The Omniscient

Chapter 226

Huang Ji was sent to Santa Fe Life Science Center.

This is Illuminati’s largest research base in the biological field. Three kinds of pharmaceuticals and various genetic engineering are carried out here.

After normal procedures, the guards completed the handover. Huang Ji became a glorious little white mouse and came to a cell on the 4th floor underground.

At the same time, a first-rate S-class combat formation came to the main control room of the Supervision Department of the Great Snake Valley.

Headed by the three S4s, they are all super sentries. The so-called super is actually compatible with both the blazing potion and the rising potion.

As for the Nirvana, it is caused by the Super Sentry’s compatibility with Nirvana Medicine, and the three medicines are in one. It is a pity that Nirvana needs RH negative blood, which is too rare.

Sentinels want to reach S4, it is as difficult as heavenly ascension, and some practice S3 all their lives.

So it is necessary to seek breakthrough through compatibility with Ascendant Potion, good luck survives, and it happens to be a super ability that is very helpful to combat, then can reach S4.

“Where’s Cogas?” The three of them are two meters tall, with smooth heads, brightly shaved, and they have three skin tones: black, yellow, and white.

The supervisor was surprised, why did the combat department come directly to the door?

They are confused and don’t know what the situation is, they probed: “Where is the supervisor… We don’t know, we don’t answer the phone… May I ask what is wrong with you? “

“What’s the matter?” The black-skinned robust man’s skin was hard and shiny, and he stared at his eyes as big as copper bells and said, “Isn’t anything happening in the Great Snake Valley? Your Supervision Section doesn’t What do you want to report?”

The supervisors thought about how they couldn’t get in touch with Cogas, so they didn’t dare to conceal it, and they all ignored Cogas on the spot.

One of them said: “Sir, it’s like this… Our supervisor ordered us to ban reporting, saying that there is a special task, and let us hand over the drone controller to the reptilion. Not only that, but one after another. He also gave a lot of tools, even if someone wanted to make a hydrogen bomb, he asked us to prepare enough materials…”

He explained everything that Kogas did.

And the words are very shrewd, talking about’special tasks’, not gambling.

In fact, the supervisors all know that Cogas is playing a gambling game, but if they admit that they know it, they know it.

Conversely, if Kogas claimed to have a special task, and there was no task after the investigation, it didn’t matter what happened to them, it was Kogas who lied…This group of supervisors also picked themselves out Yes, at best, there was a charge of malfeasance, and he didn’t check Kogas’s mission order.

The expressions of the three super sentinels changed. Good fellow, something really happened!

“Fart! Where is the special task, what the hell is happening for Kogas! Give reptilion weapons or even drone controllers? Whose instructions did he follow?” Huangfu Robust man furious.

The white-skinned robust man walked to the main console and took a look: “What about the monitoring?”

The supervisor brace oneself pointed to the only monitor that was on and said: “Three thousand six hundred The drones were all destroyed…We were also afraid of accidents, so we sent someone to monitor with a helicopter.”

“Don’t worry, if you lose the surveillance immediately, we will have a helicopter rushed to the scene and kept staring. Yes! Make sure that the reptilion stayed in the cave and never came out!”

Three robust man frowned, they came here precisely because of the news from the Intelligence Section outside that they were in the jungle in the southern suburb of Santa Fe Traces of reptilion were found inside.

Moreover, there are pictures with the truth, so they sent a team to check and call Kogas at the same time.

Unexpectedly, Kogas’s cell phone could not be connected, and there was no news of him at home.

So they rushed to the Supervision Section personally to ask about the situation.

Didn’t expect, Cogas eaten a bear’s heart and a leopard’s gallbladder! So blatantly funding reptilion! What do you mean? Gives weapons and control… Is this to help reptilion escape?

“He did so much without hiding the organization! Who gave him the courage? He didn’t answer our call… Just play missing? Could someone be up there?”

“Reptilion no Will it really run, right? No way? I found a trace of reptilion 80 kilometers away!”

“I’m not sure yet, let’s go in and take a look!”

The three robust men discussed it, and immediately ordered their troops to enter the Great Snake Valley.

A total of twenty people, with three S4s taking the lead, plus seven S3s and ten S2s.

This combination is enough to deal with the reptilion inside and remains undefeated. Although there are 30 reptilions in Dashegu, those under five account for one third.

“en?” The black-skinned robust man scanned the cave and found that there was no reptilion. It felt bad at once.

The yellow-skinned robust man narrowed his eyes and took off his shirt directly, revealing his explosive muscles. In a moment, his skin released rays of light!

His skin turned out to be a strong light source! Can release dazzling incandescent light!

This is his superpower. If there is radioactive material, radiate him. The higher the radiation energy, the more energy his skin will store.

The stored energy has only one purpose for him, and that is to activate the light-emitting cells in the skin. As long as he wants, he can burst out bright light from any part of the body at any time to shake the eyes of others.

If the whole body shines, then he is a big white light source, a big moving ball of light, and others can’t see his moves at all!

The so-called radioactive materials that can charge him include but are not limited to natural radioactive sources such as the sun and minerals, and electronic radioactive sources such as mobile phones, computers, and signal towers.

Theoretically, he is walking on the road, charging up anytime and anywhere, but the efficiency is different.

This kind of superpower also makes his radiation resistance far beyond ordinary people. A certain kind of anti-radiation protein allows him to effectively resist the damage of high-energy radiation to the body’s DNA. He has spent three years in Chernobyl nuclear radiation, but nothing happened.

“Damn it! What about reptilion?!” Huangfu robust man, just a little light, brightened the surroundings.

The three of them walked through each floor of the cave and didn’t even see the shadow of a reptilion!

“It’s awful…”

They all don’t look good, didn’t they mean that the reptilion stayed in the cave and didn’t come out? People!

The white-skinned robust man scanned the cave, his ears continuously listening to the surrounding movement.

In the cave, every single sound will reverberate, not to mention that the white-skinned robust man has evolved super hearing after being injected with the ascending potion.

“There is no… the whole cave, only the heartbeat of the three of us!”

The white-skinned robust man is a very strong detection expert. This kind of super hearing once made him Standing on the first floor of a building, his ears are close to the wall, and he hears people on the sixth floor talking by the wall…

This terrifying ability to’listen to the roots of the wall’ is enough to make him clearly There are a few living creatures in the cave!

Finally, the black-skinned robust man knelt on his knees, his nose moved and said, “I smell Alexey.”

“Go on!” the yellow-skinned robust man said.

The black-skinned robust man followed the taste and came to the tunnel entrance at the bottom of the cave.

“This is a tunnel that reptilion tried to dig through the mountain, only to dig more than a hundred meters. We destroy their progress every year. This way is impossible to escape!” Bai Fu Robust man said.

Black-skinned robust man frowns saying: “But…Alexei, Vahana and the others, the place where the smell disappeared is here!”

“What! Can they go through the wall or not?” said the yellow-skinned robust man, pulling out an alloy war knife and poking hard at the rock at the end of the tunnel.

But these rocks are not at all strange, they are all solid, and there are no gaps on the sides.

“Strange…reptilion disappeared out of thin air?”

They lowered their heads and found that the ground was covered with soil. The black-skinned robust man leaned over, grabbed a handful of soil and sniffed and said : “I smell a freshener!”

“Someone tried to use a freshener to interfere with my sense of smell.”

“But it’s useless… I still smell… soil The fact that something is buried in it! Someone has touched the soil here! The smell of freshener comes up from deep places!” Everyone eyes shined, happily said: “Could they be hiding underground? Quickly? ! Immediately transfer a group of engineering teams!”

“Reptilion impossible to escape, dig three feet for me and find it!”

They are not fools, because reptilion It’s impossible to escape without knowing it. Unless there is a wall penetration technique that can traverse a solid mountain, this kind of “super ability” is very unrealistic. So far, no one of them has evolved such a bizarre ability.

So it must be still in the cave. Right now, the black-skinned robust man smells something underground, and they immediately believe that the reptilion is below.

Not long after, the engineering team came and began to dig vigorously around the cave.

Three robust man both hands crossed near chest, expression grave.

After digging for a long time, nothing was found.

“Youngest, what’s the situation?” asked two robust men.

The black-skinned robust man jumped into the pit, sniffed and said, “Digged wrong, a little bit off! Dig to the left!”

Speaking, he was with the engineering team Dug up. Every time you dig one meter deep, the black-skinned robust man uses his own sense of smell to determine the direction.

Soon the big hole was dug to the left to a depth of 8 meters. The dark-skinned robust man habitually grabbed a handful of moist soil and put it in front of his nose to take a deep breath.

“Well…this time the taste is different, not a freshener… it should be colorless and tasteless to you…”

“This is…”

The black-skinned robust man smelled and analyzed, suddenly the complexion changed!

“Not good!” His dark face became darker!

“This soil is poisonous!” The black-skinned robust man roared, then his whole body became soft, and his brain felt dizzy!

The other two robust man turn pale with fright: “The third man! How are you?”

“Yes…Yes…TX!” Hei-skin Robust man finished. He fell to the ground, his eyes gray.

As soon as the yellow skin robust man hears that TX is highly toxic, I know that this thing can also kill the sentry!

He immediately covered his mouth and nose and jumped into the pit, holding the third child up.

Fortunately, he is the powerhouse of S4! Even with this poison, there is still a glimmer of survival, and you won’t die immediately!

“Quick! Send to Santa Fe! And be saved!” Robust man anxiously said.

The yellow-skinned robust man was holding the dying youngest, and while rushing out of the cave, he shouted: “Boss, you stay, I will go! The youngest, you hold on!”

The white-skinned robust man gritted his teeth and looked at the deep pit. The people in the other engineering teams inside were so frightened that they did not dare to approach the toxic soil dug out.

“This… don’t dig it, this is obviously a trap.” Someone said.

Obviously, someone deliberately used the smell of fresheners as bait, and in fact sealed a wave of poison in the depths.

Actually, TX is highly toxic. It is not a gas, but a liquid. It is just sprayed out from a spray bottle. It looks like gas that’s all, but it’s actually a small drop of water.

Someone soaked the soil with TX poison and buried it here. Then use the same technique on the upper layer to get a lot of soil soaked with freshener.

As a result, the black-skinned robust man was caught. First, he smelled the soil that smelled of freshener, then tempted him step by step, and finally became unsuspectingly poisoned.

“Damn it, this is plot against deliberately.”

“Keep digging! All wear gas masks!” Robust man coldly said.

“I don’t believe it, it’s just a trap.”

Everyone continued to dig down. After only two meters, they found a box!

“Really there is something!”


The white-skinned robust man jumped down immediately. This is an airdrop box. It is opened inside. Some medical equipment, and bottles and jars for chemical experiments.

The equipment is very rich, and obviously all have been used.

“Damn Cogas!” This is in line with the situation explained by the supervisors. Cogas provided reptilion with a lot of tools.

“But…Vahana and the others should have no technical level. Even if they have brains, why do they do experiments without knowledge?”

“Are they in graduate school?”

White-skinned robust man carefully inspects the various utensils, and then eyes shrank.

“This is…reptilion’s blood! I know it!”

The blood in a bottle is pale-gold. The white-skinned robust man recognizes it at a glance. reptilion’s blood.

Next, he checked other utensils and found that they were all reptilion body tissues or body fluids, scales, and even stem cell samples!

“Someone is here to study reptilion!”

“Such a simple condition…who is it?”

First of all, this impossible is made by reptilion. Because the people of Vahana know very well, they used to be the generation of unknown and incompetent.

And the things in this box are rigorously classified, and the samples are extracted very finely, not just cut and installed.

even more how, there are reptilion stem cells in several vessels! Still active!

This technique can only be done by others. The successful extraction of reptilion stem cells is a very profound technique.

The average research assistant in Santa Fe can’t do this kind of thing. It must be a very professional talent.

“The racehorse that Cogas sent in…there is a biology expert?” The white-skinned robust man looked dumbfounded.

An Ascendant next to him pondered: “Big brother…Is Kogas really just playing games?”

“en?” Robust man eyes shrank with white skin.

The Ascendant said: “He sent a group of’little white mouse’ into the Great Snake Valley and contacted the reptilion. There were biological experts in it.”

“Light It’s not enough to be an expert. He must know reptilion very well. I don’t believe that experts in the general society can extract reptilion stem cells!”

“He must have studied reptilion! This is not the most strange… …The most strange thing is that reptilion is willing to contribute these samples! I am willing to let him study!”

The complexion of the robust man with white skin changed drastically, yes, this is the strangest place!

How unyielding is reptilion? This is definitely not something that can be done by coercion and temptation. Reptilion can inactivate its own flesh and blood in advance, and then be cut off, which has almost no research value.

So, this mysterious researcher must be united with reptilion, and reptilion regards him as his own!

“Why are you willing to cooperate? Unless it’s a transaction!”

“What transaction… naturally agrees to let the reptilion go!”

“We encircle Dashegu The reptilion is absolutely impossible to escape! But now, they are strangely missing.”

The white-skinned robust man violently violently said on his forehead: “If the reptilion really escapes, there is only one possibility ……”

“Didi!” A call came in.

The white-skinned robust man got on the phone and saw a message from an intelligence officer on the other end: “Not good… The S-class team sent to the southern jungle is annihilated! That rumor is not fake , We were on the scene and found the drag marks on the tail of the reptilion, they were in that jungle!”

“…Is it…I really escaped…” The white-skinned robust man was furious , But not surprising.

He said: “Don’t to act blindly without thinking, stay on the periphery of the jungle, I will come with the army immediately!”

The white-skinned robust man hung up the phone and confronted him. gloomily said: “No need to dig, the reptilion has run away…”

“We can’t escape here in any way, this is our absolute strength…but…hehe.”

“There is only one possibility to leave here without knowing it…”

“There is spy!”


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