resolve most of the infrared light. There are a lot of black matter in human eyes, which are simply colorful in their eyes…

On the contrary, because the visible light range of human beings is too small, some space aliens are invisible to human beings…

Either they are transparent, or black blooming, or sparkling like a ball of light.

For example, the space alien of the bird system, with a little effort, as soon as the energy frequency of the body within the body increases, it immediately becomes a big ball of light.

In fact, it is only in the eyes of humans and earth animals. Among their kind, this person has not changed at all… It is still a bird.

Humans thought that he had transformed, but it was just wishful thinking, purely because human eyes were too narrow.


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