The Omniscient

Chapter 245

Judging from the traces of the scene, this is indeed too much like the Osiris team’s capture of Santa Fe……

But Brando has no doubts, after all, Osiris should have no black The magic wand is right.

The above gave him a life-giving outfit, which made his defense despise Illuminati, and in turn, he would no longer be equipped with a black wand with destructive power.

“Brando! A large body of researcher was found! No enemies have been found for the time being!” The voice of his men came from the ground.

Brando listened, sighed, and sure enough the researchers were dead.

“The enemy must not be far away! Call someone to chase me!”

He confessed a few times in the communicator, and immediately came up a dozen S1s, driving the helicopter and scattered around. Out, search for the enemy’s trail.

Brando uses the umbrella as a walking stick and walks into the base gracefully.

Bayland followed, suddenly turned his head, as if he had heard something, and walked to Eminem’s side.

“Big brother, this man is not dead yet!” Bayland patted Eminem said.

“Wake him up! Bring it down!” Brando said, already jumping into the big hole.

Bayland brought Eminem to follow, and shot Eminem awake on the road.

Eminem woke up and saw thirty guards whose heads were blown out by bullets.

Then not far away, Brando and the others saw three more S2 corpses from the Osiris team, who were Uluru’s teammates.

“It was killed by a laser, and it should have been an attack by the black wand.” Brando said.

He turned around and saw Eminem wake up, and asked: “Who attacked Santa Fe?”

Eminem calmly said: “Evil Dragon!”

“Evil Dragon? You mean Carlo?” Brando looked strange.

Eminem nodded and said: “It’s Carlo! He also carries five sentinels!”

Brando stunned: “Only six of them? How could it be possible! How could Carlo have This kind of strength!”

He lowered his head for a moment and took out a picture for Eminem to see.

“Are there any of these people?” Brando took out the pictures of Seti and other sentinels who defected from New York.

Eminem said quickly: “Yes, there are! This! This person…and this person! They are all here!”

He pointed out Seti, Yam, and Somi And Hawke.

Brando squeezed the photo into a ball with his hands and said with a wild smile: “hahaha! Found it! It is indeed the rebels! The same people!”

“Messiah, too Become their dark army, which allows the rebellious faction to act in the name of Messiah…”

“But even if they are, they are definitely not strong enough! Who else?”

Eminem shook his head and said: “I don’t know. I only saw six of them. Osiris said that these six were decoys. A group of people were ambushed behind the huge boulder one kilometer away.”

” Now! The guards inside Santa Fe base also have traitors! Control the combat defense system and sneak attack us!”

“A lot of people died, and I was stunned by a shot. I don’t know the rest. ……”

Brando said: “I am not surprised that there is spy. How can Santa Fe be easily captured? The enemy dare to attack Santa Fe, and he must have penetrated Santa Fe early. I dare to do it!”

“After a set of deployment, the elite of the Osiris team died unexplainedly. It is obvious that the enemy’s plan is subtle and the preparation is far-reaching!”

“I remember there was a super sentry squad, where are they?”

Eminem said: “They are fighting fiercely in the Great Snake Valley, Alexei and other reptilions are there, now it should be wiped out. It’s almost there.”

Brando shook his head and said: “Look, look! lured the tiger away from the mountain!”

“I knew that the reptilion was missing. In this case, even reptilion can be used as a chess piece…”

“The above tells me that the rebellious faction has already known the longevity gene first, and even exposed it to Santa Fe. I feel that something is wrong.”

“The rebellious faction definitely wants to obtain longevity medicine faster than the organization, so how can Santa Fe keep up with their research progress? So there are only two possibilities to expose the longevity gene.”

“First, the enemy wants to use Mu Yuan’s research capabilities to steal research results. Second, the enemy will soon destroy Santa Fe and kill all the researchers, so it’s okay to expose it!”

“It looks like it’s second…”

They came to the bodies of the researchers and saw dozens of researchers dead, not only lamented.

“en? Where is Professor Mu’s body?” Bayland asked.

A sentry said: “No, he is not dead… We received a distress signal from Professor Mu. He escaped through the emergency channel. The location is three kilometers away in the wilderness. We have sent someone to pick him up. It’s.”

Brando was stunned. He just said that the enemy was the second cause, but Professor Mu didn’t die?

Professor Mu is not dead, then Santa Fe can still develop longevity medicine.

For the entire Santa Fe, the most important researcher didn’t kill, and let him go?

Brando feels something wrong, he doesn’t want to doubt Mu Yuan, but this is too strange.

“Big brother, the guards were all killed by the automatic rapid-fire guns in the corridor, but…At that time, the guards should be escorting all the researchers to escape, but the researchers died in another one outside of several hundred meters In the hallway.” Bayland said.

Brandy mused: “At that time, who could control the defense system and kill the guards? Who else should be on the scene but not dead?”

Someone reported. : “Wicks, he is not here. There is also Uluru, and Uluru’s body was not found.”

Amrang said: “Impossible is Uluru! We were attacked by our own fire At that time, Uluru was on the ground tower! But someone else controlled the weapon system in the main control room!”

“In addition, Wix died in the Great Snake Valley, not Wix… “

Brando brows slightly wrinkle, assuming spy is not dead, then according to the rule of elimination, only Mu Yuan is left.

“Who else?”

“Report! All the little white mice of negative 4-Layer are alive. They have not left the cell, but… they have evolved.” Someone Report.

Brando was surprised: “What? You said they all evolved?”


He soon came to minus 4 -Layer, all the little white mice here are obedient, not running around, even if there is no door to stop them.

Brando saw dozens of mutants at a glance, either with long horns on their heads, or with outer skeletons, or tentacles on their skin…

Skeleton Ascendant surprised, you can see it at a glance.

There are dozens of remaining bodies that are not significantly alienated. It can also be seen from Essence, Qi, and Spirit that they may have mutated, because Ascendant will also improve some physical fitness.

The little white mice were originally ordinary persons with their empty footsteps. At this moment, they are full of energy and well-balanced muscles.

“One hundred and three people, all Ascendants?” Brando was dumbfounded.

Obviously, this was done by the enemy. After the capture of Santa Fe, they did not take away or kill these people, but instead gave them ascending potions.

But since these people are little white mouse, it means that they have a rejection reaction to medicine, and they should all die at this moment.

How can one not die? 100% success rate?

“Who is it! What is going on? Say!” Brando roared.

The little white mouse looked at each other in blank dismay, the mysterious charged researcher ran away, and the Illuminati people came back. Naturally, they just met the wind, everyone talking at once said.

After listening, Brando’s eyelids jumped and his heart was shaking!

The whole body discharges, electric dancing silver snakes, and weird black spines grow from within the body, helping them to perfectly absorb the evolution of medicinal power?

“Hiss…” Bayland sucked in a breath of cold air.

Brando stuck his finger directly: “Move your mind!”

“Huh?” Bayland said innocently, “Big brother! I didn’t say anything!”

“Are you silent?” Brando gasped.

His heart in chaos, what a joke! There is such a strong electro-optical amplifier?

So far, at most Ascendant is the same as the electric eel. The muscle discharges and makes people feel electrocuted. This is the limit.

Unless soaked in water, there will be no arc at all.

And the’mysterious Court Academecian’ is the discharge of electric current, and the whole body is excited, which means that the strength and control of the electric energy of the person within the body are strong enough to form a large electromagnetic field, allowing alternating current An arc is generated around the body.

This is not as simple as discharge, but can be controlled! To a certain extent, it can control the frequency and intensity of energy within the body and the direction of propagation.

“This is something humans can’t do…this kind of ability, I have only seen one person have! Otis…”

Brando whispered, generating energy and controlling energy They are two different things. People who can discharge like this, he only knows that the little gray man Otis can do it!

“This is the ability of space alien, and that mysterious Court Academecian did it. Is it some kind of technology product? Or is it done purely by the body?”

“Could it be that the rebellious faction has developed a super cultivation technique that belongs to humans?”

Evil Dragon was shocked when he learned that Huang Ji can control bioelectricity, and then moved deeply because he thought Human physiology is destined to not be able to control energy.

Brando is also shocked at the moment, but he knows better than Evil Dragon after all. He knows that humans are also possible, and any intelligent creatures are fine, but humans have not yet invented a way of exercising that can control energy. .

This is a level of life sciences, and human technology has not yet reached that level.

Someone inside Illuminati is also studying this, and I still don’t know how to exercise to do it.

And now, in the rebellious faction, some people have invented the super cultivation technique?

“The All Seeing Eye? Isn’t this a pirated version of our All Seeing Eye? hmph! It’s really ugly!” Brando didn’t at all think about the pupil-in-pupil pattern imprinted on everyone’s neck.

Be aware that their Illuminati logo is All Seeing Eye, which is a normal eye.

At the moment, the mysterious Court Academecian of the rebellious faction has branded on the neck of this group of people what is called the “eye of omniscience”, and it is a layered pupil, with a large pupil covered with a small pupil.

This meaning is self-evident.

On the surface of Illuminati’s eye, there is an eye that breeds it.

Hitomi Hitomi! Isn’t it a metaphor for the hidden faction parasitizing in Illuminati?

“hmph hum, silverfish! Also made the own sign, this is really going to rebel!”

Brando thought, interrogating the little white mice separately.

“Tell me more carefully, tell me the whole process again without omission and in detail! Don’t miss any details!”

Brando interrogated, including the mysterious The small details of Court Academecian are not let go, and these people are asked to think carefully.

Compared with separate interrogation, Brando raised his brows and found a few more details.

“You said he had a pair of glasses on his pocket?”

“Huh? Wait, you say it again. After you lied to him, what did he say?”

Brando frowns, only a little white mouse can be heard firmly say: “Please be sincere.”

“You say it again!” Brando’s eyes widened.

The man said innocently: “Yes…yes, that’s…Please be sincere!”

Brando’s eyes narrowed.


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