The Omniscient

Chapter 240

The biggest gap between humans and Drakonian battle strength lies in defense.

The missile was also washing the ground, and a small half of Drakonian died in the Great Snake Valley, most of which were killed by cloud explosive bombs.

On the other side of Santa Fe, the elite of the Osiris team was almost wiped out.

Of course, there is also a sneak attack component here, and many fighters are not wary of their own weapon system at all.

“Uluru! Are you still alive! Uluru!”

Osiris yelled at several well-developed corpses on the ground, especially the armored youth Uluru.

The armor is made up of more than a thousand parts. It is extremely self-cultivation and flexible. It is tough and tough. It has been blown to pieces right now, but at least Uluru’s body does not seem to have suffered any injuries.

“I…I’m okay…” Uluru stood up, clutching a large gap in his left waist, where the flesh and blood rolled over, but not much blood bleed because it had been burned dry.

One after another, several seriously injured soldiers got up.

The 35-member elite squad has only four left at the moment.

“Uluru, you must go down and protect the professors.” Osiris said, his expression was very serious.

“Are you alone?” Uluru asked.

Osiris said indifferently: “Stop talking nonsense, you should know my abilities!”

The internal security personnel of Santa Fe defected, and the enemy is underground. As a result, the ground is underground. Both need manpower, and now they are short of manpower most.

That’s why he eagerly hoped that there were still people alive. Finally, although Ululu and other four men were seriously injured, they were still alive after all.

“Hurry up! Go down and see how the professors are. I will go down as soon as I solve Carlo.” Osiris urged, Uluru and the others quickly entered the base.

Osiris did not face Evil Dragon from beginning to end.

In his opinion, the Evil Dragon group is just a bait, attracting their attention, and letting spy take the opportunity to sneak attack them.

No matter what, Osiris still rushed to Evil Dragon, intending to do it quickly, to solve this group of weak.

I saw him charging while looking towards the huge boulder one kilometer away. He once again saw someone behind it with a probe secretly observing!

“Will it be Vahana? In this case, I have to face at least one S4.”

Osiris thought to himself, and at the same time, his golden body had already rushed to Evil In front of the Dragon group.

“No, there is more than one person behind the boulder, but the ambition faction also dispatched other experts?”


Osiris was thinking Then, I heard a familiar pronunciation in my ear.

“What!” Osiris quickly turned his head.

I saw five people, Evil Dragon, Seti, Yam, Sommy, and Hawke, who originally formed a shield wall. From Osiris’s point of view, this was just a punch.

But now that the shield wall is unfolded, Evil Dragon stepped aside, revealing Lin Li behind him.

And Lin Li, holding a short black stick, pressed the pattern on it with a standard technique, and said fiercely: “Otou… How am I surprised!”

A group of dazzling blue and white plasma gathered in front of the black stick, and the terrifying high temperature made everyone’s hair curl.

“Fuck Groove…” Osiris was shocked, a chill surged from his spine, and only the Instructor’s skin was tingling.

Fortunately, he reacted very quickly. At the crucial moment, he swung his left hand to the left, swinging his arm into the air, and making a loud explosion!

“bang!” Osiris forcibly reversed the forward momentum and flew out diagonally to the front right instead.

“bang bang bang!”

The terrifying blue-and-white slurry rushed out like a flood of lightning, passing by Osiris instantly!

Osiris’s face is distorted, his facial features are squeezed into a ball, but there is still excitement in his eyes: I have avoided!

“Want to sneak attack me? Die!”

After all, Osiris was different from Mursa’s situation. Mursa completely believed that Huang Ji was holding a fake wand. In fact, he Even with a trace of vigilance in his heart, he would not die so miserably. If you are fully alert, you can even avoid it completely.

At this moment, Osiris is in a fighting state, and he is very vigilant. The rod bearer is Lin Li. After all, he still failed to kill this first-rate powerhouse.

Not only failed to kill, Osiris also wanted to bomb Lin Li!

You must know that Osiris is a forward rush, changed to an oblique rush, and passed by the plasma torrent. As a result, he is only one meter away from Lin Li.


Osiris tapped his toes on the ground, leaning forward, right hand fiercely smashed towards Lin Li, this fist earth shattering, like shelling, is enough Smashed Lin Li’s head into a mess!

However, Lin Li saw this fist. Not only did he not panic, he did not dodge, but instead waved his black wand and swept towards Osiris!

The plasma gun has a continuous output time. It is not a shell shot out, but a plasma column.

Lin Li faced a punch that was enough to smash himself to death, without blinking his eyelids, he wanted to kill him with a black wand.

There is no doubt that this is to replace Osiris with another life. Lin Li will be smashed to his head first, and then Osiris will be killed by the plasma flow.

This is Huang Ji one day one night’s hell-style training, which helps Lin Li temper the courage.

Burning eyebrows, Iron Fist slams his face, and can express as usual, just ignore it.

Lin Li seems to have returned to the period when Huang Ji was madly mutilated and cured, his eyes were completely numb and indifferent.

“Damn, why should I perish together with him!” Osiris reacted extremely quickly, his thoughts turned sharply.

He was a first-rate S4powerhouse, and he had a life for Lin Li who barely wiped out S2. Wouldn’t it be a blood loss?

After all, this fist of Osiris did not go down, but instead shook the air upwards, taking advantage of the momentum to sink his body down, showing a 45-degree angle between his body and the ground.

He avoided the attack again, and the torrent of plasma swept over his head again.

Afterwards, with a bullet, Osiris wanted to raise the Dragon Boxing with his left hand and blow Lin Li’s head.

With this change and response, Lin Li has no time to change his life.

“Want to be perish together with me, too tender!”

Osiris is a better skill after all, his reaction and skills are crushing Lin Li.

He almost has to see the picture of Lin Li’s head burst by himself.


“Huh? I shook my fist! Where’s my hand? Where’s my left hand!”

Osiris rises to the posture of Dragon Boxing , Passing Lin Li and jumping into the air.

But Lin Li not at all was hit!

Osiris was shocked, he didn’t even throw his fist at all?

This delay took a moment, seeing Lin Li move the wand indifferently, he could only choose between kicking Lin Li’s head with one kick, or kicking the wand flying.

Undoubtedly, he still didn’t want to be perish together, and immediately took a flying kick, which hit Lin Li’s wrist.

Lin Li’s wrist bones were directly crushed, and the magic wand flew more than ten meters away!

“Damn it!” Osiris wanted to kick Lin Li again at this time, so he was obviously slower. Evil Dragon and the others had already reacted and raised their shield to block it.

He can only rely on the strength of stepping on the shield, his body leaps backward, stretches the distance, and falls to the ground.

At this time, the plasma cannon has disappeared, and a plasma cannon is impossible to last too long.

“What’s going on…” Osiris looked towards his left, only to realize that his entire arm was gone!

It turned out that when he passed the torrent, he relied on his left hand to fiercely shock the air next to him, and hit a deviation angle, barely avoiding the torrent.

Because of the’shoulder rubbing’, and the arm was raised to be flush with the shoulder, although his body was hiding, his arm was directly swept away by the torrent.

Because it was too fast, his attention was on Lin Li again. After some changes in the game, he didn’t feel until this moment that his left hand had been cut off.

“Fuck…” Osiris stared at Lin Li indifferently, secretly thought: “This is an expert…”

It is obvious that the ambition faction behind the scenes is Sect. A dead man, want to perish together with him.

Faced with death, without blinking his eyelids, he wanted to change his life with one’s own mind. What is it that is not a dead man?

“Although he is weak, the ambition faction got him a black wand!”

“Damn, there are countless black wands, there are only a few in total, behind the scenes There is actually one faction?”

“But why not let the top powerhouse use it? Not even an S3. Does the person behind the scenes lack first-rate battle strength on hand?”

Osiris analyzed frantically and was very alert at the moment.

If Lin Li was S4 or even S3 just now, he might be dead!

“Impossible, I can get the black wand, impossible does not have S4…Where is it hidden?”

Osiris thought, saw Evil Dragon and Lin Li leave and rushed over Pick up the black wand on the ground.

He also stepped out immediately, rushing towards the black wand at a faster speed.

If this Divine Item is held in his hand, it will kill these people like a dog.

“Shua!” However, a group of Cheng Yaojin came out halfway.

Suddenly, a dozen people appeared from the side to break into the scene. Osiris took a closer look, and it turned out to be a large group of reptilion, plus an old man and a dead fish-eyed youth.

“Hi! Vahana, Alexei, and Hasper…There are more than a dozen teenage reptilion, what’s the matter?”

“They are not in Snake Valley?”

Osiris confused, what’s the situation? The reason why the Super Sentinel team left was to wipe out the reptilion.

But how can reptilion all kill Santa Fe?

It should only be right for Vahana and other female reptilions, but now they are all elite!

“The terrorist attack just now came from this thing?” Vahana picked up the black wand.

For a time, three gangs of people made great efforts.

The Drakonian group has been observing secretly. They had wanted to get in, but didn’t expect that Evil Dragon and the group attacked Santa Fe first.

Alexei said immediately, wait a minute to see what happens.

They observed the battle between the two sides throughout the entire process and knew that the Osiris team had lost all of its elites, and the weapon defense system had also completely collapsed. This is the weakest moment of Santa Fe.

So they decided to take action, and they saw Lin Li use a plasma cannon as soon as they arrived.

Broken Osiris’ arm, and at the same time blasted a huge hole into the alloy wall of Santa Fe’s base!

At this moment, the Santa Fe Research Institute is simply open!

“Oops, Santa Fe may not be able to hold on…Three adult reptilion! My arm is broken…”

Osiris knew that it was not good, He wears the ancient Egyptian life costume, it is not impossible to be one enemy three.

But with a broken arm and one enemy three, it is basically a sandbag… plus the black wand… he will really die here.

“Go… or fight?”

Osiris’s life costume is also very precious. He thought that instead of dying here in vain, he might as well survive and report the information.


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