The Omniscient

Chapter 234

Huang Ji finished saying this, croaked, and closed the door.

The moment he turned it off, he manipulated the armguard of his left hand to block the bug!

As early as when Lin Li and the others were connected to the base, he took back the Buddha bone guard from the helicopter and concealed it under the long sleeves of the combat uniform.

At this moment, with the Buddha bones in his hand, with the nano bee swarm within the body, he can do one thing…

Convert this group of rich people into Drakonian!

Eminem on the other end of the headset jumped up excitedly when he heard Huang Ji say, “Alex, it’s very good to see you all right”.

Found it! Reptilion didn’t even run, it was in the Great Snake Valley!

He quickly reported the matter to the Robust Man with white skin, but the Robust Man with white skin was very calm and said: “Can you be 100% sure?”

Eminem said: “No , The wiretap was blocked, there are not only reptilion, but also Cogas, and possibly others…”

The white-skinned robust man said: “Then still follow the original plan, you Immediately encircle the Great Snake Valley base, I…don’t have to go.”

“In case not at all reptilion, or if only Alexei, other reptilion united rebel sentries surprise Santa Fe, just It’s awful.”

Eminem immediately said: “Understand, here in the Great Snake Valley, leave it to me.”

He was already on the road with three thousand troops. , Even the encircling circle is deployed. At this moment, it is advancing layer by layer. After ten minutes, the encircling circle can be reduced to the base, and the people in the Da Snake Valley base are impossible to escape.

In order not to beat the grass to scare the snake, he not at all told the low-level guards in the base to check the building.

These guards are not only useless, but also make the enemy aware of his exposure, so he intends to surround himself.

On the other end, Huang Ji is sitting on the sofa and is quickly dictating the gene database established by Mu Yuan!

Yes, silently!

Of course, it’s too slow to hit with hands. He is sketching in the virtual world of Buddha bones.

The Drakonian transformation medicine in the scepter excavated from the Sumer Civilization ruins is actually a set of nano-medical robotic bees.

After getting Illuminati, it has been researched for a long time and can already produce this thing by itself, but the cost is too expensive and the production speed is very slow.

This thing is used for treatment, and there is no loss. But used to transform races, used to change genes, become consumables.

One conversion requires at least 100 million nanobees.

So Illuminati hopes that the Drakonian created by it can reproduce by itself.

The Illuminati version of the nano-bee colony created is used in other places, such as treating terminal illnesses, removing toxins, or assisting in genetic modification projects.

The nano bee colony in Mu Yuan’s hand is the most set, and it is all within the body of Huang Ji at the moment.

I never thought of killing Illuminati. Someone could silently write a database and control system to control the nano bee colony to transform others!

The huge database created by Mu Yuan is absolutely encrypted and never connected to the Internet. Nanobee swarms cannot be controlled beyond a distance of 20 meters.

In other words, even if the nanobee colony is stolen and leaves the research institute, it is useless without Mu Yuan’s system.

But all this is based on the fact that outsiders do not have such a strong data output device as a Buddha bone, and there is no such horrible information observation as Huang Ji…

“Why are you here! Hua Ji!”

“What the hell is going on?”

The group of rich people don’t know what happened. Nothing is displayed on the big screen. At this moment Suddenly seeing Huang Ji coming in, everyone was shocked.

Korgas saw Huang Ji not speaking, and sat there silently, rushing up and shouting: “This is Illuminati’s battle uniform for the guards, how could you have it?”

“You joined Illuminati? What happened outside?”

“What the hell is Luo Yan investigating? Why didn’t you come to interrogate me? What does he mean by letting you in, speak!”


Huang Ji opened his eyes suddenly, said with a slight smile: “Let’s play a game.”

“Wh…what?” Kogas was startled.

Play games? He was going to be cold, Luo Yan set up an investigation team, let Sentinel Sasha and Ascendant Mark look at them, and may question him at any time.

Why all of a sudden, Huang Ji came in and wanted to play a game with him?

“Stab!” Huang Ji extended the hand, an arc appeared in his palm!

His arc leaped back and forth between his palms, causing the rich to scream in shock and staggering.

“ahhhh!” Kogas screamed suddenly.

Huang Ji stretched out his hand to press on the back of his neck, and the current crazily stimulated his hidden veins, and then meridians made up of cancer cells were drilled out of his palm, sending nanobee swarms to him within the body!

Then Huang Ji moved on to the next one. Repeatedly, he injected a total of twenty rich men with nanobee swarms, spending a total of 2 billion nanobees.

Among them, there are more than a dozen of them, who are relatively short and rich. Under Huang Ji’s stimulation, their bodies began to shrink.

“Uh ahhhh!” A rich man who was originally about 1.6 m, sweating profusely, pooping out, he was thinner at a speed visible to naked eye, and a lot of fat was discharged within the body!

Huang Ji said with a smile: “Thanks to your game, I can join Illuminati again and become a Level 1 person… I really miss it.”

” Again? What do you mean!” Kogas said in surprise.

Huang Ji calmly said: “My dear, Phoenix Level 32 swordsman, Luo Yan.”

“What! You are Luo Yan!” A kind of rich horror inexplicable.

They don’t even know Luo Yan. After all, Level 32 swordsman, is it the one they saw before they said they had seen it?

These rich and powerful people are all clerical, or no-title Illuminati personnel, so there is not much intersection with combatants.

However, I have never seen it or heard of it. I know that Luo Yan is a swordsman, that Luo Yan is a Chinese, that Luo Yan is a Nirvana, and even he likes to wear glasses. These basic news are still known. of.

At this moment, when Huang Ji said that he was Luo Yan, he almost scared Cogas to death.

“You are…that’s…Huh? What the hell is going on!” Kogas staggered two steps, and fell to the ground.

He couldn’t believe what Huang Ji said, but at this moment all of this was too weird and made him feel that what Huang Ji said was true.

This feeling is actually like watching a movie and seeing a passerby say to the’protagonist’: Actually, I am your boss. The’protagonist’ didn’t believe it at all, smiled and walked away. But at this time, as an audience, as a person watching a movie, it will instinctively know: Ah, this passerby must be the protagonist’s Boss.

An unrelated person suddenly reveals an answer seriously and regularly meridian. This gives people a feeling. Is it true?

‘Hua Ji’, a little racehorse, suddenly walked in grandiosely,’Sasha’ opened the door for him, and’Mark’ was not at all surprised.

The three seem to be very familiar, and Hua Ji is very calm and confident from start to finish, which gives people the feeling that he is really not an ordinary person.

Even more how, he also showed amazing power, where is this ordinary person? This is clearly a super powerhouse!

Can discharge on hand! Hit a person directly and lose fifty catties!

At this moment, he said that he was Luo Yan. Although everyone was extremely surprised, in fact, there was a feeling of suddenly realizing and finding the answer.

“He turned out to be Luo Yan… No wonder he is so powerful in the game, he was not afraid from beginning to end!”

“I said an ordinary doctor, how could he So smart! It turns out that he is a Nirvana!”

“In the third test, I knew that many side-door problems. I think it’s not an ordinary person! Nirvana makes sense.”


The rich have a thousand thoughts. I thought Hua Ji was a rare talent. Didn’t expect a Level 32 swordsman to impersonate a mortal?

For a time, they all fought like crazy!

“Why! What the hell is Luo Yan going to do? Didn’t you come here because of my illegal operation? Why did you mix into the horse racing team early? Just… just to mix in again and become a Level 1 soldier ?” Kogas said with a sad face.

Huang Ji calmly said: “Of course it is for longevity medicine.”

Everyone was shocked.

Huang Ji said with a slight smile: “Sword Hand hasn’t changed blood for too long, why are those families forever? I want to become a Level 33 Sword Hand, and I have to marry one first. Women…why can only members of the Sword Hand family become the Lord’s shepherds!”

When the rich heard this, they knew that this was an ambitious faction boss!

Only members of the Sword Hand family can be promoted to Level 33. This hidden rule has been going on for hundreds of years. And in order to prevent the appearance of a faint master, this is the system of sword-holders. But essentially it is still aristocratic despotism.

But now’Luo Yan’ actually said that the Sword Hand family should change their blood, this is Chi Guoguo’s rebel!

Huang Ji said: “Once the Sword Hand has longevity medicine…Do you think anyone will be promoted to Level 33 in the future of Illuminati?”

” When Sword Hand’appears, Illuminati’s ruling hierarchy will be fixed forever! At that time, they will not allow anyone to divide their power!”

It makes sense for the rich!

The entire Illuminati pursued longevity medicine to the point of madness, but the goal is generally to let everyone live forever, and to win over politicians from various countries and completely dominate human Civilization.

You can listen to’Luo Yan’ saying that, there is nothing wrong with it. With longevity medicine, Illuminati will indeed be stronger, but correspondingly, the ruling class will inevitably be fixed.

Now there are still channels for promotion to Level 33, what can I do later? When longevity medicine comes out, Level 33 Sword Hand will not want to rise up unless it is hacked to death.

Huang Ji said with a smile: “Illuminati will have a long life Sword Hand sooner or later, why cannot it be us……”

Korgas and the others suddenly realized.

“so that’s how it is, for power and longevity, it is necessary to obtain longevity medicine before the organization obtains longevity medicine, and then rebel against it, overthrow the old Sword Hand, and become the new Sword Hand!”

“This is the only chance, otherwise, if the current Sword Hand is long-lived, people from the non-Sword Hand family will never have the opportunity to aspire to the highest authority!”

Rich people, all understand the goal of the rebellious faction, to put it bluntly, or for power.

Becoming Illuminati’s Sword Hand is equivalent to standing at the apex of human Civilization.

And this kind of existence can still live forever! How tempting it should be!

Orthodox Illuminati and the rebellious factions parasitic on them, whoever takes out longevity medicine first will have the future!

Huang Ji smiled. Suddenly, with a wave of Iron Palm, the arc passed over the five rich men, and they passed out in a coma.

“en?” Cogas and the others are a bit strange. These five rich men are also people who Huang Ji has not photographed on the back of the neck before.

Huang Ji said with a smile: “Do you want to live forever? Kogas.”

Kogas’ eyes widened, nonsense! Who doesn’t want to live forever!

When’Luo ​​Yan’ said so, many rich men suddenly became excited: “Yes! I want to!”

Huang Ji said: “Then, become a Drakonian.”

“What!” Everyone was shocked.

The next second, Kogas fell to the ground and wailed happily.

His veins are violent, his features are fierce, his body is vigorous, and his ligaments are tight.

In the sudden pain, he is shedding body, exchanging bones!

Not only him, there are other twenty rich men, all of whom are also undergoing transformation!

“Ahhhh! What’s the matter! What have you done!”

“Do you want to turn them into reptilion?”

“Become a reptilion this longevity , I don’t want it!”

Huang Ji, regardless of the people struggling, dragged the five fainted rich people to the corner and began to put them in their lying positions.

The reason why these five people are not converted is because there are enough.

There are only 30 Drakonians in Alexei’s group. Ten of them are women. Right now, the rich are all men, so Huang Ji only needs to make 20 Drakonians. Up.

Three of them can maintain their adult body shape, up to two meters tall after the change.

The rest will be turned into’one meter two’ to ‘1.9 m’by Huang Ji. In short, they completely correspond to Xiaoyueton.

At the time of transformation, human beings are adults, then the transformed Drakonian is also an adult.

So Huang Ji took a lot of weight off some wealthy people who were already short.

Because of weight loss, you will be malnourished when you transform! With this transformation, the skeleton and muscles of the whole body will be transformed and undernourished, it will naturally be much shorter.

Under Huang Ji’s precise adjustments and guidance, Kogas and the others quickly became Drakonian, in terms of height, they completely corresponded to Alexei and his group.

The people of Illuminati can’t really distinguish the appearance of Drakonian. They are mainly distinguished by the “crown”.

Like Alexey, he is a shark fin head with a bone crown on his head like a shark fin. Other Drakonians have different skulls, which is actually a feature of the’pseudo Drakonian’.

The real original Drakonian has horns on its head, while the human transformed one does not. Strictly speaking is far from the original Drakonian, and belongs to a subspecies.

Huang Ji manipulates the swarm of nano bees and fine-tunes their crowns, which can be determined artificially during the transformation and shaping.

It’s just that Illuminati doesn’t know how to do it. They are random transformations, and Huang Ji knows.

He not only knows how to adjust the skull, but also knows how to seal their vocal cords.

After doing this, Huang Ji collected all the rich men’s clothes and handed them to Evil Dragon and Coyote for them to dispose of.

“You can go now.” Huang Ji said to Evil Dragon and Coyote.

Coyote asked: “What about you?”

Huang Ji said: “Don’t worry about me, I’m still waiting for promotion…”

Explaining how they reunited with Lin Li and the others to escape, he put the five unconscious rich men in different poses.

These positions and postures determine their fate for a while…

As for Kogas and the others who have transformed into Drakonian, not to mention, they will replace Ali Kesai and the others were besieged.

“aaaaaah! Luo Yan! You are bring about one’s own destruction!” Kogas struggled to get up, and said hoarsely.

At this moment, he is no longer human.

The more he talked, the more he lost his voice, and at last he was husky and silent. He could only roar loudly, like a wild beast.

Huang Ji scrapped his vocal cords.

“Rules of the game, it is not allowed to speak human words. Don’t shame Drakonian.”

“The goal is to survive under Illuminati. I believe you It’s impossible to surrender, so… let’s bet on the battle for your life!”

“Oh right…” Huang Ji took out the 20 pendant that he took out when collecting their clothes.

These all are All Seeing Eye pendants, everyone in Illuminati will make one for themselves.

Huang Ji took these pendants and threw them to them like trash: “In this game, each of you will have an Illuminati token…This is the only bargaining chip I give you. “

“aaahhhh!” The rich screamed angrily.

This sentence is too familiar. At this moment, Huang Ji returned him to everyone, which is a great mockery!

Fuck the Illuminati token!


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