The Omniscient

Chapter 258

Haiti is a small country with a total area of ​​less than 30,000 square kilometers. Illuminati has very few strongholds here, a training base, plus a naval supply depot.

But it’s okay. There is a plane. Although this is not the United States, there are also US troops here. There is an F22 Raptor fighter at the Port-au-Prince naval supply station.

Of course, Huang Ji does not plan to move this plane, because it is missing, Illuminati will definitely doubt it.

So Huang Ji went directly to the warehouse to find an abandoned fuel dispenser. On the surface is Mi Jun, which is actually an Illuminati aircraft, a KC-135. There was an accident and the turbojet engine broke.

Illuminati changed a new type of tanker and sold the broken one to a small country like Haiti. Repairs were available, but the Haitian government was inefficient. After buying it, the warehouse was in ash for half a year. Did not contact Boeing to change the engine.

Huang Ji came to the unmanned warehouse and used the tools inside to start dismantling the plane.

Although it is only a fuel dispenser, it has both a very advanced electronic system and maneuverability, as well as excellent compression materials.

He plans to use the past few days to build a UFO.

Building a UFO is not the same as building a spaceship. An voyage spaceship is Huang Ji’s biggest goal at this stage on Earth. He does not have this strength at all.

If there is really a spaceship, Huang Ji can kill the Illuminati without much performance.

Everything will become very simple. You don’t need any weapons, you don’t need to show up, you just need a mouth. One sentence can unite the governments of the whole world to liquidate Illuminati…

It’s sad to say, but it is true. Sometimes, the same sentence is spoken in different populations, and the effect is different.

Even if the conspiracy theories are breaking the sky in human society, they will shake off Illuminati’s crimes! It’s useless. Conversely, the same thing, a spaceship hovering in a geosynchronous orbit, broadcasted, this public opinion can kill Illuminati.

However, public opinion can’t solve the fundamental problem. After doing this, the spaceship was destroyed by the little gray man on the moon, and he turned around and planted an Illuminati. This kind of replacement can mess up the earth. ,Pointless.

Huang Ji knows very well that Illuminati is actually very orderly. He hopes that the earth will be peaceful and they can enjoy happiness forever.

Just like the emperor of the empire, he doesn’t want the world to be in chaos. Some conspiracy theories say that Illuminati wants to clean up mankind and subvert the world. This is nonsense and self-defeating.

People who hold the supreme power love to maintain order. Sometimes this desire to maintain order can even reach the level of rigidity, rigidity, conservativeness, and inflexibility.

Modern Illuminati was founded on reforms, and it has carried out major revolutions everywhere, subverting the old order. After World War II, they stood in the Peak of the earth, and now they are still engaged in some coups everywhere, but the purpose is different, just to maintain authority and rule and toss some weak countries. They will never do this to the United States itself, but will continuously suppress the contradiction.

This is the corruption brought about by absolute power. The Illuminati conspiracy theory sounds reasonable, but it actually violates human nature. The forces that have mastered the greatest power, wealth, and strength will not want to subvert the world.

They are actually like some emperors at the peak of power. At this moment, they only think of two things: peace of the world and immortality.

What Universe, space, things outside the atmosphere, they don’t have the courage to challenge them, and they even want space aliens to leave the earth forever, and if they can send a little population, they will please their masters and make their dominance deep-rooted. Very happy already.

Change yourself, go out, defy the powerhouse’s ban, and look at the world outside…These will hardly appear on Illuminati, like a closed country.

What is the future of the earth, the future of mankind, do these things matter?

So they attach more importance and fear to the internal ambition factions than external unknown forces. Because of the internal factions, it is really possible to take away own power.

They would rather be dogs as space aliens than surrender their power to any forces or countries that are more conducive to the collective destiny of mankind.

“The space aliens that Illuminati encountered were too sensible. It’s time to get in touch with the unruly space aliens.”

at first, even with the support of the little gray people, Illuminati still I used the mysterious investigator to collect UFO data because I felt insecure.

But then I got used to alien tourists in a form that does not affect earthling, leaving with a glimpse, never harming humans or threatening them, so mysterious investigators gradually became a spare job.

“I can’t make a spaceship, but UFO is still possible.”

Of course Huang Ji can’t stand a real spaceship, but a fake one is fine.

UFO only needs to meet three characteristics.

First, human electronic detection methods have failed. What radar does not show, infrared tracking can not be etc.

This is the easiest for Huang Ji. He can directly take over Illuminati’s detection system, allowing any flying object to disappear on the radar, and even move at speed or even teleport.

Second, the bizarre shape design. It can be seen at a glance that it is not a human aircraft, or it is impossible to see what it is.

This is also very simple, just light up. Huang Ji was in Santa Fe before, and actually collected Afu’s cells secretly.

That is the yellow-skinned robust man who can glow all over his body. His superpowers are very interesting. Huang Ji can collect valuable Ascendant DNA and collect it, and then store it in Dantian.

Because of using the meridians cancer system and multifunctional stem cells, Huang Ji can actually make the body within the body become weird and possess all the abilities of Ascendant.

Even because it allows controllable cancer cells to have this ability, not Huang Ji himself, so some strange abilities will not cause a big change in his image. After all, some Ascendants can’t walk in society, they don’t look like a person.

Thirdly, it goes against the existing human aerodynamics. For example, suspension, emergency stop, vertical lift, sharp angle steering, no turbine airflow, tail flame, etc.

This is the most difficult one. The existing aviation technology of mankind cannot do it yet.

But Huang Ji is who? He has other ways to do it.

Huang Ji knows that existing mechanical technology cannot do it, but biotechnology can!

Human aircraft seem to be very developed and fast, but in terms of hovering, emergency stop and vertical lifting, they are nothing but rubbish. Not as good as some animals in nature!

For example, dragonflies, dragonflies are one of the best flying people in nature. They exhibit excellent functional characteristics through the coupling and synergy of multiple factors such as the shape, structure, and materials of their wings.

In the evolution of millions and millions years, it has been able to levitate, stop quickly, lift vertically, and steer at an acute angle…

Huang Ji knows that in a few years, the dragonfly will be The design, research and development of aerospace vehicles and bionic micro flapping wing vehicles provide natural biological blueprints.

But that’s the future. According to Huang Ji’s estimation, without him providing technology, mankind will really start to study this thing in 2015, and there will be little results in 2019, and in 2025. It will be applied to the military in the future.

Theoretically, Huang Ji built a semi-mechanical and semi-living dragonfly-shaped UFO. In this era, it is black technology.

There are three reasons why a semi-living body is needed.

First of all, human aircrafts are made of metal materials, so they are easily detected by radar. If they want to be invisible, they are covered with anti-detection coatings to absorb the enemy’s detection radar waves and camouflage them.

But if you build an aircraft directly from biological materials, with some mechanical parts scattered in it, and with some mechanical designs, the existing radar will be difficult to detect.

If these biological materials are also a kind of anti-detection coating, they are the best invisible materials in this era.

In addition, Huang Ji took over other forms of Illuminati’s equipment to lock the aircraft and forged some phenomena. Illuminati wanted to track this aircraft, it was a dream.

Secondly, only biomass can incorporate various functional genes.

It’s not biomass. How did Huang Ji turn it into a dazzling ball of light? It’s not biomass, Huang Ji’s existing crude conditions, why make it?

The best factory Huang Ji carries with him is the biological factory.

He is now the best scientist in the fields of biology, medicine, and genetic engineering on earth, not one of them!

After Huang Ji came out of Santa Fe, he has completely boarded the Peak in the medical field, and has threw away Mu Yuan a street. He recognizes the first, and no one can recognize the second.

Huang Ji can’t do it by rubbing a mechanical UFO with his bare hands now, but rubbing a living aircraft made of biological materials is very simple.

The genes of the’Undead’ series, the genes of the outer skeleton series, hydraulic power, light-emitting cells, heat-insulating armor, and own super neural network system… These are all conducive to the design of this UFO.

Finally, the control system of this UFO is very important.

Pure electronic equipment is definitely not good, it is too easy to be disturbed. Neural network control is perfect, at least Illuminati has no way to influence it.

Huang Ji also built an own ultra-dense neural network system for it, combined with controllable cancer cells, this dragonfly is a UFO, which is more powerful than a real dragonfly.

It can be said that it is the most perfect aircraft that can be built in the atmosphere at this stage.

In such a perfect situation, the existing electronic system and aviation control system are not compatible at all, they are too complicated.

For such a complicated living aircraft, besides Huang Ji himself, there is just one person who can control it right now, and that is Cocoa as a biological computer.

This aircraft is also the wish of Cocoa.

Huang Ji built a sensory system to compensate for the lack of emotional hormones in the brain of Cocoa and the stimulation of sensory reflex areas.

So far, Huang Ji will create a UFO that shocked Illuminati within a few days.


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