The Omniscient

Chapter 241

“What happened on the ground, what a big movement.”

Uluru and the other three S2s, they heard the building as soon as they reached the negative third floor. There were deafening strikes.

Listening to the news, you know that the alloy wall of Santa Fe was blown up.

“No way…Thirty centimeters thick tungsten steel alloy, what can blast it open?”

“Don’t worry about Osiris’s strength, you are not I don’t know. In the golden state, who can kill him?” Uluru said.

The four are nodded. Their current duty is to protect the researchers and kill the traitors who just controlled the defense system.

They just arrived at the negative third floor and saw a group of guards blocking the door of Mu Yuan’s research room.

These guards are holding guns, surrounding the researchers, and are rushing to another exit.

This is to protect the researchers from evacuation, but at this moment in the eyes of Uluru and the others, this seems to be held hostage again.

“Stop!” Uluru shouted, pulling out a thunder-fire blade from behind the armor.

“Put down your weapons!” Four S-class powerhouses lined up in the corridor shouted.

The guards are astonished. Everyone is their own. Let them put down their weapons. What the hell is that?

“We are Santa Fe security guards…” said a guard headed by.

However, Uluru didn’t care about that. As he approached, he coldly said: “Put down the weapon and lie on the ground!”

“Why!” The guards are the last in the institute Layer protection, usually standing guard, at critical moments, they are the last layer of gun fodder for the researchers.

Now a group of Osiris team members ran down and asked them to lay down their weapons and lie on the ground?

Uluru coldly said: “You killed me that many brothers, and you asked me why?”

If this group of guards had surrounded the researchers, he would have He rushed to kill people.

Guard Captain frowns saying: “You bullshit! When did we kill your people? You are not qualified to order us. We are the last shield wall for researchers.”

Uluru Said: “Which one of you is a traitor, it doesn’t count if you say it.”

“I repeat, put down the weapon and lie on the ground, otherwise I can only treat you as traitors.”


As long as this group of guards lay down their weapons obediently and honestly and accept investigations, then they will not be killers, there is still talk about everything.

On the contrary, holding the researcher as it is now makes Uluru feel insecure.

However, the Captain of the Guards is not to be trifled with. They are simply fulfilling their duties. Why do these sentries make them surrender?

This kind of order is strange: You kill so fiercely above, and you die, blame the people below us?

“I’m afraid this is an excuse, there is a problem with these sentries…” a guard whispered.

Captain secretly nodded, he thinks so too, these sentries are not fighting on it, they ran down and said they were spy, and let them put down their weapons? How does he think these sentinels are spy?

Obviously they are all their own, and at this moment they have formed a chain of suspicion.

“Stop talking nonsense, if you want to do it, just try it. Our duty is to take the researchers to a safe place. I see if you dare to mess around.” Guard Captain said.

“Wait a minute, calm down.” At this time Mu Yuan spoke. He was also confused when he saw the tension between the two groups.

Mu Yuan said: “What the hell happened?”

Uluru said while staring: “They had someone controlling the weapon defense system and attacked us! Many people died… “

“In short, none of you can leave here until things are cleared!”

Mu Yuan brows tightly knit, he knows that there are rebellious factions, and maybe even within Santa Fe I installed spy, trying to steal the research progress.

Now Uluru said that spy attacked them with Santa Fe weapons, so it would be more appropriate.

This is probably not a lie. Mu Yuan immediately looked towards Guard Captain: “Who controls it!”

Guard Captain frowns saying: “I will do it myself!”

Uluru coldly snorted and said: “Don’t pretend? Admit it?”

“Admit it!” Guard Captain angrily said: “Is there any misunderstanding in this? We are After receiving Eminem’s order, he used a missile to blow up a stone. When did you kill your people!”

Uluru’s nose is crooked. Isn’t this open-eyes and nonsense?

If he said that he didn’t know, Uluru would not be so angry, and then Captain the guard said that he had blown up a stone by himself. It was Eminem’s order.

Uluru angrily said: “Fart! We are almost wiped out, and there are still fakes!”

“Do you still want to Raim? Eminem listened to us Ossi Reese Captain ordered you to blow up rocks, but you or he bombarded us wildly!”

“Professor Mu, don’t believe their nonsense, there are traitors in it, don’t believe your orders now They stepped away, they promised to show their true shape, and held you with guns!”

Mu Yuan pushed his glasses and looked towards Guard Captain.

Guard Captain said anxiously: “Professor Mu, don’t be fooled by them! They also want to capture you alive, where will heaven knows take you?”

Mu Yuan is very It’s embarrassing. If he orders the Guard Captain, if the Guard Captain is really spy, he will be held hostage.

If Uluru is a spy, then the Captain of the Guard will obey the order to put down the weapon and retreat, and then their researchers will be held hostage by Uluru instantly.

“communicator, give me!” Mu Yuan said to the guard Captain.

Guard Captain handed it to him, and Mu Yuan called Osiris directly.

However, after calling for a long time, Osiris did not connect.

This means that Osiris’ communicator is intact, but there is no time to pick it up or deliberately not.

“Why didn’t he answer?” Mu Yuan asked.

Uluru shook his head and said: “I don’t know…but what we said is true. My injury was caused by a missile.”

Mu Yuan glanced at Uluru and The injuries of the others indeed seem to have experienced baptism.

“Hey…” Mu Yuan sighed suddenly took out a remote control-like device from his pocket and operated it.

After that, he lifts the head and said to the camera placed above the corridor: “Coco, take over the Santa Fe security system and mark all non-researchers as suspicious persons to be determined.”

I spoke Chinese, but many people still understood it.

“Big brother, what else do I need to do?” A speaker on the camera said, it was a female electronic voice.

Everyone was shocked when they heard this voice: what the hell? Who is in the main control room?

Mu Yuan calmly said: “Coco, report the situation on the ground.”

Coco said: “The ground monitoring and all defensive weapons have been destroyed. Uluru said Really, I detected a series of attack commands in the background of the system. The targets were all members of the Osiris team and deliberately avoided the incoming enemy.”

Anyone who can understand Chinese is confused.

Guard Captain is proficient in six languages. After all, a researcher is available in all countries. As a guard here, he still has to be in line with everyone.

And Mu Yuan is a Chinese, so Chinese is also one of the languages ​​he needs to be proficient in, even if Mu Yuan can speak 20 languages.

“Nonsense! I absolutely did not operate these instructions! Who is this cocoa? Who is in the control room?” Guard Captain exclaimed.

Mu Yuan stared at the guard Captain and said: “Put the gun down!”

The guard Captain’s mentality collapsed. He anxiously said: “Professor Mu! Don’t listen to the slander! Who? He and Uluru are in the same group! Don’t…”

He was really wronged, and he was very anxious and said very excitedly.

However, Mu Yuan just looked at Captain’s gun and dangled in front of him, and immediately said: “Cocoa! You know what to do!”

The next second, above the corridor His rapid-fire gun immediately turned, and instantly locked all guards.

“da da da da!” After a fierce shot, all 30 guards were wiped out!

Blood splashed many researchers, but not at all accidentally injured any researcher.

Uluru raised his brows, and he heard that only thirty shots were fired!

This means that one shot is killed, no bullet is superfluous!

“How is this possible? The rapid-fire gun system in the corridor I know, there is no such accurate, usually a certain range of sweeps. These guards and researchers are standing together, how can the rapid-fire gun be exactly one Kill one bullet?” Uluru looked at Mu Yuan in surprise, and brought people to the researchers.

“Professor Mu, this cocoa…”

Mu Yuan also knows that he can’t hide it, said solemnly: “But it’s my younger sister, but she now… lives on the computer In…”

The other researchers on the side were immediately surprised: “Artificial intelligence! Mu Yuan, did you secretly develop artificial intelligence?”

They all thought Coco just now… It was someone speaking through a loudspeaker in the main control room. Didn’t expect an AI?

AI technology is still impossible to realize this kind of “consciousness”. Just now, Mu Yuan said, “Coco, you know what to do” in order to prevent the guards from violent.

As a result, the weapon system in the corridor accurately killed the guards!

How can AI understand this kind of ambiguity so well? Aren’t you afraid of being understood in other ways, or killing the wrong person?

Just now, Coco, I didn’t even confirm it. I shot it! This means that Coco even realized that Mu Yuan wanted to keep the guards from being vigilant.

Coco clearly understood this, and then shot silently, instead of stupidly asking: Are you going to kill all the guards?

If you really want to say this, the guards must be violent, and Mu Yuan is in danger.

“This ability to understand…Is there an epoch-making breakthrough in AI technology?”

“Mu Yuan! When did you create this kind of artificial intelligence? Why don’t you say? “

The researchers scrambled to question, they had been in Santa Fe for so many years before they knew there was still a “cocoa”!

Mu Yuan indifferently said: “She is not an artificial intelligence, she is my younger sister.”

“I remember… your younger sister is dead!” said a researcher.

Mu Yuan solemnly said: “But her brain is still alive.”

“Born… a biological computer!” The researchers were also very knowledgeable and realized this in an instant.

Mu Yuan made her dead younger sister’s brain into a biological computer!

Using nano-bee colonies, electrodes are connected to every synapse of brain cells. Then the only difficulty is to establish a set of advanced algorithms compatible with the biological brain and the computer.

“You use the organization’s resources to do this, why don’t you tell the organization?” Uluru couldn’t help asking.

Mu Yuan squinted his eyes and said: “Who said I didn’t tell the organization, but you didn’t know it.”

Everyone was taken aback, and there was nothing wrong with this.

While speaking, a loud noise came from above again.

“bang bang bang!”

The sound was close at hand, and there seemed to be a terrifying attack on the ground, which blasted all the way upstairs.

“Cocoa, what’s up there?” Mu Yuan said.

“According to the last screen monitored upstairs…it is a plasma gun.” Coco said.

Everyone raised their brows. Illuminati has not invented a high-power plasma gun so far.

At this moment, there is only one possibility for such an attack, and that is the energy weapon of the space alien.

“Cocoa, back up the database, and then protect yourself.” Mu Yuan said.

“Okay, big brother.”

Listening to the various movements of the Heaven Collapsing upstairs, Uluru felt very uncomfortable and shouted anxiously:” It’s not safe here anymore. Retreat.”

“Professor Mu, follow me!”

A group of researchers, each holding some boxes, followed the four sentries moved towards underground escape Away from the channel.

“To make a detour, I have to go get the Nano Bee Colony.” Mu Yuan said.

The guards just wanted to escort him to get the Nano Bee Swarm first and then leave.

Uluru heard nodded and said: “Hurry up!”

Mu Yuan walked into the equipment maintenance room and quickly found the bottle that was given to Wicks.

“en?” He saw that the blood in the bottle had long been drained, and it was empty.

“Why did Wicks throw things here without maintenance?”

Mu Yuan felt something was wrong, and it happened to be next to the electronic Microscope. He immediately operated it and saw the big picture. The screen shows that there is nothing in the bottle.

“What! Where’s the Nano Bee Swarm?”

Mu Yuan stayed in place, Uluru urged outside the door: “Professor, hurry up!”


There was a loud noise, and a cannon hit the 3rd floor directly.

Mu Yuan hurried out, and saw a large hole in the ceiling in the corridor in the distance, and the high-temperature plasma was falling steadily.

The alloy on the ceiling was burned through by high temperature!

“dong!” Vahana jumped down from the gap above, behind which were the female Drakonians such as Annie.

“What! reptilion…how did you get here? Where is Osiris Captain?” Uluru was shocked.

Vahana said indifferently: “He ran so fast…”

“This…” Uluru was speechless, he never expected, Osiris the Nirvana, that’s it Ran.

Santa Fe has fallen!

Now there are only four of them S2, do you have to face one S4?

“Go! Professors…hurry up!”

After that, Uluru and three other sentinels stood in the corridor and cut off for the researchers.

The researchers pulled Mu Yuan and hurriedly ran towards the secret escape.

“Dongdong dong!” Evil Dragon, Lin Li and the others jumped down and said, “Beauty, this Uluru, please leave it to us. As for the researchers, we are not interested. Here you are, there are revenge, there are grievances…”

Vahana doesn’t know Evil Dragon and Lin Li at all, but she understands that they are Messiah and they are both hostile to Illuminati. Work together.

Their goals do not overlap. Evil Dragon stated that he only wants to kill the Osiris team and destroy Santa Fe by the way.

Wahana wanted to kill the researcher and rescue Hua Ji by the way.

So after they united to fight, Osiris knew that he was invincible and went straight away!

His golden cloak has amazing defenses! Except for the black wand’s energy attack, nothing can break the defense.

At that time, the black wand was picked up in the hands of Vahana, and Vahana couldn’t use it, so Osiris managed to escape.

After that, the two gangs exchanged information. Lin Li generously taught Vahana how to use the black wand to complete the alliance.

As a result, Vahana can’t use it…because Drakonian has no fingerprints…

Drakonian’s skin and scales are cold, like steel, and his fingers are pressed against the pattern of the black wand without the slightest trace. The response is naturally useless.

So Vahana could only give the black wand to Old Wang again. It was Old Wang who went all the way to “Europe”, piercing through the enclosed floor.

“xiu!” Vahana is in the shape of electricity, and rushes straight forward, like a steel Tyrant Dragon.

Uluru roared and slashed up with his thunder-fire blade.

But the difference between the strength of the two was too great, and Vahana easily dodged her, blasting Uluru into the wall with a punch.

Vahana flicked her tail again, pulled the other three people away, rushed past the barrier, and pursued the researchers along the corridor.

“Damn!” Uluru pulled himself off the wall, feeling cold.

Vahana caught up, and the researchers are probably all going to die, and he…

“bang!” The Evil Dragon shield struck it, Ulurug blocked it, and blocked it. Top open.

“Carlo, you want to kill me, it’s still far away…” Uluru was wearing armor and holding a thunder-fire blade with an ugly face.

However, he soon saw that a dozen more reptilion jumped down.

Among them are two adult reptilions, Alexei and Hasper!

“How is it possible…The Super Sentinel team is also defeated? Why did Alexei of the Great Snake Valley kill Santa Fe?” Uluru looked confused.

The moment he saw Alexey, he knew that he was bound to die.

Santa Fe is over, and he is still going to die in the hands of the defeated Evil Dragon, which makes him even more angry.

If he is singled out, he is confident that he can win, but how does this lineup play?

“Carlo, you don’t think you can beat me…” Uluru gritted his teeth.

“There is a single challenge!”

Evil Dragon looked towards Alexey and said: “He is the enemy of Messiah, please don’t take action, Drakonian.”

Alexei grinned said with a smile: “Then you guys come on.”

After that, Alexei and other Drakonians also went to chase the researcher, and only Evil Dragon was left. Ren and Old Wang are still here.

When Uluru saw this, he was surprised.

He has three S2 brothers beside him, and besides Evil Dragon, except Lin Li who barely forced S2, the others are S1.

Drakonian did not agree to make a move, so Uluru had a better chance of winning.

“hahaha! so that’s how it is, do you want to avenge the people of Messiah? Well…very well, this is Blazing Sentinel.” Uluru said with a smile.

Evil Dragon calmly said: “It’s not me who wants revenge…Old Wang, he left it to you.”

Behind him, Old Wang walked out and lifted it up Black wand.

Uluru and the others were taken aback. This Messy Old Man is simply an ordinary person. You can see by seeing him gasping for breath.

But he is holding a black wand…

In this narrow corridor, this thing is a super ultimate weapon!

“What, you let a mortal kill me?” Uluru was furious.

Old Wang said: “I’m afraid you have forgotten me. At Lockheed Base last year, you killed more than a hundred people, including my son.”

“Who is your son!” Ululu said with disdain.

Old Wang stared at him coldly and took out a photo, which was Wang Xiaofan’s photo.

Uluru was taken aback, said with a smile: “Is it this guy? I forgot… OK, I admit it, I killed it. Why, you want to avenge him? With you?”

Before he could say anything, his body had already crossed more than ten meters, and he was in front of Old Wang.

“Site!” Old Wang roared, and a shock wave burst from the front of the wand.

“Bang!” Uluru was directly blasted out of several meters.

This energy gun is not just a discharge gun.

“hahahaha…” Uluru got up and smiled: “Why is it just a shock wave? Where’s your plasma gun? Hurry up, take this!”

He clicked After a little bit of my own heart, the other three sentries also laughed heartily.

Old Wang was taken aback, his eyes dimmed. He imagined images of revenge for his son countless times, but at this moment, he found that there was no pleasure of revenge at all.

Uluru killed more than a hundred Messiah people, and he didn’t even bother to remember these people.

Facing death at this moment, Uluru is not afraid of death at all.

“Outo…” Old Wang is vague but does not have Essence, Qi, and Spirit.

Lin Li extend the hand and put it on his shoulder: “Old Wang, this kind of person has faith in his heart. You are very happy to kill him. Forget it…”

“en?” Old Wang puzzled.

Lin Li said with a smile: “Take him back…let him defect…I think Hua Xu has a way to clean him up.”

Uluru listened , Angrily said: “You said you are a horse! How can I defect!”

Lin Li paled and said: “What does it have to do with you if you defect?”

“Huh?” Ululu was stunned.


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