The Omniscient

Chapter 239

Santa Fe Life Science Center, Osiris sat on the roof and kicked his dog, watching a helicopter return home.

Eminem walked down with Huang Ji and sent him to the base infirmary, so that he could heal his wounds. Then he walked to the ground and gathered the disabled soldiers through remote command, making him a robust man and the others Squash.

However, it didn’t take long before everyone in Santa Fe heard the alarm sound from the base.

“Enemy attack!”

“Close all channels.”

The alarm sounded throughout the life science center, and Eminem stood in astonishment at the base research institute Outside the door, I looked back and saw that the gate was locked.

“What, there is an enemy attack? Was it Vahana?” Eminem looked around.

Only hear the sound of gunfire from outside the base wall. It was Santa Fe’s A-level guards fighting.

Obviously, an enemy has already killed the door.

“Is it a reptilion!” Eminem pressed the communicator and asked.

“No! It’s a group of unidentified Blazing Sentinel!” A guard replied.

Eminem was surprised. It was not a reptilion, but… a rebel!

“So the real purpose of the enemy is to cooperate with reptilion, reptilion involves the main force, and the rebellious faction sent a team of troops to attack Santa Fe…”

Eminem thought briefly , Roared: “How many people are there?”

“Six sentries!” The guard said.

Eminem raised his brows and said in surprise: “There are only six people? Six people dare to attack Santa Fe?”

He lifts the head, only to see Santa Fe now only Osiris, one of S4battle strength, was still touching the little golden retriever in his arms on the roof, looking at the enemy outside the wall, and had no plans to meet the enemy.

But he is too lazy to do it, his men still have to go.

Osiris brought a total of thirty-five people, all of whom were S-level battle strengths, but most of them were S1, with only five S2s, and none of S3.

This is not because he has no power, but because he is very strong, so the team configuration does not need to be that high.

Osiris’ work is very idle, mainly supporting major bases in the west. If nothing happened, he would be able to free himself.

So for this kind of relatively spare mobile support force, it is a waste to deploy too many backbone battle strengths.

“Just look at it, just beware of fraud.”

“Leave these six people to me.”

One of S2 With that said, he is a Tianzhu, with high eyebrows, wide nose and deep eyes, and a total of eighteen ear studs on both ears…

This Tianzhu man is holding a black whip and jumping to it with a smile On a tower next to the wall.

Beside him, there are six S1battle strengths, half Sentry and half Ascendant. This is a group configuration.

With a configuration like this, the Osiris team has five, five combinations and one. The formed team is the strongest force in the entire Osiris team.

This group is numbered three, and is the first to meet the enemy, while the remaining four groups find their own places to watch the show.

On the one hand, they have seen the strength of the attackers, and the strongest is barely S2, which is not worth all of them.

On the other hand, they also prevent lured the tiger away from the mountain to avoid omissions in other directions.

“Hey! Your opponent is me!” Tianzhu Nan loudly said.

It was Lin Li, Evil Dragon, and Seti who fought outside the wall.

Each of them, holding alloy sabers and shields that walked along the base of the Great Snake Valley, they had already smashed some of the fish guards at this moment.

S-level battle strength has to be solved by S-level. No matter how strong the A-level is, it is still the limit of human beings. Once the thermal weapon in your hand cannot break the enemy’s shield, then Spear Art is meaningless no matter how good it is.

“bang! ”

Evil Dragon split the wall and took Lin Li and the others into Santa Fe’s courtyard. To be honest, peng peng beats his heart.

Because of the thirty-five S-class battle strength, plus Osiris, who was playing with the dog on the roof in the distance, it was too big for them.

There are only six of them, and the strongest is only S2.

However, they believe in Huang Ji because so far, everything is still planned.

When Huang Ji asked them to go in the Big Snake Valley, he explained the method of attacking Santa Fe and asked them to wait outside Santa Fe, and wait until Eminem was driving the rescue plane back.

He Huang Ji, he must be on that plane.

“So…Hua Xu, you now bring the Buddha bone guard into the Santa Fe base without knowing it…” Evil Dragon thought.

The six of them walked into Santa Fe’s courtyard tensely.

“What is your background!” Tianzhu man waved his whip said with a smile.

Evil Dragon looked towards the armored young man watching the show on another tower and said: “I think someone knows me.”

“oh?” Tianzhu Nan also looked towards the armor Youth: “Uluru, do you know them?”

Uluru in armor nodded and said: “This is the famous Evil Dragon Carlo, the organization’s number one anti-thief.”


“hahaha! So it’s him!”

“Really admired for a long time! Carlo! I have heard Moore boast about you.”

“This is Carlo Ah, there have been a lot of vicissitudes, yes yes, I remember, this time last year, Uluru, you seemed to kill a group of Messiah, you killed about a hundred people, at that time you had a fight with Carlo, he How strong is it?”

Uluru grinned said with a smile: “But he is very strong. In fact, I saw him three years ago. At that time, Carlo was the same as last year when he played against me. Just as strong!”

Tianzhu male said with a big smile: “Does he stand still? So what is the meaning of defecting?”

“Don’t say that, he is The man who vowed to kill Mr. Otis.”

“Moore died in the hands of Otis. He wanted revenge. I totally agree. But the weak who avenged the powerhouse but defected to a weaker force. I didn’t expect it.”

Many S-class battle strength taunted Evil Dragon.

Evil Dragon looked at them calmly. He knew that the defect of own was a failure in a sense.

There are not many’toys’ dead in Otis’s hands, but not everyone thinks like him and Coyote.

Moore is the iron buddy of Evil Dragon and Sasha, desperately rising to 32, beaten to death by Otis.

It is understandable that Evil Dragon wants revenge. In fact, many Sentinels of Illuminati also want to kill Otis, but they all want to cultivation crazy in Illuminati, reach the point of Otis, and then kill him.

No one wants to defect, after all, Illuminati is their best destination.

This kind of thinking, including Evil Dragon’s early thinking, uses Illuminati’s resources to advance.

But his thoughts slowly changed, and he finally tried to defect and overthrow Illuminati. He became the first person to eat crabs and became the first sentry with a clear banner to defect.

Be aware that even the rebellious ambition faction did not openly want to overthrow Illuminati.

I don’t expect it to happen in the future, because it is totally meaningless. Overthrow one and there will be new ones. As long as their master is still there, Illuminati will not perish.

“I don’t regret my decision, am I not? Have you come back?” Evil Dragon said.

Uluru said with a smile: “You also brought a group of stinky fish and shrimps to kill last year. I cleaned it up for you. This year I finally brought a few like helpers. What’s the use…”

“You only attacked Lockheed’s research institute last year, and this year you directly killed Santa Fe…Who gave you the courage?”

As everyone said, Eminem suddenly interrupted and said: “Of course it is a rebellious faction within the organization.”

“Carlo, you and your Messiah, have come back again and become whose dog?”

Not everyone knows about the incidents in the east.

But Evil Dragon dared to attack Santa Fe with such a few people, combined with that many things that point to the ambitious factions within the organization today, fools can also connect them.

“Messiah, it is impossible to have so many sentinels, who provided you with these people behind you?” Uluru also said.

The ambitious faction has brought Messiah under its command and became the banner of on the surface. It is the most reasonable to provide materials, technology, and battle strength support.

Messiah on the surface is not terrifying, hidden deep, and the ambitious faction that fuse together with Illuminati is the most difficult to get rid of.

Evil Dragon smiled and said: “I’m here to attack Santa Fe, not to chat with you…”

“I had hope for Illuminati back then, but unfortunately you I just want to live forever.”

“Today, I will crush your dream of longevity!”

Uluru and Tianzhu Nan and the others said with a smile: “Just rely on You? The master behind you, where do you hide your troops? Send them all out!”

They look around, don’t believe that they are the only ones, even if Evil Dragon is so stupid, the ambition faction behind the scenes It wouldn’t be so stupid, there must be more power around.

But no matter what they think, there are only six people like Evil Dragon.

“Huh?” Others can’t find out, but Osiris’ eyes are excellent.

Although he sits on the roof and kicks the dog absent-mindedly, he is actually very vigilant!

With sharp eyes like an eagle, he stared at one direction suddenly, and he noticed that someone just looked out behind a stone one kilometer away.

who, it must be invisible, but he is sure that there is a team hidden outside Santa Fe.

“Eminem, at 15 o’clock, a boulder one kilometer away.” Osiris loudly said, still too lazy to move.

When Eminem heard it, he pressed the communicator and sent a message to the military defense department of Santa Fe, asking them to destroy the boulder.

tone barely fell, and I heard that inside Santa Fe’s enclosure, a ground the size of a basketball court suddenly unfolded, and a huge missile launch pad was raised.

Densely packed on the launch pad, a series of launch ports, the caliber is thick and large.

I saw the launch pad quickly adjusted, transporting missiles, aiming, and making various mechanical movements.

“Sure enough, are you lying in ambush outside…”

“Osiris is still amazing, I can see it at a glance.” Part of the crowd stared at the huge stone, and some stared at the Evil Dragon. Partner.

The Tianzhu man didn’t pay attention to the bombardment of the boulder. He stared at Evil Dragon said with a smile: “Last time you attacked Lockheed, Uluru defeated you, but let you run away. Change to me this time and try your strength.”


Before he finished his words, he whipped up.

This whip makes the air make a sonic boom, obviously the structure of the whip is very special.

Even, it suddenly became longer, and the length soared by six meters, like a huge cable dropping from the sky.

Evil Dragon raised the shield and blocked the whip. However, the whip itself is flexible, and the tip directly bypasses the shield and draws towards the back of Evil Dragon.

“Bang!” Yam raised a shield and stood on the flank, blocking the two combos for Evil Dragon.

“Hehe, do you need two people to block it?” Tianzhu Nan snorted.

Evil Dragon bared the shark teeth and said: “Who will stand up against you?”

“The enemy you are looking for is not outside, but here is Santa Fe!”


As he was talking, everyone only heard the sound of a missile launch.



Tianzhu Nan was struck by a missile on the spot, engulfed in the flames of the explosion.

This missile attacked Tian Zhu Nan from behind, directly blowing up the tower into ruins, even more how is Tian Zhu Nan standing on it waving his whip?

It was fried into meat sauce on the spot! Carbonized into slag again!

The rising Santa Fe defensive missile station is just one of the important weapons to protect this base. Apart from this rapid-fire machine guns and even laser weapons, Santa Fe also has them.

I saw that the missile system not only failed to shoot the boulders in the distance, but moved towards Santa Fe own and bombed the towers and turrets!


The sentries and Ascendants on the towers were all stunned by the sudden attack from behind.

I was so caught off guard, how did Santa Fe’s defensive weapon hit his own?


“bang bang bang!”

Seventy two missiles were dumped and bombed into the walls of Santa Fe!

One encounter, the 35 elites of the Osiris team lost more than half, and the guards below the S level were completely destroyed. Only one Eminem was left at the gate of the research institute, which was a missile. Only after the bombing of the dead corner was spared, but he was still bleeding from the blast and passed out.

After the missiles are bombed, there are still machine guns, and the tú tú keeps firing suddenly, not attacking the Evil Dragon gang, and looking for people to shoot.

For a time, the area of ​​the Santa Fe base seemed to be a battlefield, baptism by countless artillery fire.

“Damn!” Osiris was furious, threw the puppy away, and jumped downstairs by himself.

He dodges the bullet, and instantly rushes to the wreckage of a bombed plane at the scene, and pulls out a golden coffin-like metal product. It is said to be a coffin, but it is not a rectangle, but’☥’ The shape is just like the symbol of life in Egyptian culture’anka’.

“Bangbang Bangbang…”

When Osiris held the golden Anka, which was a person tall, it seemed to be alive, and instantly entangled Osiris like a liquid. The body is completely wrapped up.

In an instant, Osiris became a golden person, and even every strand of hair had a layer of golden material.

The artillery fire and bullets bombed it, leaving him unscathed.

“There is spy in the Santa Fe Underground Research Institute!” Osiris realized that Santa Fe had been infiltrated into a sieve! The real terrifying enemy is not from outside, but from inside the base.

“Sa!” Osiris like a golden streamer, flying across the battlefield like lightning.

“Boom, dong!” His golden fist, like a powerful weapon, smashed all the machine guns and missile launchers everywhere.

With a punch, the steel shattered and the alloy distorted, and his golden skin was not at all worn.

His power is also very great, violently violently a thick cannon barrel, directly used as a weapon to smash.

The sunlight reflected his golden skin, majestic and majestic, as if incarnation became a god.

In just one minute, he personally solved all Santa Fe’s defensive weapons.

The scene was very quiet for a while.

He looked at the group of Evil Dragon who raised their shields in a circle to resist the shock wave and had never been bombed.

I looked at the various subordinates lying motionless on the ground, even becoming coke.

Osiris shouted angrily: “Who else is alive! Squeak!”

The next second, the puppy he lost on the roof barked: “wu wu wu…woof! ”


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