The Omniscient

Chapter 238


“I will give you thirty seconds!”

“Go back to the Great Snake Valley, this It’s your only way to survive.”

Huang Ji vomited blood and said weakly, but turned the hands and feet of the nine rich Drakonians into numbness.

Korgas was suffocated with anger, and the burns that scabs formed on his body were finally cracked.

But they just can’t kill Huang Ji, he likes a dancer dancing on the tip of a knife.

“ang ahhhh!” The rich screamed.

In the eyes of Eminem in the distance, it was just a crazy laugh with excitement.

“Alexey and the others, this is crazy…” Eminem thought secretly.

Time passes by minute by minute.

Huang Ji suddenly said with a desperate expression: “Don’t understand? As long as it is a game, there must be a way to clear the level.”

“If you want to survive, enter the Great Snake Valley, Stay honestly, even if you don’t say a word, Illuminati will be aware of what you mean, and will only redeploy the encirclement network instead of attacking you again.”

“If you want to be free, then when When you rush out of the encirclement, you should stay away from here and run as far as you can, instead of wasting time with me.”

“This is actually not an escape game, but a choice game. I will give you the clearance strategy directly, you choose!”

Korgas was furious, still chasing Huang Ji and slashing.

Huang Ji said with a sad face: “Don’t tell me, just because I am the host of this game, you must kill me and leave…”

“Then I can only Say, your dignity is too narrow.”

This remark made other rich people think about it. They were not affected by Huang Ji’s frontal lobe, nor were they as extreme as Cogas.

At the moment, it is obvious that’Luo Yan’ cannot be killed. Finding a way to escape and obtaining a stable living environment is the business.

Enter the Great Snake Valley obediently, this is impossible, even if they were once from Illuminati, they would not choose this way.

Without Drakonian, one would be willing to take the initiative to be a prisoner in order to survive.

But drop the’Luo Yan’, drive away immediately, and stay away from here before the reinforcements arrive, so there is still a chance to escape.

“ang roar!” The broken arm Drakonian screamed and motioned for Kogas to go.

Korgas was extremely unwilling, looking at the dying’Luo Yan’, stomped with anger, almost vomiting blood, but in the end he could only look up to sky and heave a deep sigh and leave with everyone , Jump on the armored car.

Huang Ji lay on the ground in pain, like a dying, and groaned: “Come on! Master the power of own! Must clear the level!”

“Fuck me!” Ke Gass was so angry that he wanted to jump again.

However, a rich man next to him stopped him.

The Eminem in the distance looked at it and wondered: Why didn’t he make up the knife?

If he said this in front of Cogas, Cogas could slap him to death!

A knife to make up a fart! Don’t look at this guy’s dying look, he vomited blood and was dying, as if he was dying.

In fact, motherfucker is still full of blood!

Everyone wants to go up and make a knife, but everyone knows that there is no way to make a knife!

“en?” Suddenly, Kogas saw the machine gun on the armored vehicle, eyes shined.

He almost forgot, he can use a gun!

“Isn’t Luo Yan pretending to be beaten? I tú tú you directly with a gun, can you still hide your strength?” Kogas thought to himself.

Adding fists and feet, it seems that you can pretend to be’reptilion deliberately useless fists, playing.’

The bullet hits within the body, so the final assembly won’t work!

If you have a kind, you can avoid it, or you can resist the bullet without dying, but no matter what, you will expose your strength.


Before Kogas left, the plan of’Luo Yan’ also fell through, exposing his strength!

Eminem in the distance was wondering.

Why don’t these reptilions kill Hua Ji?

At this strange moment, I saw the Kogas moving machine gun aiming at Huang Ji who was lying on the ground and moaning. At the same time, the armored vehicle started to move and evacuated far away.

Eminem suddenly said: “It turned out to be enough for playing, and then use the gun to make up the knife when we evacuate!”

Korgas stood on the bumpy armored car and was about to shoot.

Suddenly there was a whistling sound in the air. He looked up and saw that a missile had hit his face.


Korgas and the armored vehicle under his feet were bombed into the sky on the spot.

Reinforcements are here!

They don’t know, everything is in Huang Ji’s expectation.

Huang Ji counts all the time as just right, before deliberately occupying their thinking with his mouth.

They even threw out a’clearance strategy’ to make them unexpected that there are guns on the armored vehicles.

By the time they thought about it, it was too late.

A plane came from a distance and saw the reptilion about to run. It was just a missile to get started. You are not welcome.

Not long after the plane came to the sky, twenty super sentries jumped down directly.

Their scale armor battle clothes, with wing-shaped energy backpacks on the back, although they can’t be fanned, they are hang gliding wings in themselves.


Twenty robust man dropping from the sky, the first three have no hair on their heads.

“Damn! The cutting-edge battle strength is here!”

The rich know that a fierce battle is inevitable.

Korgas looked at Huang Ji angrily, jumped onto another intact armored car, and wanted to shoot Huang Ji with a gun.

However, this move is a threat in the eyes of the super sentries.

They wouldn’t think that Kogas wanted to shoot Huang Ji, only they wanted to shoot themselves.

Huangskin robust man sneered: “hmph! Triple flash!”

He shouted the name of the move, and the other teammates immediately closed their eyes and covered them with their hands.

In a flash, rays of light ten thousand zhang!

The yellow-skinned robust man translucent holy light, shining in the audience, like a flash bomb exploding in the crowd.

No, it’s brighter than flash bombs, so it’s called triple flash.

“Ah!” Kogas waited for Drakonian, suddenly closed his eyes with stimulation.

“tú tú tú tú tú tú tú!”

In the vast expanse of whiteness, countless gunfire sounded.

After the rays of light disappeared, the super sentries were already in front of them.

“Alexey! Long time no see!” The white-skinned robust man sneered, and the scarlet blade smashed his head and took Kogas straight.

Korgas reacted very quickly, jumped and avoided, flicked his tail, and flew away the white-skinned robust man.

“What a fast reaction speed!” The white-skinned robust man found that from a quality point of view,’Alexey’ has indeed become stronger!

“It exploded…Alexei!”

Korgas was half to death, and he roared in his heart: “Ah, you are so big! You are blind! I am Kogas!”

All he uttered were roar sounds, loud and fierce!

“hmph, don’t you bother me?” said the robust man with white skin.

Korgas held his head high, sharp claw pointed at his neck, and then waved.

What he meant was: my throat was moved and I couldn’t speak.

The white-skinned robust man tilted his head. At this time, the dark-skinned robust man next to him made a standard wiping action and said, “Boss, what he meant is that you want you to wash your neck and wait for death. !”

“Oh!” The white-skinned robust man suddenly appeared.

Korgas was amused. He looked at the black-skinned robust man and roared in his heart: “Slot! Where’s this fool! Don’t translate if you can’t translate!”

His glaring greeted a series of attacks. Three bald brothers, moved towards Kogas rushed over, and the thunder-fire knife engulfed a wave of heat to slash, and the air was distorted.

“Alexey, die!” Huangfu Robust Man said.

Korgas sneered in his heart: “Fuck…a group of blind faces!”

He realized that Drakonian and Illuminati had nothing to say.

Even if he let the white-skinned robust man understand the situation and expose the conspiracy, he would only use it to clean up Luo Yan, which would not benefit him at all.

He is always a Drakonian, this will not change, Illuminati will still experiment with him. Right now, no matter what he does, Illuminati responds hostilely.

Whether he is a human or Drakonian, he is already an enemy of Illuminati.

Conversely, he can no longer accept Illuminati, and he is also impossible to take orders from Illuminati anymore. Illuminati no longer wants himself, is he rushing to post back?

Even if he escapes successfully, he will not think about returning to Illuminati in the future, it does not exist. Their current purpose is to win a place for the Drakonian and the own population.

“ang roar!” Other wealthy people also took action, fighting with the super sentries.

They fought each other, nine to twenty, each showing their magical powers.

Other weaker Super Sentinels found something wrong as soon as they fought, and their physical fitness could not keep up.

These nine Drakonians turned out to be all S4 physiques, among which’Alexey’ is even closer to S5.

“Yi! How come they are so fast!” The white-skinned robust man was surprised.

He is no better than Huang Ji. He can predict the enemy’s aircraft first. At this moment, it is the sturdy Earth Grade that tastes the horror of nine’S4Drakonian’.

“Are all of them mutated? Even the young reptilion has reached S4!”

They judge these Drakonian ages based on their height, but they don’t know that height can be disguised.

When Huang Ji transformed them, he used various methods to change their height after forming, but this cannot be changed. They are all adult Drakonians.

At best, rich people who are squeezed out of too much height are extremely weak after conversion and belong to the energy-deficient S4.

“fuck, nine S4s!” The white-skinned robust man looked ugly.

However, it is not a panic, because he found that, except for’Alexey’ and’Hasper’, the other’juvenile reptilion’ are very weak, but the explosive power can occasionally reach S4 It’s just the degree.

In addition, they are fully armed, with battle clothes and thunder-fire knives, and their defenses are good, and their weapons crush the opponent.

In addition, they are proficient in martial arts, with a large number of people, and they are not defeated.

“Didn’t expect underage reptilion, it’s so difficult…” The white-skinned robust man took the opportunity to scan the surrounding environment and caught a glimpse of the overturned command vehicle. He saw Eminem.

This time Eminem doesn’t need to pretend, and immediately waved at him to indicate that he was still alive.

White-skinned robust man nodded, and went away, suddenly he jumped to the side of the command car, kicked the car, and rescued Eminem.

“Sir!” Eminem excitedly said.

“I can’t solve the reptilion for a while. You leave here to gather the remnants and redeploy the encirclement…Well…You are injured. You can retreat to the rear and take command and take my plane.” Said the robust man with white skin.

Eminem nodded and said: “Understood! By the way, I will take Hua Ji away too, I can wait until you support it, and I rely on him!”

He accepts Huang Ji’s affection, took the opportunity to show his merit.

The white-skinned robust man stunned: “Huh? Is he still alive?”

At this time, a rich Drakonian swung his tail over, and the white-skinned robust man immediately swung his sword: “No Having said that, it’s up to you!”

After that, he rejoined the battle group.

Eminem hurriedly circled the road and limped to Huang Ji’s place.

I saw Huang Ji suffered numerous injuries, his clothes were torn and he was shot!

The mouth is full of blood, and the expression is haggard.

“Are you okay!” Eminem helped Huang Ji up.

Huang Ji grabbed him, gritted his teeth, and said with a smile in his mouth, “I, I survived!”

His eyes were unconcealed The desire and hope to get ahead.

Eminem didn’t care, he supported him, but smiled admiringly: “smelly brat, you are so fate! I will send you back to Santa Fe!”

Mu helped Huang Ji ran away and found the plane coming from the super sentries.

There is also a pilot on the plane. He opened the door and let the two of them go up.

Eminem placed Huang Ji on a chair, and he took the helicopter’s communication channel to give orders continuously, ordering the defeated soldiers to gather and surround the battlefield of the cutting-edge battle strengths.

After doing this, he took out the medical kit on the helicopter and gave Huang Ji a simple treatment.

“Is your rib broken?” Eminem touched Huang Ji’s chest.

Huang Ji grinned and said: “Don’t do it, I’ll come, I’m a doctor.”

Eminem smiled and let him handle it by himself.

“Why did you let them play with you for so long? Even if you betray them, you won’t hate you so much. I think they hate you to the bone!” Eminem asked as he passed the medicine Tao.

Huang Ji weakly said: “You think about it, why they didn’t escape after breakthrough and encirclement…”

Eminem was taken aback, yeah, why not go?

Generally speaking, they should run away if they finally break out of the encirclement. As a result, there were various killings, and even chased down here, playing with Hua Ji.

I didn’t plan to leave until the end, but it was too late and reinforcements arrived.

“Why?” Eminem asked.

“Because you killed a lot of small reptilions.” Huang Ji said.

Eminem suddenly said: “Yes, there are a total of 20 reptilions, and now there are only nine older reptilions left. The other small reptilions are all killed by me.”

“They fought in anger. Without immediately fleeing, they just have hatred in their hearts, and they can’t report it.”

“After thinking about it, there is only the pain of losing a child!”

Huang Ji Said: “Yes. So, you are the great enemy of Alexei and the others!” Eminem widened his eyes and said: “But I am dead in their eyes! Ah! Me!” I understand!”

“What do you understand?” Huang Ji said with a smile.

Eminem looked at Huang Ji and exclaimed: “They thought I was overturned and died, so the hatred has nowhere to vent!”

“And you taught me to pretend to be dead, just to create this One point, and then think of a way to let them vent their hatred on you.”

“Once this is used, it can delay time, because there is no hatred of the soldiers, they will kill when they say kill, see will Don’t look at it more.”

Huang Ji nodded and said: “Yes. That’s why I let you pretend to be dead, so that you can live, and I have the possibility of a glimmer of survival! “

Eminem looked at Huang Ji in shock. In the desperate situation when the car overturned, he could be so calm, strategic and courageous.

When I was desperate, I didn’t forget to sell him a favor, and then I took the risk by myself to win a glimmer of survival. If you fail, you will die, and if you succeed, you will make a big contribution!

He succeeded, the situation of double death, they all survived! There is both luck, consciousness, and ability.

Eminem said with a smile: “I will show my merits for you. As long as you don’t die, you will definitely stand out.”

“You too You don’t need to be my boss. From now on, you will be my brother, Hua Ji!”

Huang Ji weakly said: “You owe me a meal, Eminem.”

Ah Mu was taken aback, patted Huang Ji’s shoulder, laughed heartily.


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