The Omniscient

Chapter 246

Brando summarizes all aspects of the news and thinks about the situation repeatedly.

He found that there are all kinds of possibilities, but they basically revolve around Mu Yuan. As the only living party, Mu Yuan must know many things.

Soon after Mu Yuan was picked up, Brando hurried to see him.

“Professor Mu, do you remember me?” Brando said with a smile.

Mu Yuan blinked and said: “You are…”

Brando corner of mouth twitching, curled his lips and said: “Brando · Audi, we have seen…”

Mu Yuan shook his head and squeezed the bridge of his nose, and said: “Oh…has the enemy caught it?”

Brando said with a smile: “Of course! Evil Dragon and the group have been caught by me Captured alive.”

Mu Yuan asked: “Where is it? Have you interrogated?”

“Is being interrogated, you don’t have to intervene, I just want to see from your perspective Find out more about the situation,” Brando said.

Mu Yuan frowned lightly and said: “If you catch an enemy, you should tell me what you have recovered! My nanobee colony and the new medicine are lost. Have you got it back?”


It’s normal for the new medicine to be lost. Brando knew it by looking at a pile of empty boxes beside the researcher’s body.

The evacuation of the researcher will surely bring the most precious research results with him. They are missing now, and they must have been taken away by the enemy.


“Nano swarm is gone?” Brando’s eyes widened.

This thing is more precious than all new drugs. Although it is something that can be remanufactured with this technology, the cost is too expensive.

Not only is it expensive, it also costs time. Illuminati has 14,000 machines around the world, and they are producing at the same time. One machine can only produce two nanobees per day! Ten years later, these tens of billions of nano-bee colonies were born.

In the past ten years, the total cost of the various bases is 800 billion US dollars, and the military expenditure of the Mi Army is not that much.

“The loss is too great…” Brando murmured.

Mu Yuan asked: “So, did he get it back?”

He saw Brando’s silence, Mu Yuan squinted his eyes and said, “You caught the Evil Dragon group. You should give the Nanobees to me immediately. Don’t tell me, they don’t.”

Brando swallowed and said, “Well, Professor Mu. I didn’t catch the Evil Dragon crew, I They had already run away when they came.”

Mu Yuan smiled and shook his head: “You lied to me because you suspected me?”

“How come! You want As for the person who does Sword Hand, I just made a joke with you and want you to praise me.” Brando said with a smile brilliantly.

Mu Yuan stared at him without speaking.

Brando didn’t feel embarrassed at all, and asked: “Who the hell was sneak attacking Santa Fe, how did you escape? And spy, do you have any suspicious targets?”

Mu Yuan said: “The enemy attacked Santa Fe. The guards protected us from the emergency exit, but we were stopped by the Osiris team.”

“Wait a minute, you mean this Three people?” Brando took him to the place where the three S2 died.

Mu Yuan looked at the bodies of the three sentries, and then at the bodies of the thirty guards at the end of the corridor.

He rolled his eyes and said: “There is another Uluru, a total of four people stopped us. Where is his body?”

Brando said: “No. Why did they Stop you?”

Mu Yuan took a deep breath: “These four sentries said that their entire army was wiped out. They were attacked by Santa Fe’s defense system. They suspected that there was a problem with the guards, Ulu. Lu asked our guards to lay down their weapons and hand over the researchers to them.”

“The thirty guards firmly disagree. After all, their duty is to block guns for us, so they refuse to obey Uzbek. Lulu’s request.”

Brando frowns saying: “What then?”

Mu Yuan looked at the rapid-fire guns on the ceiling of the corridor and said, “After that, these guns rang Now, kill all the guards.”

Brando asked: “Who is in the main control room? Who controls the defense system?”

“It must be spy.” Mu Yuan said.

Brando is talking nonsense!

Mu Yuan continued: “After the guard died, we fell into the hands of Uluru. Four of their sentries planned to take us out of the emergency passage, but it was too late and a female reptilion jumped down. “

“They fought, and I don’t know what happened afterwards, because the researchers and I took the opportunity to run away.”

“I ran in the front and used The medicine that stimulated reptilion’s sense of smell left. As for the other researchers, they were all overtaken by reptilion.”

There is no doubt that he is hiding the existence of Cocoa.

Seeing that everyone who knew Coco was dead, only one Uluru was missing. He was determined to keep hiding for his younger sister, and even deliberately led to Uluru with problems.

Brando mused: “Professor, do you have any suspicious goals? Who was not there at the time?”

“Wicks, he is also my assistant, take me Nanobee The group went to maintain it, but I never saw it again.” Mu Yuan said.

Brando said: “He is dead, and the soldiers from the Great Snake Valley found his body.”

Mu Yuan was surprised: “Why did he go to the Great Snake Valley?”

Brando Tanshou said: “How do I know? Now the Great Snake Valley base is in ruins, and the armored forces are searching for a livelihood, but I think there should be no livelihood.”

” On him, it seems to have been completely scrapped into trace elements.”

Nanobots are very fragile. In the micro world tyrannize, but under missile bombardment, it is easier to’die’ than cells.

Brando looked towards Eminem on the side and asked: “Why did he go to Dashe Valley, do you know?”

Eminem nodded and said: “I watched him get on the plane He said he was going to Dashe Valley to count the excavated reptilion cell samples. He personally drove the plane away…”

He did watch Wicks get on the plane, and he was proud of himself!

As for the task of inventorying samples in Dashe Valley, I heard Huang Ji say, but he has regarded Huang Ji as a brother and has no doubt at all, so he thought it was Wicks in his heart. Huang Ji is only responsible for reporting.

“Wicks was sitting in the driver’s seat, I said hello to him, he ignored me, and sneered at me… Now thinking about it, it’s not right!” Eminem said truthfully.

Mu Yuan was surprised: “I never let him go to the Great Snake Valley, nor did he have this mission!”

“His only mission at the time was that I asked him to maintain Nanobee Group! As a result, this guy actually left by plane?”

Brando frowns saying: “Is he usually so proud?”

Mu Yuan shook his head and said, “No, he was right. I am very respectful, he is my assistant! He came out selected very carefully, and he has been with me for a long time. He will do whatever I say, never leave my task, and leave the institute unfathomable mystery.”

Eminem thought that Mu Yuan didn’t believe it, and quickly said: “What I said was true. There were still people present. If you don’t believe me, ask Hua Ji, I don’t know if he is still alive…”

“Who?” Brando asked.

Eminem pointed upstairs and said: “Level 1 little soldier, this Professor Mu must know. Our leader arranged him under my command and was going to the Big Snake Valley to pull a snake from its hole. As a result, at that time Wicks came up with him, Wicks flew the plane, Hua Ji was the co-pilot, and the two went to the Great Snake Valley.”

“Afterwards, I found reptilion, and I directly surrounded the place and bombed… …In short, the battle was urgent and I didn’t save them. After that I saw Wicks flying away, I thought he had survived, didn’t expect his body was still found in the Dashe Valley base.”

Brando frowns saying: “Did the plane go after that?”

“Go!” Eminem said.

Brando asked someone to bring a copy of the information, took out a photo and said: “Is this this one?”

I saw that the photo was somewhere in the jungle near Santa Fe and found Helicopter wreckage.

“It’s this one! It was abandoned…Who was walking at the time?” Amrang said.

Brando pondered then said: “I know the Hua Ji you said. I read the information you reported. This person is a little white mouse caught.”

“Well, What about this Hua Ji person?”

Eminem said: “He took the opportunity to flee to me when I was bombing, and then he was responsible for being my driver, who evacuated with me during the reptilion breakthrough circle. As a result, we His car was blown up, and he relied on his ingenuity…”

He explained the situation of Hua Ji without omission and in detail, and focused on how he saved himself, delaying time and waiting for support , And survived desperately.

“Okay, you said you will send him to the infirmary on the second floor afterwards?”

Brando doesn’t really care about the credit, it’s just a small thing for him. With credit, I learned that Huang Ji might not be dead, so I immediately brought people to negative 2-Layer.

I saw that all the research institutes here were bombed, and the infirmary was next door, so one wall collapsed, half of the ceiling fell, and a hospital bed was buried.

He greeted people to dig up the ruins, and saw a man lying on the hospital bed in the corner, unconscious, with blood-stained bandages on his body.

“Still alive.” Brando saw Huang Ji’s chest rise and fall.

He patted Huang Ji and awakened him.

Huang Ji eyes opened, Eminem immediately said with a smile: “You brat your life is really big!”

“What’s wrong?” Huang Ji looked at the messy environment , Said at a loss.

Eminem said: “An enemy captured Santa Fe and exploded all the research rooms. You brat is dead. In the infirmary, he was buried by the explosion next door and was not found! “

Brando waved his hand and interrupted their recollection, and asked directly: “Have you seen Wicks?”

Huang Ji nodded and said: “Of course, he is a Professor Mu’s assistant, I wanted to cheat him before, but Eminem taught me a few words. He said I’m a combat organization and it’s useless to cheat on people in the scientific research department…”

“Aiya, you just Needless to say…” Eminem speechless saying, my heart said Mu Yuan is still there.

Brando glared at Eminem and continued to ask Huang Ji: “How did he go up with you?”

Huang Ji said: “I was taken up by the guards to see Eminem. , When he was at the elevator door, suddenly he ran from behind and entered the elevator together. He said that he was going to Dashegu to count the medical instruments and reptilion samples that were excavated.”

“He was very happy and excited at the time. It’s not good, but when I got to the ground, I turned into a cold look again. I thought he was so dragging, and he was Professor Mu’s assistant, and listened obediently and honestly to his arrangements. I definitely didn’t dare to offend others when I first came to drive.”

“Unfortunately, I don’t know how to fly a plane. I’m going to be able to fly a plane. I will definitely send him to the Great Snake Valley.”

“After that, Eminem knows that I have wiretapping. Eminem is listening.”

Brando looked towards Eminem, Eminem nodded.

Mu Yuan asked, “Hua Ji, what did he carry on his body at the time? What did he do when he got to the Great Snake Valley?”

Huang Ji said: “Wicks I don’t know what he was carrying. After arriving in Dashe Valley, he has been with the supervision deacon, and I was directed by the supervision deacon to the low building where Cogas is located.”

“Dang it. Alex and the others were also inside, and all the male reptilions were there. They didn’t know that I had completely taken refuge in Illuminati, so I talked to them and procrastinated for time.”

“Three more people came in later, and they said’something Once you get it, you can go’.”

Brando immediately asked: “What does he look like?”

Huang Ji frowns saying: “How do you describe this…but his mouth There is a bullet in it.”

“Go on.” Brando thought.

Huang Ji continued: “I thought I would not be exposed. Didn’t expect another person wearing glasses and said, “This Hua Ji has completely invested in Illuminati, get rid of it.” Then he again I named five rich men, saying that these five are too young to believe.”

“Finally, he handed all six of us to reptilion, and he took the people away.”

After these words, Brando’s eyelids twitched.

He made a direct call, and soon someone sent a photo. Brando said, “Is he wearing glasses?”

This is a picture of Luo Yan. , But Huang Ji took a closer look, shook his head and said: “I’m not sure, it’s that person not only wearing glasses, but also wearing a mask and wearing researcher’s clothes.”

“The head shape is very similar, but The hairstyle is different. I saw that the man’s hair is floating.”

Brando sucked in a breath of cold air. Just now, he interrogated the little white mouse separately and asked about the photo.

The answer of the little white mouse is basically the same, saying: the head shape is similar, the hairstyle is different, and the hair is floating.

Strictly speaking, Luo Yan’s image doesn’t match in normal times, but it’s like…that’s really like!

This ambiguity makes him extremely suspicious but suffers from the feeling of lack of evidence, which is very uncomfortable.

“Damn it! I know what’s going on…” Brando clenched his fists tightly.


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