The Omniscient

Chapter 235

Korgas felt an unprecedented power, not happy and shocked.

At this moment, he is no longer a human being, but a Drakonian who has no home and will fight to survive for space.

Korgas knows Drakonian’s situation very well. Human society has no place for them. Illuminati only allows them to live in a small enclosure.

He used to think it was as it should be by rights, but now, the angle has changed. He has become an oppressed race, and he feels a sense of extreme depression.

The memory in his mind still exists, and everything he did in the past, and everything he knew Illuminati did to Drakonian, stimulated him in his mind at this moment.

As soon as he thought of himself, whether he would be wiped out or trapped in the Great Snake Valley, he couldn’t get angry.

Not only is Illuminati angry, but also’Luo Yan’ who caused all this.

Hearing Luo Yan’s mocking game introduction, all the Drakonians, including Cogas, were blown up.

It is shameful enough to be treated as a plaything, and it is an unacceptable humiliation to be used as a plaything in the same way as the other, the roles are exchanged, and the poles are reversed.

“Give us the bargaining chip? Go to the fucking Illuminati token!” Kogas roared, cursing in his heart.

He directly smashed the pendant thrown by Huang Ji, and rushed to Huang Ji like lightning to tear it to pieces.

However, Huang Ji has been prepared for a long time. He is the most impossible person in the world to be sneak attacked.

Huang Ji staggered ahead of time to avoid Kogas’s first catch, and then reached out in the air, just blocking the sharp claw sweep that Kogas reacted to.

With the help of the counter-shock, his body suddenly floated to three meters high, and his right leg fiercely pulled behind Kogas’s head like a big windmill.


Under the dull and loud noise, Cogas was on the verge of rushing forward. He rushed faster and was about to hit the wall.

But the adult Drakonian’s reaction was not a joke. Kogas’ tail curled up instantly and drew towards Huang Ji in the sky.

Huang Ji looks like long eyes at the back of his head, with the soles of his feet a little backward, just stepping on his tail.

Korgas’ tail whip was like a leverage point for the door, allowing Huang Ji to volley and punch again.

This fist is no trivial matter. The electric light visible in naked eye bursts out without any cover.

Huang Ji’s fist hit the caudal vertebrae position of Kogas’s back midfielder, and Kogas’ strong tail suddenly fell soft.

And this is not over yet, less than half a second after Huang Ji’s fist banged up, he suddenly changed his fist into a palm, pressing his palm on the back of Kogas, pushing it all the way up.

A terrifying electric current poured into Kogas within the body, Huang Ji’s palm rubbed frantically on the scales of Kogas’s back, sparks and lightning all the way to the back of his neck.

During the time, the thunder sound rolled, and at the end, only a crisp sound of “Pa” was heard, and Huang Ji slapped the back of Cogas’ head.

“ang ang ang!” Kogas gave a long roar, smashed the wall, flew directly more than ten meters, and landed on a wide road on the military base.

Huang Ji’s military force is no longer to be underestimated. Although the physical fitness is only S1, the combat ability is as high as S4.

Low-entropy cultivation technique combined with meridians cancer system, he is invincible below S4, and can fight dozens of matches with real S4.

Even if you despise him, give him a chance, even in S4, Huang Ji can defeat him.

Huang Ji is truly invincible at his level, not because of how strong he is, but because everyone has weaknesses.

Sometimes, a fatal weakness, or a contempt, can even make Huang Ji more than two levels of Level 1, and even more than a dozen levels from Level 4 to Level 5!

As long as Huang Ji wants to, he can miss any chance of winning without making mistakes. This is the quality that a true invincible at the same level must possess.

If you win, it is a destined victory. If you lose, it is a loss without regret.

Illuminati always thinks that Drakonians are invincible at the same level, but they don’t know that this so-called invincible at the same level piled up by defensive power is no different from an ordinary person in front of Huang Ji.

Huang Ji’s thunder palm uses softness to overcome rigidity, and specializes in breaking the shield. Any defense that relies on piles of armor is useless, unless it can be insulated or shielded by a force field.

So far, the person Huang Ji has seen the least weakness in combat is Sasha of S2.

Sasha is a mad lion, whoever fights will not despise the opponent, and he has extraordinary fighting intuition.

When fighting, all the moves can be just brainless, and I don’t even think about how to break other people’s moves. It just relies on conditioned reflex. And his conditioned reflex is almost countless changes.

Every trick of Sasha is actually a weak spot, but once the enemy responds to this kind of weak spot, his body will instantly change and make new responses.

Even if it is clear in advance, if Huang Ji changes as soon as the fight starts, the future of Sasha’s moves will all change.

This allows Huang Ji to predict his two moves at most, and basically can only predict while playing.

So although Sasha has weak spots everywhere, there is no weak spot. He can almost only win with hard power to win.


Korgas struggled angrily on the ground.

He was beaten into the air by Huang Ji, from the tail vertebrae to the cervical vertebrae, one-stop general anesthesia!

“Damn it! Yeah… he is Luo Yan, I forgot that he is an S4 swordsman!”

Korgas’ heart was inwardly shouted. It should be said that he is a swordsman, and he was beaten into the air when he was confused. The surge in his palm made his muscles swell, his muscles and bones were numb, his internal organs were burning, and his brain was buzzing and being buzzed. The moment it banged, it was like a snippet of drinking, there was nothing to think about! When he was awake again, he was already lying on the ground…

Korgas despised Huang Ji too much, and at the same time he did not at all adapt to his strong physical fitness. He just rushed forward and tried his best!

Exercising all the strength sounds like very strong, but in fact, it didn’t leave a retreat for myself and lost the room for change.

Huang Ji made a pre-judgment in advance, and a few took advantage of the situation, and took advantage of his strength to beat him away.

By the way…I also helped him strengthen.

Humans have crypts, and of course Drakonian have them too. The so-called crypts are just special nodes where any life form exists.

The weak spot as big as Kogas just now, in Huang Ji’s eyes, is the same as rushing to send him…Huang Ji can even kill him.

But after all, Huang Ji has a bigger purpose, not only does not kill him, but uses electricity to strengthen it. Just as when Adams was strengthened, the “gate” of Kogas’s physical function was opened, as if he had been stimulant and secreted adrenaline, his physical fitness increased by at least 40%.

Everyone can do this. Huang Ji has a low-entropy cultivation technique and can open and close at any time.

The reason why people usually do not open up the 40% is just to save energy.

Of course, Huang Ji not only strengthened Kogas, the final blow to the back of the brain, but also fiercely stimulated Kogas’s frontal lobe and the amygdala insula, which seriously affected his cognition, Emotion, pain and behavior management skills.

This is the brain area responsible for emotions, rationality and gaming. Huang Ji’s palm is very particular, which will make his brain more prone to extreme emotional and emotional out of control.

“ang roar!” When the other rich men saw Huang Ji flying to Kogas, they also rushed up furiously.

Huang Ji is not in love with battle, with two Illuminati pendants dangling in his hands, he turned his head and ran.

“Don’t kill me! I’m just a runner, I’m not delaying time!”

“Misunderstanding! This is all a misunderstanding!”

Huang Ji yelled while running, Eminem finally heard the sound from the headset on the other end.

Hearing Huang Ji’s words, Eminem also told Huang Ji that he had delayed the time and was found out. Drakonian realized that his swindle had become really down and was furious.

“I thought you were dead!”

“No need to explain, don’t treat them as fools…fire!” Eminem said, suddenly ordered the fire.

Huang Ji immediately hugged his head and lay down. Behind him are the wealthy Drakonians who are close at hand who have caught up.


A cannonball fired from a distance was blasting in the Drakonian group.

These rich people who have just turned into a mess are all overwhelmed, and Huang Ji was also shaken out by the explosive formidable power more than a dozen times!

“bang bang bang bang!” The fire from Danger Land continued to blast on the abandoned buildings and the road outside the building.

For a time, smoke billowed and dust rose.

The low building they rushed out was directly blown into rubble!

Huang Ji quickly fled the battlefield taking advantage of the smog, made a small circle from the house, and came to Eminem’s position.

“Don’t shoot! Captain, I am Hua Ji!” Huang Ji shouted.

Eminem looked at Huang Ji in surprise, didn’t expect that he would survive.

The shelling just now was an indiscriminate bombing, and there was no plan for an ordinary person like Huang Ji to survive.

“Your life is so big…”

Eminem said indifferently, took out the Telescope to check the gunpowder, and said: “Don’t get in the way, get out of the way!”


Huang Ji shut up immediately, sneaking behind him in silence.

Eminem doesn’t care why Huang Ji was hunted down. In his opinion, this is nonsense. It is possible for the furious Drakonian to hunt down and kill anyone. Realizing betrayal and hating Huang Ji, it doesn’t have to be said. of.

“Tactical missile preparation…” Eminem said in the communication channel.

“That… Wicks is still on the base square…” Huang Ji reminded.

Eminem browses slightly wrinkle, to be honest, his side belongs to temptation, didn’t expect Drakonian is really here, didn’t expect, there are so many!

Twenty Drakonians, although there are only two above two meters, namely’Alexei’ and’Hasper’, they are still a difficult force.

The artillery fire is covered with pressure, and it can be wiped out. If it is allowed to impact on the face of the encirclement circle, it will suffer heavy losses.

Eminem said indifferently: “Wicks? It’s just an assistant. There is no order for me to protect someone… The war has begun. No one here has a life higher than this victory!”

“Tactical missiles, launch!”

In an instant, xiū xiū xiū sounded endlessly, the missiles pierced the air and bombarded the Dashe Valley base indiscriminately.

It doesn’t matter if the building and so on are blown down. The money issue is not a problem.

There is no who in the base, only some low-level guards and supervisors, plus Wicks.

Wicks is the highest level in it, but Eminem had a very bad impression of him. Once the encirclement was formed, there was simply no intention of living inside.

In his opinion, if Hua Ji wasn’t dead, he would have to die inside.

“boom~ boom~ boom~!”

All the buildings that would block the view were razed to rubble, but on the open space square, an airplane took off, at the Avoided the artillery fire at the crucial moment.

“en?” Eminem looked at the helicopter from a distance, and recognized that it was the plane of his own formation, which was the one that Huang Ji and Wickers first arrived.

Huang Ji happily said behind him: “Very good, Mr. Wicks is okay. He escaped at the crucial moment!”

Emm twitched his Lips said: “What kind of boss is he…”

“Boy, the commander gave you a combat staff establishment. It is useless for you to cheat on an assistant researcher.”

He has long seen that Huang Ji has been cheating on Wicks. In his opinion, it is meaningless.

The promotion of the combat department can only rely on military merit. Can a researcher make a profit for scientific research? Jokes, none of them belong to a system.

Eminem said a couple of sentences from Huang Ji, and then saw that the helicopter was flying in the direction of Santa Fe, so he ignored it.

As everyone knows, Wicks has already died under the missile. There are only Lin Li, Evil Dragon and the others in that plane.


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