The Omniscient

Chapter 233

The Santa Fe complex on the ground covers an area of ​​more than 300 hectares. More than 20 fighter jets and 45 gunship helicopters are parked at the airport.

The guards brought Huang Ji here, and after giving the white-skinned robust man’s explanation, they left.

After listening to Eminem, he said to Huang Ji: “What our sir meant is to let you get there first and lead the reptilion out.”

“Now Da Shegu Guarding the emptiness, and you, as their hidden stake, if you appear under their noses at this time, they will definitely find a way to contact you.”

It is almost impossible to conceal the movement of the army. If you enter directly, reptilion will Run away directly.

But if Huang Ji is responsible for coaxing and delaying the reptilion, they can deploy the encirclement in time.

Huang Ji nodded said: “I understand, if they are really in the base of the big snake valley, I will be responsible for pulling a snake from its hole.”

Eminem quickly greeted Someone sent a set of Illuminati guards’ costumes and said: “Put it on, there is a bug on it, and I will give you instructions through the headset at any time.”

After that, he was going to call a driver The clerk first sent Huang Ji away.

Unexpectedly, Huang Ji said: “No, he will fly a plane. If someone from the combat department sends me over, reptilion will realize that you have seen through their trickery.”

“Change to a researcher, I can lie to them that I have gained your trust and become the researcher’s guard, responsible for escorting him to collect the samples dug out from the Great Snake Valley cave.”

Eminem looked at Wicks with a sage smile, nodded.

He knows Wicks, this is Mu Yuan’s assistant. After listening to Huang Ji’s words, Eminem thought to himself: Professor Mu is thoughtful.

Actually Huang Ji didn’t say who asked Wicks to come, but Huang Ji was so confident that Eminem thought it was Mu Yuan’s arrangement.

“Go, once the reptilion is confirmed, my army will immediately surround it, you have to do everything possible to hold them.” Eminem said.

Huang Ji solemnly nodded and said: “I will, you have to be there in time.”

After that, he respectfully helped Wicks get on the drive first. He sat down and closed the door for him: “Please take a seat, Wicks.”

Wicks sat arrogantly and ignored him, just slightly nodded.

Huang Ji helped him close the door before he got on the co-pilot.

Eminem watched the whole process, and said that this newcomer is very good at being a man, knowing that the researcher of Santa Fe is expert first, as a Level 1 brother of the combat department, Huang Ji Bajiewei Kes is all right.

Wicks is a bit arrogant.

As everyone knows, Wicks is almost mad at heart.

He snarled frantically in his heart: “Are you a pig? What are you doing in a daze, save me! Save me! I was held hostage by him! Fool!”

But he He couldn’t move, and exhausted all his energy, he reluctantly tilted his head and glanced at Eminem with his slanted eyes.

Eminem looked at each other, only to see the corner of Wicks’ mouth twitching slightly.

This is Wicks trying his best to shout, only to move the corners of his mouth.

Eminem knows this kind of inside information, browses slightly wrinkle, and thinks Wicks is smiling at him contemptuously.

“Fuck, the people of Santa Fe are really getting more and more arrogant!” Eminem cursed secretly in his heart.

Eminem saw that Wicks was so arrogant, and he didn’t want to stick a cold ass here, politely nodded and left straight away.

Wicks watched Eminem go away, his eyes were red, and his tears were spinning.

Unfortunately, Eminem couldn’t see such a scene. Huang Ji was in the co-pilot seat, calmly operating the plane instead of the main pilot.

The propeller hu hu turned, the helicopter took off and rushed to the base of Dashe Valley.

The Big Snake Valley base is about 80 kilometers away from Santa Fe Science Center.

Huang Ji arrived in dozens of minutes, but instead of flying into the base at all, he landed outside a small forest outside.

not at all completely descended. After reaching a certain height, five people suddenly jumped out of the woods and jumped into the helicopter. It was Lin Li and the group!

The helicopter didn’t stop, so it speeded up immediately and flew to the base of Dashe Valley.

Eminem caught a glimpse of the short deceleration of the plane on the big screen in the rear, and didn’t think much about it. After all, it was almost here and the deceleration was normal.

“Santa Fe WZ-12, request to land.” Huang Ji spoke with Wicks’ voice.

While he had a normal and extremely procedural dialogue with the base, he took out a tissue and wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and the saliva from the corners of his mouth…

Then rubbed A moment of his facial muscles made him smile like a noble sage again.

From Eminem’s perspective, through a bug, he heard Wicks’ voice for a while, and Huang Ji’s voice for a while. The two talked, one arrogant and respectful, but there was no problem at all.

“Hello, Assistant Wicks, I am the supervisory deacon of Dashe Valley Base…”

Several supervisors picked up the plane and suddenly saw Huang Ji assisting Wicker. When Si came down, there were five sentinels next to him, secretly stunned.

“Remember me? We will be comrades from now on.” Huang Ji said with a smile.

“Hua Ji…I have been notified by Santa Fe that you have joined the organization.” The supervisory deacon was a little embarrassed.

He just ignored it before Huang Ji reported the secret of the reptilion, forced him to give Huang Ji an injection and dragged him away.

It can be described as absolutely didn’t expect, Huang Ji was really accepted by the organization, mixed with a Level 1 organization.

However, this supervisory deacon has Level 18, so I don’t know where it is higher than him. Supervising the deacon is purely didn’t expect. This guy who was still struggling with horse racing in the game yesterday really became a member.

Not only that, but also seems to be fond of the Santa Fe researcher.

“It’s so arrogant in the game, it’s not like henchman coming out.” Supervising deacon saw Huang Ji helping Wicks get off the plane, contempt in his heart.

“pa!” When Wicks got off the plane, he gave the supervisory deacon a slap.

“Huh?” The regulatory deacon is dumbfounded.

Huang Ji bowed and held Wicks’s left hand, and Wicks smiled faintly, and the right hand slapped the supervisor deacon again.

The supervision deacon didn’t know what was going on, but Huang Ji helped Wicks walk away proudly and gave him a back view.

He looked towards the back of the two of them, and he heard Wicks’ voice saying: “Make a cup of espresso, don’t add sugar, with two cookies.”

” If reptilion can’t find it, you will be responsible for Santa Fe’s coffee machine in the future.”

This sentence was actually said by Huang Ji, but the two of them turned their backs to the deacon, and it was Wicks’ voice again. Everyone thought it was what Wicks said.

“Yes…deliver it right away!” The supervisor deacon glared at the back of Wix’s departure, stupefied with no temper.

He had made a mistake in this incident. Although he was madly throwing the pot to Kogas, he still made a mistake.

Not to mention that Wicks is Mu Yuan’s assistant, much higher than him.

This time the reptilion escaped, if it can’t be found, it will obviously delay Santa Fe’s research to a certain extent. If the chain reaction causes dissatisfaction with the group of researchers, let him go to see the coffee machine with no difficulty.

Lin Li and the other five sentinels followed indifferently and smiled.

They all know that when Huang Ji is holding the emperor to make the princes, and there are only some ordinary guards and supervisors left in the defense of the base, Wicks is walking unhindered here.

“You can just go around…” Eminem said in the headset.

Huang Ji said that he understood that he had people set up a table in the square, and Wicks was sitting at the table with a cup of hot coffee in front of him.

Wicks looked expressionlessly at the square, where a group of guards were carrying utensils dug from the Great Snake Valley.

Huang Ji took a pair of glasses from Wicks’ pocket and walked around by himself.

The supervision deacon saw Huang Ji leave Wicks, immediately followed, and shouted in an empty place: “Hua Ji!”

“Ah? Is there anything wrong?” Huang Ji turned back and said.

The supervision deacon sneered and walked up and said: “you brat is very lucky, but you have to remember that you are only a low-level person, and the low-level can’t be lower…”

“Did you say something bad about me in front of Wicks? Huh?”

Huang Ji said in a wrong tone: “I didn’t say anything.”

Supervision Deacon angrily said: “Nothing to say? Nothing to say that you can join Illuminati? Don’t lie in front of your boss!”

Huang Ji reluctantly said: “Yes! Report to the sir. I will explain to Santa Fe. After a bit of reptilion’s talent, they can evolve according to psychological pressure. In addition, I also said a bunch of codes. Professor Mu discovered the longevity gene according to the codes… By the way, I also said…”

” Shut up! Don’t tell him!” Eminem immediately interrupted Huang Ji in the headset.

Huang Ji stopped talking immediately.

Supervised deacon blinked, he just forced Huang Ji to ask if he had anything bad about him, and he actually forced such information.

“What’s the mess, you come up here with me, let’s have a good chat!” Supervising the deacon, the public is not good at doing anything, so he points to his office.

After finishing talking, I ignored Huang Ji and went straight upstairs, waiting for Huang Ji in the office.

In his eyes, Huang Ji is a Level 1 soldier, and he can control the deacon with a Level 18 supervision.

Wicks gave him two slaps at once. The more he thought about it, the more upset he became. There was no reason to refute it. I can’t blame Wicks. Can’t he anger Huang Ji? He saw that Huang Ji was helping and serving coffee, he felt that Huang Ji must be grudges, and deliberately said something against him.

Eminem asked in the headset: “Hua Ji, what’s the situation?”

Huang Ji said: “He forced me to explain to you, and he pressed me with the level. I can only report truthfully. I just joined the organization, and I don’t know if I should tell him what…”

“Needless to say! Listen, you can’t tell anyone what you report to the chief. !” Eminem roared.

Huang Ji said: “Understood, but he also pointed to a building to let me go up and said he wanted to talk to me, but he left by himself, I don’t know what it meant.”


“en? Which building did he point to?” Eminem asked.

“Let me take a look…” Huang Ji said as he walked, and soon came to a low 2-Layer building on the edge of the Dashe Valley base. The location is very remote and it seems to be not commonly used.

“Building T, Dashe Valley Base, No. 78. Yes, that’s it.” Huang Ji said.

After hearing this, Eminem immediately found the location on the map and said: “This is an abandoned building, an old house on the base. It used to be one of countless security monitoring rooms. Now it has been replaced with a new one. Security system, this building will be abandoned.”

“What does it mean that the regulatory deacon asked you to go to this building?”

Huang Ji shook his head and said, “I don’t know. You heard it, he just pointed here and let me go upstairs.”

Eminem said, “Go up and see.”

Huang Ji went upstairs and knocked on the door. At first everyone answered, he continued to knock, and after a while, Cogas’ voice came!

“Who is it?” Kogas said.

Eminem was surprised when he heard Cogas’ voice.

Then he was angry: “Fuck! He is hiding in this abandoned building! And his deacon knows that they don’t report!”

Huang Ji whispered: “I How do you say it, what does that deacon mean for me to come here?”

Eminem said: “You just go in, it should be that they still trust you and treat you as a hidden stake, so the deacon is here. Stopping you on the road, implying that you have found here!”

“Listen to Hua Ji, if the reptilion is inside, you hold them, my army will come right away!”

Huang Ji Immediately shouted: “Korgas, I trust you have been well since we last met?”

After that, Evil Dragon opened the door and Huang Ji took out a pair of glasses from his pocket and put it on. Enter with a smile.

In the house, there are a large group of rich people behind the gambling game, and Kogas is among them, watching Huang Ji calmly step in!

It was Evil Dragon who forced Kogas to respond. At this moment, the rich people saw Huang Ji and their brains were buzzing.

“Hua Ji!” Kogas yelled excitedly, almost breaking the tone.

Eminem could hear the veins jumping on the other end. He thought Cogas was yelling excitedly.

Huang Ji struck Kogas’s mouth like lightning, so that he could no longer speak.

I saw Huang Ji looking at Kogas with a smile, and said something that made Kogas’s eyes pop out: “Alex, seeing you are all right… It’s really good!” ”


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