The Omniscient

Chapter 231

The white-skinned robust man checked it and found that in the establishment of the research institute, there is no one named Old Wang, nor is there a surnamed Wang.

Obviously this is a fake name, it is weird to find it!

“He is a Chinese?” said the robust man with white skin.

Huang Ji said without hesitation: “Yes, he and I are both Chinese, and he saved me in previous games.”

White skin robust man inquires about horse racing information, Sure enough, I found Old Wang.

He immediately asked the people below to investigate whether Old Wang’s information was true. As expected, the information was also false.

But at least from the video of the first three death games, this Old Wang was mediocre and didn’t play the whole time, but just an old bastard.

But didn’t expect, this old man is the hidden boss, the key to escape the entire reptilion.

I deliberately didn’t play before, and finally arrived in front of the reptilion.

“Why didn’t he take you away?” The white-skinned robust man asked this doubt: “Are you sent by Old Wang to mislead us?”

Huang Ji said solemnly “Old Wang said that only in this way can I survive. If I run away with him, the people behind him will die.”

“He asked me to join Illuminati, otherwise don’t say anything.”

White-skinned robust man said with a sneer: “But I have promised you to join, but you want to lie to me.”

Huang Ji said hardly: “This is a sneer. It’s good if I can lie to you, and if I can’t lie, it’s good to be able to delay some time.”

“Once I successfully lie to you and become a part of Illuminati, I can be theirs afterwards. A dark move.”

The white-skinned robust man thought: “In addition to lie to us that this plan was arranged by you, what false information are you planning to tell us?”

Huang Ji said: “Drakonian will not stay away after escaping from the Great Snake Valley, because if there is no one to respond, it would be too difficult to go far and high, and it is easy to be spotted by you, so Drakonian will all hide in the military base outside the Great Snake Valley.”

“The above is the false information I intend to tell you.”

The white-skinned robust man asked: “What about the real situation?”

Huang Ji said: “They have someone to answer, they will leave the Great Snake Valley boundary quietly, and hide near Santa Fe. It is an absolutely safe place and impossible to be found.”

“If I get yours Trust, I lie to you to bring the army back to the Great Snake Valley and search around. Then Drakonian and a group of Blazing Sentinel will surprise Santa Fe and take away the contents.”

White-skinned robust man said with a sneer : “Santa Fe has a strong defensive force, where is it so good to attack? Even if there are traitors to help, Santa Fe is enough to hold on to the support.”

Huang Ji said: “I don’t know this, but I also know one thing, that is, the Drakonian gene is mutated.”

“en?” Mu Yuan was shocked.

Huang Ji said: “Old Wang told Drakonian that the true source of their evolution is the psychological pressure of being violated. Humiliation and anger will stimulate their genes to mutate.”

“It is precisely because they have engraved dignity into their genes, despising life and death but emphasizing love and justice, and their bodies have no fear of death, so they can no longer evolve because of the need for survival.”

“Replaced. , But the need to be’respected by others’ has become the meaning of living.”

Listening to this, Mu Yuan is like a dream, enlightenment!

He didn’t care if his glasses were crooked, he immediately rushed to Huang Ji and asked: “The new evolutionary power! To stimulate genetic mutation through psychological factors, so that’s how it is… The race of Universe High Civilization…It’s a human unimaginable level!”

“Compared with this kind of Civilization, human beings are essentially the same as wild beasts, and are the same as all species evolved by nature…”

“This is what they call Civilization. This is what truly breaks away from the concept of wild beast. They decide their own instincts and decide what they evolve for!”

Mu Yuan is excited Dancing hands and feet, as if opening the door to New World.

This is something that human technology can’t reach a certain level and will never be able to imagine. This is a path that humans have never tried so far, and they have never even thought of changing themselves in this way. Go against nature.

Even a great scientist like Mu Yuan has never thought about changing an evolutionary requirement. Survival is the first need of a race and the first need of Civilization. Such a vision has become deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and has become an iron rule.

But Higher Civilization said:’How is this different from wild beast? I have another need. I don’t want nature to feel it. I want it to feel. I have to decide my adaptive motivation and evolutionary direction based on my culture, my thoughts, and my will as a higher wisdom. ‘

Compared with this, in the narrow definition, no matter how developed humans are culturally conscious, their essence is still the barbarians of’human face and animal heart’.

“so that’s how it is, no wonder the rebellion ten years ago and 20 years ago, the reptilion was so powerful that it killed us that many people, it turned out that when we were pressed to the limit, we were genetically mutated due to psychological pressure Now.” The white-skinned robust man said with emotion.

Mu Yuan pushed his glasses and said: “I have studied the body of the rebellion reptilion 20 years ago. Although their genes have self-destructed and nothing can be researched, I found that they remain within the body. Two brand-new proteins.”

“These two brand-new proteins are not in the previously dead reptilion within the body. One is called γ and the other is called ζ.”

“I found that the reptilions within the body that were eaten were all gamma, and the last seven reptilions that killed us and caused us heavy losses were ζ.”

” ζ protein changes the reptilion’s muscle strength and other physical fitness. I didn’t understand what this means, but now I understand.”

“Eat the γ protein of the siblings within the body, and carry the dead. Will face the reptilion of the final battle, within the body, because of this strong will, the gamma protein of the compatriots will be converted into zeta protein. Then the physical fitness will soar.”

White skin The robust man looked at Mu Yuan in surprise, it turned out that there was such a thing.

This means that those Drakonians who voluntarily sacrificed themselves as food, because of this strong psychological factor, mutated their genes and created a new protein γ.

This kind of protein is not to promote own, but evolved specifically for others! Once compatriots absorb this protein, their physical fitness will skyrocket.

It is simply to evolve oneself into a big tonic of the same kind. And this kind of tonic is useless to him, because he has decided to die, and it is useless to make up. This is originally for others.

Drakonian’s behavior of eating his teammates and fighting to the death was actually a co-evolution.

One must sacrifice himself, and the other must live up to the sacrifice of his compatriots. There are two mutations under the two psychology, and they are complementary! A body seems to be a tonic factory, and a body is a foreign tonic processing factory.

The’wisdom’ and magic of genes are vividly and thoroughly embodied in this brief moment.

It’s as if it’s both sexes and reproduction. One provides “essence” and the other provides “eggs”. But these two sexes are not gender sex, but temperament sex.

Because of the different nature of consciousness, the division of labor after mutation is also different. “If you die, I will fight in blood.” Complementary psychology has inspired complementary mutations.

And this kind of cooperative mutation is impossible for humans, because human genes are selfish genes, at the primordial level, and are not in the same concept as Drakonian genes.

“It’s amazing. Will affects genes. This is called Civilization race. We are just slaves of genes.” Mu Yuan thought a lot for a while.

The white-skinned robust man doesn’t care much about these, he is more concerned about the surprise attack on Santa Fe mentioned by Huang Ji.

Why are there thousands of troops stationed in the Great Snake Valley? Even so many heavy firepower and sophisticated weapons? It was because Drakonian who was unwilling to surrender in the rebellion was killed and afraid before, Drakonian finally bottomed out and rebounded, so terrifying.

The three S4s don’t want to capture Santa Fe, but if they explode like 20 years ago, they won’t be able to defend them. They have to be an entire army.

The white-skinned robust man thought to himself: “If I was fooled by Hua Ji and transferred the army back to the Great Snake Valley, Santa Fe would really fall…”

“No, Even if I see through that Hua Ji is lying, as long as I don’t know the talent of reptilion, or that reptilion has become stronger, the enemy will lose Hua Ji at most, and lose only one picked chess piece… And I, definitely because I think Santa Fe impossible was broken, and the army was transferred back to the Great Snake Valley, or moved further, looking for reptilion everywhere…”

“In this way, I will still hit the enemy’s arms! Then they will break Santa. Fe, take all samples, looting and destroy all research materials, even killing researchers…”

“His…the consequences are unimaginable!”

White skin robust man thinks over and over again , But soon felt wrong again.

“no no…but now that I know about it, I will leave the army to garrison Santa Fe, because Santa Fe is absolutely not to be lost.”

” So, why did the rebellious faction let Hua Ji go, so that we might get this kind of information?”

Thinking of this, the white-skinned robust man asked: “Old Wang let you go, it will never be just because I want you to survive. I don’t believe in compatriots. You have only known each other for two days.”

“They must have a bigger purpose for letting you go. What is it?”

Huang Ji didn’t pause at all and said: “I don’t know, anyway, Old Wang is saying to keep me alive. If it’s not Old Wang’s self-assertion, then there must be deeper intentions for me to invest in you. , I’m still thinking about it.”

Without a trace of hesitation, Huang Ji kicked the ball back again.

This kind of question does not need to be explained at all. Don’t let the enemy understand everything, because any clear answer will cause people to question. If the situation is too clear, people will doubt the identity of’Hua Ji’. ‘.

On the contrary, it is more real to let them know where the rebellious faction is.

Huang Ji said when he was’affected by the confession effect of the nanobee colony’: I don’t know, there must be a conspiracy, but I am also thinking about it.

The white-skinned robust man didn’t have any temper, because this was Huang Ji’s most candid answer. He really didn’t know. That’s right, which means he is just a pawn.

“If you think about another layer based on Hua Ji’s intelligence, then the enemy’s goal is just to escape.”

“In fact, they don’t want to attack Santa Fe at all. Hua Ji, let my army stay in Santa Fe and dare not move, and then they can leave New Mexico easily, the sky is unlimited for birds to fly at ease without fear of searching. Because of the Illuminati military force of Brother Xi in Mexico, 2/3 are in my hands.”

“Whether I go to the Great Snake Valley or stay at Santa Fe, as long as I don’t go out and search everywhere, I will hit the enemy’s arms.”

White-skinned robust man, contemplating the purpose of the rebellious faction.

Then I asked Huang Ji a few more questions, but except for some details, Huang Ji said he didn’t know.

Finally, I asked some Huang Ji about his identity and character, and confirmed that there is nothing wrong with him.

The white-skinned robust man thought for a while and said: “Hua Ji, joining Illuminati, you cannot betray. But I will give you another chance…”

“Do you want If you lied, you really surrendered!”

Huang Ji groaned and said: “I, Hua Ji, are someone else’s pawn. Now that it has been seen through, I certainly have to choose the most powerful one.”


“Very well, you will be a member of Illuminati from now on.” said the robust man with white skin.


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