The Omniscient

Chapter 242


“Don’t kill me!”

Vahana, like a fierce god, catches up with the researchers and runs rampage.

Any researcher who was hit either had a broken muscle or a coma on the spot.

Vahana ran all the way in the corridor, her tail swept repeatedly behind her, wherever she passed, the researcher fell down like mowing.

Mu Yuan ran in the forefront, seeing that he couldn’t get past Vahana, suddenly took a small ball from his arms and hit the ground.

A stinky mist rose up suddenly, filling the corridor.

Vahana rushed through the fog and found that there were three fork roads, and Mu Yuan was nowhere to be seen.

She raised her nose slightly and found that her sense of smell was out of order!

“Hey!” Wahana casually picked a path to catch up. At her speed, even if she tried all the wrong paths, she would be able to catch up with Mu Yuan sooner or later.

However, at this moment, Huang Ji turned out of a fork in the road.

“Hua Ji!” Wahana was very happy to see Huang Ji, and then saw the various bandaged wounds on Huang Ji’s body, and said: “You are really good, we have captured Santa Fe, we I also met another group. They are the Messiah Organisation. I have heard of this organization and it is also going to subvert the Illuminati power…”

She thought that Huang Ji didn’t know Messiah and would meet Evil Dragon. All of them were told, and Messiah was introduced.

Huang Ji said with a smile: “Human resistance organizations…I am still worried about Alan and Old Wang’s arrangement. After all, although Santa Fe was captured, we still have no roots. Zhiping.”

“Follow the world with you. One day, we will all die.”

Vahana was taken aback, her expression sad.

The battle was won, they escaped, and they even hit Illuminati badly.

However, they are still wanderers, and there is still no place for them on earth.

Without the appearance of the Evil Dragon group, people like Alan, Old Wang, Hua Ji and Hani would have to follow them to escape and leave.

They are a group of Drakonians, they are not afraid of these hardships, they die at the worst, but how can those Hani bear it?

The ordinary person does not have such a high level of consciousness, and Vahana knows this very well.

She will not use her own high standards to demand others, especially those friends who have shared adversity and cooperation and escaped.

“You humans, you have to merge into the human community after all…” Wahana looked at Huang Ji and stopped talking.

Huang Ji said with a smile: “Do you want me to join Messiah, or follow you?”

When Vahana saw Huang Ji point out this question, she immediately said frankly:” Of course it is to follow us. Your wisdom and knowledge are of great help to us. This World is full of humans. Our group of Drakonians is inconvenient to go anywhere. If there is a human, we stand in front of the stage and deal with it face to face. Some problems, and we don’t have to show up, this is undoubtedly a huge benefit.”

“It is dangerous for you to follow us, but I can promise that I will do my best to protect you…”

“Of course, I respect your opinion, Hua Ji.”

Vahana said a lot, she was very sincere, and this was the first time she recognized a human being after she became a Drakonian.

What did Huang Ji say: “What is your goal?”

Vahana exclaimed: “Of course to overthrow Illuminati!”

Huang Ji shook his head and said, “What about after the overthrow?”

Vahana was taken aback, thinking.

Huang Ji said: “The overthrow of Illuminati will not solve any problems at all. What I am asking is actually what you want.”

“We want to…dignified. Stand in the sun and live freely. You don’t have to worry about being oppressed and hurt at all times, just like the overwhelming majority human beings in this world.” Wahana said.

Huang Ji said: “Overwhelming majority humans can be dignified and live in the sun righteously, because there are only humans on this planet. Humans have established an own order… to include all people in Among them.”

“There are only two ways for you to live the same life. First, to integrate and be accepted into the order of human society, but according to your personality, plus Illuminati, this is simply It’s extremely difficult…”

“The second method, it’s relatively simple, living on a planet with only Drakonian.”

Vahana wagged her tail thinking, thinking Drakonian’s future.

Huang Ji continued: “Living on a planet with only Drakonian, there are also two directions.”

“First, just smash on the earth and kill all humans. You will naturally have your own home.”

Vahana looked at Huang Ji with a weird expression. This is undoubtedly unrealistic.

First of all, they do not hate all mankind, which is naive. Secondly, there is no ability to exterminate human beings, which is more naive.

You can also think of it from another angle. For example, let a person who has been bitten by a dog grow up to kill all the dogs in the world, and he will not do it. are you crazy?

They themselves are also transformed by humans. Although they hate Illuminati very much, they have never thought of exterminating all mankind. This is too extreme.

Vahana said with a smile: “You guy, what do you mean, just tell me.”

Huang Ji said with a smile: “The second direction is to change to a planet .”

“If you want to live with human beings, there will be many contradictions. This is a very real problem, not everyone has a high level of consciousness.”

” Jump out of this narrow and limited living space and walk towards the sea of ​​stars, and you can establish an own order.”

“So, to achieve your goals, what you need is not killing, not becoming stronger, not anything Juanjuan on the earth plot against… but just a spaceship that can navigate freely in the Universe.”

Vahana fell into deep thought and murmured: “spaceship…”

Huang Ji said with a smile: “If there is a spaceship, I want to eliminate Illuminati, it is too simple.”

His words have a great impact on Vahana.

She thought for a long time, only then did she remember that she had to chase Mu Yuan who had fled.

“Spaceship does not mean that there is something. I will discuss it later. I will get people back first.” Wahana said.

Huang Ji grabbed her and said, “No need to chase, let him go! It doesn’t matter if you keep alive.”

“The entire Santa Fe base is good everywhere. Things, don’t waste time, the enemy must have reinforcements, we have to leave as soon as possible.”

Vahana is nodded, the overall situation is important, it doesn’t matter if you run one, she doesn’t bother to chase after.

The two walked back, only to see researchers and their assistants lying on a corridor on the third floor of Santa Fe.

They were all broken by Vahana, and there is nowhere to escape at the moment.

Vahana, a tall Drakonian with a ponytail up to the ceiling, paced and looked down at the researchers.

She knows most of these people. In the past, she was chosen aloof and remotely, but now her role has been reversed.

“Remember this Uncle?” At this moment, Alex also brought people over.

“Alex, you kill us and you can’t live. The Illuminati army will be back soon, you should run!” said a researcher.

Alexey looked down and said: “This Uncle will let you go, won’t you be hunted down?”

The researchers were taken aback and said: “You can take us As hostages, Illuminati will never abandon us, so that you still have negotiation capital.”

“Don’t you want freedom? This can be discussed.”

Alexey said with a smile: “Freedom is not talked about. When you did the experiment, did you care about the demands of the test product? Now you lie here and you know the negotiation?”

“Also, don’t open your mouth Shut up, it’s death. Killing you, I can’t live? I heard this Uncle’s ears, as if saying I would never eat steak again.”

The researcher was speechless, He knew that he would not survive today, and said bitterly: “What are you going to do?”

Alexei picked up the boxes carried by these researchers from the ground and opened it to see that it was not all kinds of precious potions. It is all kinds of baby embryos.

The former are mostly experimental new drugs, while the latter are cloned larvae of those who have good feedback on medicine.

The same medicine has different effects on different people. The people who have good effects are screened out and cloned into multiple copies, which is helpful for research and development.

Because cloning almost coincides with the time of natural growth, clones that match the latest research results are all baby-sized.

“Professor, what is the effect of this medicine?” Alexei took out a syringe and said.

A researcher said immediately: “This is an experimental New Nirvana drug. Some infant recipients have perfectly absorbed medicine efficacy, but only two of a thousand recipients…”

He kept talking, but Alexei quickly interrupted him and said, “Stop talking, hehe, medicine efficacy can’t be done by just talking about it, you’ll know if you try ??”

After that, Alex directly inserted the syringe into the researcher, tapped the button, and a large bottle was injected into the researcher’s arm.

The researcher panicked and said: “No! It can’t be there! Ah! You have injected too much! Too much!”

“This medicine cannot be injected intramuscularly! It must be injected into the spine! “

“So what about intramuscular injections?” Alex said with a smile.

The researcher twitched and couldn’t answer him. The place where his arm was injected was red, and the flesh was visibly bulging.

It was as if I was allergic. Various rashes began to develop on my body. In the end, the corners of my eyes and mouth were bleeding, and my head kept shaking until he died.

“I really learned from practice. It turns out that I can’t inject intramuscularly…Next!” Alex said with a smile.

Vahana came over and said: “Take them away as soon as possible, don’t play.”

Alexey looked at Vahana and Huang Ji and shrugged. : “Okay, okay.”

He was about to quickly take medicine to kill all the researchers. Huang Ji stood up and said: “Don’t waste my medicine, these are all good things.”


Huang Ji found many good things from various small boxes that the researcher carried with him.

The fall of Santa Fe, these people evacuated, and the things they took with them are naturally Santa Fe’s most precious things.

Among them, the most precious are medicines for transforming pluripotent stem cells, and various repair agents for assisting surgery for transplanting DNA.

In Huang Ji’s eyes, pluripotent stem cells are extremely useful.

Especially the one created by Illuminati, which can be transformed into any biological tissue and can also be self-produced. The only flaw is that, like normal cells, the division speed is slow, and the division has an upper limit.

However, Huang Ji has controllable cancer cells.

Huang Ji within the body’s controllable cancer cells, combined with this kind of multifunctional stem cells, will transform their functions!

The biggest defect of the controllable cancer cells originally created by Huang Ji is that they have a single type, and most organs cannot be changed.

If you want to make it truly a “variable monster”, you can only collect all kinds of cancer cells.

I don’t use it now. Combining the two, Huang Ji’s meridians dantian system has been replaced with shotguns.

What do you want to change, what to change! Just have genetic data!

Collecting data is the easiest thing for Huang Ji.

He will be able to create any organ in the own dantian, even a big living person…

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