The Omniscient

Chapter 244

Negative 4-Layer, a group of prisoners looked at the open door and looked around at the door, but did not dare to go out.

They have long been domesticated and have lost the heart to resist.


Suddenly, a man wearing a mask and a researcher’s white coat, his body flashing with electric lights, walked down the stairs.

The hair strands are suspended behind the head, and there are fine arcs flowing between the tips of the hair.

There is a pair of glasses hanging in the pocket of his coat, and his eyes are closed. He seems to be able to cross all obstacles without looking at it.

The person who came was Huang Ji. Taking advantage of Santa Fe only being himself, he changed his clothes, changed his appearance and disappeared.

He had no concealment about the electric shock, and the prisoners saw it and suddenly silenced him.

Huang Ji is really like this. At first glance, it is not a good thing.

“Researcher? Haven’t seen it…”

“Is it one of the invaders?”

Their thoughts are floating, but they shrink in their cells Not daring to come out, hiding deeper.

At this time, Huang Ji spoke: “I will ask one last time, is anyone going to follow me?”

Everyone looked towards Huang Ji, his voice is steady It is magnetic.

But his words made everyone cry.

“Answer me!” Huang Ji loudly said.

“Yes…Yes…” Everyone was startled and said sparsely.

They watched Huang Ji’s whole body sparkle with arcs, like Thor, who would dare to say nothing?

However, Huang Ji calmly said: “Please be sincere.”

“wu wu wu……” The little white mouse almost cried.

Walking is also dead, not walking is also dead, so difficult.

If you want to be sincere, then they dare not run away, but can you say that?

“My lord, please don’t embarrass us…” someone plucked up the courage to say.

“We…we would rather stay…”

They said trembling with fear, and felt that Huang Ji, who was wearing researcher costumes, looked better than the Evil Dragon who came before. Lin Li is much tougher.

Lin Li itself is not fierce, while Evil Dragon knows that they will not go, and is too lazy to embarrass them.

Huang Ji did come up and said, “Ask one last time”, and there was a surge of electricity all over his body, as if he was ready to kill, and he could feel the stimulation of static electricity several meters away.

“Understood. You are afraid of death and dare not resist Illuminati, I can understand.” Huang Ji’s words calmed down.

Everyone immediately relaxed.

Huang Ji continued: “You follow us to flee, almost certainly dead, so in order to survive, you will find ways to’work out’, and then you may betray us.”

“Illuminati It is so powerful that it makes people unable to resist any thoughts. The only choice is to die rather than live.”

“In that case, you should stay.”

Little white mouse heard Huang Ji’s words and was numbly nodded.

I don’t intend to embarrass them anymore. But since I don’t plan to take them away, why come down and tell them these nonsense? What is the purpose?

Huang Ji said: “The day you were brought here, you died socially. You have long been unable to return to the life of an ordinary person in the past. You can only live until one day, death. In the experiment, it may be given to the space alien to eat.”

“The only way to change this fate is not to escape, not to resist, but to join Illuminati, right?”

The little white mouse is nodded one after another, yes, this is the only way out. If you can’t resist, then join.

Like many sentinels, they were actually little white mice when they were young, but they were perfectly compatible with various potions, and they were able to join Illuminati.

The same is true for Alan. Although it is only a dynamic vision, he can finally become a mercenary and go out. Even if it is only two years old.

Huang Ji’s voice echoed in the cell and said: “Since you think so, let you be recognized by Illuminati… and then change your destiny.”

“You have I’m not interested in becoming an Ascendant?”

The little white mouse was shocked, and finally someone mustered up the courage to say, “You want us to evolve? No, impossible, we are not suitable for that kind of medicine. He will die.”

Huang Ji shook his head and said: “This is because Griffin’s old bastard does not know that any genetically modified medicine needs drug introduction.”

“I can make one hundred and three of you all evolve!”

In a flash, hope burst into the eyes of the little white mouse.

Although I don’t understand what Huang Ji is talking about, or even who Griffin is, his confident tone makes it feel like he is speaking the truth.

Anyway, everyone is a little white mouse who was experimented with medicine, if what Huang Ji said is true.

Once they become that kind of superpower, they can join Illuminati and become fighters instead of slaves.

Being a soldier is better than being a little white mouse.

An Indian woman walked out of the cell, nervous and eager: “So what is the price?”

Huang Ji walked up and stroked her hair. After a while she His hair is curled like an ion perm.

Then this hand touched the woman’s neck again.

The next second the woman felt a burning sensation, and a pair of pupil-like patterns were imprinted on her neck.

“Remember these omniscient eyes!”

“That’s enough…”

The little white mouse was puzzled: “That’s it?”

“That’s it!” Huang Ji said, moving down a box of rising potions from the stairs for them to take.

The Indian woman took a deep breath and stepped forward to inject the medicine for herself.

At the same time, Huang Ji stretched out a thorn in his palm and pierced the back of the Indian woman’s neck. He controlled the bioelectricity and guided the medicine efficacy to prevent death due to rejection.

Leave a tattoo…This price is too small, almost equivalent to not having it, anyway, it is impossible to resist, it is better to obey.

For a while, little white mice came forward one after another and injected the rising potion.

Huang Ji opened his arms and stretched out several meridians, at the same time guiding the medicine efficacy for four people.

Everyone came up to receive the guidance in batches. They could feel the pain of the body’s shedding body and exchanging bones, but they were also used to this pain. They endured it and felt clear qi after a few minutes. Cool, full of strength.

Although Huang Ji only has 99 bottles of ascending potions, he knows that it is not practical for one person to evolve a whole bottle. Under his guidance, 70% potions are enough for one person to evolve.

He divided up a bit, and after helping them evolve, he absorbed the remaining bottles.

Huang Ji’s current bioelectricity control is much stronger than before. After ten minutes, everyone has begun to be suitable for own mutations.

“Uh!” The Indian woman slumped on the ground, she wanted to get up prostrably, clutching the railing of the cell.

Somehow, her palm seemed to be vibrating strongly, which directly caused the iron railing to oscillate at ultra-low frequencies. Around the straight iron rod, there was an afterimage of naked eye that was almost invisible.

“Buzz~ Buzz~…” The iron door made a rumbling sound, and the joint with the door frame seemed to be shaken loose, and screamed.

The voice is getting sharper and harsher.

The scared Indian woman immediately let go and looked at own palm.

“wū wū wū wū ……” I saw that her palm prints had countless small, almost invisible bumps, which became extremely rough and thick. If she wanted to, she could make them naked eye Vibration at frequencies that are invisible.

She grasped the iron rod again, a low-frequency vibration spread across the door, and a harsh sound suddenly sounded. After a few seconds, she heard a loud bang, the iron door Bounced directly out of the door frame.

This is still steel, not so good to shake off. You can imagine her holding someone’s head with her palms, enough to explode like a watermelon in one second.

But after just a few strokes, she felt her body was weak, as if she had been exercising vigorously for a long time.

“After becoming an Ascendant, the diet should be changed, otherwise the body will be overwhelmed.”

“Eat more foods rich in minerals, and it is recommended that you eat at least three times a day kg of carrots, water is also essential, you have to replenish water almost anytime and anywhere…”

Huang Ji said casually, as if the doctor prescribed medicine recipe, the Indian woman was nodded again and again.

However, Huang Ji only said this time. After the evolution of other little white mice, he didn’t bother to remind him. After all, Ascendant’s recipes, Illuminati will also research this kind of thing. .

I saw that he would be present one hundred and three people, all leading them to the evolution direction of own, and leaving the mark of layered pupil pattern, they left silently, leaving them feeling the ability of own.

As for what the price, what acknowledge allegiance me, what help me do things……

Huang Ji didn’t bother to say such things, but it was not good if he said it, he made a person suffer from His own scheme, the ability to gang up is Lifting The Heavy As Though It Was Light, skill close to Dao.

“The time is almost…” Huang Ji went to the minus 2-Layer and changed his clothes back.

He closed his eyes, made sure that all monitoring records had been destroyed, and all traces of actions had been processed, then he lay silently back on the bed in the infirmary.

Huang Ji was first sent to this hospital bed by Eminem. After all, he experienced the’reptilion brutality’. He went into a coma to the end on the hospital bed, as it should be by rights.

Not long after he lay down, a group of large armed helicopters arrived at Santa Fe.

A blond man jumped directly from the plane, 500 metres high, he opened an iron umbrella buffer, slowly floated down, and landed on the corpses everywhere across the field.

He scanned the audience, his eyes were devastated, and his scalp felt numb.

“It’s late…Sure enough, there is a major event!” It was Brando who came.

And his brother Bayland also jumped from a high altitude, without any external force buffering, with a thump, and stepped straight on the ground, relying purely on the’unstable’ mutant flesh pad to unload its strength, unscathed .

“Santa Fe was captured?” Bayland said.

Brando drilled his fingers on his temple and roared: “Move your brain! The battle is so tragic, this is not nonsense!”

“The researchers will not be all dead! Right…” Bayland said, covering his head.

Brando facial expression grave, if the Santa Fe researcher is dead, it will be a major blow to the organization’s longevity dream.

He came here, it was the Sword Hand who learned that the Great Snake Valley had changed, the reptilion fled, and involved the rebellious faction, and then characterized it as the work of the rebels.

Brando is Chief-In-Charge who has full authority to investigate the rebellious faction. The boss directly takes the two cases and commits one case, and hands them all to him for investigation.

“I heard that the reptilion was released by the traitor, I knew that the major event was not good, and the enemy would never give up, there must be a follow-up!”

“Sure enough, Santa Fe fell It’s… I’m bringing someone here, it’s still a step too late!”

“Santa Fe also has at least three S4 protections. If Osiris is there, then there are four! How could it fall so quickly? “

Brando murmured, scanning the audience, and had recognized several corpses.

“The Osiris team members are all elite!” Bayland said.

“wu wu wu ……wang wang wang~!” On the top of the building, there was a little milky dog ​​barking. This is Osiris’ dog.

Brando said annoyedly: “So Osiris is there, that is, the four S4powerhouses, are they all dead? How many people did the enemy dispatch?”

He and Bayland go Before arriving at the base, I saw a huge hole here, which was blasted open by a terrifying energy weapon.

Looking at the base again, it is even more messy. The thick alloy steel plate is directly melted through and goes underground!

“It’s… the black wand!”

Brando recognized this destructive power at a glance.

He thought about it for a while and said: “I found you! It’s really interesting. I captured Santa Fe, don’t leave?”

“Come out!”

Brando stood outside the hole and said loudly, as if there were enemies in the base.

Bayland looked towards Brando in astonishment, and whispered: “big brother, where is anyone?”

Brando extend the hand, he said that he had to poke, and Bayland immediately hid away.

At this time, the helicopter formation landed, and a group of people came behind Brando.

Brando waved his hand: “Go in and search!”

“Yes!” Each of these people is S1, and there are four S2s, which are no less than the Osiris team. Support elite.

Brando let his subordinates go in first, but he stepped back a few steps and took out a box from the helicopter, which contained a set of scaled battle clothes and thunder-fire blades.

But instead of turning on the thunder-fire blade at all, he hung it around his waist, still holding the iron umbrella of own in his hand.

Brando likes to be arrogant, but he must make sure that there are no problems before arrogant.

At the moment, he is not sure that the enemy has withdrawn, so he first lied about whether there were any enemies inside.

Bayland has already seen it, twitched his lips, inspected the corpses, and found clues.

“Big brother, they were all killed by Santa Fe’s defense system… and the defense system’s weapons were destroyed with fists!” Bayland said.

Brando frowned said: “How come! These weapons are made of high-strength alloys, who has such a hard fist!”

He doesn’t question this power, but question This hardness. Punch through the titanium alloy? This is not a question of strength. Even the stronger hand will be abandoned first, right?

Bayland pointed to various traces and said: “But…it is the case, you see, if you restore the scene. It should be like this…The elite team of Osiris entered the fence of Santa Fe, Near the tower, he was violently attacked by Santa Fe’s defense system.”

“Then someone used his fist to dismantle all Santa Fe’s weapons.”

“Osiris! He! With this ability, the life formation can make his fleshy body defenses amazing, and it’s easy to break steel with a punch.”

Listening to Bayland’s analysis, Brando looked strange.

“Huh? You mean, the Osiris team made a surprise attack on Santa Fe, destroyed the defensive weapons and breached the institute?” Brando said in amazement.


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