The Omniscient

Chapter 230

“Professor Mu, thank you for saving my Third Brother.”

“That… there is a little white mouse with a body different from ordinary people, just sent Yes, I hope you can take a look. He has been injected with an overdose of anesthetic and is unconscious. Could you please help get rid of the anesthetic from his within the body.”

Said the white robust man, he Play a little clever.

He deliberately did not say that Hua Ji is too sensitive to anesthetics, but used a very subtle description: different from ordinary people.

This description can be big or small. For example, a person can’t get fat no matter how he eats, a person is allergic to pollen, and a person is a road idiot… It can all be said that he is different from ordinary people.

White-skinned robust man knows that Mu Yuan knows everything, so he can’t just say it.

How do you say? is it possible that said:’The Hua Ji is allergic to anesthetics and can’t wake up for a long time. Please wake him up quickly so that I can interrogate him and find the reptilion quickly.’

Obviously, if you say that, Mu Yuan will not care about him: It’s my shit if you solve the case? Wake up after waiting a little longer?

So the white-skinned robust man, deliberately ambiguous, said something different from ordinary people.

Mu Yuan just finished the work at hand, after hearing this, he nodded and said: “Oh? Bring him over to me to see.”

White-skinned robust man I hurried to ask someone to send Huang Ji, only to see Huang Ji lying on the bed and being pushed into a Medical Room.

Mu Yuan entered the password on the wall and took out a thick test tube.

The test tube is full of blood. This is actually a “nano wasp colony”, but it is parasitic in the blood and the meat is invisible.

Mu Yuan removed a thin tube from the test tube, took a needle and inserted it directly into Huang Ji’s artery.

A large number of nanobee colonies were injected into Huang Ji within the body in this way.

“en?” Mu Yuan stood in front of the big screen, watching the nano bee swarm all over Huang Ji’s body, scanning his body.

However, after scanning for a long time, no data was returned.


Mu Yuan murmured, pushed his glasses, clicked a few times on the big screen with one hand, and gave instructions to the nanobee colony to remove the anesthetic.

After a while, everyone saw the hospital bed… Huang Ji opened his eyes.

Mu Yuan looked at it and thought that the instruction was still useful, but what was going on with his physical condition?

“Could it be that the scanning function is broken?”

He turned around and asked his assistant: “How long has the Nano Bee Colony been without security?”

The assistant said: “You treated a super sentry with Nano Bee Swarm half an hour ago. Every time you use it, you will need to disinfect and check it. However, you use it again before I can get the security check.”

“The first generation of nano bee colony is still too troublesome to maintain. It should be worn out when it neutralizes the highly toxic TX.” Mu Yuan shook his head.

He originally wanted to directly scan this newly sent little white mouse to obtain a panoramic model of his body. Didn’t expect the nano bee colony to be broken.

“Every time I use it in the future, I must go through a security check. This must not be lazy. There will be no security check next time, and if I want to use it, you must remind me.” Mu Yuan said.

“Yes…I remember.” The assistant said quickly.

Mu Yuan walked to the bed and asked: “What is he different from ordinary people?”

When the white-skinned robust man saw Huang Ji wake up, he lifted him out of bed. , Said with a smile: “Nothing…It’s allergic to anesthetics.”

“Are you kidding me?” Mu Yuan looked at him and pushed his glasses.

What is an anesthetic allergy different from ordinary people?

White-skinned robust man said with a smile: “He is a very important party, I must interrogate him immediately, sorry, sorry, I owe you a favor.”

Mu Yuan Indifferently said: “You don’t want me to help you anymore.”

After finishing talking, I sat down at the desk with anger like a child.

The white-skinned robust man apologized again and again, but he didn’t panic because he knew that Mu Yuan would definitely not remember him.

Come back to Mu Yuan in a few days, the scientist must have forgotten who he is again.

It’s not that Mu Yuan has a bad memory, in fact his memory is very good!

It’s just that he never cared about interpersonal relationships. This personality, coupled with his obsession with scientific research, and long-term human experiments, made him suffer from serious facial blindness…

I think so, looking at the faces of various little white mice every day, watching them come, watching them go, watching them struggle, watching them die. It is easy to ignore the appearance of human beings by itself, and only care about its inner condition.

It can be said that even if the super beauty is standing in front of him, it is nothing more than a pink skull.

even more how, in his experiment, there are many clones with the same appearance. After seeing more, they gradually become less sensitive to human faces, and I always feel that everyone looks the same.

After doing a lot of human experiments, it feels like watching anyone watching a little white mouse in the end……

Who would remember the look and name of the little white mouse?

Also, many of Mu Yuan’s colleagues in Illuminati don’t even know… Especially in recent years, he has become increasingly unable to remember the faces of others.

The white-skinned robust man has seen him many times, but every time…Mu Yuan seems to be watching a newcomer.

At this time, Huang Ji seemed to react and said: “You are Illuminati, right?”

“I have cleared the game, you can’t do this to me.”

White-skinned robust man said with a sneer: “Korgas said it doesn’t count, no…he was a lie to you…”

After speaking, he raised Huang Ji Get up, patted his face with a grinning grin.

Huang Ji struggled and said: “I know what you want to know. I will tell you all the secrets of reptilion, but I don’t want to be a little white mouse. If you make me feel like you’re dead, I’d rather Say nothing.”

The white-skinned robust man punched Huang Ji in the stomach, making him seem to spit out the bile.

“You have no room for bargaining, I will let you tell it all.”

“No, I will never make a little white mouse…” After all, Huang Ji He directly bit off the base of his tongue.

“Pu chi!” Suddenly a mouthful of blood came out.

The white-skinned robust man was startled and saw the blood flowing from his mouth. He immediately shouted: “Help him!”

Mu Yuan walked up with the medical kit and spilled directly I took a medicine powder, then injected Huang Ji with a blood pressure lowering medicine, and then silently began to suture Huang Ji’s tongue.

His technique was clean and neat, and Huang Ji’s tongue was picked up for him within one minute.

“This guy is so strong.” The white-skinned robust man checked Huang Ji’s information and his performance in the game.

I know that this person is very good. In theory, being a little white mouse is a bit wasteful. Even if you give him a level 1 membership, it’s nothing.

“I call the shots and recommend you to join Illuminati. I hope the information you provide is of some value… Don’t worry, I am different from Kogas, I stand by one’s word.” Robust man patted Huang Ji’s face said.

Huang Ji is very weak, speaking like a tongue paralyzed.

White-skinned robust man brows slightly wrinkle said: “Professor Mu, can you let him resume speaking? I am very anxious.”

Mu Yuan indifferently said: “I refuse.”

White skin robust man speechless saying: “Please…I am willing to pay the reward.”

Mu Yuan remains unmoved, and the white skin robust man sighed: “There is a faction in the organization. They are also researching reptilion without the organization, but they don’t know what they promised and asked reptilion to give cell samples voluntarily. Now reptilion has escaped and this Hua Ji is the only clue. Please.”

Mu Yuan walked to the console silently, apparently giving instructions to the nanobee colony.

“Professor Mu, what are you doing?” The white-skinned robust man didn’t understand.

Huang Ji suddenly said: “Tongue is so numb…Huh?”

He seemed to be able to control his tongue suddenly, and looked at Mu Yuan in surprise: “What did you do? You can connect the nerve lines on my tongue without touching me?”

“After connecting a part, everyone’s tongue nerve distribution is different, but it’s about the same. But the scanning function is bad If it is dropped, I can only blindly connect according to the distribution of ordinary people. You have not fully grown up yet, but it is enough for you to talk.” Mu Yuan pushed his glasses and said.

Huang Ji looks like he doesn’t know what the scanning function is. In fact, he feels like Derby.

That set of nanobee colonies is actually no longer under Mu Yuan’s control.

He used an electric current to suck it all into the dantian, and was wrapped and captured by countless cancer cells, and used a strong internal electric field to shield the signal from interference.

Before getting rid of the anesthetic, it’s just’waking up at the right time’ that’s all. Huang Ji was not anesthetized at all. He can guide the pharmacology and discharge it. Will the nerves be Being paralyzed, he has the final say.

At this moment, he is cured of the tongue. It is still his own powerful neural network control ability, not Mu Yuan’s operation.

Everything is just giving the right phenomenon at the right time.

White-skinned robust man shouted: “Say, now I am your immediate superior. As a Level 1 boss, there is a Level 32 boss, this is your luck.”

Huang Ji was silent for a moment and said: “Now the time…should be almost.”

“en?” The white-skinned robust man frowned.

Huang Ji said: “The escape method I designed is very simple. First, I use a signal transmitter to post some pictures on the Internet and spread false news to the outside world. Then all the reptilions hide in the underground several dozen meters deep. Place, buy yourself.”

“We coaxed Cogas to put in an oxygen tank, and then the reptilion used stone slabs to build a closed stone chamber underground. Three hours can still be maintained.”

“Once you can’t find them, you will think that the reptilion has escaped, and then redeploy the forces surrounding the Great Snake Valley.”

“Just when you were encircling and suppressing them, the real reptilion, Already taking advantage of the defensive emptiness, I escaped unconsciously.”

The white-skinned robust man was shocked and said: “What! You said that the reptilion was buried in the ground when we transferred the army?”

Huang Ji nodded and said: “Yes, now they have the sky is unlimited for birds to fly at ease.”

The mentality of robust man with white skin is about to collapse. Is he played like a monkey?

He angrily said: “This is impossible! I am sure that those photos are okay!”

“It’s just that P’s is better, that’s all, as long as you can’t find it in the Great Snake Valley Reptilion, at this time, with the witnesses made up by a group of good people, you will definitely be led away.” Huang Ji said confidently.

Mu Yuan pushed his glasses and said: “talk nonsense.”

The white-skinned robust man also said with a cold face: “You are not honest yet? I am not because of those photos. And it was one of my investigative teams that was transferred away, and the whole army was wiped out!”

“And the misleading of the Osiris team, can you also plot against it?”

Huang Ji was stunned, and said: “What Osiris team?”

The white-skinned robust man raised his brows. He realized that Huang Ji probably only knew some one-sided things.

What he designed a way to escape, what noise he hid in the ground, all nonsense! These seem to be successful, but in fact he has already seen that there must be extra power to intervene, many of which are this little Hua Ji, which is basically impossible to plot against.

Someone followed Huang Ji’s approach and used a few spy to make up for his operation deliberately.

The white-skinned robust man thought to himself: “There is no loss of personnel in the jungle, and there are not a few sentries mixed in the team to bring rhythm. I will not waste three hours in that ghost place with the army!”

“This Hua Ji is still on the 1st floor, he said this, some people want him to say so!”

“so that’s how it is, I understand why the person behind the scenes Let him out, but didn’t stop talking. He deliberately made him think that he was implementing the own plan, and then misled us.”

“Damn, he really didn’t know that he was being used, or did he know that he did it on purpose. Say?”

He thought a lot for a while, and Mu Yuan shook his head and directly manipulated the console a few times.

“You continue to ask.” Mu Yuan calmly said.

The white-skinned robust man asked: “Hua Ji, tell me what else did you do?”

Huang Ji seemed to be uncomfortable. He looked nauseous and retched. His head was dizzy and said: “I didn’t do anything, I just helped to dig the soil…”

“en?” The white-skinned robust man stunned: “You don’t mean that the plan is your design Is it?”

Huang Ji said dizzyly: “I…I lied to you…Old Wang said that my plan must fail unless I wrap it up…”

“What!” The white-skinned robust man was shocked, this man changed his mind!

He looked towards Mu Yuan, and only saw Mu Yuan calmly said: “He has my nanobee swarm within the body, and his body can no longer control him… You don’t care what I did, You can’t understand it. He is in his current state, unable to tell lies, and will confess to you the truest answer he knows.”

The white-skinned robust man happily said: “Awesome Professor Mu, I just learned that Nano Bee Colony still has this function!”

“Newly developed, the effect is very good, it is much more effective than confessional, and it has no side effects. The disadvantage is that it consumes a lot of energy. I don’t It will be used for too long, otherwise it may be damaged.” Mu Yuan pushed the glasses.

The white-skinned robust man seized the time to ask: “Come on, Hua Ji, how did the reptilion run!”

Huang Ji said in pain: “…There will be a group of Blazing Sentinel makes the bait that you have to believe. I don’t know exactly what it is, but you will definitely be led away. After that, Drakonian only needs to escape while defending the emptiness.”

White-skinned robust man horrified , As expected! Now Huang Ji is telling the truth!

There was a man named Old Wang who was the faction member that Cogas put in. He, Cogas and other faction members, combined inside and out, deceived the army and let go of the reptilion.

“This guy, under the effect of’confession’, even his name has changed. Drakonian… Indeed, it’s just a self-proclaimed reptilion. It seems that he has a good relationship with those reptilions, at least he is not afraid Those monsters would not use honorific names when telling the truth.” Robust man secretly thought.

He then asked: “Who is that Old Wang? What did he do?”

Huang Ji said: “Among those horse races, there is a hidden scientist who followed The group of reptilions were chatting and laughing! They said a lot… He said a talent that reptilion didn’t know about… He also provided a plan to help them escape… Oh, by the way, there is a mysterious code, what is Σ-95 “

Huang Ji said Σ-95, the meaning is unclear.

The white-skinned robust man didn’t understand at all, but Mu Yuan suddenly looked over, frowned shouted: “You say it again, you say the code again.”

Huang Ji immediately repeated it, and then said: “This is what the scientist whispered when he exchanged the reptilion cell sample, saying that he finally got this. I have a good memory. After listening to such an ear, I wrote it down. “

The white-skinned robust man scratched his head and said: “Is there any problem? Professor Mu.”

Mu Yuan grabbed Huang Ji directly to the next research room, and he controlled The computer quickly found a set of reptilion gene sequences.

Σ-95, it turned out to be the number of a series of genomes after Santa Fe recorded the complete gene map of reptilion.

This is the internal number of Santa Fe, which is not so numbered in society.

“The person you mentioned knows the label we used to classify the reptilion gene map…I haven’t tested this group yet.” Mu Yuan said.

When he heard the robust man with white skin next to him, his body shook.

There is no doubt that this number is a very confidential thing, even he does not know, let alone Kogas!

Only senior researchers and people like Mu Yuan would know…

Mu Yuan turned around and asked: “He said,’Finally got this’? That person was What are you holding in your hand?”

Huang Ji said: “It should be the nerve tissue of reptilion.”

White skin robust man and Mu Yuan showed their faces at the same time.

“Yes, this is indeed the genetic code of a nerve cell.” Mu Yuan knew it, because it was mapped, so it can be 100% sure. That person was talking about a reptilion genome. And it uses Santa Fe internal terminology.

The reason for the white-skinned robust man’s face is that he dug in the hole and uncovered the nerve tissue not at all reptilion in the pile of experimental utensils.

He hadn’t noticed yet, thinking that the other party just didn’t pick it up. Hearing Huang Ji’s mention at this moment, he immediately thought that it was not that he didn’t pick it up but was taken away.

“Sure enough, that Kogas actually sent a researcher in secretly! It is our Illuminati own researcher, and has participated in the longevity project.” The robust man had a tingling scalp.

Real hammer! This rebellious faction really created this incident in order to obtain the active sample of reptilion.

Mu Yuan doesn’t care about traitors, he is just curious, why did he say’finally got this’?

He doesn’t like guessing. He directly asks people to implant this genome into pluripotent stem cells to test its effects.

“It’s not the longevity gene, right…it should not be…impossible. Someone’s research progress is faster than me…”

“And it’s the nerve cell gene? This is me It was screened out early and judged to be impossible to carry the sequence of longevity gene.”


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