The Omniscient

Chapter 255

Mu Yuan’s thoughts changed sharply, and he asked Brando, “Where were you at five o’clock in the afternoon the day before yesterday?”

Brando startled, thinking back, “I seem to be Inspect whether the defensive facilities rebuilt in Santa Fe are secure, are there any problems?”

Mu Yuan said: “Do you find any problems?”

Brando shook his head and said, “Nothing. Question, what do you mean by asking this?”

Mu Yuan squinted and saw Brando pretending to be stupid. He said impatiently: “I don鈥檛 want to go around with you. Don鈥檛 pretend to be stupid here. You are angry. The scene completely exposes your inner thoughts!”

Brando raised his brows and said, “Really? Do you know what I’m thinking?”

“You suspect that I am spy, You suspect that I controlled the defense system and killed Osiris, right?” Mu Yuan said.

Brando didn’t expect he suddenly ran over to talk to himself about this, and suddenly said with a smile: “didn’t expect Professor Mu is so honest, yes, I just doubt you, your problem, I All have been reported to the Sword Hand truthfully.”

Mu Yuan said with a sneer: “So why don’t you catch me for questioning?”

Brando complexion sank, of course It was because the superiors refused to give up, and a simple suspicion made this great scientist impossible.

“The upper part is pressed for you, I hope you can do your research as before, and don’t worry about other things.” Brando half true half false said.

Mu Yuan said indifferently: “Then give her back to me.”

Brando tilted his head and said: “She? Who?”

He is real I was stunned, why did “she” pop up?

“Don’t pretend to be stupid!” Mu Yuan said angrily.

Brando didn’t know why Mu Yuan came to ask this, but Brando responded quickly.

Just as before pretending to have caught the enemy, Brando once again said: “hehe…Professor Mu is also pretending to be stupid?”

This is an indirect confession. The man who squeezed him in his hand.

Mu Yuan gnashing teeth said: “I’m telling the truth, I’m not spy, I didn’t control Santa Fe’s defense system to attack Osiris that day!”

Brando eyelids twitched , Why did you pull this suddenly? fuck Isn’t this a clumsy denial resulting in self-exposure?

He angrily said: “Really? Then I’m telling the truth, I didn’t touch your person,’she’ is not with me!”

Mu Yuan listened, I was also annoyed, Brando is learning to speak for himself!

Damn it, I was pinched!

Mu Yuan knew that he would never admit it, even if it was a murderer.

As long as there is suspicion, the executives will not move themselves, and Brando will always “hold the fire”.

On the contrary, Brando can use various means to torture himself, and he is just a researcher. Once he is restricted in his freedom, he will completely lose the initiative and never try to rescue Cocoa.

Keeping the current state without tearing each other’s faces, he can secretly arrange some backhands.

“What do you want from the top, let’s talk about it.” Mu Yuan said deeply.

Brando raised his eyebrows and said: “Of course it is longevity medicine!”

He wondered if this is nonsense?

Mu Yuan took a deep breath and said: “Okay, I get it. Tell Sword Hand that I will develop longevity medicine in three years, but if you dare to touch her, I will let You know the fate of angering scientists.”

In fact, he never treats younger sister as a computer psychologically, so he always refers to a woman’s’she’, which clearly indicates gender in English.

This made Brando feel weird: I never heard that Professor Mu is in love, who caught his woman?

Brando asked: “Speak clearly, Professor Mu, we don’t have to be so silly… If you explain what you did on the day Santa Fe fell, I can send her to you. “

Mu Yuan doesn’t want to talk to him anymore. He doesn’t have the power to restrain him, and his so-called status is just relying on the attention of others.

If it does not belong to the own military force, he can only hope that the organization can take the initiative to return it to him, otherwise it is impossible for him to take the initiative to rescue the younger sister.

Mu Yuan knows Illuminati too well. If he confesses, he can completely tear his face and use the younger sister鈥檚 life to coerce him to study longevity medicine without returning the person to him, when the time comes He can do nothing.

Since this is the case, it is not important to admit it or not. The top priority is that he needs to arm himself.

“dong!” Mu Yuan slammed the door and left.

Brando immediately asked Bayland: “Did you arrest his man?”

Bayland shook his head: “No, didn’t you admit it just now? Didn’t you catch him? “

Brando extend the hand drilled into him and said: “Move your mind, I am arguing with him! Look at his eagerness after I admit it, Mu Yuan must have a very Important people have lost contact with him!”

“But in this way, he mistakenly thought that we had caught him!” Bayland said.

Brando said: 鈥淚t鈥檚 okay. Isn鈥檛 that right? This woman must be very important to him. We try to find her out. When the time comes Mu Yuan, we have to treat him obediently and honestly. I have explained everything I know!”

“Go and check! See which women Mu Yuan has contact with!”

This is very easy to check, because Mu Yuan is very simple, almost They are all in Santa Fe, and only occasionally travel for relaxation, or attend seminars, scientist gatherings, etc.

He is one of Illuminati’s most important scientists, so once he travels, he has bodyguards around him, and who he contacts is well documented.

Soon Bayland got the record and said: “Tsk…Professor Mu has been in contact with ten women since joining Illuminati for twelve years…”

Brando happily said : “Who is there!”

“Basically all dead…Look at his younger sister, who died in an air crash. There are also these female researchers who were all killed when Santa Fe was captured. Kill,” Bayland said.

“Is there no alive?” Brando asked.

Of course, he only asked the living. After all, Mu Yuan didn’t react like this to the dead. What’s more, “Dare to touch her hair”, this kind of remark definitely refers to a living person.

Bayland looked weird and said: “Yes, he meets Griffin, Catherine, Luo Yan and the others almost every year to discuss some scientific topics. Professor Catherine is a female, and Luo Yan is also I often bring my wife… After all, Zoe is also Luo Yan’s personal assistant.”

Professor Catherine is 50 years old and is also a great sage. It is impossible for someone to dare to move her.

As for Zoe… Now he is indeed under house arrest and asked Luo Yan where it was when the incident happened.

“What… Does Mu Yuan’s’she’ mean Zoe? Huh? He and Zoe have an affair?” Brando was stunned, Luo Yan, what kind of routine is this?

Brando fell into deep thought, Mu Yuan is now in his heart, which is almost a spy that he played with the card, so it is normal for him to have a relationship with Luo Yan and Zoe.

But Mu Yuan’s reaction was not right. He was obviously anxious, annoyed by those who dared to move him!

It is normal for Luo Yan to have this kind of reaction, but Luo Yan does not, but Mu Yuan is anxious?

Bayland scratched his head and said: “Eh? What’s the situation…”

“The more important thing is…I just got the testimony from Luo Yan and Zoe. I hate Zoe for doing it. Perjury…Professor Mu knew it so soon? Didn’t I take the first-hand information?” Brando was confused at first, then angry.

Bayland said: “Big brother, what you got is absolutely first-hand information. Professor Mu鈥檚 reaction is a bit like not knowing that you just asked Zoe to cooperate with the investigation and take the question away, and mistakenly thought you were I took her away from prison, tortured, and questioned.”

Brando narrowed his eyes and said: “Yes, the information is poor. We have been watching Mu Yuan recently, so Mu Yuan’s source of information is relatively simple. , I only know that I captured Zoe, but I don鈥檛 know that I鈥檓 just questioning, not at all enough evidence to torture her.”

“This kind of poor intelligence caused Mu Yuan to jump out in a hurry, hehehe “

Bayland pondered: “Then…big brother, are we still letting people go?”

Brando said with a smile: “Let Luo Yan go, let her wife go Stay.”

“Big brother…Zoe is a direct line of the Morgan family.” Bayland said.

Brando said: “What are you afraid of! Let’s just say that we still have a lot of doubts to ask, and we will be under house arrest for a period of time. Unless Morgan Sword Hand personally says, I will not say letting people go, no one is allowed to let go! “

“Interestingly, I sent someone to take them away for interrogation. Luo Yan and Zoe actively cooperated, and the Morgan family did not pressure me. Professor Mu actually came to pressure me… solemnly What did vowed say to develop longevity medicine within three years?”

Speaking, Brando suddenly thought of something complexion changed.

“Wait…Three years?”

Bayland said: “Big brother, three years of untrustworthy, how can it be so fast?”

Brando frowns saying : “No…someone will believe it.”

“You mean some Sword Hand…” Bayland thought.

Brando said with an ugly face: “It’s not just Sword Hand…If this news forms public opinion…”

“Hi! Mu Yuan, just now, he almost exposed himself as spy, a clumsy denial resulting in self-exposure, why? I suspect that he deliberately used this way of not tearing his face to admit that he was a member of the layered pupil faction…”

“Is this faintly revealing to others, they Can the layered pupil faction produce longevity medicine within three years? Then let the people in the organization float?”

Bayland has no way to refute it. Given that there is a layered pupil faction, even if it is only rumored that it can get it in three years If longevity medicine is released, this news will also create many fencers.

Brando immediately said: “Listen, only the two of us know what Mu Yuan is talking about, so it鈥檚 not allowed to spread it!”

“Send someone to stare at him, don鈥檛 let Mu Yuan mentioned it to others! Just as if he didn鈥檛 tell me anything today.”

Bayland asked, “Sword Hand…”

Brando I stroked my hair irritably, thought for a while and said, “Don’t say it! Don’t write this kind of news in the report. I will use other channels to talk about this with Fez Sword Hand.”



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