The Omniscient

Chapter 229

“…This is basically the situation, that person has been sent to Santa Fe by me.” The supervisor of Da Snake Valley trembling with fear said.

When the white-skinned robust man returned to Santa Fe and sorted out the whole thing again, he suddenly found that not everyone in the snake within the valley was missing, but one more came out!

That was a racehorse named Hua Ji, who was the only survivor. Soon after this person came out, their super sentry team went in and found that reptilion was missing.

This person is now used as a little white mouse by Santa Fe. Before that, he had mentioned that reptilion had a conspiracy, but the supervisor did not take it seriously.

At this moment, the supervisors learned of the major event and immediately came to Santa Fe to report the situation.

“Damn it, why didn’t you say it earlier!”

The white-skinned robust man was so angry that he didn’t get angry.

The supervisor said with grief: “We didn’t know that the reptilion had escaped. I thought they were in the cave. You…you didn’t tell me what was going on afterwards, you just took the soldiers away.”

“I thought you could kill the reptilion…I also just learned that the reptilion didn’t get it back… Then I remembered what clues Hua Ji might provide.”

White skin robust Man Fiercely glared at the supervisor and immediately sent someone to interrogate Hua Ji.

However, when he arrived in the interrogation room, he saw a person lying on a chair hu hu asleep.

“What’s the matter?” asked the white-skinned robust man.

“Uh…he is not awake yet.” The supervisor lowered his head.

“Not awake?” The white-skinned robust man was stunned.

The supervisor explained: “This Hua Ji is too sensitive to our anesthesia and will be in a coma longer than ordinary people.”

“He injected the anesthetic three hours ago, and I also gave him two injections… I’m afraid I won’t be able to wake up in a short time, unless the professors are asked to dispense the medicine.”

Illuminati’s anesthetic is very powerful, even if he is Dissection during the effective period of anesthesia, Can’t wake him up.

The white-skinned robust man shook his head, completely disappointed with this group of supervisors.

Such an important party was sent here directly as a little white mouse, and he didn’t take it seriously.

Korgas and his supervisors, when they discovered that an accident might have caused serious consequences, they still thought about how to conceal the matter, so that their combat department did not immediately intervene.

This is a negligence of the entire Supervision Section, and its nature, whether it is negligence… or deliberate, I am afraid it is intriguing.

Seeing the complex eyes of the robust man with white skin, the supervisor was frightened.

They know that things are getting bigger, and now the situation is very serious. For the first time in history, reptilion escaped and disappeared.

This means that reptilion is out of Illuminati’s control, and I don’t know how much trouble it will be in the future.

Not only that, the whole thing exposed the corruption of the Supervision Section, playing games? Gambling? Yes, but you are so brave to make a joke about Illuminati’s “special engineering project”?

“Come here! Take them all down to me, and after the thorough investigation team is established, I will be thoroughly interrogated!” Robust man coldly said.

The supervisor said bitterly: “Fuck, Kogas, you have killed us miserably…”

“If I knew that all drones had fallen, I would immediately report it. I actually believe that Kogas can deal with the aftermath in time…motherfucker, what about people!”

“This animal is still missing, I really believe in his evil!”

Korgas is their boss, but now there is a major event, no one regards him as the supervisor anymore.

Everyone knows that this guy is dead.

Since this guy has disappeared and everyone is involved, it is better to throw all the pots to him.

The supervisor said: “Wait a minute! Don’t be caught by Cogas’ tricks!”

“en?” The white-skinned robust man frowned.

The supervisor hurriedly said: “These all are arranged by Kogas!”

“It was he who used the’special experimental task’ to press us and let us conceal it and let We sent that group of racing horses in, and then arranged that no matter who came out, no matter what he said, we directly put on anesthetic and sent it to Santa Fe as a little white mouse.”

“Hua Ji is allergic to anesthesia, yes It was reflected in the first three games. The Cogas knew that the other party was like this, and he did so deliberately. I’m afraid I don’t have a plan.”

White-skinned robust man listened, dark dao fruit. Kogas has already arranged!

This guy definitely didn’t intend to play games temporarily.

The supervisor continued: “Sir, what do you think… When we sent a helicopter to stare at the reptilion cave, the solemnly vowed said there was a reptilion inside. And that Kogas? But before that. , He suddenly lost contact…”

“What does this mean? It means that he knew that reptilion would run, and knew that things would be a big deal, so he ran away in advance.”

“How dare he deliberately let the reptilion go? There must be a huge backing behind this, and there must be plenty of retreat!”

“On the other hand, we… never thought that reptilion would run, completely blinded by it! In the dark. When things are coming, we still stick to our posts and send a helicopter to stare there. If we were in a group with Kogas, wouldn’t we have slipped away long ago?”

White-skinned robust man listen Yes, secretly nodded, yes, these supervisors, although negligent of their duties, did not report immediately, but they should not be from Kogas.

Other supervisors have also talked about some of the black material of Cogas.

In addition to misappropriating materials and public funds, and sloppy-work in the project, they also said something about catching the wind.

“Cogas disappears for a few days every month! And he has a small book, he never dared to show it to others, carry it personally, once I went into his office to report the situation, he instantly The little book was hidden, and his expression was very unnatural, and he even scolded me!”

“Yes! Several times he secretly contacted others without knowing who it was, but he acted very secretly. I’m afraid it’s the same.”

“Also, he also deleted the monitoring records and talked with reptilion secretly. As for what was discussed, we can’t know…”

“Once he misappropriated Santa Fe supplies was discovered by the professors, he didn’t know what it was operating, and this matter disappeared later.”

Supervisors everyone talking at once, said A lot.

Instantly packaged a rigorous schemes and deep foresight, hidden to the depths, had a plot to reptilion, and there seemed to be a dark big iceberg behind Cogas…

White The robust man was shocked and sweated.

Sure enough, this Kogas is just a small character, and the series of stupid actions this time are just appearances. Everything is done deliberately, but following someone’s instructions.

“The trouble is big, let’s see what happened to the Third Brother first.”

The white-skinned robust man came to the underground 2-Layer, and the dark-skinned robust man was poisoned by TX. I was sent here and healed now.

His physique is extremely strong. After being poisoned, he persisted longer than the average person, and finally persisted to Santa Fe.

The medical staff here gave an emergency rescue, which saved her life. She was in a coma at the moment.

“Big brother, you are here, did the reptilion catch it?” Huangfu robust man said.

The white-skinned robust man sighed: “A word is hard to say, anyway, I have already reported it to the president…”

He quickly told all he knew, Huang The robust man heard it and thought: “Hua Ji is the key person. I wonder why reptilion wants to let Hua Ji go? They are not afraid that Hua Ji exposes what they are going to escape in advance, and then breaks the plan? “

The robust man with white skin said: “So we must wake up Hua Ji as soon as possible…Who saved the third child? Griffin?”

The robust man with white skin shook his head and said: “Griffin is not here. It was Mu Yuan who used the’nano bee colony’ to get rid of the toxins of the third child within the body.”

“Professor Mu? He can also be there, please go and ask him to take that Hua Ji wakes up immediately.” The white-skinned robust man said with a smile.

Santa Fe’s researchers are divided into Level 3, and the largest number is assistants. It is said that assistants are actually outside, and they are also first-class experts.

The higher level is the official researcher, they are the main force of the Life Science Center.

However, there is another level above it, called the’Great Sage’. For Illuminati, it can be called a’national treasure’, with no more than five at its strongest and even rarer than Nirvana.

The research results of such great sages are all ahead of an era. There are only two Santa Fe, both in the field of biology, one is Mu Yuan and the other is Griffin.

Mu Yuan is more inclined to the field of molecular chemistry and nanomedicine. The’nano bee colony’ he invented are actually nano robots.

Subsequently, Mu Yuan solved almost all diseases and injuries known to mankind by virtue of strength of oneself.

Of course, most of the cracks are very rough, based on the development of the’nano bee colony’ first.

In this way, he built these treatments into a huge medical database, so that nanobee colonies can treat almost all diseases.

No matter how powerful the virus is, it is a trivial matter. Even if it is rabies virus, even if it is lymphoma that has spread throughout the body, he can be saved.

Unfortunately, this kind of medical treatment is too expensive, so expensive that it is fundamentally impossible to spread.

Because the’treatment tools’ are too expensive, whether it is production or maintenance. The current “Nano Bee Swarm” took ten years to build 10,000,000,000 at a total cost of 800 billion US dollars! equivalent to US military expenditure for one and a half years.

So this technology is limited to providing medical support to Illuminati’s internal Level 30 or higher personnel. As for those below Level 30, it is okay to have a terminal illness and want to be treated, but a large amount of medical expenses must be provided.

Of course, Mu Yuan often exempts people from this life-saving money in exchange for favors, and other senior executives often make advances, as long as the terminally ill person…uses it.

Apart from this, Mu Yuan has another major contribution, that is, the invention of the’cloning medicine’.

The name sounds pretty good, but it is actually a kind of’induced pluripotent stem cell technology’, referred to as IPS.

Speaking of induction, it is actually transformation. This medicinal liquid, injected into the cell membrane with a nanoneedle, can transform ordinary human skin cells into multifunctional stem cells.

The so-called pluripotent stem cell is the Source of Life, the’source cell’, the cell that creates all cells…

Fertilization, fertilization, and egg are the pluripotent stem cells One kind, a whole human body, is developed from such a cell continuously. All cells of the human body, such as bone marrow cells and hematopoietic cells, are derived from it.

In short, it can grow into a variety of people according to the genetic information it carries.

After certain genetic modification, this stem cell can even grow into a monster……

Now under Mu Yuan’s research, he has successfully mastered the technique of interfering and guiding stem cells. This kind of stem cells, as a kind of’source material’, can be quickly cultivated into heart, kidney, brain, bone marrow…

The white-skinned robust man came to the gate of Mu Yuan Private Research Institute, please let me know .

After the assistant invited him in, the white-skinned robust man was shocked. Behind a glass, there was a large row of incubation dishes, which contained various embryos, human organs, or Drakonian body tissues. Even…the big living person.

Those big people are obviously’little white mouse’. It is worth mentioning that everyone has five copies, that is, they are all clones.

There is no doubt that Illuminati utilizes a cloning technique known as taboo.

Not only did they have a lot of’little white mouse’, they also cloned several copies of’little white mouse’, and carried out the same experiment to compare!

Illuminati’s longevity experiment, the steps are very simple.

Drakonian within the body is known to have longevity genes, and Illuminati can produce pluripotent stem cells on hand.

Then try one by one, and use an exhaustive method to modify all the genetic material suspected of longevity genes into human pluripotent stem cells.

Then grow this cell into an adult.

If the breeding process is directly stillborn, or the gene collapses, or other useless features appear, then there is no doubt that it has failed and tried again.

Until you try to figure out that a certain Drakonian genome allows the created person to have the upper limit of cell division several times higher than that of human beings, then even if you find the longevity gene.

Know which gene tube lifespan, the 1st Step is even achieved.

The next job is to find a way to gently implant this gene into the big living person within the body. Let people who are already old can also enjoy the benefits of longevity genes.

However, Drakonian’s genome is as vast as a sea of ​​smoke, complicated and has some kind of genetic security measures.

This kind of confidentiality measure is that when the cell loses its vitality, it instantly clears the genetic data by itself. It is very difficult to obtain viable Drakonian cell samples, because Drakonian defaults to the death of cells that leave the body, unless they are provided voluntarily.

Thanks to an innocent Annie who provided them with all the cell samples of her body, which allowed Illuminati to get the Drakonian genome.

“Professor Mu, this batch of clones has some more antibodies. And the fusion is not very good, it became a recessive gene.” A researcher said.

Mu Yuan took a look at the experiment report and calmly said: “Try another batch of genomes.”

“Okay.” Researcher nodded left and said to the assistants. : “Destroy the receptors and start the next group!” The so-called receptors are those clones, and destruction is also in the literal sense.

I saw a direct high-voltage electricity in the cultivation tank, electrocuting all dozens of clones. They stared at everything around them blankly, and then died in panic and pain.

Dead clones are discharged along the nutrient solution and enter the’organic matter factory’ through the pipeline. They will be dissolved into various organic matter and used as production materials.

In the whole project, Mu Yuan didn’t need to do anything. He just screened out which genomes were suspected of longevity, then listed them in a table, and gave them to the person below to test one after another.

Seeing that this batch is not, Mu Yuan turned and left and came to the white-skinned robust man who had been waiting for a long time.

“Your name… Forget it, it doesn’t matter. What’s the matter?” Mu Yuan pushed his glasses and said.

The white-skinned robust man looked at this top scientist in his thirties, his mouth twitched. It was not the first time the two met, and the other party still didn’t remember the name of own!

But the white-skinned robust man has no temper. The opponent sits on an equal footing with the Nirvana, and even more importantly than the Nirvana.

Because Nirvana can still produce, but it is very rare, while epoch-making scientists may come by with luck, but not by searching for it.

Even more how, Mu Yuan is the king in the field of life sciences. The entire Illuminati’s desire for longevity has led to experts in this field with a level 1 higher status than experts in other fields.

The above is even public speaking. If he can develop longevity medicine for everyone, he will definitely be promoted to Level 33 and directly become Sword Hand.

So the white-skinned robust man, even if he can crush him to death with a finger, he dare not make a mistake.


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