The Omniscient

Chapter 228

“The reptilion really retreated to the mountain?”

“Has been fighting? Well, keep the firepower suppressed! Don’t go up and send it, I’ll be there!”

As soon as the white-skinned robust man heard the news from the front, he immediately summoned his direct subordinates to prepare to fight in person.

I saw each of them wearing a set of azure battle clothes, close to the skin like a leather bag, clothes like a blade, and a black wing-like device on the back.

This set of battle clothes is covered with Drakonian scales, lined with tantalum carbide and hafnium alloy, and there are alloy blades at the elbow.

This is the individual armor made by Illuminati based on Drakonian’s body materials. It has extremely strong defensive power and is immune to all sharp weapon attacks such as bullets and swords. It can also effectively offset some bludgeoning attacks.

Under the same level, humans cannot beat Drakonian. Even if the power and speed are similar, the body’s defense and self-healing capabilities are simply incomparable.

However, Illuminati has technology to make up for it. Their weaponry is much better than that of Drakonian. In addition to this set of battle clothes, this super sentry team is also equipped with a handful of tungsten carbide titanium alloy. Knife.

The alloy has a face-centered cubic crystal structure, with a very high melting point and hardness, as well as good thermal and electrical conductivity.

The handle of this knife has a unique design, which can be mounted on the scaled battle clothes, so that even if the holder is broken or unconscious, the knife will not drop.

During the loading phase, it is connected to the built-in circuit of battle clothes at the same time, and high-voltage electricity is directly conducted on the blade.

The wing device on the back of the scale armor battle clothes is used to generate electricity. Although it looks like a wing, it is not used for flying. It is only made into an energy backpack that looks as good as a folded wing.

Without mechanical movement ability, it can at best assist gliding.

In short, the high-voltage electricity provided by this device will make the tungsten carbide-titanium alloy knife red and heat and carry current.

In this way, this knife is both a’high-voltage electric blade’ and a’high-temperature cutting blade’.

The high-voltage electricity will directly heat the blade to more than 3400 degrees, and the air around it will be heated to distortion, and the body of the blade will show a fiery red light, just like the lightsaber in various works. general.

Of course, it is not a lightsaber, it is just an ultra-high temperature knife, a knife that burns to the red.

There is no doubt that this horrible weapon was designed to deal with Drakonian.

Whether it is high temperature or high voltage electricity, it has strong lethality to living things.

With a single cut, Drakonian didn’t dare to rely on their tyrannical scales to block. The terrifying heat would directly burn through the skin under the scales.

Drakonian’s flesh and blood skin will be like plastic facing a red soldering iron… and it is also courting death if it is blocked by any conductive material.

With Drakonian’s poor condition, the insulation they can get is either rubber or wood.

Under the high temperature of more than 3400 degrees, it is a tofu…

Based on the two killing effects of this knife, it has another common name in Illuminati. It is named’thunder-fire’.

Five minutes later.

The white-skinned robust man, holding a thunder-fire blade, and leading a fully armed super sentry team, came to the front in person.

As soon as he came over, he saw Lin Li leading people to shoot.

A large group of guards and mercenaries set up their positions, set up their positions, and bombarded a mountain col.

There is smoke billowing in the mountain col, and the flames are overwhelming.

A dozen helicopters in the air also fired continuously at the col. Such suppression of firepower has lasted for five minutes.

“How is the battle going?” The white-skinned robust man said to Lin Li, his tone very twitchy!

Lin Li looked back and felt a little bit in his heart.

To be honest, Lin Li was panicked when he saw a fully armed super sentry squad of 18 people close at hand…

These people, At first glance, he looked like a ruthless character, wearing scale armor and battle clothes, holding a scarlet fire blade, standing in a row, killing intent Ling Ran.

A heat wave hits in an imposing manner, it is a group of professional hunters.

However, the white-skinned robust man and the others didn’t even look at Lin Li!

They really can’t imagine that the five sentinels here are not their own.

The purpose of this battle is to solve the reptilion. At this moment, the attention of the white-skinned robust man is focused on the cols that have been bombarded wildly.

All the other’human beings’ and’small soldiers’ are blurred in his eyes.

Lin Li said: “The battle is very anxious, but we completely suppressed the reptilion! They didn’t even dare to show their heads, they kept shrinking deeper into the col!”

“Very good !” Robust man nodded with white skin.

He also casually said something to Lin Li, and then took out a communicator to order all fronts to work together to continue to narrow the encirclement.

“Step by step, don’t worry, we have enough ammunition to support a war.”

White-skinned robust man not at all eager to hunt, but let countless.’ The cannon fodder slowly contracted the encirclement, using powerful firepower to first consume the power of the reptilion.

Behind him, a scarred face said: “Captain, it’s almost done, let’s go and solve them.”

The white-skinned robust man shook his head. They teamed up with three S4battles. strength, he is the only one left now. The third child was poisoned, and the second child sent him to Santa Fe. The two brothers were not there, and their team almost lost half of its strength!

Originally, their super sentry squad, against Alex and the others, was a stable win, but now that people are uneven, it is unstable, so the white-skinned robust man wants to be steady, first use artillery fire Kill reptilion.

Anyway, Illuminati is rich in money, rich and powerful, and rich in resources. The white-skinned robust man, as a commander, is naturally not the kind of stunned sentinel. He is a combination of Sentry and Ascendant. While evolution brings super hearing, it also makes his brain reflex arc more complicated.

“The urgent thing is reptilion, not us.” Robust man said.

However, at this moment, troops in other sectors successively encountered bombs planted by Lin Li and Seti in advance.

There were explosions in the distance one after another.

Hearing an explosion in the distance, the white-skinned robust man said on the walkie-talkie: “Did reptilion break through from other directions?”

“No…no, we even reptilion I didn’t even see the shadow, it was mine…There were many traps at the foot of the mountain, damn it, how could reptilion have explosives?” said the communicator.

Hearing this, the white-skinned robust man said with a sneer: “No, they have. Who made us get a spy and gave all the drones in Dashe Valley to others. “

Lin Li is behind, just waiting for this sentence.

Huang Ji also provided some copywriting when he posted the photos. Among them, he asked him to jump out when he heard other people mention words such as “Korgas”, “Traitor”, and “spy”.

So, Lin Li stepped forward and asked in surprise: “What? The explosives our own people provided to reptilion?”

The white-skinned robust man looked back towards Lin Li, said with a sneer: “I don’t want this to be true, but it is just the truth!”

“Someone in our organization deliberately let go of reptilion and made some kind of unknown transaction…”

Lin Li angrily said: “Damn, spy? Who is this spy?”

He looks like the kind of easy anger, the strength of S1 and S2, the brain Can’t control the hormonal disorder caused by the excess and powerful force, the sentinel that is easy to be emotional.

The white-skinned robust man squinted his eyes and said: “Of course it is our logistics supervisor… Reptilion can escape without knowing it, and he can’t help it.”

“However, in this matter, Kogas alone is not enough. There must be other people get involved!” Lin Li growled: “No matter who it is, who betrays the light, everyone Must die!”

He finally said this, and Seti and the others responded immediately, grinning and roaring.

Those mercenaries and guards also shouted one after another: Betrayal of the light requires death!

These “small soldiers” are really angry, because reptilion escapes, and they are cannon fodder under the encirclement and suppression campaign.

Originally, the reptilion was shut down well, but someone inside even let this group of alien races go, which is absolutely horrible.

White-skinned robust man nodded, patted Lin Li’s shoulder, looked at it and said: “Which unit are you from?”

He doesn’t know Lin Li, but he doesn’t have it in his mind. Doubt the concept of Lin Li. After all, three thousand people were dispatched in this wave of battle, and it is impossible for anyone to know everyone.

Lin Li and Seti and the others, at first glance, are the kind of sentinels with bloody brains, and he has seen a lot.

“We are from the Osiris team! Mobile support this encirclement and suppression!” Lin Li said.

“Oh, it turned out to be from Osiris.” The white-skinned robust man suddenly appeared.

The Osiris team in New Mexico is a mobile support force. There is no fixed duty to station, they can run around in various research institutes in New Mexico, as well as Illuminati’s industry.

It is a free support force. If something goes wrong with any Illuminati industry, they will support it nearby.

And the composition of this unit is complex, who has it, covering talents in all fields.

Down to financial operators, hackers, thieves, engineers, social flowers…

Mid to firemen, snipers, artillery, pilots…

Up To Blazing Sentinel, Ascendant and Nirvana.

The highest commander among them is a Nirvana named Osiris.

This team can be described as its own organization, and it takes care of everything. The reason for such a complicated lineup is that they not only take care of the battle, but also can ask them for help if the Illuminati members encounter any trouble.

They are the’welfare’ of all the forces attached to Illuminati and members of Illuminati who have their own family business.

Messiah once attacked the weapons research base of an arms company. In fact, Evil Dragon was looking for a very good time, and the attack was on the arms company’s industry, not the Illuminati industry.

It could have been successful, but a combat team from Osiris arrived and directly defeated Messiah.

It is a force that has blood and blood feud with Messiah.

“Why didn’t Osiris come?” said the robust man with white skin.

“I don’t know… The few of us came here when we saw a battle here…” Lin Li said honestly.

Seti geared up and said: “Can you stop blowing up? reptilion! I’m here to see reptilion!”

They look like the upper middle class in the Osiris team Ordinary sentry.

It happened to be in the vicinity, and when I saw a battle, I came over to join in the fun. After all, Osiris, as a mobile support unit, was supposed to support wherever something was going on.

White-skinned robust man said with a smile: “hahaha, no need, your strength is not enough!”

“You can’t get involved in the battle with reptilion!”

“But if you want to see reptilion…well, it should be almost the same.”

After all, they have stepped forward to the col.

The white-skinned robust man raised his hand and ordered a ceasefire.

He kept everyone on guard, and he walked into the Col with his elite super sentry team.

“Alexey! Remember me?” The white-skinned robust man shouted.

He took the lead, with Scarlet Fire Blade leaning on his side, majestic and majestic.

However, when the smoke cleared, there were pits and pits in the col, and there was nothing but lime.

White skin robust man brows slightly wrinkle, step by step, walking vigilantly towards the depths, constantly checking whether there are caves around.

Sure enough! He saw a cave, which was dark and there was no movement.

“Come out, Alexey, your death date is up.”

The white-skinned robust man shouted, but there was only an echo.

As soon as this echo was heard, he noticed something was wrong. You must know that he has super hearing ability. From this empty echo, he can hear that there is no one inside.

“No heartbeat…” The white-skinned robust man lay on the ground cautiously, with his ears pressed to the ground, and listened.

After realizing that there was no heartbeat, I thought to myself that they were all dead?

He immediately rushed into the cave, took a searchlight, his face was green, and the cave was empty.

“What about reptilion!”

The white-skinned robust man was shocked, and immediately rushed out of the cave and searched everywhere in the mountains.

The same is true for other people, directly presenting a loose formation and searching for mountains.

“Look! This impossible breakthrough!”

The white-skinned robust man is furious, can the enemy run under his nose?

However, people searched for a long time, let alone reptilion on the mountain, not even a lizard.

“What’s the situation…what about reptilion? Didn’t it mean that there is reptilion?” Seti exclaimed with a look of fearing nothing in Heaven or Earth.

Lin Li hurriedly pulled Seti, and groaned: “No one will treat you as a dumb if you don’t speak!”

Then apologically said to the robust man: “I’m sorry… …He didn’t mean anything else, that…It’s nothing, let’s go first…”

Lin Li said in an embarrassing manner, afraid to offend the person.

White-skinned robust man complexion ashen, he was confident just now and said that he would show them the reptilion, but there was not even a lizard shadow.

No more! The reptilion, surrounded by three thousand armies, disappeared so strangely!

See Seti, this naive man, without a door on his lips, white-skinned robust man coldly said: “Go away, besides… I don’t want to hear about this in Osiris’ mouth, anyway you can come I won’t come.”

“Understood! We didn’t help, just assume that we didn’t come.” Lin Li said, pulling Seti and the others away.

Seti was still muttering when he left: “What is it, reptilion can also run? Will you bury yourself underground to avoid gunfire?”

Listen to this When several sentries left, the white-skinned robust man raised his brows.

“Indeed…If you bombed like this, reptilion should have buried itself…”

The white-skinned robust man turned his head immediately and lay on the ground, inch by inch Listen to the sound.

“Dig! All the places where the underground is soil layers, dig for me!”

He tossed for an hour, and all the soil layers in the col were dug more than ten meters .

Including jungle, they also used various types of detectors and kept searching.

In addition to his own super hearing, the white-skinned robust man can be said to have searched the entire encircled area.

However… there is no reptilion!

“How is it possible…”

The white-skinned robust man immediately recruited the mercenary group that first bombarded the col and asked: “How many reptilions have you found? Really? Are there any omissions?”

The mercenaries excitedly said: “Absolutely no, our defense has no omissions, the position is spread out and other teams are staring at all angles, reptilion simply never came out!”

The white-skinned robust man asked: “Who saw the reptilion first?”

The mercenary immediately said: “WZ-76! That driver, he first discovered the reptilion!” “

“Get him here!” said the robust man with white skin.

Soon, the driver was brought in front of the white-skinned robust man, who had just been awakened.

“Where do you see the reptilion?” asked the robust man.

The driver rubbed the sun acupoint: “Sir, I didn’t see the reptilion!”

The white-skinned robust man was taken aback and furiously said: “What did you say! “

Everyone was in an uproar: “You didn’t see the reptilion, what kind of cannon you fired!”

The driver cried and said: “My weapon system is malfunctioning, and the communication system is malfunctioning. I want to tell you, but you can’t hear me.”

The mercenary next to me said anxiously: “You were rescued later. It was clear that the enemy was over there… over there!”

The driver hurriedly said: “Yeah, I was talking about the grenade, which was thrown over there, because there was a sentry who asked me where the attack came from… I’ll be honest. “

“My plane was blown up without knowing who, and the sentry rescued me, and kept asking me where the reptilion was…”

“You are all asking me , But how do I know where it is? I didn’t see it!”

The white-skinned robust man heard the smell, and widened his eyes and said: “Why didn’t you say it earlier!”

When the pilot saw the commander’s play, he swallowed and said, “I wanted to say it a long time ago, but the sentry interrupted me, and without waiting for me to say more, he carried me and ran. I was dizzy…woke up…it’s here.”

“Who is it! Who is that person!” Robust man said.

The driver shook his head and said: “I don’t know him, but he is a Blazing Sentinel.”

The mercenary next to him added: “Sir, that’s the’Lin’, Ossi Reese team.”

The white-skinned robust man surged up his head. He looked around blankly, only to see Lin Li and the others long gone.

An hour ago, he drove these people away personally! Because he felt that he lost face in front of the Osiris team.

Not only that, but he also dug for an hour, until now he came to ask who had seen the reptilion.

If you asked earlier, he would have chased the group of sentries back.


The white-skinned robust man covered his bald head and said: “I stroked it…”

“So, simply no one saw reptilion…really?”

He glanced at everyone, and everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, saying that…have never seen reptilion.

The white-skinned robust man widened his eyes, he finally understood what he did!

No one saw reptilion at all, but countless clues were continuously telling him: reptilion is here and has been suppressed in the col.

Among them, the people of the Osiris team are the key to giving them the most misleading.

“The reptilion is not here at all…I have been fighting here for three hours?”

The white-skinned robust man slashed open the boulder next to him angrily, and shouted, “Cha ! Give me the full list of the Chaosiris team.”

“We don’t have permission…” the subordinate said.

The white-skinned robust man forced himself to calm down and said: “Now, I can only ask the reptilion where the reptilion is going if we catch all the traitors.”

“I will go to Santa Fe to check the guy myself. Sentinel…you will find Kogas for me. He must be around the Great Snake Valley, otherwise he can’t control the drone.”

He arranging, while taking it haggardly. Out a cell phone.

This matter is beyond his control. A group of reptilion is missing, a group of mysterious traitors interferes with the operation, and a spy with a bright face is completely lost.

In any case, this matter must also be reported to Sword Hand, let it appoint a highest Chief-In-Charge, and establish a special investigation team to thoroughly investigate the matter.

When he thinks of establishing a special investigation team, the robust man with white skin thinks of what happened on the shore of Eastern Sea a few months ago.

It is said that there have also been very bad incidents, so that Brando is the highest Chief-In-Charge and has full authority to investigate.

I think of it, Brando’s death of Mursa was investigated. It’s really bad, but it’s definitely not as serious as mine…”

“My side…very likely There is a hidden rebellious faction in the organization, involving multiple unaffiliated departments.”


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