The Omniscient

Chapter 227

In the southern jungle, an S-level investigation team was wiped out, so there was no need to search the cave any more, it was a waste of time.

The white-skinned robust man evacuated here with people. As everyone knows, the place where they dug the box, and 20 meters down, is the hiding place of the Drakonians.

Obviously the smell of Alex and the others, the place where the last disappeared is here. In normal times, if there are no other clues, they must have been looking for it. How could the big living person disappear? There is no end without an explanation.

However, Huang Ji has continuously deployed 3rd-layer psychological cues and provided them with a set of answers, so that they can’have an explanation’.

First, a so-called trap was created to cover up why the soil was moved here. This also’explains’ why there is the smell of Alex and the others here: they are mixed with their smell because they are laying traps here.

At the same time, this trap is not the main purpose, but the surface trap, but below it, the experimental equipment is hidden.

If these experimental equipment are useless and that’s all, then Kogas’ behavior is indeed just an illegal game.

However, the experimental equipment is very useful, so the more you think about it, the weirder the behavior of Cogas. Is it a coincidence that people and supplies are given away?

Secondly, a sighting was made 80 kilometers away, and even destroyed Illuminati’s S-level investigation team. These clues had to make them think that Drakonian had escaped.

As for how to escape, it is easy to explain when there is a traitor. There is no absolute line of defense without loopholes. It is always the best choice to break through from the inside.

Someone must have deliberately let go of Drakonian in exchange for the other’s cooperation experiment.

The white-skinned robust man is not in the mood to find a traitor. He sorted out the matter briefly, reported it to the top of Santa Fe, and then immediately rushed to the southern jungle with his men.

“Did the satellite find anything?” The Robust Man informed a subordinate.

The subordinate is a B-level mercenary. The mercenary group he is in and an S-level squad soldier search for jungle in two ways.

As a result, the S-level team lost contact, and they found the body, which was immediately reported to the Robust Man.

“The satellite has not found the reptilion yet. The only thing I can be sure of is that the reptilion has not left the jungle mountain range. It should be in a cave? It is too late to encircle here.” The mercenary said.

“I see. The average rebellion is once every ten years. It seems that there will be another tragic fight!”

The white-skinned robust man immediately mobilized 2/3 of Dashegu The guards, totaling 3,000 people, drove armored vehicles, tanks, and missile launchers directly to the scene in the name of military exercises.

It has been determined that the enemy is fleeing, so the main force is meaningless in this empty within the valley.

He must deploy troops to resolve the matter while the enemy is not fleeing.

It can be said that all their reactions were within Huang Ji’s expectations.

In the depths of the jungle, Yam leaned under a tree and caught a glimpse of a large group of helicopters roaming and searching over the jungle in the distance, and said, “How do we evacuate? Why not at first? Waiting to get out?”

Lin Li said: “Don’t withdraw.”

“Don’t withdraw?”

Lin Li stroked the armguard and said, “We The breath of Blazing Sentinel is still too conspicuous, it is almost impossible to be mixed up with people and so on. Even more how I still wear arm guards, regular meridian who come out to play and wear alloy arm guards?”

“Understood , What does the instructor mean, let us fake Illuminati?” Seti said.

Lin Li said with a smile: “Yes, Illuminati sent a large army to encircle and suppress, there are many people, and their goals and concerns are reptilion, we are not reptilion…On the contrary, we are sentries …Is your own.”

“The bombs we brought, you deploy them all around the mountain in the middle of the jungle.”

“We will start the first The gun…just pretend that there is a reptilion in the mountain, and just surround the’reptilion’…”

Speaking, took out a small printed note, and silently recited the lines.

Time passed by one minute and one second, and after two hours, time came to three o’clock in the afternoon.

Illuminati’s army has completely surrounded the entire jungle, and has deployed its positions. Various artillery missiles have almost eliminated the possibility of’reptilion’ breakthrough.

“Have you not found it yet? The reptilion is so big!” The white-skinned robust man listened to the search results of the helicopter and said.

“Sir, no reptilion was found in the jungle, they are probably in the mountains.”

The white-skinned robust man looked at the terrain, mobilized a thousand guards, and began to shrink the encirclement.

“Let’s wait, the ground forces advance, and the air supports them at any time.”

“Prioritize fire suppression and don’t be close to your body.”

He waited Did not see Reptilion break through for a long time, so decided to take the initiative to attack.

In an instant, all directions, well-equipped mercenaries and research institute guards with well-equipped bodies, twenty people in groups, scattered like plum blossoms and taking care of each other, approached the center.

Three hundred and sixty degrees, more than 1,000 people are divided into six sectors. At this moment, the mercenaries in Sector 2 are closest to Lin Li and the others.

And Seti and the others, hiding in the bushes, holding their breath, waiting for the opportunity.

Lin Li hid in a tree, closed his eyes, and finally waited until a helicopter in Sector 2 passed over his head.

“Launch!” Lin Li instantly took over the helicopter’s weapon system!

I saw the driver drove well, and suddenly two missiles were fired out, and the machine gun strafed violently at the foot of a distant mountain.

“bang bang!”

“da da da!”

Everyone understands the tyranny of reptilion. The past few major rebellions have been very serious. As a result, everyone dare not take it lightly. While advancing layer by layer, they are also straining their nerves!

At this moment, in the calm jungle, there was gunfire and gunfire. The first reaction of everyone was: I found the reptilion! It’s fighting!

The white-skinned robust man heard the explosion in the rear, and immediately asked: “Where is it? Where is the reptilion?”

There will be other helicopter pilot reports immediately: “In Sector 2, WZ-76 is the first to find the enemy. He is violently attacking the mountain under the cliff on the side of Sector 2, which is covered by many trees and smoke. I cannot see the reptilion from this angle for the time being.”

“WZ-76 should be visible, he is still attacking!”

“WZ-76, how many reptilions have you found? Please answer if you receive it!”

Hearing all the rhetoric on the channel, the pilot who fired first looked dumbfounded. He was WZ-76.

He drove the plane well, and suddenly he fired automatically, making all his teammates think he found the enemy.

“Wrong! Command! I not at all found reptilion! Repeat, I didn’t find reptilion!” the WZ-76 driver roared.

However, the channel is still talking to himself, it seems that other people cannot receive his communication.

“What’s the situation! My weapon system and communication system are broken!”

The driver roared, and suddenly shot out from a large bush on the ground Grenade.


The grenade was as fierce as a bullet, directly smashing the windows of the helicopter.

The driver was taken aback and jumped into the air.


WZ-76 exploded in the air, and metal fragments splashed around.

The mercenary team from Sector 2 looked up and saw this scene. The driver secretly thought that he might be going to die.

Their attention was all on the driver, who was about to fall to the ground as soon as he saw him.

Unexpectedly, a silhouette flew out of the diagonal thorn, it was Lin Li.

He hugged the driver, and at the same time raised his armguard to block the splashing metal debris.

“Boom!” Lin Li landed steadily, with smoke splashing under his feet.

“Okay!” The mercenary team in Sector 2 ran up and saw that the driver was safe and sound, wondering which sentry was saving.

Before he could speak, Lin Li asked the driver sternly, “Where is the enemy! Don’t be in a daze, say! Where are those damn reptilions!”

“???” The driver looked dumbfounded, he didn’t know what was going on.

Immediately afterwards, from the direction of Sector 1, a group of sentries rushed towards Seti and the others.

They are tall and strong, bold and powerful, with red fruits on their upper bodies. The muscles that are different in shape from humans can be identified as Blazing Sentinel at a glance.

Not only that, Seti, Somi, Yam, and Hawke all have’All Seeing Eye’ tattoos on their bodies.

This tattoo has excellent craftsmanship and has the unique and superb technique of the Illuminati tattoo artist.

The reason why they are unique and superb is that the tattoos of Seti and the others were tattooed since they were young. They were tattooed when they were ten years old!

Tattoos made before ten years old, if you think about your twenties, and your muscles have become extremely strong, it is still a beautiful All Seeing Eye pattern, but it’s a technical job!

Seti and the others are exactly the most typical Blazing Sentinel cultivated by Illuminati since childhood.

“Very good! Lin, you are here too!” Sommy greeted Lin Li as if he had seen an acquaintance.

Lin Li was slightly nodded, and Yam on the side said, “Don’t let the old down, hey! That driver, where is the reptilion!”

He also asked Lin Li The same question, this caused the mercenaries in Sector 2 to follow the trend and ask: “Say! What are you doing in a daze! How many enemies have you found?”

“I didn’t… “The driver said in a daze.

However, it seems that he is too slow to react. Lin Li dissatisfied with him: “Just say where the attack blew your plane!”

The pilot interrupted like this. Instead, he said: “It’s a grenade, from that direction…”

He pointed to the reverse of Seti and the others…

However, he didn’t say anything. After that, Lin Li shouted loudly: “It’s over there! All follow me!”

“Yes!” A group of mercenaries responded immediately and followed the five sentries to Sector 1.

As for the driver, Lin Li held him in his hand and dragged him away.

In front of Lin Li’s power, the driver was like a little chicken, and he was stunned in secret within two seconds.

The mercenaries didn’t say anything when they watched it. After all, most of the sentinels have this temperament, and they are not serious or serious.

I was dizzy when I saw the pilot. Lin Li curled his lips and said: “What is this thing, rubbish thing, talk about pester and chirp, this is the pilot? I don’t need him here anymore. He sent it back.”

After that, he handed the pilot to a mercenary to send him to the rear. He and Seti and the others, just like this, led a husky horse around the mountain to pursue the whereabouts of’reptilion’.

But they didn’t chase the’reptilion’, but first encountered another wave of guards from Sector 1.

When the two gangs meet, Lin Li first said: “It’s just right! The reptilion is over there, all follow up!”


The guards from sector 1 thought that Lin Li was the sentry from sector 2.

The mercenary group in Sector 2 thought that Lin Li was the S-level battle strength that Sector 1 came to support first.

Except for the five sentries including Lin Li and Seti, there is no other S-level battle strength at the scene, so they all obey Lin Li’s command.

They chased for a while and came to the foot of the mountain. They didn’t even see the shadow of the reptilion, but found traces of tail drag on the ground.

“Stop!” Lin Li said.

Everyone, all looking for cover on the spot, scattered behind the big tree.

The mercenaries set up the rocket launcher neatly and said: “Sir, don’t go further, reptilion is fierce, the above order is priority fire suppression!”

Lin Li said:” You immediately notify the command center and immediately dispatched support, saying that we found traces of reptilion, but we are not sure about the battle strength.”

“Yes!” This mercenary group immediately sent the information back to the command center.


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