The Omniscient

Chapter 247

This is already obvious. Wicks has been lurking beside Mu Yuan for a long time. This time he knew that Santa Fe was about to be attacked, and the task behind the scenes was to take Nami away. Bee swarm.

So Wicks took advantage of the maintenance and took the Nanobee colony away, and found a reason to go to the base in the Great Snake Valley.

It may even deliberately bury some things that need to be processed by the researcher in the cave of the Great Snake Valley, so that Wicks can have this reason.

Wicks is usually courteous, but now he finally got his head out undercover, can leave with his things, and immediately regained his nature.

“…Eminem, so when he got on the plane, he sneered at you, it’s not arrogant…but laughed at you idiots and sent him away!” Brando said freely.

Eminem gritted his teeth and said: “Then why did he die there?”

Brando said: “Of course he was treated as an abandoned son, because he went with Hua Ji Yes. And Hua Ji was recognized by someone.”

“A certain high-powered guy with a huge source of intelligence already knew that Hua Ji had betrayed the reptilion, so he got the Nano Bee Swarm After that, Hua Ji’s identity was broken and reptilion handled it.”

“Who?” Mu Yuan asked immediately.

Brando shook his head and said: “no! Know! Say!”

Mu Yuan frowns saying: “Who is the photo you just took out?”

Brando said with a smile: “Professor Mu, these things need me to investigate, you wait for good news.”

Mu Yuan turned around and said before leaving, “I don’t care what faction or faction the organization has , Now I don’t have a research environment, and I can’t do anything.”

Brando said: “The above will be rearranged, and we are more than this life research center. Although the configuration is different, it is only a matter of money. “

After he finished speaking, Mu Yuan has already gone far.

Brando stared at Mu Yuan’s back. After a while, Bayland walked in.

“Big brother, the Dashe Valley base is still fighting, don’t we support it?”

Brando stunned: “Still fighting?”

Bayland nodded and said: “Yes, Alexei is not dead yet. The Super Sentinels have suffered heavy losses, and the other creeps are unable to get involved. We have to help.”

“Fuck… …Why is it so powerful?” Brando was a little surprised.

Bayland said: “It is said to be mutated, and the strength is different.”

Brando immediately took Bayland on the plane and rushed to the Great Snake Valley.

On the road, only Bayland was beside him, so he told the truth: “Professor Mu, there is a problem.”

“What’s the matter?” Bayland wondered, but Mu Yuan was promised to become Sword Hand’s guy, he’s also impossible as a traitor, right?

Brando said: “First of all there must be traitors, and a large group! From the supervisors of the Great Snake Valley, to the wealthy people in the logistics, and Santa Fe, there are spy!”

“Tentatively called that faction the’layered pupil faction’. This group of people has a long layout and is well prepared. This time the capture of Santa Fe came with preparation and is bound to win!”

Bayland said: “Do you suspect that Professor Mu is also a member of the layered pupil faction?”

Brando nodded and said: “No way…no one can doubt it. We still don’t know who controls the defensive weapon Who…”

“You think. Although Uluru is missing and suspicious, he is on the ground during the battle, and the main control room is underground. Even if he is a spy, he is not a weapon. system.”

“Neither is Wicks. He has been to the Great Snake Valley a long time ago. His task is to steal the Nanobee colony for the’layered pupil faction’ in advance and send it to the University. Snake Valley handover.”

Bayland frowns saying: “Can the nano bee swarm be 100% sure that Wicks took it? It may also be taken by the enemy after Santa Fe was captured.”

Brando extend the hand pointed at his head and roared: “Move your brain!”

“The group of reptilions don’t go, the supervision deacon and the traitors like Kogas will not go. Go, why stay at the base in Dashe Valley?”

“That’s and the others, wait for Wicks to take the Nanobee swarm to send over! At that time, there were three mysterious persons in Dashe Valley, one There is a bullet in your mouth. You can check whose quirk is this. There is also a pair of glasses, and the motherfucker must be Luo Yan!”

Bayland said, “Big brother, you are on the bar with Luo Yan Come on… There is no evidence, just because he wears glasses? His head is a bit like?”

Brando narrowed his eyes and said, “He was the subject of my suspicion, let alone the mantra !”

“I know that this mantra can be said by anyone, but you have to trust my intuition!”

Bayland nodded and said: “Okay.”

Brando continued: “Luo Yan knew that Hua Ji had betrayed the reptilion because of sufficient information channels. , After all I can know, he can know. So after getting the Nano Bee Swarm, let reptilion deal with Hua Ji”

“Reptilion can’t stand the betrayal the most, so it failed to follow along, instead it became a bait and a chess piece! Attracted our firepower, and he took the opportunity to take people away! “

“Hua Ji’s deceit turned out to be true. If it hadn’t been for Luo Yan to have sufficient sources of information, I’m afraid he would have taken him away. By then, Hua Ji would become our pawn into the layered pupil faction. You know, Hua Ji had our bug on him at that time! “

“Because of this fear, Wicks came with him and was given up together. “

“The Nano Bee Swarm just got it, and the undercover died. At that time, Luo Yan didn’t have time to investigate whether there were bugs and positioning devices on Wicks. “

Bayland pondered: “It seems that there is nothing wrong with it. After that, Luo Yan and the others left by plane, and then abandoned the plane in the jungle near Santa Fe and lay in ambush outside Santa Fe. “

“Wait for the Evil Dragon group to take the lead first to attract the attention of the Osiris team. After an undercover set off a dark cannon to kill a large number of elites, Luo Yan led others to follow in. . “

“The medicine was taken, the researcher was killed, and a group of little white mice were transformed. This is also something Luo Yan can do. “

“He helped us to add a hundred Ascendants in one breath…Hey, those newly promoted Ascendants, do we dare to use them? “

Brando shook his head and said, “They said that after Luo Yan helped them evolve, they didn’t ask for anything or let them do anything, do you believe it? “

Bayland said, “Then…get it off?” “

Brando shook his head and said, “It’s too wasteful to get rid of it. They are obviously people who reject the Ascendant Potion!” It will die if injected! “

“However, Luo Yan has allowed them to evolve successfully. There must be a secret in it. “

“It’s a pity to kill, just keep it, you can’t die. “

Bayland thought: “Except for the little white mouse who has been staying below, there are only three survivors in the base. One was in a coma on the ground, another was in a coma on the second floor, and there was Mu Yuan. So you suspect Professor Mu based on the elimination method? “

“Is it possible that both Eminem and Hua Ji are lying?” “

Brando shook his head and said: “Neither of them has the authority to control the weapon system inside Santa Fe. What’s more important is…the death of the thirty guards is too strange. “

“Um… the gun headshot, no extra shells were found at the scene. It is the bullet of the rapid-fire gun, and the number of missing ammunition matches. But so accurate, obviously not automatic shooting. “Bayland said.

Brando said: “So I really want to know who controlled the defense system to kill the elite of the Osiris team, and accurately eliminated 30 guards…”


“On this issue, Mu Yuan once said, it’s so strange. He said that Uluru led someone to intercept him, and as a result, spy controlled the automatic rapid-fire gun to kill the guard…This shows that spy was on Uluru’s side! “

“Since Uluru is very likely to be in the same group as Spy, after killing the guards, they did not harm Mu Yuan, and instead continued to escort them away? “

“The most coincidental thing is that in the end all the fellow researchers died, but he Mu Yuan managed to escape? He, the most important scientist of Santa Fe, survived? “

“Do you believe he can run Vahana?” Even the use of drugs that interfere with the sense of smell is almost impossible unless Vahana deliberately let him go. “

There is no problem with his analysis. He is S4. Naturally, he knows that situation. Mu Yuan is impossible to escape.

So when he learned that Mu Yuan was alive, Brando Extremely surprised.

This made him lie as soon as he came up, saying that he had caught the Evil Dragon gang and wanted to defraud Mu Yuan.

Unfortunately, Mu Yuan is very stable. , Steady and shrewd, asked him to hand over the Nano Swarm and fight against the generals.

It didn’t seem to be a problem. Instead, Brando confided and confessed first, but in hindsight, how could it be so fast? See through that you are cheating him?

Everyone is teammates, would ordinary people be so wary of teammates cheating themselves? The more Brando thinks about it, the more he feels Mu Yuan has reservations.

“He must have something hide! Brando said confidently.

“Osiris! “Bayland said suddenly.

Brando touched the chin nodded and said: “Osiris, this guy, has also disappeared. It’s really strange, but it may be tracking the fleeing enemy. Let’s not doubt it. “

Bayland turned around and said: “No, I mean I saw Osiris!” Look below! “

“en?” Brando looked down from the plane and saw Osiris, dressed in gold, beckoning to him in a wilderness.

He quickly landed the plane, Osiris got on the plane.

“You guy, have you caught up yet? The enemy is also running in this direction? “Brando and Osiris are very familiar. If the two are not related to the iron buddies, they are also old friends.

Osiris was shocked, what did he want to chase?

Then it suddenly became clear. This is because I thought I was chasing the enemy…

After all, he dignified a first-rate S4, guarding Santa Fe and ran away, too unimaginable.

Osiris thought about it for a while and said vaguely: “I lost it… Well, how about Santa Fe? “

“Don’t you know? All your men were wiped out, and only one Uluru was missing. The researchers are all dead…except for Mu Yuan. “Brando said.

Osiris frowned, this is terrible.

Santa Fe falls. This is a major event. I am afraid I will be dismissed if I escape.

However, when you look at Brando, you completely believe in yourself and think you are tracking the enemy.

“…Would you like to tell the truth…” Osiris was silent.

Brando frowned. He was still waiting for Osiris to tell him some important information. Didn’t expect was silent, what the hell?

“Hey! What are the enemies? When they slaughtered the researcher, did you stop Vahana? “Brando asked.

This is very important. If Osiris was fighting life and death at the scene, stopping Vahana at a critical moment, and desperately letting Mu Yuan live alone, it would be justified. He doesn’t have to doubt it. Mu Yuan is here.

However, Osiris sighed and said: “I’m sorry, Brando, I can’t deal with that many people at all. I don’t think the situation is right, so I withdrew…”

” It’s Nirvana, who has lived for so long, you know, I don’t want to die in vain, but also put on a life costume. “

He hesitated again and again, chose to be sincere, and confessed that he was an act of fleeing.

After all, Mu Yuan is okay, so based on his relationship and status, this crime is not counted. What’s the matter. He can also say that he is protecting the life costume.

Brando is shocked: “What…you ran away? “

Osiris excitedly said: “I can’t run if I don’t, I will die if I stay there!” Mom’s base is full of spy, and the enemies on the front, do you know their configuration? “

“What configuration? “Brando asked.

Osiris said: “Evil Dragon has six sentries, all of which are rubbish. There is no threat in itself, but one of the dead men, like a dead man, holds a black The wand is going to change my life! “

“Okay! It’s okay, I can deal with this too, but a bunch of reptilions came from behind, Vahana, Alexei, Hasper! There are three S4s! Not to mention there are several S3 youth reptilion, how to fight this! “

Brando’s eyelids are pounding, and his heart feels cold.

“Brother, the group of reptilions have also been killed? “Brando said with a half smile and half a smile.

Osiris nodded and said: “Otherwise! I came to support Santa Fe, but the Super Sentry team went to the Great Snake Valley, no problem… But they are a bunch of idiots, I don’t know if they were killed by the reptilion or did not stop the reptilion at all…”

“motherfucker Let Alexei, the reptilion, kill Santa Fe! “

“All of my men were killed by the spy sneak attack. This is not bad, I can hardly support it with one arm! “

Bayland was driving the plane while listening to the chat behind her, eyes Wei Mi, glanced at the rearview mirror: Isn’t this nonsense?

Where are they heading for the plane? Big Snake Valley supports the Super Sentinels! Why do you support it? Because Alexei and the other reptilion are too strong, and they have not died after fighting with the Super Sentinels!

As a result, Osiris actually said that he abandoned Guarding Santa Fe, is it because Alexei and other reptilion have been killed? Didn’t the super sentries stop? Was lured the tiger away from the mountain?

Pure bullshit!

Brando is calm, said with a smile: “Brother, you are right, this is really impossible to fight, you are also pretending to not fall into the hands of the enemy! “

“Yes! I know you can understand me! “Osiris is very sincere.

Brando said: “Of course I can understand you. The equipment is equipped for us. I don’t usually bring it, just because I am afraid of losing it. But the last time I chased and killed the rebels on the Eastern Sea shore, I was stretched again and hated not having any equipment…”

“Huh? Why are you still wearing? The enemy ran away early, don’t stay in a shiny gold suit now, don’t need energy! “

Osiris was nodded, and took off his life suit, only to see a layer of golden substance on his body turned into a golden anka statue.

“Just put it behind. “Brando pointed at the rear compartment of the helicopter.

Osiris let it go and asked casually: “You are assigned to be in charge of the investigation. “

“Yes, this is a case with the Eastern Sea shore.” “Brando said with a smile.

Osiris looked at the following and said: “This direction is wrong, isn’t it going back to Santa Fe?” “

Brando shook his head and said: “No, let’s go to the Great Snake Valley first, there are still many things to check over there. “

“hmph, they are the regular guards. Now Santa Fe has fallen, and they are still stupidly in the Great Snake Valley! Osiris grumbled.

After that, he looked towards Brando and said, “Your aura…Brando, I feel that you are heart in chaos. “

Brando gave a wry smile: “After you take off your cloak, I can also feel your aura…Your heart is also very confused. “

Osiris smiled bitterly, and Brando didn’t speak any more.

Not long after, the plane came to a place two kilometers away from the base of the Great Snake Valley.

A tragic battlefield, and the center of the battlefield is blooming with a dazzling white light. The rays of light make it difficult for them to look straight in the 500-meter-high helicopter.



In a pure white dazzling rays of light, Kogas screamed hysterically.

The rays of light gradually receded, and the yellow-skinned robust man bladed the thunder-fire away from Koga. Pulled out from the charred back, the air filled with the smell of barbecue.

Korgas was electrocuted to death, and his body was covered with charcoal scars.

Look back, around There are corpses everywhere across the field, the reptilion has been wiped out, and their super sentry team has also suffered heavy losses. There are few members left, only him and the boss are left.

Nine S4s are still too difficult to deal with. Although the equipment is crushed, the number of people is crushed, and even the physical strength is superior, the fight is too tragic.

Twenty super sentries, this wave is considered to be exhausted.

“Uh Ah…” The white-skinned robust man was sitting on the ground, his condition was not good, his scaly battle clothes were only half diarrhea, his stomach was scratched, and his intestines flowed out.

robust man moved towards the distant waving, a group of guards quickly rushed to the scene to deal with two injuries.

“call …… call …… how you pair of facial expressions? “The yellow-skinned robust man frowned and asked, seeing that the guards’ expression was wrong.

Speaking of reason, the guards should be excited and cheered to kill these escaped reptilions, at least they should breathe a sigh of relief.


But they were frowning, and they even stopped talking.

At this moment, he noticed that the helicopter above his head had landed, and the two jumped off the plane. They saw that it was Brando and Osiris.

“Why are you all here? Just one…but it’s too late, the battle is over. “The yellow-skinned robust man said.

Osiris looked at the corpses of Alexei, Hasper and other reptilions on the ground, and was dumbfounded.

His eyes were dull and his brain was blank. .

Suddenly looking back, he found that Brando was blocking behind him, with a cold expression and holding an iron umbrella in his hand.

“The battle is not over yet…” Brando said with a sneer.

Osiris was dumbfounded, he asked Huangfu Robust Man: “When did Alexei come? “

The yellow skin robust man didn’t know what was going on, and said honestly: “It’s been here long ago. We arrived at the crucial moment. At the time the reptilion was about to run, we tried desperately to stop and fight them to death. Together. Here, isn’t this just solved? “

Brando smiled and said, “Explain, Osiris, should I help you explain?” “

“Huh? “Osiris was stunned, he really didn’t know how to explain.

Brando said: “The whole plan is really unclear!” Did Luo Yan tell you that the reptilion will be exposed here, and then lead the super sentry team over, then bypass them and kill Santa Fe and join Evil Dragon and the others. “

“And you, you don’t need to try too hard. After the owner is dead, remove all the weapons of the combat defense system, pretend to be a fierce battle, and then withdraw directly, in the vicinity Go shopping. “

“When the time comes to be held accountable, you put the question to the super sentinels, saying that they didn’t stop the reptilion, and you were alone, so you ran away. “

“It’s a pity… the plan can’t keep up with the changes. You have planned your confession in advance, and there is something wrong! “

“You absolutely didn’t expect, the reptilion did not rush to Santa Fe as planned. They were dragged here by a small Level 1 soldier! Then I waited for reinforcements, and was desperately stopped by the super sentries! “

The yellow-skinned robust man was silly, and said in surprise: “What? Santa Fe has fallen? “

Osiris roared: “Nonsense! Brando, what about your mother! What Luo Yan? what are you talking about! I saw Alexey and they rushed to Santa Fe, more than twenty reptilion! How do I fight? “

“Huh? Both the yellow-skinned robust man and the white-skinned robust man looked towards Osiris. Although they don’t know what’s going on, they must be lying.

“Fuck! Listen, Brando, there must be some misunderstanding here! “Osiris said.

Brando said: “You simply deliberately abandoned Santa Fe, leaving an empty city to be occupied. “

“Without your guard, even if Alexei is not there, Santa Fe can’t keep it! “

“It really didn’t expect, you are still hiding the existence of Luo Yan! “

“What…” Osiris didn’t know how Brando thought so much! He clearly told the truth, he could lie, but he honestly admitted that he had escaped!

Brando roared: “If you don’t say that reptilion will drive you away, you mean that a mysterious Court Academecian is so powerful that it has driven you away with two subordinates. I am willing to believe you! “

“But you can’t say that, because you know that it was Luo Yan, and you left Santa Fe, so you don’t know what actually happened afterwards. “

“When you saw me, you were very hesitant. I am waiting for you to provide information! What did you mean by being silent? What do you think? Why are you hesitating? “

“I can feel your heart in chaos, and you are hesitating to say it according to the original plan! “

“In the end, you chose the original rhetoric, and such a contradiction will happen right now! “

Osiris said angrily: “Enough of you! I admit that what I said is a bit contradictory to reality, but there must be a reason for this. What do you mean when you come up to believe that I am spy? “

Brando said: “If you are innocent, I will pay you back. Now, please accept the detention, I must detain you. “

“If you try to resist, then I can only solve you here. “

Osiris said indifferently: “Have you figured it out clearly?” I can leave you imprisoned, Santa Fe falls into my responsibility, and I will not resist. “

“But I want to ask you, are you sure you want to do this? We have been in a relationship for so many years, and we can investigate things together calmly. “

Brando calmly said: “Then I will give you another chance. From now on, you cannot leave me 24 hours a day, until I have tested the DNA of these reptilions. “

“If I’m sure they are Alexe and the others, I’m sorry, I will do everything to tell you the truth. ”


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