The Omniscient

Chapter 236

Drakonian is a temperature-changing species with scales like cold steel, and it is very good at absorbing heat.

In the event of gunfire, the impact force will be reduced by the scaly skin and muscle skeleton layers.

As for the high temperature, the scale armor itself will isolate part of the reflection, and the remaining mild part will be absorbed.

The whole process is like getting heat from the sun, as long as the outside temperature does not exceed five hundred degrees, they can bear it. More than five hundred degrees will cause burns.

Combined with Drakonian’s strong physical fitness, in fact, as long as they are not hit by the front, but are just blasted by the external heat shock waves, they will basically not be fatal.

After a wave of bombardment, the rich Drakonians lost six people on the spot, leaving fourteen, rising from the smoke and fireworks.

“ang ~” Kogas stands at the top of a ruin, covered in dirt, and drops a pile of scales. The skin is filled with pale-gold blood, roar towards the sky.

Huang Ji’s strength to numb him all over his body has long passed away, and it only lasted two seconds.

Follow closely from behind is a burst of exuberant heat from the internal organs and muscles of the whole body!

Korgas felt warm all over, and his heart worked fiercely like a drum.

took a deep breath and made a roar far beyond the average Drakonian.

“Really strong power…deserves to be me!”

The wound on Kogas’s body is slowly recovering at a speed visible to naked eye.

The bleeding stopped on its own, the granulation squirmed, the broken skin secreted a thin film, and the scales grew out every single minute!

Speaking of which is slow, in fact it is already amazingly fast!

Korgas tried to shout at the Illuminati, but what he shouted out was just an unknown roar.

“Damn…Luo Yan!”

The hatred in Kogas’s eyes was unconcealed, his eyes penetrated the heavy curtain, staring at Huang Ji in the distant position.

Huang Ji seems to know that he is looking at him, smiles at him from a distance, and makes a gesture of encouragement, as if to say: “Come on!”

He seems to be sincere Hope, Kogas can win this last game.

Just like the group of rich people before, they all hope Hua Ji can win.

“Ahhhh!” Kogas angrily picked up a steel plate on the ground and smashed it fiercely.

However, on the way, the steel plate was blown by a missile.

“So many enemies have surrounded me…As a Drakonian, it seems that existence is already a sin.”

“It’s ridiculous, obviously I am a higher creature… “

“The thoughts in my heart when I was a human are really ridiculous. Everything is just a fear of that’s all, fear of losing my status today.”

” Human beings are like this, they like to slander, exclude, and destroy existences that are better than themselves.”

Korgas looked at the situation of own and immediately analyzed himself.

This is something that was difficult for him to do. Humans like to lie to themselves, but Drakonian rarely does it.

Drakonian’s brain circuit can directly face the advantages and disadvantages of own.

Kogas, the more desperate situation, the crazier the person. It’s like gambling. Once the loss is unwilling to accept, he will fight for greater risks to save it.

That’s how he started his home back then, and he always said,’The destiny is mine’.

Now that I am a Drakonian, this kind of character has not changed, but has become more mad.

As a human, he didn’t dare to bet his life at all times. “Talking” accounted for 60%. If he feels that he will die, he will still admit it.

Nowadays, this personality has been strengthened instead, and he dares to gamble his life in the true sense, because he does not feel the threat of death at all physically.

Looking at the army that bombarded him wildly in the distance, waiting for him to die, Kogas’ eyes were cold.

The human being is unwilling to face reality, the Drakonian, he can easily see his own situation.

At Illuminati, he has nothing left. surrender? Although he hates Luo Yan, he is right. Surrendering is really meaningless.

Even if he becomes a human immediately, what can he do? What else does he have at Illuminati? He had already destroyed his own foundation.

even more how, he can’t change back. No one knows better than him that Drakonian and Illuminati are deadly enemies.

If he can speak, maybe he will tell the truth to these idiots: Hey, a bunch of idiots, you guys are being played around by Luo Yan, don’t know yet.

But obviously,’Luo Yan’ ruined his vocal cords just to hide this.

“Damn it, you used me as a pawn, Luo Yan, aren’t you a swordsman? Do you think you can use everyone else as a pawn and play in your hands?”

“Whether I can live or not, you must die!”

Korgas charged suddenly, his legs rushing like a flywheel, his tail swinging left and right behind him to keep his balance.

The body leans forward frantically, leaving no room for steering and braking at all.

His speed soared to eighty-five kilometers each hour in a short time!

The shark-fin-like head, take the lead in the charge!

“Can’t hit me! Can’t hit me! Can’t hit me!”

“bang bang bang!”

The artillery is still coming, he But he didn’t dodge and rushed up.

In the end, all the shells landed behind him or left and right.

Cogas just rushed through the artillery coverage area so straight! Behind him was dusty and smoke billowed!

“It’s useless! It’s useless! It’s useless!”

“roar roar roar roar roar!” Kogas smiled grinningly, like a galloping Tyrant Dragon, rushing straight Guard position.

“I want to take back all the things I lost!”

“What! Why is he so fast!” Eminem turned pale with fright.

Huang Ji roared: “I’ve said it, Alexei has a mutation! He is stronger than before!”

Korgas can break through the bombing area, and the dog is occupied In part, it was more because it was enhanced by Huang Ji, which was faster than usual, which caused Illuminati’s advance calculation to be wrong.

As for missiles, they are still more suitable for work and vehicles, and they cannot be locked at all.

“Shoot!” Eminem roared.

At this moment, the position is only two hundred seventy meters away from Kogas!

At the speed of Kogas, it only takes eleven seconds to hit the face.

At such a close distance, there was no time to adjust the missiles and artillery fire. Countless guards could only shoot frantically. Hundreds of heavy rapid-fire machine guns formed a rain of bullets, like a boundless barrage. Go up.

Korgas still didn’t slow down, he maintained his madness, carrying a rain of bullets and continuing to charge.

Blood bursts on his body, hands, and face, and his scales splash.

But bullets can’t penetrate deeper, his bones are harder than bullets.

“Sir Eminem, get in the car!” Huang Ji honked his horn while driving a command car.

“Helicopters formation, open fire! Use ultra-high temperature explosive bombs!” Eminem commanded, while getting on the command car and retreating.

He is a commander, and he cannot be beheaded.

Huang Ji drove the car and quickly led him out of the position. Huang Ji is the only’Illuminati staff’ without weapons, so at the moment he is also as it should be by rights as the driver who is with Eminem. He has no combat position in the entire army, and he is a free man on the battlefield.


Ultra-high temperature bomb is a small cloud bomb.

When it is put into use, it will first form a large cloud of dense fog, and then the cloud will detonate, releasing a large amount of heat in an instant, forming a high-temperature and high-pressure Fireball, whose temperature is usually around 2500 degrees.

The cloud detonation may last for half a minute to 3 minutes!

Illuminati has improved it a bit, the temperature of the detonation is higher, but the range is smaller.

The speed of Cogas was too fast right now. More than twenty meters passed in a flash. He went straight through the dense fog and rushed out of the coverage before the detonation happened.

“Pu chi!”

Korgas finally ran into the first person, who turned into a cloud of blood mist and was knocked out like rotten meat.

Next is the second one! The third…

In the entire Illuminati position, a series of blood mist exploded, and Kogas was like no one.

He didn’t use any attack methods at all, just the most primordial straight strike.

“Blast bombs! Put them directly in the crowd!” Eminem said in cold sweat.

“bang bang bang! ”

This time the guards have accurately predicted the amount in advance, and the helicopter accurately released explosive bombs in the crowd.

And when the cloud explosion happened, Kogas just got into the huge red and black fireball.

“Fuck! Is this the reptilion of the desperate charge?”

“I finally know what the enemy who brought huge losses to the organization 20 years ago is like… “

Eminem touched the sweat on his head, whispered.

Huang Ji secretly gave a confession, this is still far away, the super Drakonian that broke out 20 years ago, the strength reached S7.

Currently, Cogas is strengthened by himself and it is only S4Peak.

“Sir Eminem, there are a group of teenagers and little reptilion…” Huang Ji reminded.

There are also thirteen rich Drakonians who saw Kogas rushing to the death and knew that there was only one battle at this time.

I used to be bombarded far away, but now it makes no sense to beg for surrender.

Therefore, the thirteen rich Drakonians also united and rushed to the gap here.

At present, the position on Eminem’s side has been washed out, especially the explosive bomb turned into a huge Fireball in the crowd. Numerous Illuminati guards were directly burned to death, and the scene was scorched.

“The reptilion is about to break through the encirclement!”

Eminem will never allow this to happen, and immediately ordered the helicopter formation to continue firing ultra-high temperature explosive bombs.

Shrapnel or shock wave weapons are difficult to kill Drakonian, but this kind of ultra-high temperature weapon is a lore to Drakonian.

“Huh? What!”

Eminem saw in horror that a group of burning human-shaped black charcoal rushed out of the huge Fireball!

“He actually rushed out of the 2500 degree ultra-high temperature zone?” Eminem was stunned.

Huang Ji eyes slightly narrowed, feeling in his heart: “Sure enough…”

The strengthening he gave Kogas is to turn on the body’s’full power’, even more how, he also made Kogas more emotional, although it made him stupid, but more sensitive to psychological pressure.

In this case, the probability of mutation will actually be higher.

Of course, that is, Drakonian can do this. If it is replaced by humans and most species, the probability of cancer is higher…

At this moment, no one is better than Kogas I want to prove myself more.

I thought I was reap what you have sown, but didn’t expect everything to be Luo Yan’s conspiracy. Thinking that he was led by a guy in the game step by step to this step today, he felt depressed.

“I thought I was playing with him, but in fact he was playing with me… I was in power but was forced to this level by intelligence by a guy who had nothing…”

Until now, Kogas has not recovered from this sudden role change. It can be said that he has become nothing and even wears the body of sin, which was done by Luo Yan.

Even if he is a human, he can’t swallow this breath, even more how is Drakonian!

As he rushed into the terrifying flames, he felt as if he was in hell in pain.

The skin and flesh were scorched, and the blood dried up and evaporated, and he could not even see his eyes.

However, his kidneys suddenly secreted a large amount of water, which permeated out from the wound, forming a steam film on the body surface to isolate the heat.

At the same time, his speed is even faster, reaching a speed of 90 kilometers per hour!

At this moment, he was S5, and before he burned to death, he rushed out of the fire sea.

He even used up the water stored in his kidneys. At this moment, Kogas was severely dehydrated and his body was burnt and thin like a devil.

However, he can still build a picture of his surroundings through smell.

I saw his tail curled up, and then fiercely flicked out a tailbone, directly piercing the propeller of a helicopter.

The plane fell swayingly, Kogas leaped over and lay down on the plane, grabbing the pilot directly, and sucking his blood.

On the ground, he picked up the propeller removed from the helicopter and smashed another plane down.

Other wealthy Drakonian, but not as reckless as him, saw a large detonation zone and detoured directly.

In between the claws and tail flicks, countless guards were torn apart and flew away.

There were even a few rich Drakonians who picked up a gun, fired a few shots, and killed the helicopter pilot in the sky!

They can play guns one by one. With Drakonian’s vision and reaction nerves, plus muscle stability, they are almost perfect.

“da da da!”

The battlefield was completely chaotic. When Drakonian was in the battle, these guards could not organize any counterattack.

Huang Ji drove Eminem to flee in a frantic manner while Eminem continuously reported the situation to the robust man and asked for support.

The white-skinned robust man is guarding Santa Fe. Hearing these news, inwardly shouted it was not good.

“Mutation! This is the mutation of reptilion. As expected, did they eat their own corpses?”

“No! That Alexey is a hard mutation. I rushed out of the fire sea alive!” Eminem said.

The white-skinned robust man looked at the Santa Fe area of ​​calm and tranquil, and thought for a while and said: “You guys hold on, don’t let the reptilion run away! I’ll lead the team right away!”

In his opinion, except for one Vahana missing, the other threatening reptilions are all in the Great Snake Valley.

Now the Osiris team has arrived in Santa Fe, and with Nirvana Osiris personally leading the team, coupled with Santa Fe’s own defensive power, there is no danger here.

The main force of reptilion is there. As a super sentry squad specializing in hunting reptilion, he can only support it immediately at this moment.

Otherwise the three thousand army will be defeated, and the reptilion will run away in vain, it will be a big mistake.

“Osiris! There is another Vahana missing, Santa Fe will leave it to you!” The white-skinned robust man said when he got on the plane.

Osiris held a dog in his arms, stroked the dog’s fur and said: “Vahana, you should know my abilities.”

The white-skinned robust man said:” It’s not just her! If the enemy really wants to surprise Santa Fe, there must be a sentinel get involved!”

Osiris jumped on the plane and said impatiently: “Or I will solve Alexei, Do you stay?”

White-skinned robust man corner of mouth twitching, said goodbye, he was anxious to get rid of Santa Fe, the’black pot generator’……

Nothing happened. It is a duty, and if something goes wrong, it is a great sin.

The white-skinned robust man quickly said: “Forget it, I have already told Mu Yuan, you are responsible for guarding, I will go first…”

After that, Twenty super sentries rushed to Dashe Valley by helicopter at full speed.

Behind a boulder outside Santa Fe, Alexei and other Drakonians are hidden here.

They looked at the flying helicopter and said with emotion: “It’s gone…In this case, Santa Fe is an unprecedented emptiness.”

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